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Zerg seem worse in SC2.

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Redlazer, Jul 10, 2009.

Zerg seem worse in SC2.

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Redlazer, Jul 10, 2009.

  1. Gardian_Defender

    Gardian_Defender New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    Ok Im not sure why I meantiones currupters, they seem fine. And with everything else that's kinda of my OPINION (and I believe that I said that like 20 times to help keep people yelling at me that the units are great.)

    Ok I feel like giving my opinion on the Zerg units:

    Banelings: I like the idea behind them and they are a much needed creative new unit for the Zerg

    Infester: I have mixed thoughts on this unit, neat idea behind it and the new art work is great but it's spells(pretty much only marine spawn er what ever,) suckS lore wise but seems helpful especialy in BR2 were they had almost no air defence so it gave them a bit of time to quickly get hydras.

    Roach: when I first heard of it(as I said in my last post) love the ideA but with what I've seen I think the attack looks like crap and needs a boost (badly!)

    Corrupter: this is interesting and if someone has the latest info on them plz share. I think it's a great thing but in the vids they seemed a little power full against heavy air units like the BCs and warp rays(I also noticed in that YouTube vid that the corruption thing wasn't in the build, or it was taken out,) I also noticed it looked like every few hits they like threw broodlings or some sort of unit like the brood lord. Just wondering about that.

    The queen: she will be esential to making more larvae and creating your army, if the Zerg don't get one for what ever reason it's going to be a very risky strategy. In other words I'm happy with the queen up to this point with a nice amount of damge (it would seem) and healing buildings plus making lots of creep very easily, plus tell me how much the larvae thing is costing I energy plz (would be helpful).
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2009
  2. oakwood

    oakwood Guest

    Tier 3 Lurkers - With their higher tech cometh siege tank range, giving the zerg cloaked ground siege options. That's fairly appropriate at tier 3. They also have new counters to what you would build lurkers for in the Baneling and Roach.

    Overlords - A developer described SC Zerg as being "detectorific" and I can certainly empathize with his notion. When such a common unit has detection it completely devalues stealth, and I believe that the statement that stealth was flat out useless against the zerg holds water. Detection should be a purposeful and tactical choice; you should have to expend resources to acquire it like the other two races. The Overlord still serves as a scout, troop transport, and can now drop creep which has a number of interesting applications.

    Queens - Queens possessed questionable functionality in SC1. The developers were concerned that the unit just wasn't seeing enough play and wasn't overall an interesting unit. The new queen addresses this problem by becoming what you would expect a zerg queen to be - the heart of a hive cluster. The queen has the zerg macro mechanic, allowing the spawn of additional larva for a production bonus. She can spread creep via burrowed creep tumors, which allows you to spread your dominion over the land and consequently your troop mobility. All of her abilities are situational rather than overpowering, and the queen herself isn't that powerful of a unit; it drops quickly when focused. It's hardly a WC3 hero unit. I'd say it's more like a com-stat station in a unit (which now also has 3 abilities).

    Overseer - The overseer is a pretty sweet deal, at only 50m/50g and lair tech to upgrade from an overlord, not to mention it doesn't cost you any supply (hell supposedly you even gain supply). For this inexpensive price you get a much faster overlord that has a significant sight advantage and detection. In addition, you get a solid scouting ability, a very interesting spell that lets you create LoS blockers (the potential applications make me giggly like a school girl), AND you can heal your units and buildings. Being able to quickly recooperate a surviving powerful unit (say an ultralisk) was something the zerg was missing in SC1, and using it in the midst of battle seems like it could be very powerful as well. The overseer is certainly more useful than the old queen, and far more accessable.

    Nydus Worms - The old concept was difficult to believe, clunky, and probably so abusable that it would've been stamped out in beta. Creep is certainly an appropriate restriction, especially now that it is actually possible to place creep in a strategic location to use the worm. I think many people overlook the fact that unlike the nydus canals in SC1, the new nydus network isn't destroyed if a worm dies. This is a pretty significant change that goes a long way to make the new nydus functionality more practical for backdooring or troop reinforcement. You can also have any number of nydus worms you want linked into the network, so it's feasible to launch multiple attacks at once from several worms all around the map. It's definitely still an idea unique to the zerg, and now it will be far easier to keep balanced.

    Hydralisks - In SC1 hydralisks were such a powerful unit it could often be the zerg's "go-to" unit for practically any situation. Blizzard has clearly been trying to get away from one unit armies in their more recent games. A well-designed strategy game has a place for every unit so it allows for a system of counters and smart mixing for maximum effectiveness. Turning the hydralisk into a unit that is even stronger against air but weaker against ground is in accordance with this design.

    Infestors - This was explained recently by Dusten - the Infestor has swallowed marines at a previous time and has been gradually mutating them until he needs them. Take it with a grain of salt - this is the same game that has FTL travel and cloaking thrown around like candy.

    Changeling - I'm not sure why you call this ability gimmicky; it's very applicable. Parasite was a solid mechanic but it had disadvantages. It could be cured by terrans and it was rather obvious when something was parasited by the green frame around the unit. With unlimited unit selection in SC2, this would be an extremely weak mechanic. Your opponent also controlled the scouting potential of your parasite, which isn't that fantastic when you want intel right when you want it. Changeling has potential to not be noticed for an extended period of time if your opponent doesn't frequent his base. Even if your opponent is very good, you'll likely get a good amount of scouting in before your opponent notices - his forces won't auto-acquire the changeling as a target so he must manually destroy the changeling, which could be difficult depending on where his army is. No other race can send a scout into a detection field with a garenteed rate of success.

    I think the zerg require more tweaking than reimagining in starcraft 2. I personally think these mechanics are fantastic and I'm really excited to get my hands on them.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2009
  3. Gardian_Defender

    Gardian_Defender New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    I'm just a bit sad that the Zerg don't get more units that are new then they have. They've cept pretty much all of the same units - casters and there's now new casters that are in ways better and in some ways not. But I guess that all three have about 6-7 new units, but I guess it's just because the other races have had more "advertising" because they've been out longer, plus everyone expects a lot from the Zerg because there the last race to come out (my opinion) and Kerrigan said that they were becoming much much more. So ya

    (OMG sry that sound like mumbling crap that happens in my mind in random orders and topics etc that don't make very much sense)
  4. furrer

    furrer New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    New units:

    Roach, Baneling, Corruptor, Infestor (as long as he dont has dark swarm :p)

    Changed units:

    Queen, Broodlord

    I think thats fine!
  5. Gardian_Defender

    Gardian_Defender New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    I guess the zerg just aren't out there as much as the other races.
  6. MarineCorp

    MarineCorp New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    They're getting there though, hopefully the Zerg will finally stand out more.
  7. Ste

    Ste New Member

    Dec 26, 2008
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    NO more DARK SWARM!!!
    OH NOS!!
  8. i2new@aol.com

    i2new@aol.com New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    Its in your luck i was out of town when i read this. FIrst off I DID NOT TRY TO OFFEND YOU so get off your little freaking PRICK ass status, tellin me to Gtfo, MAN SHUT UP. You sone more like a whinning non thinking idiot trying to get slick when its not even about that.

    WotLK went into a long long beta and it came out with problems. Classes came out with a horrible disfigered PVP. Burst was out of control, Healing and damage. Your just either too much of an ass or to damn blind to see it or hell maybe you didnt even make it that far. Every game blizzard has made has had some type of adjustment beyond its given release date. Diablo 1 has a duplication system that shouldnt be there and diablo 2, World of Warcraft has had a list so long its not even funny and there still tweaking the game. SC1 even had minor things that had to be fix to resolve issues like a tank range bug they fixed a long time age.

    Look the point you tryed to express is that BETA is gonna be the ALMIGHT answer to things we think are wrong and its gonna just fix EVERYTHING. thats a false sence of security and its WRONG maybe you should take the time to look up game information about blizzard games before you even blab about how you feel blah blah blah bull ****.

    AND DONT YOU EVER tell me or anyone else to GTFO. i have never done it, i have only presented facts when i can. so if your gonna get touchy about what you say atleast make sure its sound...

    AND MY LAST EDIT: heres a link too a BLIZZARD offical website to ALL THERE GAMES and patches they all needed and i'm betting this page will be seeing the likes of SC2 and D3...

    F.Y.I. i googles that, it didnt even take me a full 30 seconds...
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2009
  9. Redlazer

    Redlazer New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    No need to get your panties in a bunch; if you're going to flame anyone, flame me into thinking that Zerg aren't as sh*ttty looking as I still believe they are.

    Hell, some of the things people have brought up that I didn't even know existed are making me less optimistic; Overseers have a healing ability? What the sh*t is that? Alright, the Roach having healing properties is understandable, but this?

    Queens were very useful in the original if used properly; Spawn Broodlings was an invaluable ability when dealing with serious threats like Siege Tanks, High Templar, Defilers, etc. Parasite was a fantastic scouting tool. I felt even Ensnare was a fantastic ability. The Queen didn't have to be completely reworked; perhaps just enhanced a little. Or, if Blizzard had to revamp the Queen, make it into a god damn mobile Hatchery of sorts; doesn't that make the most sense? They've played around with the Queen as many times as the damn Thor because of all these stupid ideas they've had for the unit.

    And Overseers are still floating piles of dogsh*t.
  10. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    The Overseer had a healing ability. Transfusion. If I remember correctly, it cost fifty Energy and instantly regenerated two hundred health to any biological unit or structure. I was solidly against it at first, but, like other things such as the Medivac, it does grow on you. Makes the most sense on the Overseer, or Lord, too, seeing as they both act and look like floating catheters. Now, however, it's on the Queen, apparently replacing Razor Swarm, which is a pain. With Spore Cloud also looking like a gimmicky version of Dark Swarm and the Queen losing its Razor Swarm, I definitely preferred the previous build.

    As for the Queen, though, it is a mobile Hatchery. It spawns Larvae and spreads Creep. Unless you're wanting it to be able to mutate into a Lair or act as a resource drop for Drones, I don't know what else you can really ask for.

    @ sniper and i2new. Cut it out, unless you'd both like to GTFO.
  11. ShoGun

    ShoGun Guest

    What are all the current spells for the zerg casters?
  12. i2new@aol.com

    i2new@aol.com New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    Here ShoGun

    On paper the zerg abilitys seem good, in game they seem lacking. The infesters infested marine just needs to go and i think the Overseer is great it can passively increase its range, its unit food count and it can make a spy. it honestly doesnt get any better. best spy unit imo besides the observer if not better.
  13. Lightchess

    Lightchess New Member

    Jul 11, 2009
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  14. Redlazer

    Redlazer New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    Hrm, that video was calming, until I realized that Blizzard also has the ability to make a game progressively worse over the years as well (World of Warcraft).
  15. Gardian_Defender

    Gardian_Defender New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    I like seeing how much starcraft seemed to suck when it first came out. It makes me feel better that they will most likely do the same with SC2 but will be fun to find random gliches like random deaths and lack of deaths, or a glitch that happens and allows you to walk on water and so one. Whitch you could install on another comp and not update it just for kicks.
  16. ShoGun

    ShoGun Guest

    From what everyone has been saying about zerg abilities, that list is heavily outdated; I checked it before I asked. Can I get the current, most up to date list of zerg abilities and the units they belong to please?
  17. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    ShoGun - this is from the Starcraft Wiki:

    Infestor - Burrowed Movement, Plague, Neural Parasite, Spawn Infested Marines
    Overlord - Excrete Creep, Overseer Morph
    Overseer - Passive Detector, Sight Range Increase when not moving, Spawn Changeling, Spore Cloud (a line of sight blocker similar to smoke on platforms)
    Queen - Burrow, Create Creep Tumor, Spawn Larva, Transfusion (insta-heal)

    However, I've heard that the Queen has Razor Swarm back and Transfusion was moved to the Overseer. Not sure about that source though.
  18. furrer

    furrer New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    But thats a lot of abbilities to the overseer then!
  19. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    Red Bluff, CA
    I keep hearing that the Queen lost Razor Swarm when it gain Transfusion, but I never found any real source on that, and so to me anyway, until it is further confirm, i believe that the Queen has both the Razor Swarm and the Transfusion abilities.
  20. furrer

    furrer New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    yeah, seems most logical lurkers_lurk.

    (reference: my last post)