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Zerg Names

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by RaiseTheFlag, Oct 16, 2009.

Zerg Names

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by RaiseTheFlag, Oct 16, 2009.

  1. Gardian_Defender

    Gardian_Defender New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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  2. ShdwyTemplar

    ShdwyTemplar New Member

    Jul 26, 2007
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    Tacoma, Washington
    Something important to remember with the Zerg. All the names that were devised for them came from the Terran. And if you really want to go into a full on debate into the origins devised from each name we can actually see the reasoning behind them.

    Now will start with a very important part of Zerg names the suffix, lisk and ling. Now the suffix in this case would describe a species or strain of Zerg. I will also add the meaning of the prefix in the context of the name to the list. For ling we see the suffix to describe units that are smaller units and units evolved from them in the Swarm. We also see special purpose units in this category.
    Zerg -ling (Standard Unit of the Swarm) Since it is the standard of the Zerg, being called Zerg is appropriate
    Bane -ling (Evolved strain of basic unit) A unit that is loaded to annihilate scores of biological units at one time. It is their bane.
    Brood -ling (Small unit used by swarm to disrupt enemy) The Broodling is in the sense a small unit out of the whole Brood of a Broodlord.

    Change -ling (Small unit used to infiltrate the enemy and retrieve information while among enemy) Is a creative way of making use of the Spy. Changing in that it can change forms when enemies are nearby.

    Mainly we see units with the suffix lisk as advance warrior units. They fill very specific roles.

    Hydra -lisk (Ranged Attacker) The hydra refers both to the beast of Greek mythos and the serpentine nature of the creature.
    Ultra -lisk (Close Range Tank) Ultra in latin means Beyond. This is the deadliest fighter the Zerg swarm could form( short of the Brutalisk) so it is beyond most units.
    Muta -lisk (Basic Aerial Unit) The mutalisk refers to the fact that it is a unit that can mutate into two different forms. Pretty simple.
    Bruta -lisk( Brutal Unit) The unit is Brutal. Not much more need be said.

    The Suffix however do not apply through all the Swarm as their are many units that do not have a suffix among the Zerg. The units below match closely to their role in the Swarm. These units are also unique in those said roles.

    Drone - Worker unit that is essential to the survival of the Swarm.
    Roach - Unit with high survivability chance due to regeneration and burrowing. Can be hard to kill in a swarm unless focused upon.
    Lurker - Unit that attacks from underground. Invisible unless detected.
    Infestor - Unit that can infest others with parasites, spawn infested Terrans, and can grow fungus
    Overlord -Unit that relays the commands of the Swarm.
    Overseer -Unit that spreads the Swarm and can provide infiltration unit( seeing into the future).
    Brood Lord - Unit that commands a Brood.
    Corruptor -Unit that corrupts another unit to use as a pawn.

    Overall the Zerg have names that not only suit them, but define them as a race. Each role is filled and is not overlooked as is with Swarms in reality. I think Blizzard did an excellent job with preparing the units in SC2 with names. (Although it did take some work.) I personally enjoy the names and think no such renaming is needed. Especially due to the thought that has been put into them.