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Zerg Capital Ships?

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by timedragon888, Jul 31, 2007.

Zerg Capital Ships?

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by timedragon888, Jul 31, 2007.

  1. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    New Port Richey, FL
    Isn't that the point of Zerg? To scare the living sh*t out of opponents? I think it would be a giant deterrent to build large capital ships if a Zerg player can instantly "cripple" if not destroy a ship with a big beast like this.

    It wouldn't necessarily kill all that fast, but one could easily take out one Capital ship if it was one on one....

    I just think it would be scary and give a good counter to large capital ships. It's like a giant sucker fish, or a giant squid that latches on to a ship and slows it down with its weight and slowly dissolves its armor until it pierces it. No crazy tech lasers that don't fit the Zerg's theme. Just insane acid reflux!!!!
  2. Sagathox

    Sagathox New Member

    Jun 10, 2007
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    Wow some people are even talking about zerg lasers! lol, no way zerg could have a capital ship, im not going to use that over ued argument about not being zergish, because the overmind WAS like a capital ship at least thats what i think, and if falling like a meteor at 1201893129361293 miles per second didnt kill it, well that´s some powerfull ship you got there!, but i wouldnt like the zerg to have a big air unit, because that would make them less "unique", now all the races would have big ships instead i hope blizzard amaze us with such an innovating concept about some units that we forget about capital ships and just have lots of fun!.
  3. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    Sagathox is ryt... zerg doesnt capital ships like carriers or BCs but to compensate our insect friends use the power of the swarm to prevail and that was how it has always been with the zerg 10 yrs since... But we never really know what blizzard holds for us.. maybe they'll turn the ultras into something with a cool evolution or maybe an entirely new unit... and bout the overlord being a capital ship?? I really wouldnt like that to happen coz thats really gonna mess things big even though the cost will be high i still wont agree coz ur not getting extra supply cost plus if that unit die you not only lose a capital ship u also loose 8 supply units to your swarm and that stinks...

    But to think of it the bug kingdom is ussually lead by a mastermind right?? so perhaps they can come up with a king like unit that rules the skies right?? my idea is for an unit that can attack both air and ground units maybe a fusion for the guardian and the devourer in that way you wont have to build 2 different units and get the benefit of both but maybe just tweaking a little on the range...

    anyway i still disagree with zerg cap units :bad:
  4. SirBaron

    SirBaron New Member

    Jun 9, 2007
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    I'd say the Zerg does not really need a capital ship, but more fighter type units. Like more evolutions of the Muta, for example. I cannot claim that the idea of a Zerg Capital Ship does not sound appealing in my ears, but it's not a concept that the Zerg should have.
  5. Wlck742

    Wlck742 New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    In your head
    That's why we need mutas to mate with queens. ;D
  6. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    You just want mutas to mate with queens because it turns you on.
    What we need is what blizzard gives us.
  7. timedragon888

    timedragon888 New Member

    Jul 30, 2007
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    Oh yeah, maybe zerg can have this mating thing like the Archon Meld, just that instead of the two units dying or disappearing or whatever, they still remain and then small baby crossbreeds will spawn... lol...

    No, if Blizzard does that, then the zerg would get very weak, because the overlord is their only supply producer, and if it cost lots of minerals and gas, then it would take ages before the supply limit can go beyond 9, and the zerg would lose its swarming ability.

    Lol, that would be nice to see... Or maybe it doesn't destroy the ship, just infests it like a command center.