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Zerg Building are alive - so let them have abilities.

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Raylito, May 15, 2009.

Zerg Building are alive - so let them have abilities.

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Raylito, May 15, 2009.

  1. PsiWarp

    PsiWarp New Member

    Jul 15, 2008
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    Whoa that's a long post XD

    Regarding the Reactor, that is mainly the reason why I propose 2 Marines take 30 seconds to produce, not a whole unit's build time cut out of the equation. How OP is that?

    As for some misconceptions, such as Queen's 50 energy initial and 2 Spawn Larvae, that one was badly described on my part. A Hatchery undergoing Spawn Larvae may NOT have another Spawn Larvae cast upon it, thus its 3 Larvae from Hatchery, and 4 from Spawn Larvae.

    Each Spawn Larvae takes 40 seconds to fully take effect, I wasn't talking about natural Larvae spawning. Kicho, blizzard representative from Korean Battle.net forums informed us about this, it's even on the wiki article.

    I'm not sure about the -10 second on cooldown due to its date, but based on the old source, you are indeed correct.

    One more thing to take into account: A Hatchery will still spawn a max of 3 Larvae during a Spawn Larvae process, which takes 40 seconds. A good macroer will take advantage of all 3 of those Larvae in the process, while 2 more will naturally spawn then 4 more will pop out.

    That gives the Zerg 9 total queues he is going to use/used, from 1 Hatchery.

    However, it still defeats the point of a "macro mechanic" if it doesn't make you take a glance of your base, which auto-cast does so for Spawn Larvae. MULEs and Proton Charge does it nicely due to their primary focus on economy, so perhaps Blizzard should further discuss the liability of Spawn Larvae as a Fast Production mechanic compared to Reactor and Warp-In.

    Last edited: May 19, 2009
  2. Gforce

    Gforce New Member

    Jul 29, 2007
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    i've lost track of where this was going, can some one translate to lay-man terms?
  3. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    Red Bluff, CA
    where did you learn that Spawn Larva is auto-cast? I couldnt find any info on that.
  4. PsiWarp

    PsiWarp New Member

    Jul 15, 2008
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    Just some discussion about Spawn Larvae, and why it should/shouldn't be on auto-cast.

    It's a hard bargain, since Blizzard wants back-to-base macro but they merged Zerg's with the fast production macro. Terran has MULEs and Reactor separated, Protoss has Proton Charge and Warp-In separated, but Zerg has Spawn Larvae.

    Edit: Lurker, Spawn Larvae's not on auto-cast as of current. We're just discussing about it IF Blizzard puts it there.

  5. Gardian_Defender

    Gardian_Defender New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    I think this is more of an early game mechanic, so that you can make more units quicker early on(one problem that I had because I would be over run by marines in a short amount of time.) later on in game you would have to make more hacheries at each of your bases and you could have a queen that could do spawn lava on them if your trying to make units quicker. As far as it being an auto cast BS that would deprive your queen of energy faster then you can say oops, especialy if you have more then one hachery near by it would auto cast as soon as it had enough energy, this would also make it so that eventually you would have about 4 lavae at each hachery instead of 7.

    Therefore I donnot support the auto cast of spawn lavae, (sry for any rambling)
  6. i2new@aol.com

    i2new@aol.com New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    well you may not support an auto cast for queens but you have to relize whats wrong with zerg, there going to have troble hold there money unlike the other races. On top of the fact when you do need units, get ready for the click-fest.

    Yeah your queen on auto cast is going to always be out of energy but guess what. shes only 100 minerals....BUILD another one and turn it off... its not shes going anywhere shes slower then a dang reaver off the creep so good like making any use of here else where but at base.

    as for MULEs and Proton Charge this is bad in itselfs The terrans version of base macro is more of a focus but AGAIN if you hot key your only dark pylon that you should know were its placed (on your probes) it wont be hard to not take your eyes off the battle field press the hotkey its saved to and increase your mining. Once again blizzard has failed at what it should of did unless the ability is like an aoe cast like (blizzard or rain of fire in wc3). all the abilitys there giving us do sound nice and are great but they do need there balanacing and if they cant do that then maybe they should just remove them.

    personal i'm not a first pick zerg player but when i say battle report 2, watching the queen for only a few seconds. seeing zerg loose. thinking about there lack of money and then reading the battle report feed back, reading the Q&A and seeing zerg having the most punishment for loosing men... This made me sad on the inside then i started reviewing what could be done to just abolish that feeling.

    When you watch the battle report 2 every time the zerg lost a battle it seems like at a certaint point they kept losing ground until the zerg player lost. I guess spawn larvea being an auto cast my incease your production but still if you dont have the money you wont have the men so its possible that there is still balance auto cast or not.