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Will they bring back the old Overmind

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Story and Races' started by Raylito, May 15, 2009.

Will they bring back the old Overmind

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Story and Races' started by Raylito, May 15, 2009.

  1. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    what Blizzard said is cannon, all Cerebrates are dead, the one that lived the longest after the new overmind died is probable the one you played as, since its been hinted at that it helped Kerrigan with how to infest Terrans, but it still died.
  2. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    Nowhere does it say Duran controls any zerg either.
  3. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    Maybe some terran faction figured out how to control a number of zerg(instead of just the psi-emitter thingie), because we should have at least 1 zerg vs zerg mission
  4. Salem1

    Salem1 Guest

    Boredom probably. Maybe they will go on to create the most utterly useless race afterwards?
  5. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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  6. Darktemplar_L

    Darktemplar_L New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    You just gave me an idea. What if in Starcraft II, the Xel'Naga come back in order to create this new Overmind, but this time, they would get complete control of it, much like the UED did with those drugs. If the Terrans could control an Overmind, then the Xel'Naga should be able to as well.

    Also, Blizzard stated that Kerrigan is the sole ruler of all the zerg.... in the Koprulu Sector, that is. There could be a huge swarm outside of the sector, not bound the Kerrigan's control, but possibly another Cerebrate or "ruler."
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2009
  7. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    The entire Zerg Swarm traveled to the Koprulu Sector. There isn't another Swarm far away.

    If people want zerg vs zerg missions, they should be able to find ways to do so within the lore. I can think of several ways.
  8. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    actually, there might have been zome hives left on zerus, which could lead to the creation of another swarm
  9. marcmad

    marcmad New Member

    Feb 1, 2009
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    even if protoss were destroying all zerg planets. A lots of zerg were always remaining on planets,hidden. Making possibilities for somes zergs not under control of kerrigant but because of that few number that won't be a treath.

    I don't think kerrigant can control the entire swarm, that is too much for anyone even the Overmind. Like in zerg missions she always asked for us or other cerebrates to do the work I think if that not cerebrate, somethink other are between kerrigant and swarm.

    But as she have full control of the swarm She must be killed or something other to make the swarm choose a new leader, She's like the new *overmind*
  10. needler

    needler New Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    Well the Overmind was at least ten thousand years old and I don't see any reason why it would forget things, (I remember reading somewhere that we humans have something in our brains that helps us forget things) so the Overmind probably just grew all the time so it could remember everything the swarm had ever seen. (I watched lots of documents of dinosaurs when I was 6 or 7 or something like that, and I remember one of them telling about a dinosaur which brains grew so much that they damaged its skull)
    The new Overmind was big because it was created by merging ancient cerebrates.

    Secondly, maybe the Xel Naga weren't that good in creating brains at least in ancient times, so their attempts were gigantic.

    And Zerg creatures are so simple that they can be morphed from larvae in maybe hours, so they can't be that difficult to control. Remember the psi emitters? They could be carried by SCVs so they can't be massive and they still could lure massive amounts of Zerg to their location.

    That means that controlling the swarm doesn't need asteroid sized brains, the Overmind and the Cerebrates just knew so much other things that they needed to be huge.

    Kerrigan on the other hand is young, so she doesn't require giant brains to remember ancient times or what the Xel Naga look like. She doesn't even need to engineer new troops, now the Queens do it for her.

    Remember also that she doesn't need to tell every Zergling which Marine they kill first, they have small brains and Overlords help them to do the thinking.
  11. marcmad

    marcmad New Member

    Feb 1, 2009
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    Well psi emiter were only a signal who lure them, nothing about control them
  12. Windblade

    Windblade New Member

    Feb 16, 2009
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    technically we always retain memory but the way we function and how little brain power we actually use.
    think of it this way the older memories get the less we use them, so our brain puts them in a nice little file and files it away . this leads into the theory of genetic memory - essentially our memories are imprinted within our DNA and is passed on to our offspring. so like the descendents of George Washington would know everything that happened in his life (this is a theory)

    and no i highly doubt the xel'naga will make a new overmind if anything the balance is scewed the zerg need a wooping and duran being the xel'naga's agent would be perfect.

    back to topic - the old overmind was mind-pwned by tassadar and destroyed. the end. however can their be a new overmind? yes and its plausible the zerg are constantly evolving i dont see why a new form of an overmind can be made. also note many terrans have been infested whose to say there isnt another kerrigan-type zerg by now?
  13. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    The novels say there isnt another kerrigan-type zerg, there have been a few attempts though

    and i hope the XN wont go the route of trying to return the control of the zerg. I want the hybrids to be a threat, i have already seen the zerg wipe the universe
  14. Windblade

    Windblade New Member

    Feb 16, 2009
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    i dont see the hybrids being a threat per se, but at the same time i dont see them being pure allies with 1 race either. if im trying to build up i will be friends with whoever can help me the most.

    novels are always tricky...blizzard can always say "oh well actually there is one...in SECRET MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

    Kerrigan stole Jim's sperm and made a pod-child
  15. CreepEater

    CreepEater Guest

    Perhaps Kerrigan is the new form of the Overmind, and its influence still lurks somewhere in the back of her mind. I developed a theory that the Overmind predicted its own death at the hands of the Dark Templar , and so set Kerrigan up as the next stage of evolution of Zerg control; a being without the vulnerability to Dark Templar energies shared by both the Overmind and the Cerebrates (and who was actually mobile and physically threatening). She may not have been the ideal solution, but her succession did help the Zerg come out on top in Brood Wars, whereas if the rogue Cerebrates had succeeded in creating another Overmind, it would have just been destroyed by the Protoss again, and the Zerg may not have been able to recover.

    The Overmind was too cool to count out its influence entirely. And it helps me to deal with how lame Kerrigan is by comparison if I think the Overmind is orchestrating the whole thing.

    Whatever helps me sleep at night, right? :p
  16. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    The Heart of the Swarm....

    I think the queen units are currently the mini-overminds right now. I think there too many questions about this occurence of who is controlling the zerg. Of what I assume, all zerg that were previously controlled by the other overminds are now under Kerrigans control. But for the brain the size of Kerrigans' I think everyone thinks its too much for her. So I also believe that not all of the zerg are under Kerrigans dominance, some maybe running wild and out of control like the garm brood was in brood war.

    If SC2 is to make some other heros for the zerg, right now I can't figure out who qualifies among the swarm because right now, the only unit that might have governance abilities like the overmind is probably the overlord and queen. But it's quite unlikely to make Heroes out of common fiends. So I'm guessing there are perhaps newborn cerebrates that are assisting kerrigan. Not to mention the Player himself has been triumphant during broodwar so that already makes it too heroes. I hope they can materialize that broodwar hero into a unit in sc2.

    My hopes are high for seeing another Zerg hero, be a terran, hybrid, xel'nagan, toss or another zerg unit, all that matters is we want to know who Kerrigan has been with for the last years...

    Q: Is Kerrigan still viable to givebirth the human way? (and make it?) ^_^ - the dark Seed saga...
  17. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    Why can't you make heroes out of queens?

    Kerrigan can probably still give birth. (See top secret #1 from Deception.) I should point out that the experiment didn't involve Kerrigan personally. Also, in Shadow Hunters, Kerrigan called Ethan Stewart her consort, implying she wanted his baby.

    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    We have Kerrigan now, the Queen of Blades. She killed the last Overmind (in fact she pushed Zeratul to do so by a chantage). So there will be no more Overmind anymore. This structure was a hero. We're used to see units heroes but this one was a structure. There were the Cerebrates which were heroes too. But all of them are dead now. All the Zerg heroes are dead. So many Protoss and Terran heroes are dead.

    One question I wonder right now. Once we will play the SC2 zerg campaign we'll be a cerebrate to control our troops. So there could be new zerg heroes, new cerebrates who will be at the order of Kerrigan (who replaces the Overmind). Maybe in the scenario we will play a renegade Cerebrate. We don't know yet ! It would be cool !!
  19. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    I don't think so. Kerrigan pretty much wants to rule on her own, and the Protoss (at least Zeratul, which you will be playing as) think that the hybrids are abominations. So that leaves only the human sides. I can easily see Mengsk trying to be friends with them in a last effort to saves his crumbling empire after Jim takes it down again.

    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Imagine this scenario:

    Imagine that to face the Hybrids Zeratul decides to use some Zerg against those new arrivals. Imagine that Zeratul says at a moment "the only way to attack the Hybrids is to attack them by the Zergs". We don't know the value of the Hybrids, their danger. We don't know their weakness. So maybe Zeratul will ask some help. As we will probably play a Cerebrate at the service of Kerrigan in "Heart of the Swarm", who knows if Zeratul will not ask us (the Cerebrate) to help him to attack the Hybrids. Maybe he will use another method and will find a way to create an Overmind with his knowledge of the Xel'Naga experiences. He will meet them, he said "The Xel'Naga have returned". so maybe he will meet them and they will teach him how they created the Overmind.
    So if he gets his own Overmind he will be able to control some new Zergs, some of Kerrigan's ones. So yes, with what I just said there could be a new Overmind at the service of Zeratul. But this is speculation ! Maybe this new Overmind will be a devil, stronger than the Hybrids, who will control them, etc ... etc ... etc ...
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2009