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Who would make a great leader, Kerrigan, the overmind, or maar?

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Story and Races' started by Arzgoth, Aug 7, 2010.


Who would make a great leader of the zerg?

  1. The overmind

  2. Sarah kerrigan

  3. Maar

Multiple votes are allowed.

Who would make a great leader, Kerrigan, the overmind, or maar?

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Story and Races' started by Arzgoth, Aug 7, 2010.

  1. Muaddib

    Muaddib New Member

    Aug 13, 2010
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    True if we look at it from a certain point of view -

    but Kerrigan made starcraft. The Overmind was boring.

    This entire doom / end of the world / eternal destiny / etc. has always produced very crappy and banal plots. Starcraft I actually, without the expention, doesn't have such a good story.

    Plots which present real people; gray people not "good" or "evil" but just people and interesting politics and interactions, are the ones who are really good and that's what made Starcraft Brood War, and the entire Starcraft franchise so good.

    Starcraft 2 by the way doesn't fall under the good stories category. I don't buy the Mama Tereza image of a giant eyeball that clearly was evil and non-interesting at all. And also ugly.