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who will win? all starcraft race or star wars? terran only vs starwars?

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by zeratul11, Jun 2, 2007.

who will win? all starcraft race or star wars? terran only vs starwars?

  1. coalescence

    coalescence New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Look at the expanded universe (outside the movies), after they fhought the cloned emperor (yes, hes coming back), they fight the Yuuzhan Vong. They are really different from the zerg BUT they also are a race that only uses biological stuff. Only thing is that the creatures itself are sentient.
  2. saradisper

    saradisper New Member

    Jun 4, 2007
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    if, in starwars world is the team ''liverpool'' with gerrard attacker, then starwars has more changes to win! looooooool
  3. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    Yeah, those guys were weird....The Vong I mean.....And they freaking kill Chewie. Bastards.
  4. coalescence

    coalescence New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    I don't care for chewie, nothing shocks me anymore after seeing Fenix die... TWICE!
  5. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    nothing shocks me anymore after seeing aeris killed by sephiroth :(

    vong? i dont know anything about the expanded universe of starwars. so there are many powerful races in starwars universe not seen in the movie? but i think the EMPIRE is the only best thing starwars can throw at starcraft, all others are pwnable. heheh :thumbup:

    why do you guys dont use smileys and etc? are those for novice? heheh.
  6. coalescence

    coalescence New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Yuuzhan Vong

  7. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    Na, the Vong are waaay stronger than anything the SC universe. ANYTHING. They have these ships the literally eat planets I think. I may be confusing that with Galaticus though.
  8. coalescence

    coalescence New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    And the weapons rule too.

    Empire also has this ships in the expanded universe that suck up the surface of planets and...
    NOOOOO! I remember!
    Theres this spacestation that shoots torpedos in stars that create supernovas. Starcraft, I love you but, EAT THAT!
  9. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    now this is unfair. those are not from the movies anymore. :no:

    and i think the best starwars can offer are already shown in the movies like the deathstar. i dont think there are more ships and other alien race etc. if there are, they are merely nothing to the EMPIRE.

    lets wait for starcraft2. and see what starcraft are truely capable of.. in starcraft 2 cinematics!

    starwars IV, V , VI. clearly pwnable by starcraft :p Episode 3 airships battles(at the beggining of the movie), thats it! thats starwars at it finest when it comes to war. imagine all 3 races of starcraft fighting that. BOOM! phoenix overload will destroy many of starwars small spaceships.
  10. coalescence

    coalescence New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Star wars is star wars. Would wreck the hell out of starcraft.

    But man, think of it:

    Starcraft: 10 years old, one developer company and a few writers
    Star Wars: 40 years old, few developer companies and a legion of writers.

    Ofcourse Star Wars wins with sheer numbers and mojo weapons!
  11. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    yah starwars sheer numbers are their greatest assets. wo starcraft has mojo weapons too. a lot of it actually. ;D but starcraft can counter sheernumber, the rebellions did it. zerg has countless armies too.

    you know what starwars maybe set in the far future. but george lucas and his team did not really take the advantage of it.. they could have made more uber power weapons and bigger stronger robots and not stupid droids (even bicentenial man(robin williams) is more cooler than droids.hahah.) clones are plastic they are just many. wheres the nuke when you need one like in episode 2 attack of the clones outland battle. lurkers will massacre those clones and jedis, and guarrdian will melt those droids. starcraft space fighter are of the same match to starcraft although starcraft is way behind in time. starcraft is not in the distant future but they know what war arsenal really means. now talk about the protoss. hahah.

    its not about how big universe are.. war tactics and arsenals are all that matters. destroy the deathstar and victory for starcraft. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;)
  12. coalescence

    coalescence New Member

    May 25, 2007
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  13. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    Just a side note, that's the Starcrusher I mentioned earlier I think.

    You seriously can't beat a supernova.

    In SC lore, even the nukes are mini, tactical ones. Fulls are outlawed. So, in the SC universe, the most powerful thing is whatever the 'toss used to sterilize planets. That just kills life. Even the Death Star just blows 'em to shreds. Sorry, but SC gets totally pwned.
  14. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    uber weapons doesnt really mean like that. what i mean is uber weapons for spacecrafts or landcrafts. heheh. dont exagerate. i know the deathstar. like gatling fast big laser gun for the bigger droids. see in episode 1 the tanks of the droids (very lame, siege tanks are more powerful!) against jajars army. a gigantic driller machine can own those jarjar right away. now thats one example of uber weapons. :)

    wow a uber weapon that can destroy the whole system. wow! God save us.
  15. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    starwars only rely on the death star and nova's etc. but it can be destroyed. no death star is equal war. heheh. so now starcraft wiill pwn the imperial army. death star laser is rare, they cant spam it for heaven sake. its not that powerful because in the movie the empire are damn arrogant and they are only fighting a mere novice of a terran which is the rebellion. STARCRAFT MOVIE! now thats something to behold.

    you dont talk much about other stuffs only the deathstar and nova's, and planet destroyer now. so it means stracraft units pwn all starwars units. surely starcraft has a way to destroy the deathstar :p rebellions are lame! and the empire cant even track and kill em all for all these years, and they lost. what a shame :-[

    ow by the way protoss owns warp and time. maybe they can teleport zealots inside the death star.. and kill all lame officers and troopers. is death star black holeable? heheh.
  16. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    Even excluding massive attack weapons, one Star Destroyer can massacre countless SC units. You think Siege Tanks are good? Enter the AT-AT. It freaking killed an entire shielded generator with one shot!

    The Empire is arrogant? Did you pay any attention to the plotline of Brood Wars? Any at all?

    "rebellions are lame!" You do realize that the majority of countries these days are where they are because of rebellions?

    Warping? The shields would disrupt that. But say they did manage to warp inside of an Imperial vessel, kill some officers, all that. A Star Destroyer holds 9700 Stormtroopers. Equate their strength to about that of a Marine. That's 4850 Zealots the 'toss would have to warp in to break even.

    The Death Star holds millions upon millions of Stormtroopers and of thousands spacecraft. I would love to see what happens to the Zealots.
  17. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    they are arrogant because they are unstopable against the rebellion. they think. AT-AT..hahah. siege tanks will bring it down to its knees. rebellions? what are you talking about. im talking about rebellions in strwars episode iV to Vi. LOL. most of rebellion in real life are losers! and always lose. wahahah. rebellions in starwars are lame compared to starcraft!!!! just look at them. no armor, toy pistols, lame helmet, they move like gays. hahah. terran marrines will own them. now how come the EMPIRE lose to them? starcraft has a bigger chance of beating the empire obviously. 1 marrine is equivalent to 10-20 storm troopers! their lasers wont penetrate easily on terran marrine. hahah. and terran guns will blast them all away. hahah. 9700 troopers inside..hhmmm.. 100 dark templar or 1000 zealots will pwn them. troopers moves like noobs, zealots are fast and has shield.  dark templar? hahah. :) STARCARFT MOVIE PLEASE!  ;D

    hahah. obi wan and and other in episode IV V and VI were able to get inside the deathstar. OMG! accept it! troopers are nothing compared to starcraft even though they are many. hahah. nuke em all!!!!!  :thumbup:
  18. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the eight wonder of the world,

    A n00b!
  19. Zeratul

    Zeratul New Member

    Jun 4, 2007
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    9700 troops is also tiny as far for an army on a Star Destroyer...(especially for the Empire who supposedly control a incomprehensibly large area).
    The weapons on a Star Destroyer and the spacecraft are the only real threat as far as I see it from the Star Destroyers.
    Secondly the comment on the strength of the numbers of protoss required to take out one of these Star Destroyers is woefully inaccurate imo. Stormtroopers are NOT as good as marines. If you look at teh pictures of marines compared to stormtroopers you'll see a much larger want for armour. Terran marines are way more armoured one would say because of this. Stormtroopers suck at aiming, Marines don't. In SC the only way a marine will miss is if hes shooting from a disadantage of height (up a cliff) or shooting around an obstacle (eg. a tree) whereas stormtroopers will have difficultly hitting a wall thats touching the barrel of his blaster. From this one would say that 4850 zealots would not be required, in fact imo little over 100 would be needed because the stormtroopers will probably take each other out b4 even hitting the zealots once dealing a very slight amount of damage whilst the zealots would just slice the stormtroopers to shreds, literally.

    As far as the Death Stars go, millions upon millions of stormtroopers are pointless if they're not in a position to be used.
    For instance if a fleet of scouts came to take out the Death Star and assuming they couldn't take out the Death Star I still reckon they could take out any and all tie fighters (of all variations) with ease. Then again the Death Star has millions of stormtroopers waiting to be deployed. Wait one hitch.. how? they're stuck inside a massive structure unable to do anything.

    AT-AT's are powerful, they could take out many marines no doubt. Many zealots as well. You don't see many of them though do you? At the battle of Hoth they don't use 100s upon 100s funnily enough and this is a siege of their biggest enemy. You mention how they killed a shield generator in ONE shot, I think some attention should be brought to the strength of the materials used by the empire.

    You did'nt mention them but AT-ST's (chicken walkers) are one of the empires toys but they can be defeated with trees.. WOOD wow that metal is quality stuff. Just pointing out the strength of their technology here as I'm sure many stormtroopers would die trying to take one over yet I'm sure a Zealot could kill one without difficulty as long as it's approach wasn't completely out in the open. One could assume that the materials they use on Death Stars and Star Destroyers is of similar or possibly slightly stronger materials but these would have to be COMMON materials due to the amount they have made. Thinking also about the tie fighters, what are they made of...? hmm.. a toughie.
  20. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    wwweeeeeeeeee. ;D

    starcraft! starcraft! starcraft! :good:

    i hope goliaths in sc2 would be cooler. ow an army of immortals pawns any heavy firing siege vehicles of starwars, like tanks of droids and war vehicles in episode 2 attack of the clones. arbiter plus teleported scarabs pwns everyone in naboo. hahah.

    oh yeah mind control the stardestroyer, and let it collide with another stardestoryer.. 19,400 storm troopers killed :p

    nuke! nuke! and another nuke! find our ghosts if you can. :p