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who is duran working for

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Story and Races' started by ijffdrie, Sep 30, 2007.


who do you think Duran is working for

  1. who's duran?

    0 vote(s)
  2. Xel'Naga

    0 vote(s)
  3. multiple people, he's a mercenary

    0 vote(s)
  4. a new race

    0 vote(s)
  5. other, please specify

    0 vote(s)
  6. himself

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who is duran working for

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Story and Races' started by ijffdrie, Sep 30, 2007.

  1. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    actually the xel'naga only evolved the zerg and the protoss
  2. Trooper34

    Trooper34 New Member

    Sep 30, 2007
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    oh so what. your saying 1 fine morning some zerglings decided to take a bite out of a terran civilian and realized it taste delicious. Then got all there friends and buddies to follow. I am guessing something caused the zerg to be so violent...
  3. Bizarro_Paragon

    Bizarro_Paragon New Member

    Aug 13, 2007
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    Right, something did. Evolution.

    All the Xel Naga really did was help their evolution, accelerate it and guide it. It's the Zerg that started killing, for the same reason our species started killing: it's necessary for survival.

    The Zerg as a species are violent for the same reason that we as a species are violent: Survival. The Zerg just took it to the next level.
  4. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    The reason they are infesting Terrans is to evolve more and in doing so be able to defeat and infest theProtoss and further evolve. The reason for this is the Xel Naga programed the overmind with a desire to evolve and improve the swarm.
  5. Trooper34

    Trooper34 New Member

    Sep 30, 2007
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    i wonder if that involved killing everything in its wake too....
  6. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    Red Bluff, CA
    thanks ijffdrie for correcting my mistake, i was close tho.

    and for the killing debate, everything has to kill something to live, i would say that the zerg would eat any creature that they found useless.
  7. Inpox

    Inpox New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    They do, i would rather say that they consume everything in their wake instead of destroying

    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Read this trooper34 : The History of Starcraft (according to my memories)

    1. The Xel'Naga are beings that existed in the galaxy. We don't know who they are, how they exist, etc ....

    2. They created the Protoss on Aiur because one of their dreams was to create a being with the perfection of body. They created the first nomad Protoss who lived with hunt, etc ... and they started evolving with millenniums. They got psionic powers with time. The Protoss were pacific creatures. The Xel'Naga were still in the space, surrounding Aiur with their huge World-ships. They observed their creation. The Protoss found ruins of the Xe'Naga civilization inside Aiur. And according to their tradition the Xel'Naga were good, generous and peaceful beings. They discovered the Xel'Naga were their "gods". With time the Protoss learned to talk, and got a great civilization.They got a great culture. Etc ...They became the most powerful beings after the Xel'Naga.

    3. The Xel'Naga were so happy of the success of their invention (the Protoss) that they decided to come to Aiur. Once on this planet the Protoss hosted their creators. Both Protoss and Xel'Naga were together, happy. The Xel'Naga started to teach their knowledge to the Protoss. But as there were Protoss who got more knowledge than others, jealousy appeared, and wars started between the Protoss. For the first time there were murders between Protoss. It was the confusion between the Protoss. And desolation.

    4. The Xel'Naga realized that their creation was not a success. They were sorry to have pushed the knowledge of the Protoss too quick. The Protoss, who were already able to build air vehicles, attacked the World-ships of the Xel'Naga, and killed a lot of their creators. Some of them arrived to survive.

    5. Later the Protoss became more responsible, and the wars between them nearly disappeared. As they were cultivated, and high technologized, they decided to make like their creators : to be inside World-ships and observe the species and beings in all different planets they met. And they tried to protect them. That's what the Xel'Naga did with the Protoss, and what the Protoss did with the Terrans.

    6. The survivals of the Xel'Naga, again upset by what they lived on Aiur, decided to create another race after their failure with the Protoss. This time they tried not to make a creature with the perfection of body, but with the perfection of essence. They created a minuscule larvae that they called Zerg. They put it on the volcanic planet of Zerus. This larvae survived in the rude conditions of this planet thanks to parasiting their hosts. They lived thanks to their hosts' organic fluids. Little by little this larvae started to control their hosts, and they grew up in "infesting" other hosts. The most powerful original creatures were selected by the Zerg. And the most weak were only annihilated. With time the new zergs started to get genetic changes. They became stronger, etc ... and a real army was developped.

    7. The Xel'Naga were afraid of that quick evolution of the Zerg, and were disappointed by the destruction of the original species of Zerus. All that planet became Zerg. So the Xel'Naga, to brake the evolution of the Zerg, and to control the Swarm more easily, created the Overmind. This was one and alone being created by the Xel'Naga to unify all the needs of the zergs inside one beings, even all the evolution needs, and all genetic codes were unify inside the Overmind. This wanted to organize his swarm easily, and created the Cerebrates to share his orders.
    The Overmind was disappointed. He knew there were no more interesting species on Zerus anymore. So he knew he had to leave Zerus with his swarm to evolve more. A chance for him there were "visitors" who entered Zerus because the Overmind called them. This assimilated them and added them in his swarm. Now the Zerg can fly. All the Zerg left Zerus to an unknown destination. On his road the Overmind assimilated thousands of worlds, and added more beings to the Swarm, and became more and more strong and powerful and more intelligent because he learned more knowledge too.

    8. On his road in the space the Overmind noticed the presence of the Xel'Naga, who were near Zerus to observe him. He cut the psychic link between him and the Xel'Naga. He launched his swarm against the huge World-ships of the Xel'Naga, and annihilated them. There were no more Xel'Naga in the galaxy. In assimilating the knownledge of the Xel'Naga the Overmind learned that he was their creation. He knew a lot of other things about the mysteries of the galaxy. And the most terrifying thing he learned was the existence of the Protoss. He knew that one day the Zerg and the Protoss will have to fight against each other. But he knew he was not advantaged. The Protoss have a psionic power and not the Zerg. This will lead the swarm to its end. The chance arrived to him thanks to the presence of the humans in the Koprulu sector. Some of the Terrans got psionic powers in some generations. He knew he could use the psionic power of the Terrans to fight against the Protoss. So he continued his road to the Koprulu sector and started attacking the Terran worlds. Chau Sara, Mar Sara, Bronte IV and Dylar. Suddenly while he was attacking a Terran planet a Protoss float started firing to exterminate all sign of life on this planet, to stop the Zerg infestation. No life was spared, even human. The Protoss were observing the Terrans from the space, as the Xel'Naga did with them in the past. And they protected the humans from the infestations.
  9. Trooper34

    Trooper34 New Member

    Sep 30, 2007
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    ok i am abit less confused but i have another question. How were the zerg able to kill there creators. its like a child killing its mom....But it seems kind of weird that the xel naga weren't able to defeat something that "THEY" created...
  10. Bizarro_Paragon

    Bizarro_Paragon New Member

    Aug 13, 2007
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    I'm 19 now, and in peak physical condition. You don't think I could take my Mom in a fight? Even if she were in her prime.

    Take THAT, Freud!
  11. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    im 14 now, and even though i look weak i could take most guys of 20
  12. Ower8x

    Ower8x New Member

    Aug 13, 2007
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    Samir Souleyman
    The Xel' Naga did not create the Proto, nor the Zerg. They found the Protos, wich already were at thta time hunters and already had greate psionic potential and a psionic link between each other (The Xel' Naga blived that they foud purity of form). They speeded the evolution of the Protos - biological and mostly technolal. Eventualy they thought that the Protos are on a high enough level to meet them, so they landed on Aiur: on the location a greate temple was build. As you staited they have pushed the Protos to far, the link thet conected the Protos together started to disapere, and jalousy suspicions and egoism surfeced. The disapointed Xel' Naga decidet to leve their failed experimnet, but as they started to pul back from Aiur, The Protos who at that time already did not trust their "gods" atacked the leaving Xel' Naga and killed many. After the departure of the Xel' naga the protos turned against each other in a bloody tribal war.

    The Xel' Naga then wentured through space, eventualy finding the planet Zerus inhabitet by the Zerg Larva althrough primitive it had an extremly adaptabyl DNA pool. (Which they belived was purity of esencce). They once more evolved their found, wich started to infest living creaturses on the planet, changing them into beast, eventualy consuming or kiling all other life on Zerus. The Xel' Naga did not want to make the same mistake as with the protos, so they made the Zerg one great colectiv mind and shaped into the Overmind. The Overmind was sentient wit a will of its own and had knowledge about his creators, wich kept watching the Zerg from space. Eventualy the Overmaind turned againts its creators, and after he lured and assimilated creaturs capable of space travel, he lauched an suprise atack on the World ships, and semiably killed all the Xel' Nafa.
  13. Trooper34

    Trooper34 New Member

    Sep 30, 2007
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    omg now someone is saying that they didn't create. but still.... how could something who was advanced by xel naga tech.. defeat xel naga. if that is so then the xel naga were very weak because thats sad that you got owned by your pets. THAT YOU gave power to.
  14. pajamasalad

    pajamasalad New Member

    Aug 12, 2007
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    Since the zerg got flight from the Xel'naga doesn't that mean the Xel'naga had wings? or something that allowed them to fly in space that the zergs could steal. I don't think they can get that from the space ships.
  15. Bizarro_Paragon

    Bizarro_Paragon New Member

    Aug 13, 2007
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    Think about it. The entire concept of the hunter becoming the hunted happens all the time. Let's pretend you're sort of an earth-version of the Xel Naga. You go to the African Safari, and you see lions. Being the genius you are, you guide their evolution until they're eight feet long, rippling with muscles and sharp poke-a-majigs. Suddenly, the lions decide they don't like you.

    Now, just because you gave the lions their power, you don't think they'd be able to take you down? The same applies with smaller creatures as well. To take a more "Zerg" example, imagine if you did the same thing with spiders. You guided and genetically altered the evolution of spiders until they were all the size of your torso, had two-inch thick exoskeletons, etc etc. If you fought on of those spiders, I'd be betting on the spider, even though you were the one to give it it's power in the first place. Savvy?

    Not quite. The Xel Naga were only one of the races that the Zerg destroyed. Their wings (I'm assuming you mean the mutalisk, by the way), they got by incorporating the Mantis Screamer DNA into their pool.
  16. Wraithwatch

    Wraithwatch New Member

    Oct 8, 2007
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    I like this idea better, the Xel'naga seem to be non-existant nowadays. Duran seems too...focused, too independent, I doubt he is a puppet. Just my views of course.
  17. BnechbReaker

    BnechbReaker New Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    no one will know until we play starcraft 2....

    i want to play starcraft 2...

  18. Trooper34

    Trooper34 New Member

    Sep 30, 2007
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    yeah but....shouldn't i have the power to take away there knowlegde and if so why would i create something that can kill me.... if the xel naga did that then there retarded...

    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    I believe Duran is mind-controlled !!! He is a man, a human, but is mind-controlled by the Xel'Naga. His real soul, I mean the soul that controls him is Xel'Naga. That means that Xel'Naga are evil.

    Am I wrong ?
  20. Trooper34

    Trooper34 New Member

    Sep 30, 2007
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    well then that gets rid of the idea that the xel naga are pacifist.