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Who do you think will "Win" in SC2?

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Story and Races' started by CheddarCheese, Aug 28, 2007.

Who do you think will "Win" in SC2?

  1. PSIchotic

    PSIchotic New Member

    Aug 21, 2007
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    We're all missing the point here...

    Blizzard wins 'cause they'll take our money and we'll still be grinning like idiots when they do it because SC2 will be pimpin' :)
  2. Patuljak

    Patuljak New Member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    Ok, here's my guess:

    The Xel'Naga will return. Seeing how all of their creations have failed them, they will seek some badass artifacts to destroy all life in the galaxy. Duran will be revealed to be their serveant or one of them who made the neccessary preparations and a new race who can beat the Protoss and the Zerg because they (the Hybrids) combine the strenghts and nullify the weaknesses of each race. With an army of Hybrids, they will carve a bloody path to the artifacts. There's probably gonna be a suprise or smthing about the terrans, for instance that the xel'naga also created them.
    I also agree with most of you - Kerrigan will die, probably by Raynor. I have a feeling that something bad will happen to Raynor too, but not before he kills Mengsk, becomes the Emperor of the Terrans and seeds out the corruption or something.

    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    - I agree with you Patuljak, but the fact that the Xel'Naga created the Terran is non-sensed (or senseless, it depends on how you want). Maybe they will come to purify the whole universe because they see so much impurity with the whole races, and the fact that Duran is a special agent for the Xel'Naga is something I didn't think about at all, but very great ! Bravo ! :good:

    Hey, i was just wondering about something : Duran is a man, infested because he can modify his voice. However he has still the body of a man, and can have the zerg voice or the human voice, by his own-wish. Maybe he is a Xel'Naga too no? How magnificient, magic he is to be a zerg and a human, not together like Kerrigan. He hides something ! .... He serves the Xel'Naga.

    - Also the fact that Raynor will be an emperor for the Terrans too. He is lonely. He can't even kill Kerrigan because he is not a murderer. He is pitiful. I believe Duran, who killed Stukov in betraying him and Dugalle, can also kill Kerrigan because she became a danger for him (Duran again).
  4. Patuljak

    Patuljak New Member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    Yeah, the terran one was kind of silly. I just wrote what came to my mind.

    Another alternative of Kerrigan dying is her regaining her humanity for a moment and sacrificing herself to destroy the Hybrids/Xel'naga.

    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Wooooooooowww. How many interpretations !!

    I remember the time when we said "the Matrix 2 will be created". I was a fan of the Matrix. And I was waiting for the Matrix 2 and 3. I talked to a lot of persons, fans, of how this film will finish. Finally the scenario didn't follow my opinion

    Nearly ....
  6. coreyb

    coreyb Guest

    I want the protoss to win because there my fav and in everygame I've owned/played I alway's like the alien/machanical race but I honestly think that terren could win with an oversized force on the two but a possability could be that terren and protoss join together and kill the zerg but it didn't seem right for me but what are Your thought's?
  7. DontHate

    DontHate New Member

    Jun 26, 2007
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    i think the terrans and the protoss will be victorious... the zerg can't win again.
  8. Ower8x

    Ower8x New Member

    Aug 13, 2007
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    For this I can onli teke what was said in the lore at blizzcon when they talked about Jimmy: "He's currently down, but he won't stay down for long." and one of them "I always liked the idea that in a universe ful of these demigods beings a normal guy makes a diferenc" 8)
  9. Seradin

    Seradin New Member

    Aug 19, 2007
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    watch the xel'naga win! lol at the end they just come and wipe out the universe.
  10. ShoGun

    ShoGun Guest

    Heres my idea for story possibilities that will lead up to "who will win" . . . just for fun, by the way.

    Starting off with the Zerg Campaign:

    Sensing the coming of a great power to challenge her, Kerrigan prepares by finding new strains to strengthen the zerg swarm. So some missions will include you assimilating species, but those pesky protoss and terran militia groups are always there to stand in your way. Kerrigan even infests terran commanders to become her advisors, and that good ole cerebrate you played as in the previous starcraft is always there to help, and gets some nifty upgrades as well. Along the way, you will encounter Zeratul several times; who is hunting for information on the impending doom that Duran spoke of. One such encounter towards the end of the campaign will lead to a climatic battle between Kerrigan and Zeratul. Kerrigan will also encounter Duran in the late stages of this campaign, and soon after she discovers the existence of the hybrids and the presence of the xel'naga, and attempts to foil their plan, and is successful . . . for the mean time.

    Next is Terran Campaign:

    Jim will be the star of this show. He starts off with his struggles in terran space, gathering forces and technology to destroy kerrigan. Like the campaign demo at blizzcon showed, Jim will be scouring the known sector for some great new toys to add to his arsenal. He even raids some of mengsk's facilities, and gets a hold of some awesome secret technology. Mengsk's son, Valerian agrees to give Jim the plans, and resources necessary to build thors if he recovers an artifact for him that his father has refused to allow him to inspect.

    Zeratul comes to Jim, badly beaten and bruised from his fight with Kerrigan, and gives him a lot of information on what’s going on outside of terran space, regarding Kerrigan, and the xel'naga. Zeratul explains about the artifacts (which Valerian has been so interested in), and how they are the key to completing the hybrids and setting them free to engulf the universe with their power. Although Jim wants to save the universe, he is still greatly focused on revenge, and would rather kill Kerrigan. Most of Jim's men have either betrayed him or abandoned him, but Valerian has agreed to give Jim adequate amount of resources, men, and tools of destruction needed to fight Kerrigan, if he recovers more artifacts that his father, and protoss forces have barricaded. Rather then nullifying the artifacts, Jim goes against Zeratul's wishes, and hands them over to Valerian.

    While Jim embarks on his mission, Zeratul displeased, decides to chase after Valerian. Jim finds Kerrigan and her zerg pets heavily distracted against the Xel’Naga, who she seems to be overwhelming. Duran confronts Jim, revealed as Xel’Naga, and convinces him to take an artifact from the Zerg and use it against Kerrigan to destroy her once and for all. Knowing what Zeratul told him, Jim distrusts Duran, but his strong desire for revenge forces him to comply. Valerian has come to char as well with some mercenaries and wishes to steal the artifact from Jim, but Zeratul is hot on his trail. Jim eventually gets a hold of the artifact and allies himself with the Xel’Naga. Preparations are made, and Jim, with the help of the Xel’Naga, unleashes the weapon right in Kerrigan’s back yard. Valerian in his attempt to stop Jim gets caught in the center blast. Kerrigan’s powers are completely nullified due to the artifact’s powers, and Jim lays the final blow against her.

    With words of sweet bitter sorrow, Kerrigan dies, and warns Jim that the true nightmare has just begun. Zeratul confronts Jim, and scorns him for assisting the Xel’Naga to complete their grand experiment, that will bring the end to all other life. The explosion caused by the artifact was the catalyst needed to awakened their hybrids, and because Valerian’s foolish quest for knowledge had lead him to place the other artifacts where the Xel’Naga needed them to be, the energy surging from them was widespread enough to give life to every hybrid that was seeded. Zeratul believes that it is not yet too late, from what information he took from the Xel’Naga, he believes that there is one more step to completing them, and so he sets off to warn and gather his protoss brethren. Jimmy flees into space and hides in a dark corner to soak in his despair and regret, but his assistant Matt Horner’s encouragements props him back up and as a result, Jim vows to right the wrong he has created.
    Meanwhile . . . across the fringes of the universe, dark and dreadful powers begin breathing for the first time.

    And as for the Protoss Campaign, your guess is as good as mine. But one unique thing I thought of was what if the Xel'Naga unified their race as one mind that will represent the overmind for the hybrids. The most advance minds in the universe combined as one would make the good ole hybrids that much perfect.

    The hybrids will rise strong, but ultimately, the protoss are gonna win it big (with the help of jimmy ofcoarse ;D).

    and as for the Zerg in the aftermath, lets just say a new leader turns it's attention to the Xel'Naga's hybrids. . . so it may not all be over just because the Xel'Naga and the Hybrids are annihilated, and an expansion is still bound to come. My guess is that the Zerg under whatever leader will want to continue where the Xel'Naga left off and incorperate the Hybrid entities into their race (meaning, able to produce hybrids from larva).
  11. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    yep, and with as new zerg leader daggoth
  12. Space Pirate Rojo

    Space Pirate Rojo New Member

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Canada, eh?
    I wouldn't be surprised if Blizzard tries to fit in November and Jacob Ramsey in the game.
  13. Trooper34

    Trooper34 New Member

    Sep 30, 2007
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    i think that there is gonna be a 4 battle at the end with the terran-protoss-zerg-and hyrbids then near the end duran and the xel naga come along and kill everybody...... thus everybody is weak then xel naga go from world to world killing all in there wake. tehen kerrigan,raynor,and zeratul must band together to defeat the xel naga
  14. Wlck742

    Wlck742 New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    In your head
    I don't think Xel'Naga would actually try to kill anybody. Maybe just the Zerg, but probably not the Terran and Protoss.
  15. Trooper34

    Trooper34 New Member

    Sep 30, 2007
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    then why is everyone scared of the xel naga then?..... duran exsplains it as there ultimate demise. I think the xel naga will try to kill everyone in hopes that it will end the neverending war.
  16. Wlck742

    Wlck742 New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    No one really is scared of the Xel'Naga. Duran just calls him that because he's probably working for them. Most of the Terran don't even know what the hell the Xel'Naga are, I doubt Kerrigan even gives a rat's ass about it, and Protoss worship them.
  17. Trooper34

    Trooper34 New Member

    Sep 30, 2007
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    actually the protoss fear them. Plus i bet kerrigan fears them.. cause they created the zerg....... terran never know until it bites them in the ass Then they just die trying to fight it lol.
  18. Dreadnought

    Dreadnought New Member

    Jun 17, 2007
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    Personally... I think they will have multiple endings where you choose what race wins.
    Terrans prolly do know about the Xel'Naga (At least I'm sure Raynor does)

    Protoss kinda won SC
    Zerg owned SC BW
    Terrans win SC 2
    All races lose SC 2 XP
  19. Wlck742

    Wlck742 New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    In your head
    No, Blizzard mentioned that the main storyline will be more or less the same no matter what you do. And Raynor only knows about the Xel'Naga because he's been with the Protoss so much. Most of the other Terrans in the Confederacy and such probably have never even heard of the Xel'Naga, probably not even Mengsk.
  20. Trooper34

    Trooper34 New Member

    Sep 30, 2007
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    yeah but who is to say the blizzard may do a 180 and change the story comepletely. lol i want terran/protoss to win lol.