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Where are my skirmish maps? versus AI etc

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Tech Support' started by Drakous, Aug 3, 2010.

Where are my skirmish maps? versus AI etc

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Tech Support' started by Drakous, Aug 3, 2010.

  1. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Corry PA USA
    Please, if you find a fix, this is something a lot of people want, myself included! It was a fluke that it just started "working" for me one day.. since I HAD this issue.. one day i logged in and it was gone... weird.
  2. xuisp

    xuisp New Member

    Aug 16, 2010
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    Ok, so here is the solution sent to me:

    "I've done some more digging for you, and this may be an issue with the StarCraft II cache; deleting these cached files has helped some users with their "Versus A.I." maps.

    In order to locate the cache, you'll need to turn on "Show Hidden Files and Folders". This can be done by opening My Computer and clicking "Tools -> Folder Options", then clicking on the "View" tab and selecting "Show hidden files and folders". Then try these steps below! ^_^

    1. Exit StarCraft II.
    2. Browse to the following folder, depending on your operating system:

    Windows XP:
    [drive letter]:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Blizzard Entertainment\Battle.net\

    Windows Vista/7:
    [drive letter]:\Users\All Users\Blizzard Entertainment\Battle.net\

    * * * OR * * *

    [drive letter]:\ProgramData\Blizzard Entertainment\Battle.net\

    3. Locate the "Cache" folder, and delete the folder and all of its contents.
    4. Restart StarCraft II and login.
    5. Start a "Play Versus A.I." match, and see if the list of maps is updated.

    NOTE: If the list of maps has NOT yet updated, go back to the main screen, and wait 3-10 minutes, depending on the speed of your Internet connection; this will give the map list some time to populate. After that time has passed, try "Play Versus A.I." mode again and check the map list."

    I was also having a problem with the game where I couldn't play in offline mode, but after deleting the cache files, I can! In terms of the Versus maps, I still don't see them and it's been running for a while, but I'm going to leave it a while longer and see they magically appear.

    Also, to Xev: I'm running a pretty high-end alienware rig, although I do have a slow connection. I think this problem is independant of system specs, although maybe internet speed is a factor. . .
  3. xuisp

    xuisp New Member

    Aug 16, 2010
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    One more thing: I think the maps might be stored in "C:\ProgramData\Blizzard Entertainment\StarCraft II\Maps", but maybe not.
  4. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Corry PA USA
    No, the maps are stored in an MPQ. They are most likely cached to that location. Did that fix work for you?
  5. xuisp

    xuisp New Member

    Aug 16, 2010
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    I've left SC2 running for quite some time now, but unfortunately there is still nothing each time I check. . . In the meantime I'm going to download SC2Allin1 launcher for the retail version so I can just play some melee games.
  6. Tangent

    Tangent Guest

    i've been having the same problem. however i have mine working now. i uninstalled- reinstalled, let it patch up. login to battlenet. . i then went to multiplayer, vs ai. the selection of maps appears on the left. on the right of the screen you see a mini pic of the map with a little green tick and a magnifying glass icon onthe bottom right of that image. i moved the cursor over the tick, it said downloading...... i left the pc, did something else for abt 20mins... got back to find that the create game button could now be selected. i clicked played a little and then logged off battlenet. went to single player and the maps were there.

    i know i've been a little detailed but it worked for me, hope it does for you guys as well.
  7. Sevic

    Sevic Guest

    I've also been having the same issue for a while now.

    Already tried re-installation, clearing of cache, completing campaign, tutorials and the challenges...
    When I go into 'Multiplayer - Create game' I also get the list of maps with either the magnifying glass saying that it's downloading (after a while I get a popup saying there's a problem downloading content from server) or a small yellow arrow that I can click to initiate a download of the map. However this download usually stalls at around 10-15% (I once got it up to 32%).

    Personally I think this is a connection-issue in that the the download usually starts fine, then grinds to a halt and eventually drops completely.
    I've been considering upgrading my line for a few months now, and this problem have finally persuaded me to do it. I'll let you know if it helps.
  8. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    The Netherlands
    Hmm, I have had a similar problem a few days back. We wanted to do a 4v4 with friends, but one of them only just installed the game. We couldn't start the game at all, because it said he was downloading the liberty.mod or something like that. We just waited for like, half an hour, and eventually he had the maps and we could just play as normal.
  9. Sevic

    Sevic Guest

    One upgraded internet-line later and I got the maps. I did however have to go into the Multiplayer-Create game interface for a sec. before they showed up in Singleplayer - Versus AI.
    So for me at least the problem seems to have been related to a slow internet line.
  10. Prot21

    Prot21 Guest

    You must have the starcraft 2 editor.

    On Windows vista:

    1.Open starcraft 2 Editor.
    2.Then click on open (you should see a Starcraft 2 folder double clicking on it should receal to you all the maps in your possession).
    3.Open a map. Ex:Scorched ashes.
    4.Now you can select your faction as well as your ennemies(just click on the map tab above and click player properties).
    5.Save your map(Select save as and name the map)
    6.Open My Computer/C:/users/user/Documents/Starcrat 2/maps(default).You should see now the map you saved right click on it then open it with blizzard launcher and enjoy your game.
  11. im new to the game and the internet conection is shooty here in afghanistan but when you log in and go to create a game well it brings up all the maps but you have to download them im sure with state side connection its fast but for me it took about an hour and i got most of them and some that were made by others so i hope this helps.
  12. crankyboy

    crankyboy New Member

    Feb 9, 2011
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    i have no maps on starcraft 2 i downloaded maps and put it on the file using retail.maps file and putted it inside the files of starcraft map but i when i go to the game and go to skirmish theres still nothing not even 1 file of map i tried extracting it but still nothing
  13. SirBloble

    SirBloble New Member

    Apr 28, 2011
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    It used to work but after an update they all disappeared! but during another update I was reading through the changes and it said they had fixed the problem but in China, not here! WTF!
  14. StragetyBuilder

    StragetyBuilder New Member

    Jul 30, 2011
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    Finally a FIX

    I installed this on a diffrent computer...it worked but didn't have any "V.S. AI" maps. I found a way to fix this! While publishing my awesome map, (1 thing I need to fix...(Called "Death Maze" or "Labryinth of Death", forgot which one :D)) I found a way to download them. I am on a diffrent computer right now, so I can't give complete details... but a certain menu has the maps available for download (Blizzard made maps). Hope this helps!
  15. jeanlerois

    jeanlerois New Member

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Thanks for the tips. Anyone can benefit from this. This is the good online work to start and this runs smoothly
  16. BadboyAidz

    BadboyAidz New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Last edited: Sep 8, 2011