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What new units would you like to see?

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by Arctic, May 25, 2007.

What new units would you like to see?

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by Arctic, May 25, 2007.

  1. sordid

    sordid New Member

    Jun 9, 2007
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    The idea of giving the reapers flamethrowers sounds excellent. Their main weakness was always getting close to the enemy; now they could ambush and run away. But while still looking super badass with flames and such.
  2. SirBaron

    SirBaron New Member

    Jun 9, 2007
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    Haha i would have kept on going if i hadn't been so tired. :p

    Just thought about adding some more:

    **Zerg Nydus Maggot**:
    Type: Frontline Carrier
    Food: 3
    Mineral Cost: Moderate
    Gas Cost: High
    Base Damage: None
    Sight: 8
    Range: None
    Speed: Slow
    Cooldown: None
    Base Health: 250
    Special Abilities:
    Hardened Carapace: The Nydus Maggot have adapted to the danger of Terran and Protoss firepower, resulting in the mutation of a thick carapace able to resist ranged attacks, both weak and powerful.
    Brood Carrier: The Nydus Maggot, like it's grown counterpart, the Nydus Worm, have the ability to carry Zerg units inside itself to the frontlines. At max, 8 units can be stored inside the Maggot.
    Worm Mutate: At any time, Nydus Maggots may mutate into a Nydus Worm, gaining the ability to burrow at the cost of it's Hardened Carapace.
    Description: Nydus Maggots are the incomplete form of Nydus Worms and possess a powerful carapace that can withstand most firepower. However, melee is deadly against the Maggots, and without backup it is vulnerable to Protoss Zealots or Terran Legionnaires.

    **Zerg Hunters**
    Type: Ground Raider
    Food: 2
    Mineral Cost: Low
    Gas Cost: Moderate
    Base Damage: 15 ( 18 ) .
    Sight: 7
    Range: Melee
    Speed: Very Fast (Ultra Fast)
    Cooldown: 15
    Base Health: 140
    Special Abilties:
    Agile Mutate: The Hunters are very agile Zerg mutates, and possess the ability to climb walls and cliffs.
    Description: The Hunters were mutated when the Zerg realized sheer numbers could not always overcome the base defenses of Terran and Protoss armies. The agile Hunters can climb cliffs and walls and can easily find the weak spots of even the best defense.

    **Terran Dragon**
    Type: Aerial "Crowd Cleaner"
    Food: 2
    Mineral Cost: Low
    Gas Cost: Moderate
    Base Damage: 12 ( 15 ) per projectile, hits all units on a line.
    Sight: 7
    Range: 5 ( 6 )
    Speed: Fast (Very Fast)
    Cooldown: None (Constant)
    Base Health: 100
    Special Abilities:
    Flamethrowers: The Dragon is enfitted with powerful flamethrowers that ignores personal shields such as Protoss Shields or Defensive Matrixes.
    Incinerate: Pushes the Dragon's flamethrowers to the max, doubling it's damage for 8 seconds. After the duration has expired, the Dragon is forced to let the flamethrowers cool down, and can only deal 50% of it's normal damage.
    Description: Early on the Terrans realized the Zerg were weak to fire, and employed Firebats to deal with the problem. But the Firebats, although effective, had trouble to get in range to employ their flamethrowers. To answer for this, the Terrans developed the Dragon, inspired by the mythological creature of Earth that breathed fire. The Terran Dragon is a fast although frail aerial unit that can literally drown a battlefield in fire.

    **Terran Vulture "NEW Version" **:
    Type: Ground Support Vehicle
    Food: 3
    Mineral Cost: Moderate
    Gas Cost: Moderate
    Base Damage: 55 ( 65 ) per projectile, splash.
    Sight: 7
    Range: 7 ( 9 )
    Speed: Moderate
    Cooldown: 25
    Base Health: 175
    Special Abilities:
    Spider Grenades: The Vulture tosses powerful grenades that explode when hitting and begin to chase their designated target when missing.
    Spider Mine: The Vulture can leave modified versions of their grenades on the ground, that begin to chases and explodes when enemies come too near.
    Description: After having seen the effectiveness of Spider Mines, the Terrans developed a form of grenade based on it's technology, that would explode upon impact with targets or employ fast "spiderlegs" to rush into vincinity of the enemy and explode when missing. The Vulture was also re-designed to become an artillery-like vehicle to compliment the powerful Siege Tanks.

    Terran Spider Mine:
    Type: Intelligent Explosive
    Food: None
    Mineral Cost: Low
    Gas Cost: None
    Base Damage: 145
    Sight: 5
    Range: 5 ( 6 )
    Speed: Ultra Fast
    Cooldown: None (Suicide)
    Base Health: 25
    Special Abilities:
    Hunter-Seeker: Locks onto enemies that come too close, chases them and explodes in their vincinity, causing huge damage.
    Description: Spider Mines are "intelligent explosives" that activate when enemies move near them. The Mine then employs "spiderlegs" to move rapidly into vincinity of the enemy and explode near them, killing or damaging them greatly.

    **Protoss Mongoose**:
    Type: Basic Air Fighter
    Food: 2
    Mineral Cost: Moderate
    Gas Cost: Low
    Base Damage: 12 ( 16 ).
    Sight: 6
    Range: 7 (8)
    Speed: Very Fast (Ultra Fast)
    Cooldown: 8 (6)
    Base Health: 140
    Base Shield: 100
    Special Abilities:
    Light Design: The Mongoose is enfitted with very light armor and enhancive systems that keep production costs low and allow for near-impossible maneuvers while in flight. Because of this, the Mongoose can easily evade ranged attacks made against it while moving. However, because of it's light armor, it goes down easy when repeatedly hit.
  3. Gold

    Gold New Member

    May 23, 2007
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    maybe not "crossbread" but possibly jsut enslave, so although they would be hybrids technically, not in the same way as true hybrids were the zerg and toss parts are equall, the zerg part would be more dominant and over a few years the protoss bit would be completley eaten up.
  4. mc2

    mc2 New Member

    May 20, 2007
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    SirBaron your suggestions are top notch. Good work!! I like majority of them.

    With the Queen and the Zerg Tyrant.The Queen becomes too much like the Protoss Carrier and the Tyrant is too much like the Protoss Scout and the Terran Wraith. This is what Blizzard is trying to avoid. Avoid too similar units between the races.
  5. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    Ha, I can see it now....

    "I woulda won, but I got Mongoose rushed!

    Seriously though, I love your units. Freaking awesome.
  6. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    US East Coast
    The guy's a great thinker. Got some real creativity for sure.
  7. Zeratul

    Zeratul New Member

    Jun 4, 2007
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    I thought I posted big...
  8. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    siege tanks in which marrines can ride on it. only if siege tank is not in siege mode. you cant siege mode if there is a marine on it by the way.
  9. SirBaron

    SirBaron New Member

    Jun 9, 2007
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    Yeah, it's not the easiest thing to think up units the factions really NEED while making them unique in their own way. But i try my best :p

    EDIT: I know it'd be contradictory to the topic, but why not branch out into buildings as well? :p

    EDIT2: I read Zeratul11' suggestion regarding Marines riding on top of a Siege Tank. Really jumped my inspiration.

    **Terran Fortress**
    Type: Armored Personnel Carrier
    Food: 3
    Mineral Cost: Moderate
    Gas Cost: High
    Base Damage: None (Depends on Garrisoned Units)
    Sight: 8
    Range: None (Depends on Garrisoned Units)
    Speed: Slow (Moderate)
    Cooldown: None
    Base Health: 250
    Special Abilities:
    Load: Loads infantry units, allowing them to fire their weapons from inside the Fortress whilst taking no damage (like a bunker).
    Hardened Armor: Takes less damage from ranged attacks due to thicker armor, which also limits it's movement speed.
    Description: After having seen the use of bunkers, the Terran Dominion sought to implement their function into vehicles. Eventually, the Fortress was born, which could carry any Terran Infantry on the battlefield, allowing them to fire their weapons through gunports while taking no enemy fire at all.
  10. Whor

    Whor New Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    I will like to see a spider for the zerg

    1._It will be capable to while be underground do a web to trapher enemies
    2._Move in underground
    3._have 500 of healt and 50 of damege
    4._being able to build bridges betewen two points of eart
    5._retore their healt by eating her enemies
  11. Heretic666)GC(

    Heretic666)GC( New Member

    Jun 13, 2007
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    I think the ultralisk should be changed a bit. I never use them in BW because a you can get 8 lings for the price of 1 ultra, and lings can kill stuff faster if they have attack speed upgraded. Ultras should be able to mutate into a more powerful unit that can attack air and has a long range so it can be used as a seige weapon. But it suffers from slower speed and cool down time. It could be called the gigalisk or something.

    Im going to use the same descrpition type thingy as SirBaron, whose awsome posts have inspired me

    Gigalisk (Mutates from Ultralisk)
    Type: Seige Weapon
    Food: 6
    Mineral Cost: Moderate (Not including Ultralisk cost)
    Gas Cost: Moderate (Not inluding Ultralisk cost)
    Base Damage: Ground 60 (Splash), Air 15
    Sight: 10
    Range: Ground 10 (min 4), Air 4
    Speed: Slow
    Cooldown: Ground 5, Air 3
    Base Health: 450
    Special Abilities:
    Trample - Although the Gigalisk is very slow, any unit that gets caught in its way will regret it. It can walk over small units (marines, reapers, ghosts, zealots....) dealing minor damage to them (7 per second). However, for each second a trampled enemy stays alive, the gigalisk's speed is cut in half.
    Description: The zerg have lost many hive clusters do to the powerful attacks of Seige Tanks and Reavers. Now the zerg have evolved thier own seige weapon by mutating thier most powerful creatures. Although more mobile then Seige Tanks, they are weak to melee attacks and short range units.
  12. SirBaron

    SirBaron New Member

    Jun 9, 2007
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    Very nice idea, Heretic, i always kind of resented the possibility to use Ultras too as the less costly units are better in the long run. Anyways, i just wanted to point out that the "Cooldown" factor of units is measured like this:
    Cooldown: 20 (2 seconds)
    Cooldown: 10 (1 second)
    Cooldown: 8 (0,8 second)

    Got some more units coming up as well:
    Bold and Italic signifies a change done to the original unit concept.

    **Terran Spectre**
    Type: Elite Infantry Specialist
    Food: 2
    Mineral Cost: High
    Gas Cost: High
    Base Damage: 38 ( 44 )
    Sight: 10
    Range: Melee
    Speed: Moderate (Fast)
    Cooldown: 15 (13)
    Base Health: 200
    Base Energy: 200 (250)
    Special Abilities:
    Grav-Sword: The Spectre is equipped with a Grav-Longsword, which produces an abnorm gravity thrust when clashed against objects, giving it the power to shatter steel. (Passive) *Formerly Psionic Sword*
    Spectre Cloak: A special cloak that always is active. (i got to agree, this form was better in the long run. sure, it smells DT, but what the heck :p...)
    Shroud: Creates a field of psionic darkness that allows cloaked units to ignore Detectors in a small area for a short time (10 seconds). (200 Energy)
    Psionic Detonation: The Spectre overloads his Psi and literally explodes, causing double his base health in damage to all nearby units and buildings.
    Description: (From Starcraft: Ghost) Mengsk and his new advisor, General Horace Warfield, began a secret project codenamed Shadow Blade, which uses covertly acquired Protoss technology. The program used the mind-enhancing terrazine gas to alter the genetic makeup of Terran Ghosts, amplifying their psychic potential. These Ghosts were transformed into Spectres - shadowy superhuman beings bent on executing the will of their true master.

    **Terran Banshee**
    Type: Ground Support Vehicle
    Food: 2
    Mineral Cost: Moderate
    Gas Cost: High
    Base Damage: 30 ( 36 )
    Sight: 8 ( 11 )
    Range: None
    Speed: Very Fast (Ultra Fast)
    Cooldown: 18 ( 15 )
    Base Health: 125
    Base Energy: 200 (250)
    Special Abilities:
    Cloaking Field: Renders the Banshee invisible at the cost of 25 energy plus 1 energy per second.
    Description: The Banshees are powerful, fast vehicles equipped with a Personnel Cloaking Field. To have earned their powerful weaponry and immense speed, the Vehicle has been stripped of all but the most necessary systems and armor, making it very light and thus not very impervious to heavy fire.
  13. Ghost

    Ghost New Member

    Jun 12, 2007
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    SirBaron, nice ideas. I recon that terrans should have more cloaked units. The only problem with the spectre is (although I love the idea) the blades, that toss trademark =D.

    I think that terrans should have a sniper unit, it cant cloak but it has a huge range like the siege tank (minimal range too) but deals normal dmg without splash.

    I know that some peeps think that the ghost is a sniper but snipers are honestly a Damage Dealer and ghosts dmg sux.
  14. SirBaron

    SirBaron New Member

    Jun 9, 2007
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    Hehe yeah, i wanted the Spectre to be a powerful melee unit but the thought of normal swords destroying Immortals, Siege Tanks and (possibly) Ultralisks was a bit weird.
    EDIT: changed the weapon to something similiar to my Terran Legionnaire concept (a hammer which produces a gravity thrust strong enough to shatter steel - in the case of the Spectre, a sword)
  15. Ghost

    Ghost New Member

    Jun 12, 2007
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    Oooh, "much more better" as Jack Sparrow once said. What I really like about the spectre is the fact that its support spell, the "Shroud" helps launch nukes, and god i looooooooove "calling down the thunder".

    The Psi Ravage (if blizz where to implement it) I think would have to kill the Spectre as well, both balance issues and to show that the terran psi potential is still unstable compared to that of the protoss. And the energyless cloak might aswell be passive.
  16. SirBaron

    SirBaron New Member

    Jun 9, 2007
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    Ah, like a last-resort suicide attack? I like that :)
  17. Ghost

    Ghost New Member

    Jun 12, 2007
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    Yea, exactly like that. Im at work right now so when I ge the chance I will write up the stats a Sniper would have.
  18. Associate

    Associate New Member

    Jun 11, 2007
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    they should work on a new powerful terran ground unit thats effective in demolishing base defenses and ground units alike, this is very important since the classic siege tank strategy is expected to weaken with the introduction of new units which specializes on countering them
  19. Ghost

    Ghost New Member

    Jun 12, 2007
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    Maybe a vehicle mounted with a gatling gun of sorts that sprays over a large area therefore taking out a whole bunch of packed units. About the demolishing bit I was thinking not a ground unit but a bomber plane of sorts.

    One that does both would just be massed in eveysingle game unless the cost was unreasonable high.
  20. Associate

    Associate New Member

    Jun 11, 2007
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    that should be a good alternative as well, I think a powerful terran ground unit is reasonable though provided they have some weaknesses like inability to engage air units or slow movement speed