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What does the terran army still need?

Discussion in 'Terran' started by DKutrovsky, Jun 16, 2008.

What does the terran army still need?

Discussion in 'Terran' started by DKutrovsky, Jun 16, 2008.

  1. Cotcan

    Cotcan New Member

    Aug 11, 2008
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    Well, I know in the editor, that we will be able to add the drop pods to any unit. Blizzard said that all sc1 units, and units that they didn't put in the game, would go to the editor. Most likey the same with abilities.
  2. flanx

    flanx Guest

    Terran is a complete army. With back up support such as medics and its ability to repair mechanical units makes the Terran Army complete.
  3. Gforce

    Gforce New Member

    Jul 29, 2007
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    I think the terran would do good with an actual air fighter class, thats what they need most at this point.
  4. Zerks

    Zerks New Member

    Sep 7, 2008
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    i kindave wish a terran Goliath sort of unit would come back (i guess the thor is a HUGE gol)

    i think the terran need a fighter class, a banshee, although great and interesting abilities, just doesnt compare to a wraith imo.

  5. [JFC]

    [JFC] Clan Empire

    Aug 13, 2007
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    a complety new tank design
  6. Hodl pu

    Hodl pu New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    More Russian accents.
  7. overmind

    overmind Active Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    and German ones
  8. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    What the Terrans really need is some personality. The Zerg are creepy, horribly mutated creatures, the Protoss are proud and religious warriors, but what do the Terrans have? Nothing! What are they fighting for? If I would be placed in the StarCraft 2 universe, I would just get the hell out of there. What's their motivation to keep fighting? At the moment, they are just fighting to, erm, fight, gain a few recources and take revenge for the loss of a few good friends. (Remember, most of the Terran warriors are prisoners, only the high ranked soldiers and Ghosts are there because they want to). That can't be worth so much trouble, can it?
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2008
  9. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    IIRC ghosts didn't choose to be what they are, and they are just as much prisoners as all the rest. I remember reading somewhere that they have a device implanted in them which controls their powers and ensures obedience. As for high ranking officers, they might have been prisoners as well back then, they just assumed power to unite the Terran and fight with joined force. Lechero comes to my mind from Prison Break :D

    I haven't read through this topic because I only wanted to post this side note, but I think the Terran need to have non-spawning abilities in the vulkan's arsenal. The Terran shouldn't be about overwhelming numbers, and so I don't like the idea of auto-turrets. The science vessel was potent without creating new units, and I think the vulkan should follow suit.
  10. Gforce

    Gforce New Member

    Jul 29, 2007
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    Fo@saken, the terrans are space red-necks. Their personality is lets fight because we got nothing better to do and they have some nice stuff.
  11. Triceron

    Triceron New Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Taking a bit of an abstract approach to this, I see the 3 races as an extension of Mind, Body and Soul.

    The Protoss represent Mind, the epitome of science, technology and logic. They are highly intelligent and have a communicate telepathically. In a sense, these guys are basically what Humans could be if we all had psionics and worked together for a common goal.

    The Zerg represent Body. They work towards genetic perfection, and they are highly adaptable to their environments. They regenerate their wounds, have tough carapaces and are able to survive in space through adaptation and evolution. They are the most physically-focused race of the three.

    The Terran represent Soul. Now a question here is... what is the soul? To me, it means personality and the will to survive. It's beyond the mind and body in that it's an ideal, the Human Spirit. And this is what Terrans completely represent here. Terrans are pure attitude. Without the Soul there would be no personality, and that's exactly what the Protoss and Zerg lack. The Terrans have that kick-ass mentality, that nothing should stop in our way even if they're better than us in one way or another.

    So in that sense, I think many of the SC2 units are very iconic of this attitude. Siege tanks with massive damage. Battlecruisers with Yamato. Marines and stim for maximum offense. Terrans are recklessly effective. Perhaps not the most practical or efficient, but they are effective (ie. massive splash damage that kills enemies, but also can hurt your own troops). If there's any new Terran unit, I think it needs to keep this sort of risk-for-reward mentality.
  12. Cotcan

    Cotcan New Member

    Aug 11, 2008
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    Well the terrans are fighting to get back their planets. Then once they do they would rebuild the Terran Dominion. That's why the UED was sent out. To fix the Terran Dominion. Plus the zerg, and protoss threat them.

    The terran really need a cheap fighter that does air to air. I guess the Viking fits it a little. But, it is mostly for base attacks, and defence. It doesn't do so well in the air. They need the wrath back. It was a good air to air fighter. Or something like it.
  13. Panzer28

    Panzer28 New Member

    Aug 30, 2008
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    I really don't see the Wraith fitting in with Starcraft 2. From what I've seen the Viking fits the air to air role pretty well. The Banshee already has a cloaking device.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2008
  14. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    What Terran definitely needs is a good AtA unit. The Viking might already be that, but I am not sure it will pack the punch that's expected from it. For instance, it got great mobility thanks to transform, but that will have negative effects on the general stats of the unit. If Vikings couldn't transform and always where in fighter-mode, they would get more health and/or AtA damage and/or speed (etc), right?
    Therefore I think it's important to not let transform interfere even more with the Viking's AA capabilities, which means that Vikings definitely should be able to shoot GtA. (I am not sure whether they do or not in the current build)

    Vikings also do (or did?) extra damage vs light with their GtG gatlings, and that's just horrible. The bonus should only be there to create more strategies (and perhaps it was...), but it should be rather miniscule. What's the point of it anyway? By increasing the GtG stats, other stats suffer. It should instead do very poor GtG damage (no matter how cool the gatlingcannons are :p) so that its AtA damage and bonuses can be slightly increased. It's not like you need that damage that badly anyway. If you want GtG damage that does bonus damage vs light you get Reapers instead. Karune said before that they are one of the fastest units in the game. Add in the fact that they can traverse cliffs.
  15. Triceron

    Triceron New Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    I beg to differ wtih the Viking comment that it should have weak GTG so it can be better ATA.

    It can be both effective GTG and ATA without being weak in either field. The reason for this is because it has to be in one mode or the other to reap the benefits, not both. If it was Goliath 2.0, then yes I would agree that it should be one of the other, but the fact is when on the ground it can't shoot air, and when in the air it can't shoot ground. This is a huge vulnerability against strong ATA and pure GTG units like Phoenix and Siege Tanks.

    On the ground they are meant to be anti-infantry, and if they had a weak attack there would be absolutely no reason you would use them in robot form other than to run away from ATA counters...
  16. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    If the Viking can't shoot air from the ground then it's trading a lot of AA firepower for the transform ability. That's bad for what's supposed to be the standard Terran fighter jet. (although focus is on countering armored air units) I don't care much if the Vikings raiding abilities are hurt if the GtG attack is slightly lowered. We need the Viking for AA. Banshees, Reapers and Hellions can rape workers to oblivion well without them.

    Do we really need them for that? I think Reapers, Hellions and Marines suffice.

    Is that such a bad reason? That would make it an excellent air unit. And if they could shoot GtA, they would not just be running away but strategically fighting. And I don't mean the GtG attack to be so weak it's unusable. Think Goliath. Its ground attack was weak but could still come to use. And the Viking would still be much more than that due to transform. It wouldn't be less useful that the Goliath.

    I thought it was ok for the Viking to be an allround fighter back when it was tier 2, made from the Factory without any other requirements.
    But now it's tier 3, made from the Starport. We don't need another allround tier 3 unit (I am reffering to the BC which doesn't really hardcounter anything but just brings a lot of firepower and hp). What we need is a hardcounter for all the annoying air units that aren't light.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2008
  17. Cotcan

    Cotcan New Member

    Aug 11, 2008
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    The viking is a annoying unit against enemies. Like the protoss, or the zerg. The best unit that does well in the air is the bc. But its not that buff, and can be dostroied fast. The terran could be easly taken out with protoss air power. We need another air unit. Like the banshee, but for air. They will mostly like have one in the expanison, if not sc2. Better hope you good anti air stuff at your base. Like good missile turrets. The protoss currently have the best air power. The zerg with the best ground power. Then terran somewhere in the middle, but closer to ground power. Better call in some marines.
  18. cohnee

    cohnee New Member

    Nov 20, 2007
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    Viking a Tier 3 unit? Not sure where thats come from. Yes it has to be built at the Starport, but the tech tree goes: CC -> Barracks -> Factory -> Starport. No other prerequisite buildings required. As far I know, the Viking doesn't need the techlab either.

    I don't think the Terrans need a dedicated AtA unit. Hordes of Vikings plus BC with Missile Barrage fill the role nicely.

    GtA is where I think the problem lies. Currently with have Marines, and possibly the Thor. I don't think the Thor should be the only other Terran GtA unit (though I do think it should have a GtA attack). The Cobra did this role quite nicely, and its the first unit I've felt definitely shouldn't of been cut.
  19. overmind

    overmind Active Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    i thought the cobra was just GtG?

    anyway missle barrage helps terran anti air, but will probably see them spammed even more.
  20. Zerks

    Zerks New Member

    Sep 7, 2008
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    the Terran did just fine in the starcraft vanilla without a medic...

    Thor as the good ground to air unit seems not the best choice, its a late game unit so this means you dont get an anti-air unit until late game.....when i think about it though it becomes hard to choose what unit to take out for a gruond-to-air unit.... mechanized unit was my frist thought, but we have the 3 spaces filled.
