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What does the terran army still need?

Discussion in 'Terran' started by DKutrovsky, Jun 16, 2008.

What does the terran army still need?

Discussion in 'Terran' started by DKutrovsky, Jun 16, 2008.

  1. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    ^ agree. the cobra was actually a good concept it needed only a darker appearance and meatier casing.
  2. Smokiehunter

    Smokiehunter New Member

    Aug 5, 2007
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    The problem with having the medic not be organic is that it makes them impossible to heal themselves making them easy focus fire targets and no good at their job support
  3. Redlazer

    Redlazer New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    Marauders provide Marines with enough support early game to the point where you can get by without Medics. The Medivac Dropship makes use of the healing mechanic later in the game, for more applications than previously. It's a win-win situation if you ask me.

    Now, the real problem, if you ask me, is the Thor and Jackal issue. Both these units havn't really found thier niche yet.

    I say give the Jackal the Cobra's old Railgun & the ability to attack while moving, and then make the Thor a low-moderate ranged unit with massive flamethrowers or napalm or somthing. Come on, a massive fireball shooting robot is pretty badass if you ask me.

    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Does the Comsat Station still exist. I don't think so. But think scanning an area in the battlefield should get back. Else Blizzard maybe thinks that the Sensor tower is already a good option.
  5. sc.rew

    sc.rew New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    The surveillance station upgrade for the command center has the comsat sweep ability.
  6. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    I dont agree on the lack of medics. The strenght of the marine/medic combo early game was that you could stim pack your marines and still have them at full health via the medics, thus making their firepower double trouble.

    It wasnt the fact that the medics healed as much during the fight as much as healing through the stimpack. Without medics early game you every marine would be worth one stim pack which in some cases isnt even a battle because people will try wait our your stimpack.

    Have you ever tried to use marines without stimpack? They suck balls to put it bluntly.

    As far as the Jackal goes, i see no potential use for it in its current state. I would like to see it support siege tanks in some way, perphaps an AoE slowing attack with low damage? Much like marauders support marines.

    As far as the Thor goes, i've thought of him of a damage sponge and i think they should make him a close range fighter that will have the ability to fight zealots/immortals and to fight under dark swarm. Im still not certain what kind of attack he would use, but flamethrowers make it too cartoony.
  7. HatoXanadu

    HatoXanadu New Member

    Jul 19, 2008
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    I would actually really love it if they brought back the medic. I don't like the idea of the Medivac for some reason.
  8. DarkSonicDX

    DarkSonicDX New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    I think Terrans just need some plasma energy weapons like the ones of Covenant in Halo XD their weapons is really overheating on fleshes.
  9. HatoXanadu

    HatoXanadu New Member

    Jul 19, 2008
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    The terran army needs a monkey unit.
  10. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    So much for balancing had made Terran really the hardest to modify among the 3.. When we say Protoss we mean quality, when we say Zerg its of quantity. But have we ever classified Terran as being any of those till now?? I wouldn't say they're composed of mediocre units, but somehow they play in an area where one must co-op the balance between firepower and mobility. Its absolutely the race with the toughest defense if played well and also possibly one of the hardest to hit when well built but what troubles everyone is on how to execute that process..

    So in regards with what does the terran need we should 1st answer the question if do they really need something else? If we look at it, they have all the resources to spare to be what they can be, considering their superior innate greed for power compared to the other 2 races. The way I see it they probably just need modifications with roles that will not overlap with other units of theirs, and would not be an equivalent of the other races unit type.

    If you're still wandering whats the Terran about, its ADAPTABILITY. And that will always be what the Terrans game-play will be.

    TRIVIA: Ever imagined on what if the Protoss where highly sexually active? Is it protoss invasion?
  11. DarkSonicDX

    DarkSonicDX New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    The most surprising thing is Terrans had a lot of Factions in them like the Sons of Korhal,Kel Morian Combine,Raynor Raiders and heck! UED! lol i wonder if they will make their appearance in SC2.

    Sons of Korhal and other Terran factions has the greed for power.Raynor Raiders just hoping to get their combat status up and running, um.....doing something to help to the Protoss once again.UED just wants to protect Earth and wat else.
    I also must say that the Zerg are greedy for power like evolutions,cell mutations upgrades and well...world destruction?

    Protoss is the most strongest,world best peaceful and dominators of war.Thought they just want their lands not world domination.I envy Protoss for their peaceful and not evil minds.Thought the Dark Templar is something else i was hoping for.
    TRIVIA?:I dont think they r sexually active.And no Protoss Invasions.

    1 more thing:Terrans needs more heating weapons,hyper flaming weapons and flanking capabilities.Thats all they need,oh and really good defensive capabilities.Oh well thats all. :p
  12. Debono_L

    Debono_L New Member

    Aug 2, 2008
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    VIC, Australia

    The Kel-Morian Combine is gearing up for a war against the Terran Dominion in SC2.
    Jim still leads his group 'Raynor's Raiders' and the player will controll them in the Terran Campaign. The UED make no attempt to re-enter the sector, but there are 2 under-strength battalions of UED forces that have survived the Brood War and you'll come across them during the campaign.

    And of course theres still countless pirates, militia forces, contract security companies, mercs, coalitions, terrorists, etc etc.. a whole bunch of reasons for Terrans to continue to fight eachother.
  13. LordofAngels

    LordofAngels New Member

    Aug 14, 2007
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    .... the whole Terrans fighting each other is absolutely humorous to me... it isn't like they don't have alien race to worry about...

    Anyhow, back to the subject, I would like to say that Medvac is kind of odd... and I don't know WHY in the world would Blizzard take out medic.....
    I mean really... the whole, "Let us use infantry instead of strong air fighters!" isn't going to work if they don't have active healers. And to top it off, Medvacs cannot heal each other. They have to constantly deal with anti-air or air-to-air fighters on the go.

    Dropships in the past already brought up a lot of fuss because they could potentially carry siege tanks. Now you KNOW that they are carrying some group of infantry at least... and they will always be shot down.

    Going back to what I said about Air superiority.... I can imagine Medvacs ONLY in cases where air is dominated by Terrans. However, I am really don't think that will EVER happen in the game unless somehow it became TvT or Someone with heck of an experience with Micro is controlling Terran. Battlecruisers can only DO so much.... and even with that anti-air installment that I think I heard from some random announcements, they are very easy targets if other races masses up their fighters. Terrans simply don't have enough air units to utilize Medvacs.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm sure good players will take advantage of extreme Terran Infantries and set up walls of Marines to defend their Medvacs. And I'm also sure that the reason that Thors are not scapped yet is because they serve such good anti-air role. But.... I don't see how Terrans will get through without their aerial support like they used to have...

    Back in BroodWar and in SC1, Terrans had THE most superior air units. Once Valkeries came out, nobody even tried to go air. Because of Wraths, there was no Massive Carrier army. Because of Goliaths, there was no massing of Guardians... and such and such. Once starport was built, Air superiority ALWAYS went to Terrans and BECAUSE of that, all the neat drops were possible.

    Now, I can tell why Blizzard incorporated Medvacs..... Marines towards late tier usually does nothing but sit around in the base, if not all obsolete and swapped for tanks and such. And also... these new infantries, like Maudurs[forgive me for spelling] and Thaurous[or something... i'm sure I misspelled it] can come in handy for heavy ambush that can replace tanks in drop ambushes. BUT what good does that do when Terrans don't have air to defend their precious dropships?

    To summarize, Terrans need either of the following:

    >>Medic: they need it back.... no amount of "Medvacs" will do any good
    >>Air Superiority Fighter: Like Predators.... or something..... we can make Vikings have better damage to light armored units in flight mode for all I care!
    >>Escorts: I heard that Carriers got new escort ability in exchange for 4 extra intercepters.... maybe something along lines of that for Medvacs? Maybe like.... guidance rockets that Medvacs can make that takes either hits or attacks whichever air unit it is close to? I don't know.... but Medvacs needs escorts.
    >>Infantry Support via inside ship?: Well, I think this isn't far from reality when I say Marines should be able to atk from inside the Medvac. It would make Medvacs not only healing unit, but will also make Medvacs neat moderate attacker. That itself should make Medvacs be used more often. Used with banshees and BC for extreme air raid. Heck, it can fill in air-2-air combat spot too. And it will make infantries inside for healing do something... so there wont' be a spot for enemies to get in...

    I personally like attack from Medvacs idea..... I can't believe I came up with it lol
  14. aem1

    aem1 New Member

    Jul 21, 2008
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    throwin out my idea for months..

    i have in mind that they bring back the regular medic for early game, than in late game these medics can board medivacs enabling the medivac to heal multple units from above. i say a max. of 2 medics per medivac. enabling the heal of 3 units at a time
  15. LordofAngels

    LordofAngels New Member

    Aug 14, 2007
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    You know.... I think that's kinda.... off.... the whole medvac idea. If that ability is less than that of Medvacs right now, then why use it to begin with? Having ONE medic board that heals all biological units gradually is what I THINK Medivacs do..... if that isn't it...... why waste space of transport for something else? Kinda useless ability, especially in late tier where most infantries are probably useless to begin with.
  16. Saracen

    Saracen New Member

    Jul 29, 2008
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    if BLIZZARD doesnt bring in the MEDIC.. the terrans are screwed... one thing i'll miss is the PARASITE ability by the previous flying queen which I adore... if that was there, the medic could remove the parasite, but with the GROUNDED queen this all changed...
  17. LordofAngels

    LordofAngels New Member

    Aug 14, 2007
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    There's always that, isn't there?
    But even without medics, Formal Terrans could do AWESOME because of their amazing air units.....

    I'm sure they will still manage with very unique mech units, but......only when Thor comes back to almighty unit like Mothership
  18. aem1

    aem1 New Member

    Jul 21, 2008
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    i stil think that the terrans need a dedicated air unit, or even a capital ship, or even the drop pods.

    above all i want the medic
  19. PancakeChef

    PancakeChef New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    I think the Battle Cruiser is a decent enough capital ship for the Terran and the Viking could be good anti air unit if balanced right.

    You also have to remember that the Terran are about versatility and adaptation and they reflect that in their units. So they may not have a unit dedicated for one single thing in the sense of units like the Protoss and Zerg have.

    However, that doesn't mean any of the Terran units won't be effective in any means.
  20. Saracen

    Saracen New Member

    Jul 29, 2008
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    at the end of the day, they need ... females, they need a medic chic... otherwise its sexist isn't it?