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What do you think of the Zerg?

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Seradin, Mar 10, 2008.


What do you think about the Zerg at there current stage?

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What do you think of the Zerg?

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Seradin, Mar 10, 2008.

  1. Wlck742

    Wlck742 New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    In your head

    1. Queens. Amazing and unique unit. No other race has something like this. Just great.
    2. MOST unit and building models. Spawning Pool in particular looks stunning (in a grotesque way) with the green pools, as does the Hatchery/Lair/Hive.
    3. Ultralisk burrow. When I first read about this I thought it worthy of a legend. Period.
    4. Overlord changes. I like how they gave it an attack and the creep spawning ability. I also like their ability to neutralize resource gathering operations and observatories, whatever that means.
    5. Infestation. Much more useful than before. Might actually be used in games now.


    1. Roach. Like others have pointed out, this is one crap name. It doesn't fit at all with the rest of the Zerg. I like the old names better like Hydralisk. The Infester's name's okay, kind of a spiritual successor to the Defiler, but Corrupter needs some work. Corrupter and Roach are both boring names.
    2. Roach's attack animation looks clumsy and awkward. The Infester's model needs some work. Other than that it's fine.

    I'm sure Blizzard will be polishing things up a lot more as it progresses.

    4/5. For now.
  2. furrer

    furrer New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    I think the Roach will get cut, its a mix of a ultra and a ling isnt it? What role does it have?
  3. AcE_01

    AcE_01 Active Member

    Aug 1, 2007
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    zerg are not OP...well maybe...
    but zerg get raped so hard at the beggining...if u watch that video where the koreans was playing.

    anywayz i gave 4. they are not perfect yet =]
  4. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Zergling. Amazing model! Perfect. Zerg just wouldn't be Zerg without them.
    Hydralisk. I'm disappointedly with this model. It's arms look too thin and breakable, the eyes look like headlights, the crest and skin is too busy, the mandibles don't fit the face and its claws look too cumbersome. Also, they look horrid when they're burrowed. They were so iconic in StarCraft1, but now, they don't even suit the rest of the Zerg army. It's an essential unit for the Zerg, but seriously needs to be remodelled.
    Lurker. I love this model. I'm surprised to see that so many people have a problem with it. There are only two things that I think might need to be tweaked a bit. Firstly the eyes look very weird and out of place, and secondly, it looks too top heavy.
    Mutalisk. Lovely model. Great improvement from an already fantastic model. Like the Zergling, Zerg wouldn't be Zerg without it.
    Ultralisk. I'm not too pleased with this model. It looks very intimidating, but the headplate is oversized and the body looks to rigid and mechanical, especially the blades. It should look more natural and free instead of looking like a robot in an Ultralisk's skin.
    Queen. Looked absolutely amazing from a distance, but upon closer inspection I realised that it looked quite humanoid. The torso, shoulders and forearms might need to be tweaked a bit, but otherwise, and seeing as people will most often be viewing them from the normal game view, not extreme close-ups, it's a fantastic unit.
    Overlord. I'm taken away by this unit. It looks absolutely stunning. Some people have a problem with the orbs on either side, and they do look a bit funny from some angles, but it's simply and amazing design. I'd hate to upgrade these into Overseers which, from what I've seen, look pretty horrid. It'd be a waste of a great model.
    Roach. The blades look very odd, especially when they're attacking. It's a fantastic concept behind the unit, and the model isn't that bad. A few minor changes may be needed, but that's it.
    Baneling. I loved it when I saw that these had normal heads and legs, etc. I assumed this meant that they would no longer roll, but apparently this isn't the case. It'd be a great unit if they'd only get rid of the rolling.
    Infestor. Absolutely horrible. Doesn't suit the Zerg at all and looks extremely ugly. Its attack animation/projectile is just as bad. It's a much needed concept, but it should look more like a Defiler, thin, serpentine and creepy, not fat, bulbous and podgy, especially seeing as it can travel while Burrowed.
    Corruptor. Another stunning unit. It looks amazing. The concept of it Corrupting units makes me a bit uneasy, especially with next to no information available on it, but the model itself looks wonderful.
    Infested Marine. Yet another amazing unit. It looks much more menacing than in StarCraft1, and I love how it actually uses normal ammunition instead of the Suicide attack of StarCraft1 and the Infested ammunition of what would have been in StarCraft:Ghost.
    Swarm Guardian. Hasn't been sighted yet, will almost definitely be a replica of the old Guardian.
  5. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    My three cents on looks

    Drone - It looks almost just like the old one, which is great, but I can't get rid of feeling that something's wrong with it.

    Overlord - It'd be perfect remake of the one from sc1 if not for the orbs, that's the only complain but a big one from me

    Overseer - The fact that you have to sacrifice your beautiful Overlords for this abomination only adds to sins of this disgustings beholder. We haven't seen much, but what we have seen is UGLY.

    Queen - I agree with what Itza said here. It's an amazing unit from distance. Her attack animation looks great too. One thing to note is that the only thing it shares with the original queen is name and the web around her body.

    Zergling - Why wings? If they at least added something other than graphical change, it'd be understandable. I agree though, this is one of the units that make Zerg

    Baneling - I don't really see what's wrong with rolling, personally I like it the way it is now.

    Hydralisk - I don't really see all the details on it, but there are some things that could be changed. The crest seems too big and overdone but it looks like that's where Blizzard wants to go with it for some reason (lurker, ultra have these too). Eyes shouldn't be as visible, but I don't think they will be noticable during game when everything moves. (We're talking Zerg here, they move) Mandibles stick out way too much, they should only be really visible when Hydralisk is screaming. Or taunting enemies to death ;) I don't see that as a flaw though, since it's obvious to me that the animation will be there, just isn't yet. Last thing is the claws, I really don't like that they made multiple claws sticking out from one limb. It's much better with just one long deadly claw per "hand" imo

    Lurker - I join the hate club here, imo it doesn't resemble the old one and I don't like it, especially the bulky head. It's way too big and bulky.

    Ultralisk - It could use some makeup, but overall not a bad unit. The crest definately changed from original, but at least they fixed the dots and it isn't yellow anymore. Still, it feels like it's bigger than the rest of it's body which isn't good. And there's the horn...

    Infestor - No need to even comment on that. It's ugly, it's infesting animation is ugly and it's name sucks. Just bring back defiler and give him the new abilities if that's what innovation resutls in.

    Mutalisk - It's muta, in 3D, what more to want here?

    Corruptor - This one may look a bit out of place among Zerg, but definately isn't a bad concept. I love the way it moves, but it's corrupting projectile could be better. Also - name.
  6. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    You left out the Infested Marine and Roach.
    The Drones do look a bit out of sorts. I think they might be a bit ovular and the mandibles are a bit wrong, can't put my finger on what it is though. Also their head looks as though it's a skull which is really strange. It's not that it's a bad model, but compared to the complexity of other models, they need a touch up.
    I'm really against rolling. It should just walk along normally like the swollen tick that it is. I don't see why anything would evolve to roll, especially when filled with explosive liquids.
    I'm with you on the Hydralisk. You're right that the Zerg seem to have a crest or headpiece theme to them, I hadn't really picked up on that trend. The problem with the Hydralisk's crest is that it's completely different to that of the other units. The others are fairly broad and wide, but the Hydralisk's crest is thin, has multiple plates across it and is multicoloured.
    I guess that the Lurkers head could be shrunk a bit, but I still think it's a good design.
  7. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    I did it on purpose :p
    I don't really see difference between old and new infested marine, but then again I haven't seen much of either. Of course there's the gunning thing, which is cool, but will they still explode on contact? Or was this taken out because banelings do that now?

    And Roach, I don't think the name is that bad, after all it's terran who name them, so it doesn't have to be actual creature from Earth. It's smal, it's annyoing, it's ugly and it's damn hard to kill off. Roaches anyone? Still I would prefer some more zerg name, like the lisk/ling things. Roachlisk would be horrible though
    I'm not too thrilled about the looks either. I did confuse it with lurker at first, which is bad news for both of them. The model isn't all that bad (like infestor), but the blades are out of place

    Happy now?
  8. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Quite. :D
    I'm fairly sure that Infested Marines cannot explode any more. It'd be kinda lame if they could, what with the Baneling and everything. No-one would go to the trouble of Infesting a building so that they can get explosive Infested Marines when they could just evolve some Zerglings.
    Good thinking on the name 'Roach'. A few people have expressed a dislike to it. I'm not thrilled by looks either, but I'm not disappointed. I don't think it's that bad that they look similar because it'd make the Zerg look more uniform as a whole (no thanks to Infestor, Overseer and Hydralisk), but a bit more differentiation wouldn't go astray. The main thing I like about it is the concept behind it. A medium sized melee Zerg unit with an exceptional regeneration rate.
  9. afterburner

    afterburner New Member

    Sep 26, 2007
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    I love how the zerg buildings have those wiggly tongue things! They make the buildings seem very alive and almost goffily-retarded in a very cool, slithery and don't mess with me kind of way. It would be awesome if those tongue things would grab marines if they got too close, and also zealots and other small units as a kind of planetary defense fortress type thing, but for zergs...I would imagine the animation would also look cool.

    The Corruptors are a very clear rip off from Matrix's Sentinels, but I love them still ! The way they move is sexy yo - definitely look like you don't want to mess with them (the screenshots don't do them justice). My imagination is running wild here, but I can imagine these things coming down to ground level and squeezing the poop out of small units with those testicles.

    The Lurkers are great too. Although I do think that the attack animation should change from shark-fin-spikes, to something more pointy, and aggressive-looking. Maybe like a three in one spikes per spike (two smaller spikes on each), and a slightly bigger spike at the very end, thats gonna say BOOYA, you got PWNED.

    The Roach is an awesome unit, except for the fact that its way to similar-looking to the Lurker - change the look and it will be great. Primarily, the crabby legs, as thats what makes it similar to the Lurker.

    The Ultralisk. To quote a Japanese school girl "OMGZ OMGZ", or is that an American school girl? This thing is BEASTLY. The attack animation is disgusting <---in a good way. I want to have one of these in my back yard yo. When I saw them unburrow and destroy those marines, I was like: "Now THATS what I'm talking about!"

    The Zergling. I mean, their tails wiggle, it doesn't get any better than that.

    The Baneling. Very naaaaice.

    The Hydralisk. A little below par, to tell you the truth. Why? You know how the Hydralisk has that 'thing' that extends from its head - like a flat shield-type thing...THATS great, BUT, the thing thats right behind it, the thing thats on top on the snake body (legs?), makes the Hydralisk look somewhat strange in a fat kind of way. Meaning that area behind its head is too busy. If it were up to me, I'd remove some of that.

    The Mutalisk is great. Really like how they glide from time to time. Looked like Savior had trouble microing them though, but that should be sorted out.

    The Queen. Looking forward to this new defense system. But can one queen handle 4 expos and a main? Is it at all possible to give the player an option to build another queen for every additional hive(highest hatchery)? Maybe add that you need an extra building besides the hive for the extra Queen. One Queen seems a bit thin in terms of defending a base, especially with simultaneous attacks on multiple bases. Other than that, the attack animation made me cream my pants.

    The Drone. They move so smoothly, I thought they were some kind of gliders. Fits very nicely with the zerg...looks like larvae, plus some additional ribs, connected with bat wing membrane. Looks good. I'm a mutant myself, so I give it three thumbs up, plus two on my legs. (Feet?)

    The Infestor. Again with the crab legs that are too similar to that of the Roach, while the Roach is too similar to legs of the Lurker. I suggest modifying the Roach, and since the Lurker and the Infestor are too different look-wise, things will be just fine. The infestation animaion is a lot of...poop? I dont have a way to improve this...except maybe.....Shoot a goo-filled capsule above the building....that then explodes in a sticky film kind of way, covering the whole building. You remember how the guys(smuggler alien running a watch shop) head exploded in MEN IN BLACK, when he got shot by that shrink gun? Kind of like that...And MAYBE, maybe....there could be a little bit of Super Mario Brothers fungus in there...remember that foam/fungus that grew everywhere? YAAA....mix some of that in there.

    Infested Marine. Good stuff, very mutant-looking. actually, remember the Stargate Atlantis episode, where the replicators take over the human body of some dude...and hes all poking out with metal...kind of reminded me of that, but more organic, if you know what I mean. Seems that they produce too fast though.

    The Overlord. yyyaaaAAAAaarrrrr. :) Shame that they no longer transport.

    The Overseer. Don't know, haven't seen it.

    Nydus Worm. I think its good based on what I've seen, which is not much, in terms of loading units in etc...Can Ultralisks fit in there?
  10. MarineCorp

    MarineCorp New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    Near yet far from being complete and its very amazing how good they are at their current state already :D
  11. EonMaster

    EonMaster Eeveelution Master

    Oct 9, 2007
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    I am very impressed with what Blizzard has done with the Zerg.

    -The queen is an excellent unit, much better than the original. Her abilities make the Zerg's defence much different from the others
    -infestation is much more useful now and will actually be used in regular games.
    -new ultra can burrow and has a AoE attack. It's a much more intimidating unit now.
    -new overlord can create creep. Unforutnately it has to upgrade to have detection.
    -nydus worm is excellent. The animation when it surfaces is just purely intimidating and is cloaked when moving around the map.

    -new unit names. Corrupter and infestor sound too obvious and are uncreative.
    -infestor has an ugly design.
    -lurker is decent, but it's design looked better in sc1 and it looks too top heavy.
    -zerg are vulnerable early game without the sunkern. The queen can help, but it is vulnerable until it evolves.
  12. Darth_Bane

    Darth_Bane Moderator

    Sep 1, 2007
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    I agree wit Aeon on this one I gave it a 4 because almost all of them are uber cool looking accept a few. The gameplay at begining is HORRIBLE!!! The Protoss are better at their beginings and THAT is a bad sign right there Blizzard. Also I DO like the cinematic HD video I downloaded from Fileplanet and well its just scary when you have 40" LCD screen and really good suround sound. LOL we all know how hard its gona be purging this foul blight from the stars once again. But it sure is gona be fun getting down and dirty again with my old psi blades. Haven't hade Hydra in a while mmm.

    Edited out quotes. Please read the forum rules and refrain from quoting unnecessarily.
  13. Gforce

    Gforce New Member

    Jul 29, 2007
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    I agree with Eon's assesmet as well.
  14. Inside Sin

    Inside Sin Active Member

    May 29, 2007
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    4 - Well done blizzard.

    Wheres the unit that has things really small, like intercepters floating around, like the Crypt Lord, though.
  15. Gforce

    Gforce New Member

    Jul 29, 2007
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    I have no clue what you're talking about. No zerg unit has something like that.
  16. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    I think he's trying to imply that they've left it out, which they haven't because it's not supposed to be there.
  17. furrer

    furrer New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    Darth_Bane Savior made no queen = no base defense = death vs 2 gate protoss. And he didnt use his ubber 300 APM micro.
  18. Gforce

    Gforce New Member

    Jul 29, 2007
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    okay where did that come from?
  19. furrer

    furrer New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    5-6 posts above mine.
  20. Gforce

    Gforce New Member

    Jul 29, 2007
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    didn't see that, nm then.