Use Map Settings (UMS)

Discussion in 'StarCraft Original' started by UchihaItachi0129, Jun 19, 2007.

Use Map Settings (UMS)

Discussion in 'StarCraft Original' started by UchihaItachi0129, Jun 19, 2007.

  1. JudasXPriest

    JudasXPriest New Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    Lol. Ill try them i guess. but that "Zombie Attack in Space" map was really fun and i enjoyed it alot ><
  2. JBL

    JBL New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    I lol'd :)

    nah trust me i'm not pathetic at all with my experimental maps.. that was a few years ago.. and that lead me to music production which is soooo awesome and far from being hypocritical nerdish.. lol
    I didn't know you lived in 1995..
  3. FlyingTiger

    FlyingTiger New Member

    Jun 15, 2007
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    Tower D was by far my favorite UMS. Sunken D and Photon D are great too. Boy you can tell how I love having a good defense when I play real games. ^_^

    Oh yea and that Paintball game was fun to. (I think that's what its called... its like capture the flag where you can pick a unit by moving a civilian into a green installation doodad)
  4. JBL

    JBL New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    there are more than one type of sunken D and photon D..

    imo.. most of the tower D are boring because of the lack of strategy.....

    I like photons when they are stacked + crystalized and the map at 2x speed.. it's not easy to trigger these.. but it looks so damn cool.. i remember doing a defense using this.. but i never finished it..

    the problem with starcraft map making is. no matter how much time you waste on a map.. the reward will be pretty close to nothing.. and no one will ever play your map.. even if it's much better than the played ones... pubs only play crappy maps..

    that's why i stoped making maps.. it's a total waste of time.
  5. PowerkickasS

    PowerkickasS New Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    just like playing games? it's a total waste of time....then again having fun isnt a total waste of time because that is what life is really about. so people making maps = having fun so it wasnt a waste of time for most people ^_^ (at least not till they get tired of it or realise what you have realised)
  6. JBL

    JBL New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    playing games is far from being a total waste of time..

    1st: playing games is fun
    2nd: beating a challenging game is rewarding
    3rd: owning at multiplayer is priceless

    even if I don't play much anymore, I still think playing games isn't a waste of time..

    the thing is.. map making has none of these..

    copying the same trigger for like 3-4 hours in a row because your map is so fucking elite isn't fun at all..

    and even if you acheieve (spelling?) something uber 1337 in map making, no one will ever know and no one will ever be like: "wow this is cool" even in the map making community..

    this is my point.. map making is a total waste of time. I know what I'm talking about.. if you are into creation.. make something else.. (art: painting, music, drawing, design, etc.. u know what i mean) it will be much more rewarding
  7. PowerkickasS

    PowerkickasS New Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    as i explained before, until mapmakers realise what you have realised about mapmaking, they will continue ENJOY MAPMAKING. why do you think they still do it!? cause it's fun!
    by saying that mapmaking is a waste of time you're also hinting that playing games is also a waste of time unless you earn something from it. i know their a waste of time and at the same time they arent from different perspectives of approach, but right now im saying you're contradicting yourself

    screw it im tired of all the arguing on this forum....

    for once since my transformation, i grow tired of the slaughtering
  8. JBL

    JBL New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    as an ex-gamer.. I can assure you that you earn a lot from gaming.. which makes it much different that map making..

    making a map and playing the game with someone are 2 different things.. playing is pure fun.. while making the map has many fun parts and many parts that just CAN'T be fun.. duplicating triggers and stuff like this isn't fun..

    map making can be fun.. but don't waste days on a map because you won't ever be satisfied with it's popularity or w/e..

    it's ok to make maps.. sometimes i still feel like i want to make a map.. but then i remember than my time worth more....

    simply talking about triggers and answering questions to help others about map making worths much more to me than making a map...

    also.. if I could enter in a project where I can work on balancing, conception and trigger designing the map without having to load the map in an editor.. I would enjoy this...
  9. paragon

    paragon Guest

    I made the original World of WarCraft RPG for WC3. Tens of thousands of people played it. I personally did not like the map and thought I could have done more with it but I had grown tired of it and released it. This was before the further advancements in TFT's editor so no custom spells. Someone even stole the map and slapped their name on it but it was so recognizable as being my map that people would tell him it wasn't his and he personally apologized to me. My screenname at that time was yoda_24
    I am not saying this to tell you that I am a great map maker. I am telling you this so that you understand the full impact of what I am about to say.
    Map making is not fun and carries no reward with it.

    I will probably only make one map for SC2. It will be a micro arena with two modes. One will be where you choose your army and have a set supply limit then you battle against the other players one at a time until there is an ultimate winner. The other will be where you have the same army and it changes each round but with the same battle system until there is one champion. It will be played because people love micro arenas. It will be the epitome of micro arenas and there will be no need for another one to be made.
  10. WaterGolem

    WaterGolem New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    Hey all...umm I never really had a very good internet connection when i was playing starcraft, so can someone tell me what the micro arena maps are? Like, what's the concept?

    @ Paragon: I read that last post, but I'm not really sure what they me a noob or whatever, but hey
  11. PowerkickasS

    PowerkickasS New Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    are you using xtra's free modem?
  12. paragon

    paragon Guest

    you get a small amount of units and you have to beat the other player by using better micro skills. There are two types. One has the same units for each player and requires pure micro skill. The other has a food limit and any units you want (i will probably have three setting for this one being all players one race, one being all units you choose from one race, and one being whatever combination of units you want). This type requires a combination of micro and unit balance.
  13. Lemonparty

    Lemonparty New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    I've always played WC3 for UMS, the graphics are just better and most of the games are funnier.
    Now if only people could stop playing ''fastest map ever'' and play some real games with real maps, I'd be happy.
  14. JBL

    JBL New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    there was a major flaw in all the stuff i said.. I was saying "map making" instead of "starcraft map making"

    since wc3 ums is much more popular.. map making might worth the time there if you really have tallent..

    I know..

    This is a friggen good idea.. it will be a popular map.. don't waste your time with a map that won't be popular.. that's how it works.. and u got it.

    other ones will be made simply because the first one ever made will get old.. unless you keep balancing, updating and improving it.. just like dota.. the thing is.. in dota they can always add items and heroes.. and theres not that much room for improvement in a micro map.. but u could just add more modes and ways of playing it..

    theres a map like what you stated for starcraft.. but i don't remember the name.. it's somehting like.. micro tourney..

    also.. you should play uberena for starcraft 1... its full of good ideas on how to design the playability of your map.. (the way you spawn units.. etc)

    uberena is like tma but.. 100x time better.
  15. paragon

    paragon Guest

    I'll check it out.
    There was one micro arena in WC3 that, with the permission of the original creator who no longer wanted to work on it, I improved a lot with some of the ideas I will be implementing in this one.
    To keep it fresh I'll probably add more unit combinations every so often for the mode where everyone has the same units. Then of course when the expansion is released I'll update it.
    I'm sure others will be made but hopefully not as popular. I'll just have mine be the best one.
  16. JBL

    JBL New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    YOu don't want to do this.

    this is mainly why you gotta play uberena at least once.. don't turn your map in a cheezy tma... go play uberena and you will understand why it's teh uber 1337. and then you can do the same (not copy it.. but I mean.. use the same method for unit selection...) for your map.

    ok now about the other maps.. if the hardcore mappers i used to chill with on starts making map for sc2.. you will have a lot of competition.. thats without the uber1337 wc3 map makers..

    anyway.. good luck with this.. it's the best map making project i've heard in a while.
  17. paragon

    paragon Guest

    I don't want to do what? I'll have to wait a bit before I'll be able to play either of those maps.

    That group would include me.
  18. JBL

    JBL New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Oh yeah I should have explained..

    I think what you are doing is like..when you choose your units.. you have.. (let's say 10.. I know it's probably more) units pack that are all "balanced".. there would be like.. maybe.. idk.. (please ignore how unbalanced my examples are.. i suck) 6 marines and 2 medics, 10 zerglings, 4 zealots, 1 lurker, 2 hydras... and so on.. so you choose your "unit pack" with hmm idk.. a civ who goes over a beacon.. or w/e..

    so I think that's what you are doing.. right?

    now.. the uberena way.. is kinda harder to balance.. but offers much more possibilities..

    you have X mineral.. and you build the units.. that means every play has some buildings to build the units... the units are built instantly and are moved to an area.. when you are ready you unload a ghost (or w/e) out of the bunker (it could be a civ on a beacon again.. im just describing how uberena is) to tell the map you are ready and it sends ur unit pack to the battlefield (its just like tma) and u can use the remaining mineral to do w/e u want.. (build if u got a worker, get interceptors or reavers.. or upgrade ur hydra to lurkers.. etc..) usualy u use all your mineral with units..

    anyway.. the main advantage is that you can make your own customized small army..

    lets say.. 1 hydra, 2 marines, 1 medic and 2 lings..

    this offers much more versatility and playability.. and replay value as well.. and makes it a bit less "rock, paper, scissor"


    Yeah.. I figured.. I mean.. the OTHER uber1337... hehe
  19. paragon

    paragon Guest

    This is how the option where you choose your army would be. This is how it is in the WC3 one that I worked on.
    The other option that will be available is where each player has the same exact units and they have to win using all micro and it cycles through the different groups randomly. At each round you will be able to change the type from one to the other.
  20. JBL

    JBL New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    oh yeah.. ok.. I understand..

    the first time i read.. i mixed both options together.. and i thought it was like the cheezzzzy tma...