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U.S Current Economic Situation

Discussion in 'Clan Empire' started by Can_2, Jun 4, 2009.

U.S Current Economic Situation

Discussion in 'Clan Empire' started by Can_2, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. Shadow[E]

    Shadow[E] Moderator

    May 22, 2008
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    I am not speaking negative towards the government, I am simply implying that they always come out with crap and make a huuuge deal about it when theres nothing in the headlines to bother people. Thats just me. Its not the Government only, its people and media. Not all Media is good media, some are biased to political parties and their agenda's.

    And i will second what you said about global warming, that is WHY i dont believe it. Its just a natural change in the earth and it will pass, but since the global warming thing came around, there have been new business's, new technology and new things for people and jobs created, bad? Maybe not, but I believe its just a lie for people to make money (MARKETING)

    West Nile, Sars, and now swine flu, I will always think it's just overblown. I will bet you anything, next year will be a new virus during the summer months, or some new thing thats killing people. Is it real? Yes, but it's been there WAYYYY before people started to actually notice and care about it.

    Cause lets face it, it used to be
    "You have west Nile"
    "Oh, alright what drugs do I take?"
    "This this and this"

    Now its....

    "You have west nile" DUN DUN DUNNNNN!!! (Audience: GASP!)
    "How long do I have to live?"

    overblown bull$hit
  2. Lombar

    Lombar New Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    Ummm.... you guys know what a reccession is, right?
    cause by the talk of it, it seems you only have some vague ideas...

    Anyways, Ijj, the economy have cycles. Some of the time, the employment line (as in, the economy in general (Im not entirely confortable with economic words in english)) raises, and keeps raising until the point where it gets near the full employment point.
    At this point, everyone is working and everyone has money. Is that good? of course not. If that would ever happen, a total crisis will come in. Why? Money's value (as everything else) decrease when no one wants it/everyone has it. So, If there's a LOT of a currency at a certain point, it'll start to devaluate. This is called Inflation.

    So, what happened to you guys?

    Well, remember all the credits American people are addict to (yeah, addict. you cant spend one second without contracting a loan or charging something into your credit card or making a murgage)? The system crashed. As everything was under a credit, and the money continued to inflate, the prices of what you payed in advanced, suddendly made most of your bussines to lose money (murgages is a diff story).

    Recession is not a conspiracy. Not by far. Is just economic logic. Mmmm.. maybe I wasnt clear enough, but ask me if I got anything wrong, or if you want me to explain why the murgage system got ****ed up
  3. TiNK[E]

    TiNK[E] New Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    Lombar that isnt what inflation is. Inflation comes from the government giving bonds to the central bank for cash. This is how money is created to begin. Inflation comes from the interest rate the central bank adds to this exchange and because the money that was created was Born with interest(a rate that can never be payed back) (because the money does not exist to begin) causes inflation. This process is repeated within the banking system itself, forever devalueing the dollar your nation controles. Having everybody working and making money will definately Increase the money Pool, and obviously inflation will then increase, but that has always gone hand in hand with the monitary system.
    The recession is not in part DUE to the inflation. It is because ultimately banks lended loans to large investment companies and average Joeshmoe's that could not be repaid. Thus the dominoe effect took place on all the worlds economy, esspecailly because so much of the world DEPENDS on the USA's economy and were doing the same thing.
    Maybe I wasnt clear in my earlier posts. I also didnt go very indepth.
  4. Shadow[E]

    Shadow[E] Moderator

    May 22, 2008
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    no u!
  5. Lombar

    Lombar New Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    Buenos Aires
    Lol. Well, you'r wrong. First of all, Inflation does come from where i said earlier (The abbundance of a currency). Here's an extract from the wikipedia.

    The prices of the goods goes up mainly because a rise on the demand, that's basic economy. And the demand goes up because of a rise on the buying power of the population increases. Ergo, Inflation comes because there is too much money running around.

    I know where money comes from... I mean, I study Accountancy and Bussines, and I got a 9 on both micro and macro economy finals.

    Im guessing that "interest" you talk about is the same thing I said with different words, otherwise, I dont know of it's existence.
  6. TiNK[E]

    TiNK[E] New Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    The interest im talking about is the interest the federal reserves put on the "loan" amount it gives to the government. The interest comes from thin air, because you cant pay back more then what the fed reserve initial is dishing out. This is the inflation in the money system i refer too. The common knowledge that everytime you are loaned money, interest is already demanded you pay back more then what you took. The same rule is applied when the government takes from fed reserves. Forever down cycling and increasing its own inflation.

    I understand what Wiki and yourself was talking about. The larger the money pool the lower the dollar is worth, but that all trails back to the total interest occrued on the dollar you do not see, thus giving inflation.

    In Monitary system; Scarsity = Worth, In ALL things. I understand that as well.
    I have taken zero classes on this and am 100% self educated so you may look at it differently, but understand that your teacher can only teach you so much and they end up bathing in their own sheltered career. Its ALWAYS best to learn for yourself.
    i dont care bout your grades, simply tell me more. ^ ^
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2009
  7. Lombar

    Lombar New Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    Buenos Aires
    Anyways, I like your idea as well, and our concepts are not really that far appart.
    It's always fun to discuss anyways :)
  8. Shadow[E]

    Shadow[E] Moderator

    May 22, 2008
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    KNowledge is power!
  9. TiNK[E]

    TiNK[E] New Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    in a glass case of emotion
    ya it was fun. You definately stimulated my brain p3nis lombar.