
Discussion in 'Terran' started by ShoGun, Jul 17, 2007.

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Discussion in 'Terran' started by ShoGun, Jul 17, 2007.

  1. somiao

    somiao New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    well, dont give it full hitpoints and damage lol! btw, u'll lose the unit dude, its quite the same, but offers a different mechanic in the game by maybe slightly changing its ability a little bit, thus giving new tantical probabilities, i'm not suggesting the thor to be a superunit, but make it to fit different situations
  2. somiao

    somiao New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    possibles configurations~
    thor + seige tank = a lilttle more in armor or hit points, better splash damage and slower speed~
    thor + battle cruiser plasma torpedo = get multiple beam canons to deal with small units
    also get plasma torpedo ability
    thor + battle cruiser yamato canon = get a high dmg beam canon to deal with huge units
    get yamato canon

    u guys could add more lol
    btw it should add some armor(which reduce damage) and some hit points, nt full hit points though thats imba~ but just think after merging two units u get no increase in hit points? that would be wtf lol
    maybe it wont work afterall but i like to share my ideas, sry if this post is crap~
  3. somiao

    somiao New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    Well i opened this thread so that every one who is in love with the thor could discuss about it~ ;D
    I would like to hear some ppl's opinion about this unit, also
    1) Tweak that should be made...
    2) Extra abilities? ideas... on ability is not enough...
    3) About the thor's look? Well i looks badass now, bt it could be more BADASS~ :thumbup:
    4) The attack animation?
  4. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    yah i love the thor. my fave unit in starcraft 2 right now.

    i want it to have missiles flying on its artilery attack not flak canons. also i want the thor default attack to be laser. and both should create BIG explosions. the sound of the flak canon is lame and not badazz, just compare it the siege tank.

    ill add more later.
  5. tweakismyname

    tweakismyname New Member

    Jul 10, 2007
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    as for a new ability if they put like huge ass flamethrowers on em so they could plow thru lings and small things.

    muahahahhah every1 would be happy, expecialy those people who love their firebats
  6. somiao

    somiao New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    lol, flamethrower in the thor? lol
    zeratul11, i agree, the default animation is lame... it should be a energy base weapon, maybe a shrink yamato... XD
    i would like the 250mm canon to be missle base, then i would be able to whack the ms LOL
    bt i notice the chest canons are energy base... correct me if im wrong~
  7. somiao

    somiao New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    I just gt an idea for abilities, mechanical STEAMPACK!!!!! that would make the thor a total ownage!!!
    but be4 that, the attack animation hav to change, the artilery strike should be able to attack air, by making it missles, lol just imagine, a thor without its useless quad canon, but with missile attachments
    all over it, lol~ it owns!!!
    btw, i think a second unit should be able to be built from the scv~ this will make the new mechanice more significant...
  8. DontHate

    DontHate New Member

    Jun 26, 2007
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    adding flame throwers reminds me of that mechanical beast unit in warhammer 40k.
    But anyways, i think the thor is good as it is... but it should have a slow lift jet pack type things on the buildings, so it doesn't get stuck in an island.
  9. paragon

    paragon Guest

    i don't like anything about the thor
    It's slow
    It's a big target
    It's expensive
    It's at the top of the tech tree
    It's not enough bang for the buck
    It's ugly
  10. IO

    IO New Member

    Jun 9, 2007
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    Personnally i don't think i will be using the thor very much for most of the reasons paragon wrote (except for the last one) and hopefully they do make its attack better as i fear it may become a second ultralisk.....
  11. somiao

    somiao New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    lol thn it will be a thor spam since i can move any whr it want, it will be unba caz, din u watch the video?
    it kill a planetary fotress in a few secs....
    btw it seriously need a missle system, and beam weapon! the attack animations is yuck... :powerdown:
  12. ArchLimit

    ArchLimit New Member

    Jun 26, 2007
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    Paragon, I swear you're going a tad too far with this negativity, man. I mean, sure everyone's entitled to their opinion, but whenever I post on here, I more or less try to maintain the idea that Blizzard guys might be reading them, so I try 'n layout the bad with the good with perhaps reasons why. (Constructive criticism, they call it)

    Since when did being "slow" and "Expensive" and "At the top of the tech tree" or a "big target" have any contributions towards NOT liking a unit as a whole?

    When it's an expensive unit, it's usually cuz it's better. And the better ones are more near the top of the tech tree. And uh... anything in SC gets hit, whether it's a big or small target, it's not a FPS.

    According to u'r description, u probably never went near a Battlecruiser...

    Luckily most ppl I believe love the Thor, including myself. I sure as hell hope Blizzard doesnt F-up or redo it cuz of such negativity...
  13. paragon

    paragon Guest

    christ i don't like ANYTHING about the thor, I'm not going to sugar coat my opinion of it on the assumption that some blizz guy is reading this. I hope they do read it because it shows my level of hate for the unit. Nobody was complaining when everyone said that the old siege tank's siege gun looked like big ugly lips. You're just mad because I have a differing opinion than you.

    With my play-style I do not like getting a few expensive units. They can get killed by stuff too and a bunch of smaller, cheaper, well rounded units of different types can easily take it out then you've wasted all that money.

    Being at the top of the tech tree means you have to go through lots of other things to get to it. I would much rather stay at a slightly lower tech and get banshees, vikings, and tanks.

    Being big (combined with being slow) means that it has a much harder time getting out of the way of AOE spells and a much higher chance of getting hit with spells like plague. If plague is in the game, the thor will be a prime target for it. And there goes half it's HP or so. Also, all those terran AOE abilities will easily wipe out the thors because they wont be able to get out of the way so every missile, plasma torpedo, whatever will hit it.

    And all you see is the negative things I post apparently. Didn't pay any attention to the fact that I love everything about the banshee did you? No. Mr. I-Only-See-The-Bad-In-People

    edit: I only went near battlecruisers when the enemy had a severe lack of AA and I needed a heavy ground pounder. Your only other choice for an air unit that attacks ground is the wraith and that had a much worse ground attack for the price. And when I did get battlecruisers they were very susceptible to psi storm and plague because they were big and slow. Now in starcraft 2 you can get banshees for ground pounding so I probably wont touch battlecruisers much.

    edti2: 2500, half way to immortality.
  14. MarineCorp

    MarineCorp New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    England, United Kingdom's slow so it will make it balanced if it's fast/normal the weakness will be almost invulnerable's a big target so IT CAN get destroyed properly, why make small units with a big huge crazy gun blizzard did this so you can be more aware even if it's big it's hugely strong anyway's expensive....that's one of the most dumbest thing I HAVE EVER HEARD, the ultralisk is expensive, the carriers are expensive SO WHAT it's totally strong's at the top of the tech tree??? when i saw the image of the terran tech tree i saw the Thor on the middle left of the tech tree plus if it's on the top then it's the most bad*** terran unit of all anyway
    5.yes the attack animation does suck but i hope they will improve it's not ugly...seriously it's a robot, you saying a robot is ugly then i guess you don't like transformers plus it look huge and so bad-um..*** ;D
  15. ArchLimit

    ArchLimit New Member

    Jun 26, 2007
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    Good Point. I didn't think about AOE damage. I withdraw my opinion on that one.

    I can honestly say that nothing I've read/seen in this forum has caused me to be mad. And I personally think that you aren't a bad guy at all. I think you've got a lotta good points, most of the time, being a devotee to SC2 gets you an automatic plus with me, and oh, you seem to be a very promising digital artist :) I just think that it might serve you well to think out u'r posts a lil better cuz I think you tend to be a bit reckless with your opinions, as they often tend to be very one sided. You mentioned everyone's negativity towards the siege tank's appearance, which is fine. But understand that we had every right to dislike an ASPECT of the siege tank, and we all bitched about it, which is great, it got changed. We didn't make a list of all these things that made the siege tank "suck." Or at Ieast I didn't. Notice that I never commented on how you thought the Thor was "ugly" or "not enough bang for a buck" because I find those to be very valid opinions.

    Good luck.
  16. paragon

    paragon Guest

    1. I don't like slow units, they can't run away if they are in trouble
    2. I don't like big targets because they can be destroyed easily
    3. I don't like the ultralisk or carrier either
    4. My point in that is it takes a long time to get to it
    5. Yes
    6. I like the new transformers look, I don't like the thor, it does not look like a transformer.

    You see to be under the impression that I want it to be a faster, cheaper, smaller unit with the same stats. I don't. I just don't like the unit and don't see myself ever needing or wanting to get it in the game.
    For siege I've got the siege tank. I can put them in dropships making them a hell of a lot more mobile.
    For regular ground units I've got vikings and banshees. Vikings can turn into air so they are mobile and banshees are air plus they can cloak so they are mobile.
    And Thors need AA anyways for protection so theres another use for Vikings.

    I play fast. Move in, lay down destruction, move on. I don't want some big lumbering unit that I have to keep my smaller units around so that I can protect it. I never said the thor was a bad unit or that it didn't belong in the game. I said it doesn't fit my play style.
  17. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    I thought Thors could attack air?

    You seem the miss a side of being big paragon, the thor might act as a mean shield with several SCV's on auto repair behind it, or a Nomad casting heal on it, it has less range than a Siege tank so it will be infront of it, in the Faction Demo at blizzcon, they were sent in first, taking the hits from the other Siege tanks, allowing the smaller units to charge in, much like an Immortal would do. So im saying there are plenty of uses for the Thor.

    As for looks, it looks ok, i would give a 7 maybe 8/10, it could definately see some love. And i would give a 4 or a 5 to its attack(the normal one)

    Absorbing damage. Also, smaller units are even more suceptable to AoE damage because they usually have less HP, 50 marines ,ay die from one Psi Storm, a Thor will not.
  18. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    the moment you see a thor raiding your base, you'll know why its useful.

    anyway for the looks alone, i give it a 8.5 out of 10. then again it should be perfect when released. a little more details etc.

    and the attack animation? 6 out of 10. change it! needs to look more stronger. cause the siege tanks one canon attack looks stronger.
  19. paragon

    paragon Guest

    It'll be a pile of rubble way before it gets to my base. Maybe even before it's finished being built. And I'll think "hmm what a waste"
  20. somiao

    somiao New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    lol the game is nt even out? how could you define it as useless?
    Lets stop the debate, well this thread is about how to improve the thor~
    I think there should be more upgrades and abilities, 1 is nt enough....
    Btw zeratul11 i agree, it will be totally cool if it have more details!!!
    For example, seige tank seige mode canons as its arms!!!
    oH ya! missile system!!! all over its body, that would be ownage! :good:
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