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Thor possibly out!

Discussion in 'Terran' started by -LT-, Oct 15, 2007.

Thor possibly out!

Discussion in 'Terran' started by -LT-, Oct 15, 2007.

  1. Chax424

    Chax424 New Member

    Oct 21, 2007
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    Yeah, they can't take it out.
    The Protoss have the Mother ship, a big all powerful new unit, the Terrans need some heavy weapons too!
  2. headstock

    headstock New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    why does it not fit the thor? the thor is maluable right now, it can be whatever we want it to be untill the unit is either completed and balanced, or scrapped.

    its a big chunky beast, it could easily be slightly re-modelled to have a few lighted window type things where gun fire would be seen to come from like in the bunker.

    get rid of those huge artillery guns on the back, give it instead a mini lift on the back that lowers down when units load or unload from the thor.

    this mobile bunker thing would really give the thor a unique role within the terrans and within the game no other team has this. If this damage sponge could hold a few marines, then these marines would not be killed in the early fire of a face off, and the thor would instead absorb the damage while the marines are still able to fire up, this would allow for heaps of strategies and tactics.

    the thor would still have its main cannons, would still be a slow beast, but this would give it a new role, one that does not overlap with any other unit, and it would ever increase the flexibility of the marine which is always a good thing.

    i reckon this fits the thor perfectly, it just needs some slight changes to the appearance. The only reason i reckon people would think this doesnt 'fit' the thor is just the perspectives which were imposed on us when the thor was released. If the thor was released as a mobile bunker that ive described and that was the first image we had of it, then everyone would think it DID fit.

    I'd say 6 or 8 marines would be a good number for the thor to transport.

    I still reckon itd be awesome, its the only thing id care to see in the thor. A big damage sponge that walks slow but deals big damage... that seems a bit unimaginative, a little less unique, and a bit overlapping in role which has been discussed quite a bit.


  3. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    I still don't like the idea of the Thor being a Mobile Bunker that much. If Terran were to create a unit that was a Mobile Bunker, then that would be it's main function. It wouldn't have the Cannons on its arms or the Bombardment ability. If it were a bunker then it would just be a hollow, movable, hunk of metal, with slits to shoot out of. If you want this to fix the problem of the Thor overlapping a whole lot of other units, then it should be done differently. I think it would be best if it was done how I suggested above. It wouldn't have splash damage, so it would not overlap with the Banshee, Siege Tank or Nuke. It would be able to attack multiple targets at once, which would still make it effective against most unit types but still be vulnerable from attacks to its rear. It would still have the Bombardment ability because I feel that this is unique to the Thor, despite Nukes having a similar outcome. Nukes have to be done sneakily and no force should be attacking at the same time because it could give away the position of your Ghost, whereas the Bombardment is able to be used during an assault to blast down the front line, allowing your troops to quickly charge through before any defenses can be rebuilt.
  4. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    You can discuss the Bunker idea in a thread I started that includes a few designs.
  5. Dreadnought

    Dreadnought New Member

    Jun 17, 2007
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    If it has a minimum attack range, this could also make it EXTREMELY vulnerable to zerglings and zealots. They would easily get under its fire before the gattling guns even started firing. However with Siege Tank support, they can wipe out the first wave of units while the gattling guns charge up. Then its all downhill after that XD
  6. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    I don't see why the Thor's gatling guns should have a minimum range, because they already have the weakness of not being able to retaliate if they are attacked from the rear. They are not like the fixed cannons that it has at the moment, which should realistically have a minimum rage because they cannot pivot. However, because the gatling guns would have to pivot in order to re-aim, and because they are so big, maybe they could have a minimum speed for when the guns are re-aiming (but they're still firing constantly, after the gatiling guns have charged up, they would fire nonstop unit there are no more enemies in range). This could mean that if it was attacked by Zerglings, they would be able to run faster than the guns could re-aim, but in the end, they would be under fire again once the gatling guns have caught up.
    Also, what do people think about this idea. This is only for the gatling gun, and not about having the minimum range or slow re-aiming speed. If it took the gatling gun about 3 seconds to charge up (before it starts firing), what if it took 3 seconds to 'charge down'? This would mean that if it is 2 seconds into charging down (after it has finished firing), and it is suddenly able to attack a new unit that has just run into its range, it would only take 2 seconds to charge up because it is basically a third of the way into its charge up. So, if it has stopped firing for 1 seconds, it would take 1 second to charge up, etc, etc. What do people think?