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Things we don't like in Starcraft2

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by AlexBlaze, Jun 4, 2008.

Things we don't like in Starcraft2

  1. Redlazer

    Redlazer New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    I'm fairly pleased with how the game is coming along, I really like the artwork so far and it'll only get better, however:

    Overseers: they're a pointless idea and the model doesn't look Zerg-like whatsoever, it looks like C'thun from World of Warcraft.

    Infestors: they too look like C'thun, deffinately need a new model.

    Roaches: they just seem like Hydralisks with a regeneration mechanic.

    Tier 2 Hydralisks: not happy about this.

    Tier 3 Lurkers: not happy about this either, the Lurker was used mostly in early game, now it cannot be.

    Dark Templar: it needs a new model badly. They look too bulky and top heavy, and the scythe doesn't have the right feel. They should look alot more rugged and sinister.

    Carrier Escorts: another pointless idea to justify the removal of four Interceptors.

    Collossus' New Attack: the old attack was alot more unique and showed off the capabilities of Starcraft II's systems much better.

    Motherships: overlapping role with the Carrier; seems too powerful. My suggestions; Remove its attack, keep Warp-In, keep passive Cloaking Field, turn its current barrage attack into an ability of the same nature.

    Nullifier: havn't seen alot from this unit, but it seems like a poor idea.

    Marauders: if they removed thier slowing/knocking ability, they need it back now. Otherwise, this unit is awesome.

    Nomad: don't know what the current model looks like, but the old one was hideous. Dropping mines from the air seems strange. Nano-Repair shouldn't heal in one lump sum, should be rapid, small intervals like the Medic.

    Thor: this unit has no place. Being an anti-air unit is just awkward. A great idea in concept and model, however.
  2. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    how was the old collosus attack more unique? more awesome i get, but this attack is quite unique( i dont support it though)
  3. DaRk_TeMpLar

    DaRk_TeMpLar New Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    ok, there are somethings i don't like.

    On overall, the thor is the only thing i dislike, and you know why.


    The Dark templar was my favorite unit EVER, the scythe is a very good choice , and its attack animation is great, its better than psi blades because the DT resembles a dark zealot with them.
    The thing i dislike is the ''model change'' with zealots- DT should look like the current zealots, but with black armour + a scythe and no nerve appendages AND a black ninja-like mask like Raszagal- just like in SC1- agile, stealthy and deadly- not like furious medieval grim- reapers- no, thats what zealots MAY look like


    i want the defiler back, the infester looks like C'thun, which looks like the overseer
    the broodlings- on hit thing sux too.

    oh, and 1 more thing blizz, if u don't listen to me (i hope u read thease forums and this specific thread) about the DT model, atleast please remove the mask, ppl want to see his face
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2008
  4. JudicatorPrime

    JudicatorPrime New Member

    Jul 20, 2007
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    I think they can work all over the place with the design choices, make it look more gritty and savage. The animations for Zealots and Zerglings should be more like SC1. It suited them better.

    I'm also not a fan of certain team coloring done for Protoss, like the pylon. Meh, I just don't like it.
  5. VodkaChill

    VodkaChill New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
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    Montreal, Quebec, Canada
    What do you mean, that pink pylon looked awesome! lol

    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    This is my first reply in this thread.

    I will not answer by writing something against SC2 but something against SC1. If I criticise SC1 that means the critics must help SC2 to be better.

    1. The doodads were not influenced by the battles. When you launched a nuke against enemies the doodads didn't change in SC1. Ok, it's an old game so the graphists could not do that at that time.
    But for SC2, a 3D video game of the last generation this lack is not pardonnable !
    Just look at Diablo 3, the doodads, the environments subish the influence of the characters. A nuke must burn the trees, and damage walls, etc ...

    I hope the effects in SC2 will be VERY GREAT !

    2. The colored Protoss !!! OMG !!! They are drag queens, or what else ?! Not warriors !
  7. wapbamboogie

    wapbamboogie Guest

    What the?

    Hi, I was huge fan of Starcraft 1, simply loved it. Therefore I too was really excited too see what Starcraft 2 had to offer, and with such a good concept, I was sure that it almost couldn’t be bad. Then today, I pulled myself together and decided to take a good look at the upcoming SC2 which I heard rumours about.
    So I went to the official site saw some trailers, saw some screenshots… And I was about to fell of my chair simply of the chock I got. So here’s what I don’t like about the SC2 I saw.
    The colours blasted out in my eyes and made me fell sick. The game had Warcraft 3 all over it, every model and texture was covered with the filthy stank of WC3. I got so disappointed. It made me so mad that I went into this forum, because I felt that I had to complain somewhere. Of course what I saw was not the final game, but a game doesn’t go through so big changes at this point, as I would want. I’m not much into the gameplay yet, and all the new units, but so far I’m ready to hit the idiots designing the looks. The units are big and clumsy, not being loyal to SC1 at all, back then the models where slim, futuristic, and ‘cool’. Now the units are big low polygonal plastic toys in bright flower colours. Starcraft 2 looks like a game made for little kids, with its happy colours, clumsy models and completely wrong size scales. One of the things that made me laugh, or was it cry, was the Zergling, a fast cold blood killer, tarring everything apart in its way… Or that was at least what it used to be. Now it’s a clumsy hilarious WC3 like model, not even close to look like a terrifying monster. Oh, and its evolved, got some fine little butterfly wings on its back, but it cant fly of course, completely pointless, reminding me a bit of a trapped chicken. And the new Terran ‘standard’ tank, a cubical machine looking worse than the ones from SC1, and when it tranforms, it look like a completely worthless little fat crab. Same thing with the Terran Wraiths, in SC1, they were slim, long and had a nice design, being fast and able to cloak seemed natural for such type of unit. In SC2 the spaceship is a little fat bird, almost fighting to keep of the ground. How did it come this far? All the ‘constructions’ too, little awkward compressed buildings. But generally the graphics are so wrong. This is a game with a damn great concept, appearing in a futuristic dystopia age, with big violent space fights and ‘tough guy’ wars. NOT some kind of flower power game for kids looking like WC3! Who were the idiots giving SC2 this look?! Were they totally incapably of seeing what they were doing to a great legendary game?! I want a cool, good looking, dark, slim Starcraft 2! Not this crap! So what I don’t like about SC2 is pretty much all the design and looks! Please change all your high resolution WOW textures, and please redo all your models.

    Oh, and by the way, great job Blizzard.
  8. fordinski

    fordinski New Member

    Jun 18, 2008
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    you really need to have a much more open mind about this. you dont realize that blizzard knows the expectations surrounding the game. alot of what you are saying is very opinionated, like the slim wraiths and the fat flying chicken of a banshee.

    1. the wraiths in MY OPINION were scrawny and seemed dumb that it could stay in the air without moving. the new banshees at least have a reason to stay in the air in one position, because its part helicopter. and in the vikings case, it transforms into a ground mode so should have some reason to stay in one spot.

    2. zerglings being a WC3 model? oh right because blizzards designing it, and you dont like it so it HAS to be a WC3 looking model. i dont know but most people may say that its far from a WC3 model as opposed to the hydralisk (naga look-alike) and the thor.

    3. u talking about hitting the designers. now ur just asking to be banned.

    4. you are just plain not taking in consideration the game is still in ALPHA stage. ALPHA as in WORK STILL NEEDS TO BE DONE. who knows what theyll change? they may be adding a "dark" visual effect maybe in the video settings to give the game a darker vibe.

    and i really wanna touch up on the subject of darkness. remember that once you play the campaign, you get a feel for the brutality each race has, like the self-absorbed terran, the close-minded protoss and of course the zerg. nuff said. the unholy background of each race gives a more dark impression on each faction wether ur playing campaign or battlenet. IMO of course.
    i mean if i didnt play campaign at all, id be playing zerg one day and vomit from looking at all the STD's i see crawling and flying around on my screen. Now of course NOBODY has played campaign yet so people really need to withhold judgements on that stuff until theyve played the full final product.

    now of course this is a rant thread, so ill post my gripes.

    1. yes, the thor needs either an overhaul or removed. make it a 1 only character like the old mothership, or take it out. i mean i think it just makes siege tanks look like vultures. i think siege tanks should stay as the terrans most powerful weapon (it might have more powerful attak but overall not as strong as the thor. i mean a half tank half viking half missle turret doesnt really flush my gears out.

    2. keep the mothership a 1 only unit as well. i can see the arbiter being replaced, but i mean mass motherships?

    3. this is a minor gripe about terran, but i had a harder time telling between bunkers and supply depots. might be easier once i have the game and me knowing where i build these things. just a minor gripe. its weird too, does anyone else notice this?

    4. it could be difficult to micro with zerg, seeing as every unit has the same vibe. especially now that they found a unit to fill the gap between zerglings and hydras. (roaches)

    5. mutas need to be more agile, so people can muta micro like in sc. otherwise they may seem a little pointless to some of the high end players.

    6. in SC1 each faction had their own unit that could attack out of defense building ranges. zerg had the guardian and still does, terran had siege tanks and still do, protoss had reavers and........................? no reavers, and i dont think the colossus can be either transported or attack out of defensive range.
  9. aem1

    aem1 New Member

    Jul 21, 2008
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    ^^agreed, especially with the medivac and jackel. In addition to all that all i want is the drop pod and cobra back :)
  10. Space Pirate Rojo

    Space Pirate Rojo New Member

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Canada, eh?
    Never quote something that large.

    And type two sentences.
  11. DarkSonicDX

    DarkSonicDX New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    I dont really agree on some of the Terran's units.Espcially the Ghost(he shouldnt wear a stupid backpack,its annoying),Thor(stupid lego type mechanized machine,slow,but i like the auto repair ability after been destroyed into scrap),Jackal(well....WTF,Vulture's replacement?),Banshees(lol wth,helicopters type vehicles?),Siege Tank(i still prefer the original Starcraft siege tank,the new one seems stupid in siege mode).

    Zealots(my favourite units of all units,from warrior like soldiers to ninja type units look in SC2,still cool though),Immortals(why change them,Dragoons was still awesome=Immortals was less powerful but only strong against powerful units like Siege Tanks,Thors and Ultralisk like units,why?).

    Hydralisks(it may look awesome but im wondering why must it need Lair to create Hydralisks Den?)Queen(its cool now in ground like Super Unit,but why even bother making it mutating/evolving 2 times to a stupid one,it sucks)

    Thats all i got so far.I got less complain for Protoss since i agreed on most of their updates.Terrans is so crappy and getting kinda lame.Zerg! aw now although becoming powerful as hellish raging demonic creatures/monsters, most of their units and evolving to more powerful(which is stupid) is kinda annoying.
  12. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    in a sense Blizzard didnt change them, even tho Immortals are made from the old dragoons from lore, the Stalker is the real dragoon in SC2 with increase mobility .

    the hydralisk is once again a Tier 1.5 unit like it was in SC1.

    @ mods: sorry for quote the person above me, but i felt like shortening and pointing at what i was talking about.
  13. Space Pirate Rojo

    Space Pirate Rojo New Member

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Canada, eh?
    Since I'm a Terran fan...

    Ghosts need backpacks to carry all their supplies, since they're elite commando assassins I'd have to assume they have to be prepared for anything for a long period of time.

    I like the look of the Thor, I'd sh*t bricks if I saw that thing on a battlefield.
    And if something that size is fast, that'd just be... :\

    Jackal's cool. You didn't say what's wrong with it.

    Banshees have rotors to give them their own feel since the other aircrafts for the Terran use jets.

    The SC2 Siege Tank in siege mode just looks like a tweaked SC1 Siege Tank in Siege mode.
  14. DarkSonicDX

    DarkSonicDX New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    I know Ghost's need backpacks to carry their stuffs.I just dont want it to look bumpy like when he runs.
    Thor's is really slow,although i did not really disagree with your opinions.
    Jackal? i did say Vultures better.Jackal was like Vultures counterpart.
    Banshees,well why bring back the old helicopter vehicle to go against monsters?get an upgrade lol.
    Siege Tanks......I just dont like their Siege mode.Well,it all of a sudden looks like a lego toy.:p
  15. Ych

    Ych New Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    SC2 is shaping up to be an amazing game. Blizzard is updating the unit models and graphic of SC2 all the time. It really shows when you compare the graphic and unit models from now and the ones when SC2 was first announced.

    But still, there are things that I think that Blizzard needs to hammer down before the release of the game (most will probably be hammered probably around beta time I assume).

    1. Mothership/Thor/Queen: I believe those will have a lot of changes all the way up until the release of the game. The mechanics of these 3 units are probably the most complained from the whole SC2 community.

    2. Unit arts - Blizzard has promised us that they are going to tweak all the units/buildings. They impressed us with the new array of updated Terran art. They also promised that up next would be the Protoss then Zerg. As we can see from the latest batch, the Stalkers will be getting an art revamp. So for the unit arts, I don't really have any complaints as of now because of all the changes, Blizzard has really impressed me. But I do have to add in that the Zerg arts do need the most work at the moment.

    I think these are basically the top 2 concerns that I have for SC2. The game has come a long way since it was first announced. Back then, I could write a list of at least 20 things that I don't like. Now, it's only 2 and from the looks of it, those could be hammered down by the time the game is released.
  16. Space Pirate Rojo

    Space Pirate Rojo New Member

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Canada, eh?
    Sonic: Remember the first SC2 Siege Tanks?

    Those were toys.
  17. DarkSonicDX

    DarkSonicDX New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Willy:I know.They just look more like lego rather than toys.Which is kinda annoying.Ok i quit my complains. :p

    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Does somebody have the official artwork of the ghost when Starcraft 1 was released. it was an artwork by Samwise Didier. We see a good ghost with a backpack. Amazing the ghost !
  19. Space Pirate Rojo

    Space Pirate Rojo New Member

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Canada, eh?
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2008
  20. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    Too many ignorant and narrow-minded people pluck up the courage to post nowadays. They don't even consider lore (dragoons-immortals-stalkers, etc.) or gameplay aiding additions (why zerglings have wings, etc.), let alone use the search function (here, or Google) to actually find the answers and ponder about them. Instead they jump to imaginary conclusions and take them as if they were officially confirmed data.

    I wish Blizzard endless patience with such pests and hope they aren't steered from their aims.