The Terran Valkyrie

Discussion in 'Terran' started by paragon, Jul 8, 2007.


What should be done about the Terran Valkyrie in StarCraft 2?

  1. Leave it

    0 vote(s)
  2. Overhaul it

    0 vote(s)
  3. Trash it

    0 vote(s)

The Terran Valkyrie

Discussion in 'Terran' started by paragon, Jul 8, 2007.

  1. Dreadnought

    Dreadnought New Member

    Jun 17, 2007
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    I thought the valkryies moved very fast. Compare them to a mutalisk and you will see what i mean. About the only thing they are bad at is harassing because while they are firing they must hold still.
  2. marinepower

    marinepower New Member

    Jul 13, 2007
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    They are very effective at what they do, but they just aren't that useful.

    Against capital ships their rockets do around 1-3 damage, and unlike any other ship they don't have a special ability. Sure they can decimate overlords, but even if they kill 2 then die, you still lose out economically. Considering this, like the poll shows bliz should overhaul it and give it some sort of special ability. If it doesn't, the phoenix will destroy it in maybe 2 seconds.
  3. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    I've already said everything that I needed to say about valks in my Units That Sucked thread, valks sucked.

    I voted overhaul, but if phoenix replacing corsair and scout is considered scrapping on the corsair and scout's part, then trash valks it is. Overhaul or scrap, it doesn't really matter. Depending on how you think about it, it's really the same thing. The important thing is, valks won't be back in their SC1 form, and it sure ain't gonna be cuz of "everything else is getting overhauled."

    Don't assume someone can't play Terran correctly because they choose to main another race. And you seem to assume valks automatically hand Terran the skies, not always the case either. Valks sucked not because they couldn't do what they were made to do, if merely being able to fill the assigned role makes something not suck, then ultras wouldn't have sucked either.

    Let me make my wild assumptions too. I believe that many people who insist valks don't suck when they clearly do either:
    1) believe they're somehow the only ones to know how to use them correctly out of the whole damn planet
    2) can only play Terran
    3) play against people who suck and can't react correctly to valks or anything else for that matter
  4. Alasdair

    Alasdair New Member

    Jul 11, 2007
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    sorry, but im crazy about historical accuracy so i gotta say that id prefer it not in SC2, because the valkryies were an invention of UED, and since they were massacered, i dont think they should still be there, unless Mengsk remodeled them (an overhaul) then id be fine with it, dont get me wrong, i think they're amazing, one time i took out 1 carrier, 3 scouts and 4 corsairs at the same time with 6 valks
  5. L89

    L89 New Member

    Jul 8, 2007
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    I like them. However, personally I don't use them much. But I'm not a good player so yeah...
    I don't mind overhauling them but I voted for leaving them be. Maybe with an extra ability but keeping the original shape and attack method. More importantly, I hope terran in sc2 still hire female pilots :p
  6. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    Welcome to the forums.

    I actually have always thought valks looked like flying buses or minivans. But you sure have a point on female pilots.
  7. L89

    L89 New Member

    Jul 8, 2007
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    Thanks for the warm welcome Remy!

    A little off the actual topic but still on air units...
    We have all seen the plethora of new air units for protoss. Now IMHO, the protoss is the most stagnant of all three races. From this perspective, I do hope that Blizzard comes up with some really cool (slash cooler) units for terran (since human technology is always developing no matter how advanced it already is), while keeping the original bc and upgrading the styling (and function) of the wraith and valkyrie without deviating their look too much from the original.

    Btw: excellent ideas have already popped up all over the forum, ranging from gunships, bombers, A10s, helicopters, etc...
  8. paragon

    paragon Guest

    theres no real trick in using valkyries correctly. you just sorta fly them over to the enemy light/medium air units and shoot at the biggest clump of them.
  9. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    Hmmm... quite contradictory to what you said in your opening post wouldn't you say?

  10. Itsmyship

    Itsmyship New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    Where only cool people live... So Cal!
    I love Valks a lot, I would use them over Wraiths almost always. However, like Remy said, they're not gonna be around in the same form they were in SC1, but I do want them around in some form or such.

    Valks always reminded me of helicopters for some reason, even though it does the complete opposite job an assault helicopter does. Guess I'll just hope for a helicopterish type unit though :)
  11. josh

    josh New Member

    Jul 12, 2007
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    whenever I play with my friends, they always make air units. so i build valkyries whenever im terran. its not really bad coz even though its attack per missile is weak, they fire a barrage of them. and it kinda has a splash damage too. they're also great for pursuing escaping air units coz they're real fast.
  12. paragon

    paragon Guest

    No, not at all. I've seen people do amazingly stupid things. Saying it is not hard and saying that some people don't use them right are two completely different things. Therefore, no contradiction is made. If people use them to go after carriers or battlecruisers they will not perform well due to armor reduction. If people don't aim for clusters of air units they will not perform as well.
  13. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    First suggesting that there is a right way of using valks, then later stating that there is no trick to using them correctly, meaning it is automatically used correctly be default, would be quite the contradiction.

    If it's not hard, then you're suggesting that most people use valks correctly anyway. It's only the extreme minority who can't use valks or any other damn thing correctly, who we really don't have to consider in the first place.

    If you say it's not a contradiction based on the extremely stupid side of things, then it makes your statements in the opening post rather pointless. Basically you are saying that you based you opinion on the fact that most others who has an opinion(on the topic of valks) different from yours are complete morons who can't play SC on a whole in a remotely meaningful manner any damn way.

    I somehow would have to disagree with that logic, as I myself disagrees with your opinion on valks. Let it be known to the world that I think valks sucked. OMG, and here I was thinking that I was pretty damn good at that game.
  14. Alasdair

    Alasdair New Member

    Jul 11, 2007
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    im pretty sure she meant that its not hard to use them correctly, its just that alot of people just cant seems to grasp the idea that their specialist units and that they cant beat another air superiority fighter 1vs1

    i like your paragraphs tho :good:
  15. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    I thought Paragon was a guy... ehh~ whatever.
  16. paragon

    paragon Guest

    Not being able to use one unit the best that it can be used or not seeing anyone use them the best they can be used does not mean that person sucks at the entire game. That is like saying someone can't pronounce one word correctly when they read it so they suck at reading entirely. Most people on suck. I've had people on ask me to join their clans because they thought I was so good when I played 6-7 years ago and yet I know I sucked. And this happened many many times. Also, most people play fastest maps and money maps so they would also suck at playing on actual maps because they don't have a concept of expanding so they would run out of minerals and lose.
  17. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    I didn't bring up the sucking thing, you did.

    This is something that you brought up while trying to explain why you didn't make contradictions. Which if I may, is flawed anyway.

    You first established the condition in which that there is a correct way of using valkyries. Along with that you said that many people who argue that valks suck are people who fail to use them correctly. You implied a direct connection between the two.

    Then later on you go on to say that there is no trick to using valks correctly. Meaning, it is something very trivial to satisfy the condition of using valks correctly. You bring up something to base your argument with as the basis of your opinion, yet you dismiss the importance of it immediately afterward. This already either contradicts your first idea, or makes your first idea a meaningless rhetoric. You make that call.

    Then to give reason to why you didn't make a contradiction, the first thing you mention is that you have witnessed people doing "amazingly stupid things." Choice number 2 I believe btw. You introduced the association between stupid people and using valks incorrectly. You did, not me.

    By inference, we can summarize that you established these ideas: [there is a correct use of valks] >> [it is something extremely trivial] >> [something so trivial that only extremely stupid people fail to do] >> [only people who can't use valks correctly argue against their worth] >> [all who argue against the worth of valks are extreme morons].

    If using valks correctly is something so damn trivial, then one can reason to think that most other things in SC gameplay which ain't so damn trivial would be even more difficult for those who can't even use valks correctly. I never said based on what you said people who can't use valks correctly can't do all other things in SC correctly. I said, based on what you said people who can't use valks correctly can't play SC as a whole in a meaningful manner to matter. Please don't put words in my mouth.

    Now you either made a contradiction, or you just said that anyone who argue that valks sucked are most likely people who can't even use them right and are complete morons because using valks right is so damn easy and basic. You decide which.

    Note that for the latter, it would also mean your opening post, your opinion on valks, and this entire thread is completely pointless and full of crap. Because then we establish that you are basically saying that anyone who argue against you on the matter of valks can't use them right, thus suck, and also thus are complete morons who do amazingly stupid things. Now since that logic in itself is complete crap, so would your opening post, your opinion on valks, and this entire thread that branched off of your opening post.
  18. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    I loved everything about the valk's attack. I didn't appreciate the flying minivan look much though.
  19. paragon

    paragon Guest

    I never said or inferred that it was something trivial required to properly use valks. I also made mention of the fact that there is a way to use valks period and a way to use valks as best as possible. So, since I never inferred that the correct use of valks was something trivial, the rest of your argument stemming from that statement is invalid. So, don't put words in my mouth either.
    Also, starcraft is obviously not a game where you just build units and throw them at one another, it requires micro. you could have the same number of type of units fight one another and the outcome of the battle would be different every single time because of micro. Valks require micro just like every other unit. Their role is air support. They fill their role better than any other terran unit. Therefore, they do not suck.
  20. FlyingTiger

    FlyingTiger New Member

    Jun 15, 2007
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    yea i use valks with conjunction with battlecruisers when the game gets long. Once upgraded all the way, they f-in own the devourers and corsairs. There cool down rate is better than the devourers, their attack is a lot better than both (5* 8 = 40, upgraded 8 * 8 = 64), and hp is decent too. I think they would be too powerful with afterburners though.