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The Nydus Worms - Theories, Conjecture, Guesswork

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Shockfrost, Jun 3, 2007.

The Nydus Worms - Theories, Conjecture, Guesswork

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Shockfrost, Jun 3, 2007.

  1. Star-Crap

    Star-Crap Guest

    Theres no doubt that the Nydus Worm will strike fear into the minds of ppl. I mean once they hear that thing pop out and let out that war cry their gonna freak and do everything possible to keep the worm from releasing those units. With units like the worm, reapers and such, ppl will have to protect thier entire base rather than just choke points.
  2. Space Pirate Rojo

    Space Pirate Rojo New Member

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Canada, eh?
    There's got to be some limit to it's movement though.

    And when I first watched the 20 minute video it was at 2:00 and the office was dark and I had my headset on. That roar was a tad frightening I must say.

    Oh and for the record, massing Nydus Worms and Cracklings would be fun.
  3. Star-Crap

    Star-Crap Guest

    the limit must be some sort of energy required to burrow
  4. burkid

    burkid New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    ^we really dont know that. everything is speculation. it could be a one time use, or it could be a cloaked transport. it could be just like the old canal, minus the creep.
  5. I)4rk

    I)4rk New Member

    Jun 30, 2007
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    The Nydus Worm Theory

    In speculation of course, but I think that this is probably true. After reading through many comments about what the nydus worm can do, I have come to the conclusion that it will only make sense that:

    The Nydus Worm can only be formed on NON buildable areas of the map. This makes it much more balanced than rather immediately spawn in a base with "buildable areas". Having a Nydus Spawn on a non buildable area makes sense because:
    1. It is a much more balanced rather to have it spawn anywhere.
    2. It can have its purposes by spawning at target locations to transport units faster.
    3. In gameplay video the ground looked pretty unbuildable to me.

    From this, everything seems much more balanced because if Zerg could actually spawn in a base at any time, it would give leeway for Zerg ONLY to do this type of strategy because it is after all the most effective. And by making it on NON buildable grounds, I would say it makes much more sense. What do you think guys?
  6. burkid

    burkid New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    no. there was 3 of them.
  7. Star-Crap

    Star-Crap Guest

    the nydus should be tier 3 if it can pop up anywhere. that way the opponent should have a good amount of defense in his base.

    even steven...
  8. Star-Crap

    Star-Crap Guest

    on the video their were multiple ones. im guessing thats the way its gonna stay
  9. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    If it's a ground transport like how most people believe it to be, there won't be a limit to how many you can have other than supply and resources.
  10. Star-Crap

    Star-Crap Guest

    do you guys think that ur gonna have to evole it from another unit or from a drone?
  11. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    Hmmm, that brings up an interesting point that I've never actually thought about. I've always just assumed that it was to be built at a hatch from larvae.

    I don't think it will be an evolution, but I think it's equally likely to either be built at a hatch or directly from a drone.
  12. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    I personally think that the Nydus Worm is going to function similarily to the Nydus Canal in the original Starcraft, with a few key differences. Here is my guess:

    It is a building that you build on your own creep. The building will have a similar button to deploy, like the original Nydus Canal. However, you can deploy it anywhere on the map where you have explored, and you can un-deploy it if you want to move it elsewhere. But if the enemy kills your opening end, the building in your base dies as well.

    Just my thoughts.
  13. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    Welcome to the forums Ninerman13.

    I don't even remember why I think it's a ground transport but it's in here somewhere if you dig.
  14. Star-Crap

    Star-Crap Guest

    the way the nydus worm might work is that it there could be a building were you load the units and from there u "purchase" a nydus worm and after its ready you can click to where you want him to go

    something like that
  15. Star-Crap

    Star-Crap Guest

    The way i think the worm travels will be like for example if u were to build a building. The timer shows up to tell you how long untill it gets there. the farther the distance the long the time and since its cloaked transport (or so i hope) it will take some time before it reaches its destination.

    anyone with me one this?
  16. burkid

    burkid New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    im gonna laugh when we find out that the nydus worm got scratched before zerg get revealed. that would be hilarious.
  17. didd293

    didd293 New Member

    Jun 26, 2007
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    ha, all this tme and energy for nothing.
  18. Nikzad

    Nikzad New Member

    Jun 11, 2007
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    ok, I was reading the Z E R G thread and something headstock said made me think of this:

    maybe instead of taking time to build on enemy/your creep like the old canals, it will have a burrow time? So you build the first half, then for the exit, you load units in and click a spot for it to come up, and then it takes a bit for the worm itself to get to the ascension/surface point! then when it comes up, it acts just like the old nydus canal and is open until someone kills it? maybe you can choose to load units into the worm before you click on the surfacing location to get them out faster for a surprise attack

    this would fulfill the notion of a burrowing unit instead of some funky looking hole in the ground with a green light, but also not make it imbalanced to have giant worms that can spring up anywhere at any time for an infinite amount of uses
  19. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    What you said sounds like a downgrade from before.

    The all terrain part is still good, but if you gotta preload AND wait, you might as well just air drop with ovies or even just run there.
  20. Nikzad

    Nikzad New Member

    Jun 11, 2007
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    No I meant that no matter what there would be a burrow time that was invisible to the enemy, which would be an improvement over SC1 where the other end was visible as it was building, but, if you loaded the units before you burrow the worm, they would pop out EXTRA fast for that little extra surprise factor, ie faster than if you sent them in one end after the burrow (I always thought they should have a small transit time from one end of the canal to the other)

    EDIT: Oh yeah and I'm not talking a long burrow time where you watch the worm burrow. I was thinking a shorter amount of time that it took to build a nydus canal exit in the original where you just watch the surface point and it pops up a few seconds later (a worm of that size should be able to burrow pretty damn fast)