Re: Creep possibilities my thought was that basically it provides them with concentrated nutrients which speeds their own natural healing
Re: Creep possibilities I like the idea of regeneration because the base rat is so low and the slowing effect also sounds great but is probably necessary and would be a little overpowered potential. As for the detection thing it isn't really needed because a zerg player will have so many overlords
Re: Creep possibilities This is by far my favorite, not too far unbalancing. As for the first post, I think the detector thing could work, but make it like the new sensor tower thingie for the terran, show little red exclamation points where the enemy is, of course I also agree that any competant zerg player has several overlords patrolling their base at all times... As for the slow down targets, that could work as well, but it does seem a bit powerful in my opinion. Which leads me to the fact that I don't like the poison idea at all. It's just too powerful, what other race has something that damages units that extensivly for so cheap? I mean c'mon, marines only have 40 hp, and to be wandering around a massive zerg base in SP or MP just seems cruel. As for regen, I like the burrowed version better. Makes more sense in my opinion.
Re: Creep possibilities I love this idea. I think each race should have some way of reclaiming resources. Terrans get salvage from buildings and they should also be able to gather minerals for the pieces of destroyed mechanical units. The zerg should be able to absorb minerals directly through creep from dead biological units and buildings (yes minerals from base destruction) for balance they would not gather if they lose all of the hatchures/lair/hives on that blotch of creep. The protoss would be able to slowly suck minerals off units in their psi grid and would be able to unwarp units and buildings for 50% minerals
Re: Creep possibilities It's creepy because it's creep! and probebly has little tentacle's that put's juice or like a liquid to heal the zerg unit alot faster or something!
Re: Creep possibilities Sorry bird of prey but what is neosporin? , the creep is the core ingrediant for the zerg so they can build structure's on it and the only building that doesn't need to be on creep is the hatchary!
Re: Creep possibilities Antibacterial cream that the makers claim reduces the appearance of scars and shortens healing time
Re: Creep possibilities [img width=384 height=288][/img] Voila! Anti-biotic cream. You have never heard of this? You live one sheltered life. Or you somewhere other than America. In which case you are forgivin. :thumbup:
Re: Creep possibilities Ahk thank's for that fella's , I might get some for when my stitche's get taken out!
Re: Creep possibilities it make sense for the creep to regen because it contains a lot of chemicals and nutrients that would heal and replenish zergs metabolisms
Re: Creep possibilities Yeah man that's pritty well said! , and the creep is a very big thing for zerg , just thinka bout it! how some land is so imortant to zerg!
Re: Creep possibilities The creep is essential to the zerg, it has to do something rather than just let the zerg build on it, and regen seems the be the fairest way without overpowering it
Re: Creep possibilities i totally support the increased regeneration on creep! Some ideas suggests that enemy units get slower/takes damage etc. and they are all good ideas, but the creep power should give a + to the zerg instead of giving a - to the opponent. That way more people are happy. ;D
Re: Creep possibilities yup, burying the zerg units was the only way they could really regain any life back since the enemy couldn't attack them. Even then it took F...O...R...E...V...E...R!
Re: Creep possibilities still there are people who call me a noob for saying regen is not useful, i wonder why...
Re: Creep possibilities LOL! It has very little use but can help between battles and it is much worse that the terrans medic and SCV healing abilities and even the protoss sheild regereation is faster than the zergs.