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The Creep

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Fenix, Jun 6, 2007.

The Creep

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Fenix, Jun 6, 2007.

  1. moobox

    moobox Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    Re: Creep: Barbs and pits

    I like the idea behind your suggestions but they are a little too extreme for my complete liking.

    The thorny bush idea is really cool, but it should be used as a defense for the Zerg useful for choke points and such. It should not be able to attack (unless maybe if an infantry unit walks right into it) and a reasonable amount of HP that can regenerate HP but not as fast as any other Zerg unit or building regenerates it's HP. I don't really like the idea about having an upgrade that will continuously grow this defense around the perimeter of a players creep though, it's too easy.

    The pit idea is also nice, I think it should be a specific unit's ability though that can be used scarcely and an AoE that would be considered more small than large.
  2. Shadow Templar

    Shadow Templar New Member

    Aug 24, 2007
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    Re: Creep: Barbs and pits

    I really like the spike idea. Seriosly, isn't' the creep like a living goo that feeds the zerg buildings. I see no reason why it can be evolved further to harden into defenses. It will almost be like terraforming. I could see the spikes being sharp and cutting anything they touch, but at the same time being brittle. Maybe it can be an automatic defense? Like it an enemy steps on the creep the spikes will automatically form to defend that area of the base, impaling a few units and cutting others that walk over it? Hmm..this could open to door to a whole bunch of automatic defenses. I could see see the Terran getting mines fields. The SCV chooses an AOE and after a few seconds the mines are set. Protoss could get some sort of shield. Maybe the pylons admit a shield that reduces incoming ranged damage by like 10%? Like I said, so many options. This could be the next gen of base defense.
  3. moobox

    moobox Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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  4. ShdwyTemplar

    ShdwyTemplar New Member

    Jul 26, 2007
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    Tacoma, Washington
    Re: Creep: Barbs and pits

    I do like this idea a bit, but, the larger misconception here is that the Zerg are idiotic and do not contain intelligence. This is by far the opposite. The Zerg as a whole are not an "intelligent race", but, a race that is based off a unified intelligence coupled with a intelligence that is sentient. The Hydralisk is an example of this. Now, for Creep. I will take my information from a previous thread to explain Creep and its conjunction with Zerg Buildings.

    The Creep
    Zerg structures are effectively giant organs, making a Zerg colony a living creature. To provide the required nourishment and infrastructure, the Zerg produce a living carpet of bio-matter that invading forces have dubbed the Creep. Creep, produced by both Hatcheries and the aptly named Creep Colonies, will spread rather quickly across any fertile ground. The Hatchery is the only structure that can be built without the benefit of existing Creep since it has been genetically designed to automatically produce enough to fuel its own growth. The Creep itself is extremely durable and capable of near-instantaneous regeneration, only retreating from infested ground when a Hatchery or Colony is destroyed.

    Now, with the Zerg Creep being as it is the "terraforming" would be more or less possible, but, to the extent you wish to have it would most likely cost minerals as the Creep only nourishes Zerg structures and not Rocks, Plants, Ect. To have the Creep terraform as well as Advance the Colony the Zerg would need to use a resource of some source for this. A way to make that possible would be have an upgrade that is Evolved and then purchased on a per Creep Colony basis making the Creep produced by that Colony also Terra-form the Planet Surface below it into a Jutting Shard or Bone/Mineral material at some spots. This would make it a tactical upgrade at the cost of Minerals and make sense.

    Now, with the Pits a problem I see occurring is similar to this. It would not be possible unless it was a unit that performs the Pit digging as the Zerg Creep cannot magically warp in or build a pit. That being said the logistics of the pit seem a bit hard to grasp. One question I have is this. How would you make it so it is no OP as in saying 24 Marines 4 Vikings and a Thor do not walk in it? Would it fill up or would the units be consumed like the Great Pit of Carkoon where the Sarlacc is in SW? What Tier would it be and how would it be created? Would it also be intelligent akin to the living tentacle spikes of the Sunken Colony? Would it re-close after a unit has fallen into it? Would your own units fall into it if not careful?Just a few questions about that one as its not too clear how far the idea would go. Note* This idea does not seem similar to the BH as the idea is a bit open ended and up for interpretation and thus is why I would like him to go a bit further with it.

    Otherwise I do enjoy this idea, although, this is similar to many ideas proposed in the Zerg Mechanic's thread. Anyways. Nice Idea.
  5. moobox

    moobox Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    Re: Creep: Barbs and pits

    That's not terraforming, that's simply changing the molecular structure and properties of an biological object (the creep and it's surrounding earth, whether it be grass, rock, sand, etc) into something else. Simple chemical reaction. Terraforming is completely altering an areas atmosphere, mostly used for making a planet/moon/etc habitable by humans or whatever race is conducting the research (many geophysical, geochemical and astrophysical properties need to be met).
  6. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    Re: Creep: Barbs and pits

    It would be humans since Terraforming means "to make like earth" If it were for 'toss' it would be Aiurforming or Zerusforming for the Zerg
  7. moobox

    moobox Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    Re: Creep: Barbs and pits

    :powerup: for being the only other person who knows how to use that word properly!
  8. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    Re: Creep: Barbs and pits

    I never relalized it was a complicated term.

    Terra = earth
    Terran = inhabitant of earth  ( yes the faction was missnamed)
    Form = to make into something

    An understanding of Latin and Greek roots are impotant to knowledge of the English language
  9. carousel

    carousel New Member

    Aug 13, 2007
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    Re: Creep: Barbs and pits

    Thanks for the feedback folks.

    With all the comments made, and taking a step back from the original ideas, I can see how they would create numerous challenges to the game-play mechanics.

    With the pits, I was initially thinking that the enemy would simply drop by the equivalent of one terrain level, but the sides would be sloped enough for them to move out. Thinking about it, to implement something like this would be a nightmare. The Great Pit of Carkoon in star wars would be a good solution, simply swallowing the unit for good, and not having to worry too much about how things escape or what damage they take - though this could risk being too overpowered.

    The pit could work in a smaller way:

    Rathar than units get completley swalled into holes the size of command centres and dropping whole terain levels, they could simply appear to become entrenched. Siege tanks would half dissapear, and remain incepacetated for a short while, while marines would simply suddenly, sink below the surface.

    Perhaps an easier implementation of pits would be to make them more like quicksand. Maybe the creep softens, eats and fills the ground below it. These thick deep areas of creep could gradually suck and slow units down as they moved over them.

    With both barb and pits, I imagined them to be generated simply by the creep itself, no additional units would be required to dig etc. Perhaps a cerebrate like building would be built on the creep with the specific role of 'controlling it' and providing a variety of creep upgrades.

    Thanks for the comments!

  10. Shadow Templar

    Shadow Templar New Member

    Aug 24, 2007
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    Re: Creep: Barbs and pits

    well, thats the last time I use the word terraform....

    Anyways, what I meant with that was forming the creep into the shapes needed. I could even be a sunken colony upgrade. Instead of 1 huge spike, it could be a wall of spikes that last until teh next way is formed. That would bring a new meaning to the word creep colony.

    The pit idea also sounds nice. The terran better watch out, zerg could easily be more defensive. I wish I could say the same for the Protoss.....
  11. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    Re: Creep: Barbs and pits

    Well I always thought that if the put walls in SC then Zerg would get walls of spikes that would grow from the creep wherever you chose and would retract when units needed to pass, Terrans would build walss then have sections upgraded into gates ala AoE and protoss would just be able to generate an energy barrier in the psimatrix that allies can pass through
  12. Anansi_Tragoudia

    Anansi_Tragoudia New Member

    Aug 29, 2007
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    Re: Creep: Barbs and pits

    Really great ideas.

    Perhaps for the spikes/barbs idea, Creep Colonies could have an additional evolution like a Sea Anemone, that has sensitive spikes that grow in its own area. Not an actual structure, but a field of barbs. They wouldn't need to retract because the zerg could be immune to it (think of Clown Fish [Finding Nemo lol]). That type of defensive ability would fit in well with the Creep being a living organ.

    I really like the quicksand idea. Maybe that could be produced by drones too? Work like an ensnare ability, slowing units. When you mentioned the 'sinking idea' they could apply the damage bonus of units at a lower elevation receive.
  13. NateSMZ

    NateSMZ New Member

    Sep 11, 2007
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    Creep possibilities

    I was thinking that it would be interesting if Creep had more properties than just being a limiting factor on Zerg expansion. Protoss pylons act similarly, but they also give a benefit (supply) while Creep doesn't really do anything beneficial... other than if you like the aesthetics for some reason.

    Some potential thoughts I had for ways Creep could be useful:

    1. Act as a detector versus ground units.
    No matter how well a creature is hiding, if it's standing ankle deep in Creep, the Zerg should know about it, seeing as the Creep is alive and linked to aware beings.


    2. Slow enemy ground units.
    Once again, the creep is alive. I can easily imagine it working as an entangling force against non-hovering ground units.


    3. As an upgrade, boost regeneration rates.
    Why not allow an upgrade so that Creep boosts building regen rates and increases unit regen rates while they are on the Creep?

    Other ideas? Feedback?
  14. BnechbReaker

    BnechbReaker New Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    Re: Creep possibilities

    the first idea is very good, i haven seen it suggested before.

    the other 2 ideas have been discussed countless number of times, i definitely think the creep should have some other function apart from allowing buildings to be built, we just have to see what blizzard will come up with.
  15. NateSMZ

    NateSMZ New Member

    Sep 11, 2007
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    Re: Creep possibilities

    sorry, the first idea was really the only new one I had, I figured I'd throw in the other two just to get them out of the way and since they're on the same tangent
  16. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    Re: Creep possibilities

    the first idea leaves DT and ghosts against the zerg useless
  17. NateSMZ

    NateSMZ New Member

    Sep 11, 2007
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    Re: Creep possibilities

    at least for base strikes, yes
  18. Eagle

    Eagle New Member

    Aug 16, 2007
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    Re: Creep possibilities

    What if creep acts like slow poison? I mean, at high tier, enemy units inside the creep slowly loses hp 'till reach 1 (like plague, but waaaay more slowly)
    Or inside the creep, small units get +1 to armor (or to attack, or to something, lol)
  19. Recon

    Recon New Member

    Sep 28, 2007
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    Re: Creep possibilities

    that would be king of cheap.some attacks take time to kill zerg bases so it wouldnt be fare if an entire army is almost dead before they even start there attack on a zerg base. it sure would make zerg players feel safer though. letting it detect enemy units dont quite work either because if there standing on the creep then there close enough to a base that you can see them anyways. and to be able to detect cloaked units is an unfare advantage. the regeneration boost i like how ever. for a while my brother and i always thought that zerg units regenerated faster if you burrow them in the creep but it turned out to not be true. :( so it would be nice to have units regenerate faster but i think they should have to be burrowed in the creep to do so.
  20. NateSMZ

    NateSMZ New Member

    Sep 11, 2007
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    Re: Creep possibilities

    good idea about the burrowing

    and what's unfair about detecting cloaked ground units? Protoss get to mass produce warriors anywhere they want on the map - Terrans get to pick up their bases and fly away... AND now they get to fortify their bases thru the buildings themselves.... why not give the Zerg bases an interesting beneficial dynamic too?