New creep mechanics I would like to see the role of creeps enhanced by adding either or all of the following mechanics: some of them could be available through research. - slight reduction in speed (10-15%) to enemy ground forces traveling through creep. - significantly boost the rate of regeneration(200-300%) of zerg ground units on the creep. - allowing burrowed units to travel underground within the creep. - poison organic units. - expand through cliffs. (i.e. expansion no longer halted at edge of cliffs)
Re: New creep mechanics I'm happy the way the creep is plus poisoning the organic units is sorta unbalanced and of course you will be expanding on cliffs because SC2 is being focused on terrains and heights of each platforms. significantly boosting the regeneration of the zerg ground units is also unbalanced but only if the creep is able to regenerate much slower than your idea's percentage rate speed will make it more balanced and making the opponent's slight reduction in speed to their ground forces while on creep it will be very tedious and the zergs can easily counter the opponent's units and moving underground while burrow within the creep is a good idea for defense and tricking the opponent with all these ideas the creep will be the ultimate and the most annoying defense for the zergs but if these are separate ideas then i will except the third idea and the last idea sorry if this comment had made you bored
Re: New creep mechanics yes they are separate ideas, 200-300% boost in regeneration on the creep is not over-powered in any way, zerg regeneration in sc1 was totally useless, as zergs generally have low hp and die fast. even if you boost regeneration by 100% it wouldn't make much difference. also the boost is only on creep, and you are only going to rest your units idle on the creep if you have nothing to do with them or if you are defending your base.
Re: New creep mechanics But even with low health and useless regeneration Zerg players still win and i don't find regeneration that useless when they wait and mass it's actually pretty useful in my opinion
Re: New creep mechanics Im sary but i rarely used regen I only used it when my assalt failed and I saved a lisk or two and it didn't even get them to full health by the time i needed to attack again to make sure they stayed out of my base and they die so fast it doesn't realy mate if one dies 1 or 2 hits faster
Re: New creep mechanics regeneration can be very useful actually if your in a battle you can micro your units with low hp back to your base to regenerate until next battle. you can save money very similar to ud blight in wc3 i remember when i would cycle my ghouls(melee units) like the weak ones i would send to back of the line where the range units are , so the enemy would more likely focus fire on units with higher hp or if they were focus on that ghoul they would follow it and not attack other units take more damage..... i would be so glad with creep regen if a bit more effective especially if zerg get some kind of tank unit that is not unreasonable expensive or high up the tech tree (like ultras)
Re: New creep mechanics warcraft 3 is significantly different from starcraft, micro is much more important in wc3 as you only get 40 units and footmen took 40 hits to kill each other. in starcraft you can have 300+ zerglings and they kill each other in 7 hits. it'll be insane to micro damage zerglings and pull them back, even pros don't do it, as it's not effective anyway. zerg regen in sc1 was virtually useless, only slight usefulness was with mutalisk harassment, where during a long a sustained harassment campaign, your mutas might recover something like 30 hp from start to end. other than that it was useless
Re: New creep mechanics Micro is also important in SC1 as well for saving your men which is very important
Re: New creep mechanics LOL oh god no i wasnt say that about zergling in bigger battles i was thinking more about heavier units maybe lurkers hydras def ultras if i had one. Early in the game microing lings is everything when there are few units on the map micro can go a long way to take out few workers save some lings..... but creep regen would be awesome if was somewhat effective.
Re: New creep mechanics ofcourse micro is imprtant in sc1, however the the level of micro and general micro strategy required in starcraft is very different from warcraft. warcraft is about individual unit micro where as starcraft is about group micro such as formation, high ground, wide front line and flanking
Re: New creep mechanics I think Zerg definitely needs to utilize Creep more. It was kind of a limiting factor for their race. Protoss and Zerg were limited to a certain area, but Zerg especially so since it was so much harder to generate Creep. I mean forget encroaching on an enemy's base unless they're Zerg and you can utilize their existing Creep. Since Protoss is going to be using their pylon power areas much more with their warp-ins, I would expect a similar utilization of the Creep for Zerg. Whether it is increased regeneration (as I would suspect) or some new type of travel (nydus worms) or even damage to enemy units. I do not agree, however, with extending Creep beyond ridges. It often results in the enemy finding you faster.
Re: New creep mechanics allowing burrowed units to travel underground within the creep. i like this idea. this will be one of the coolest thing they can implement on zerg. and drone should have the ability to burrow too. then move them underground. yah i like it very much, makes cheaps shots on zerg workers harder.
Re: New creep mechanics yes it does matter cuz if every unit died two hits faster it would add up to alot of health lost and possibly effect the outcome of the battle.i think those ideas for the creep are very good. xD
Re: New creep mechanics You guys should just read the Zerg Mechanics thread.. it pretty much makes this one obselete.
Re: New creep mechanics I really don't think the creep should have any buffs other than maybe a thing to keep enemys from building on your creep like a slow down of build
Re: New creep mechanics Creep that has an ability like slows down enemy units by 15 - 20 percent would be awesome i tink that your ideas are great