Notice how Zerg units never attack by biting? The Zerg have sharp teeth for a reason, that reason is: to eat creep!
I just want to see a big mass of Scourge slamming into and blowing up on the Creep because they were hungry. :\
Plz tell me your joking. I think Zerg has the best air defence. they have Spore Colonies, which IMO are pretty good if their in large groups. Then theres Scourges, which are extremely cheap and take out big ships like Carriers, Battle Cruisers, and Arbitors in about 3 hits. then theres Overlord + Hydralisk + Defiller that takes care of the rest of the flyers pretty easily.
Hmm you need 5 scourges to take out a Carrier or a Battlecruiser. Provided that your scourges survives the flight Yeah Zerg does have pretty good air defense, Devourer + hydralisk is deadly. Although they need more ground units that can attack air. Right now there's only 1 - hydralisks.
The stuff grows in the hard radiation of space, I think it can handle a little radioactive fallout thank-you-very-much.
you ever seen anyone use 10,000 nukes? actually i was thinking becouse the creep is the zerg the presence would heal them kinda how a leader boasts moral.
I have a few suggestions about the creep. First of all, perhaps zerg units that are burrowed in the creep cannot be detected by detector units? I think it was be an interesting defense to have 100 hidden zerglings in you base. Secondly, there should be an 'invisible' building that blends in with the creep. Allies would be able to see it dimly, but enemies would not. This invisible building would reach up and eat any land units that come beneath it, and perhaps shoot spores out above at air units. This would force players to send in a few air units over seemingly harmless areas to search for zerg creep traps. Just an idea.
This idea is very interesting indeed. A surprised zergling attack on approaching enemies would be good to see, with devastating results (for them lol). Or infested terrans or banelings can behave as spider mines, unburrowing when enemies walk on top of them. The only problem this generates is that lurkers will overpower here. I mean if it can't be detected as long as it's on the creep, then the enemy can only penetrate the outer base's defense using air units. Good idea too, so a cloaked/burrowed sunken colony? It would be easy for blizzard to implement this idea. It would though break the traditional characteristic of static defense in starcraft. Static defense is not suppose to be too powerful, because they want players to actually move the mouse to control the units to defend the base. This would though be a very good idea at countering early-mid game rushes which i absolubtly hate
Zerg Creep movement penalty idea This could be a dumb idea but one i've always thought would make sense when it came to creep. Maybe enemy units should get a movement penalty while they are on it. It's def. something that could be balanced with the zergs defenses. Plus, with things like the zealots new charge ability, it could come in handy. Plus it would make things like blink seem more useful to me. It would make for some interesting strategy. It's a long shot but i'm just throwing it out there.
Re: Zerg Creep movement penalty idea first it hought it would be a good idea. but then i realised that it would be extremly hard to attack a zergs base. which just wouldnt be balanced.
Re: Zerg Creep movement penalty idea I think some sort of biological poison that damages enemy units, and heals Zerg units would work, but it would be a creep upgrade, in the realm of replacing Sunken colonies...but wouldn't be a comprehensive creep umbrella ability, you would have to upgrade areas for a price.
I had mentioned the slowing down of non-zerg units before. I love this idea! Beyond that I was thinking that if enemies die on your creep they are not only absorbed into it but this would give a small life bonus to all the buildings and units that are on the creep when the unit died.
i personally hate upgrades that you have to buy then you have to buy AGAIN for each unit, so if that happens im ditching SC2
This could work but I think you'd have to either dull down the sunken colonies or get rid of them all together and replace it with the pit traps. Once again, this could be something that absorbs the unit's hit points that died and distributed it to your units around the pit.
Perhaps they will simply do away with passive healing of Zerg units unless they are on the creep, isnt that how undead worked in WC3? I think the creep should get a big boost in effects. Like units sinking a bit in the spongey surface and when they die the creep grows up over the bodies and absorbs them into the creep. I think certain units should be slowed in the creep,like small walking units, like Marines, Dark Templar, Zealots. Larger units like tanks and Immortals probably wouldnt be slowed by the creep though, it isnt very thick looking afterall. It would be cool if units that borrowed in the creep could move under the creep and spring attack unwary enemies also on the creep. Sorta like the new Protoss Pylon warping. They probabaly wont do it though, because thats the protoss special ability, but it would still be cool. Also I just thought of this, what if the Zerg had a special ability that would allow them to create a large apendage or tentacle anywhere on the creep to attack ground units. Sort of like mobile Sunken Colonies. Hell, they could downright get rid of Sunkens completely. It would just cost 75-100 minerals every time you form one, and it stays permanently there afterwards, but is able to be formed anywhere on creep controlled by you.