The sunken colony is weaker than most expect, especially when up against zergings and terran infantry. There needs to be an upgrade where it has a shorter cooldown. That tougue thing is just way too slow.
The game calls it "Subterranean Spines." I always thought it looked like a tongue though. I agree, you should be able to upgrade to cut the amount of cooldown....It's pretty strong, but horribly slow, especially considering the Spore Colony's speed.
If all slow down on Creeps? Zergs win. I can make sunkens everywhere and not even a single race can kill me. Unless if it is the Zerg. :/
waht if all the creep around the creep coloney (as an upgrade) acted as quick sand, so any unit that stays to still for to long sinks in and dies. that would make terrans think about seige tanks slightly differently (although they are very rarley on the creep)
Mm, that might make StarCraft more micro-manage oriented. Maybe if it took like five minutes, or a rather large amount of time.....Rather, they stay on it for too long, it starts sucking out their health slowly....Like it's feeding off of them.
yeah, but i was thinking much much shorter, maybe like 20/30 seconds, so this would be an upgrade of course, and since theve got a new 3d engine, they should literally sink down any other ideas, i like yours cuase its simplar/easier to do.
After reading the various suggestions, the creep could probably act as the super unit for the zerg. A special ability that can be deployed from the hatcheries or colonies (well a creep is always going to be around one of them). The ability will be to "swallow" the enemy ground unit, much like the Venus Fly Trap.
maybe if dead units could be fed to the creep, and turned into a health increase in speed or x amount of minerals.
Hmm... reading that post gave me an idea. Maybe the Zerg could have a type of unit that eats dead units' corpses and... does something with them (Converts them into energy, turns them into Banelings, etc.).
They need a unit that will benefit from the cliff system, so some kind of giant mantis or spider or something. And the creep should do all these things that people have said, it should nourish life and take it away, like god, in creep form
Considering the fact that the creep feeds all Zerg units, it leads me to wonder: what does creep taste like? I bet it is overly sweet and meaty, and melts in your mouth, probably leaving an unpleasant aftertaste. It is probably an expensive delicacy, considering the difficulty of harvesting it.
Well, the Zerg eat it(assuming they don't absorb the nutrients through their skin or anything), so it follows that it is edible. If a human were to eat it, they would care about the taste... the flavor.
*speaking in French accent(as indicated by italics* excuse me sir, but would you like the 1956 creep with a spinach and honey glaze? i would recommend a nice chardonnay to accompany it.
i wonder if creep floats over water or under it, or jsut gets absorbed into it, like sugar. i think its going to be very sweet tasting, so zerglings can get energy from eating it.
The Creep is described as a leathery carpet. YOU CAN'T EAT LEATHER. But maybe you could chew on it for an energy boost.....All natural Stim-Pak!