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The Creep

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Fenix, Jun 6, 2007.

The Creep

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Fenix, Jun 6, 2007.

  1. Protoss Kills Infinitely

    Protoss Kills Infinitely New Member

    Jun 29, 2007
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    What about making spines come out of the creep to pull enemy units into the ground or something...Or pits with spines in them but hidden? ???
  2. Overling

    Overling New Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    I'd rather have underground throats that stuck the ground enemies in it. This way, ground targets wouldn't have a way around it like they could ignore the Sunken and move to the drones. A ground-throat would suck them if they walk near it, and kill them slowly in the process.

    If you put some of these hidden in the creep, and the enemy will surely fall by mistake in one of those. They should work like hidden structures that only trigger when the enemy is walking over it, trapping the enemy and hitting it while it is trapped. Only hovering/air units wouldn't trigger it, and to see it would require detection. Upon entering its field, units would be severely slowed too, simulating the sucking of the throat. If the enemy doesn't have a high HP, it will die trying to cross it.

    This kind of ground hidden structure would be a good defense to decrease Zealot's HP and mobility, but easily avoidable once the enemy has Stalkers to blink away/over it. And since structures can only be built on creep (besides Nydus worms), it could hide in the creep itself, making stepping into the creep a dangerous task for all infantry units, whenever the zerg player gets it.

    Terrans would require the Medics' detection skill, or flying/hovering units to get by it unharmed. Reapers could get trapped into these, but they can enter the creep from advantageous points, and they're spendable.
  3. hydralisk

    hydralisk New Member

    Oct 29, 2007
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    that is a greast idea but i also think some of the hp taken away should be saved up to heal your own zerg units
  4. DarkTemplol

    DarkTemplol New Member

    Nov 23, 2007
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    i think the idea of the creep hurting or slowing down enemy units would make the Zerg too strong. i mean, Zerg relied on speed and Numbers. Slowing down units on the offensive would kinda make it incredibly difficult to beat the already overwhelming numbers of the Zerg.
  5. Pyrodaimon

    Pyrodaimon New Member

    Aug 9, 2007
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    It would be unbalanced indeed but it makes sense that when you walk on a slimy purple substance to slow down a little bit.
  6. DarkTemplol

    DarkTemplol New Member

    Nov 23, 2007
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    Balance over realism :p
  7. Smokiehunter

    Smokiehunter New Member

    Aug 5, 2007
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    thank you dark that is what I'm talking about. zerg is already an offensive race giving them a great defense were you could spawn even more zerg as they come into your base would be nuts. the only way to win would be mass air and I believe blizz is trying to move away from massing BC and Carriers
  8. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    I read the first 7 pages, the ideas I think could be put into effect are:

    Slightly slowing down enemy units on creep, which means the sunkuns slow attack rate isnt much of an immediate problem, plus isn't the creep kinda gooey like a marsh or swamp?.

    Faster regen for friendly units (including allies), lol I don't see why not. Cuz think about it, an amphibian is faster in the water but can still move on land [i know its a bad comparison but im tired :D]. This stops zealots from being too powerful with them being the strongest small unit with that whole charge ability.

    Having a special unit(units) or building that travels under the creep (meaning its 'cloaked') with a high damaging but slow attack rate would be good; imagine you expanded your base near an enemy camp and you could move this unit to the frontline and it attacks the base which is close.
    This could be balanced by giving terrans or protoss and building that repels creep which adds to the effect the Zergs 'consume' planets or enemies (how vines strangle different species of plants it runs into, but of course you can repel weeds/vines with different substances)

    Possibly different types of creep, for example: normal creep that allows upgrades such as faster regan and then you have a type of sunkun colony that is slightly acidic so it cant allow buildings to spawn on it but slowly damages units on it, similar to a terran building on fire. But zergs would damage slower.
  9. hydralisk

    hydralisk New Member

    Oct 29, 2007
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    on the slowing down part the zerg need this extra defence because really the protoos and terrans have way more defence think about it the terrans now have the supply doors along with bunkers and the protoos can wrap around there base like crazy all the zerg got is sunkens which is very easy to get by the need this slowing down effect and possibly the special creep hunter thing
  10. EonMaster

    EonMaster Eeveelution Master

    Oct 9, 2007
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    From what people say, some things are good, while others aren't. I have compiled a list on what I personally think about some of the ideas, and my reasons for them.

    creep can slow down non-zerg units-should not be allowed in the game. It would either be too powerful or too weak, and nobody would agree as to what the exact rate to the unit is slowed that would be acceptable. Also, this would cause the zerg to camp, which is not how the zerg are meant to be played.

    zerg units regenerate faster while on the creep-this should not be added, or have a very small increase in the rate. This idea I originally supported, but recently I have seen that this ability would cause a great incentive to have the player camp in their bases where the creep has settled over the ground.

    creep should be able to climb cliffs-should be added to the game. This idea is a excellent way for zerg to combat the new cliff hoping abilities. Also, this would allow for other possible zerg mechanics to be implemented into the game. Two very popular ideas are listed right below this one.

    creep allowing zerg units to climb cliffs-should be in the game. This ability would have the zerg be allowed to move their units around easier, adding to the fact that they are swarming units. Also, this would balance out the issue that the protoss and terran have units that can climb cliffs, zerg would be able to have all their units would be able to do it.

    if the creep can form on walls, building could be built on it-I think this is a good idea, but only low tier buildings should be able to be built on it. Mainly, only tier 1 and 2 military buildings as well as both sunkern and spore colonies. Tier 3-4 should not be able to be built on walls, as well as hatcheries.

    zerg units can hide and attack while in the creep-should be in the game. However there should be a limit as to how many can hide depending on the total area the creep covers. The larger creep size, say for the main base, would be able to bury more units than the creep in a small expansion. This would allow the zerg to defend, but not be able to hide their entire army, so camping wouldn't be too big of a problem.

    If you have any complaints about my reasoning, post which abilities you disagree on and why you think my reasoning is incorrect.
  11. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Yea you're right on the camping issues, which is against Zerg rules :p. The slowing down shouldnt be introduced then.

    The Speed only slightly as you said.

    Lings should climb cliffs as they now have wings...

    Creep coming over the wall is good and bad, meaning a high ground base would be too obvious so I don't know.

    Attacking while in the creep I'd say no cuz it causes camping, I think just add new sunkun colony types.
  12. hydralisk

    hydralisk New Member

    Oct 29, 2007
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    i still say it needs the slowing down part because the zerg can get overwhelmed quicjly in the begining and you u got is a few z lings couple hydas like 3 sunkens while begin attack with marines and meds or lotrs of zealots
  13. EonMaster

    EonMaster Eeveelution Master

    Oct 9, 2007
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    Slowing enemy units downs won't help you against the M&M since they use range attacks, your still going to get owned by them before your lings can get in range.

    Also, 3 sunkerns can deal a lot of damage, especially when defended by 2-4 lings at the begining of the game.
  14. Maelstrom

    Maelstrom New Member

    Dec 9, 2007
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    Keep in mind that in the early game, everything works pretty much like in SC1 as far as we know.
    Terrans will have their marines, possibly firebats, medics, and bunkers; the Protoss will have their zealots, immortals, and phase cannons.. while the Zerg will continue to have their zerglings, hydralisks and sunken colonies.
    So in the early game there won't be any differences compared to SC1.
    Later on.. yes, both Terrans and Protoss have improved defensive capabilities and this surely affects the Zerg if they don't develop any. But still, we must also consider that Zergs are aggresive in nature and, due to this, It would be logical to think that the best defense the Zerg could come up with, is a better offense.
    Therefore, I think that the creep could receive an upgrade, but none of these upgrades should lead the Zerg player to camp nor take a defensive stance, because that does not fit in the Zerg profile.
    Considering this, many of the options mentioned earlier, in my opinion, should not be considered, like the Hp regenerating Creep, and the slowing creep.
    A third type of ''colony'' could be an option, a neutral option if you wish, because this would not affect the Zerg player strategy at all.
    I'll try to think of another option, and post it as soon as possible.
    But my point is that any kind of change in the Creep should lead the swarm to attack, not the other way around.
  15. dadouw

    dadouw New Member

    Aug 4, 2007
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    The units that dies on the creep get absorbed and makes the creep bigger
  16. Trooper_Lozer

    Trooper_Lozer New Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    I think the creep should be able to damage enemy units, nothing significant. Just enough to balance out late game, that way an enemy marine for example will take 1 damage every 1 - 2 seconds. ITs not to much, but again, just enough to keep an enemy thinking twice before attacking a zerg base. And although it does not sound significant at all, it would make it a tough battle because by late game a zerg bass should probably have sever sunken colonies available. When an enemy walks on the creep it will take damage, and while its attacking a sunk or something it will be taking the damage. It does not take long for a sunk to be damaged so the player wont have to worry about the unit taking much damage. But when it comes to long attacks on a big base, well u may need a medic or two. If a marine has 60 health, it would only take about 1 minute or two to die... And this has probably been discussed, i just did not want to read all 16 pages...
  17. Namor

    Namor New Member

    Oct 27, 2007
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    Don't add any slowing or hurting mechanics to the zerg... A zerg player shall not depend on their base, but on share unit numbers...

    Offence shall be the best defence for the zerg:p
  18. OriginalSin

    OriginalSin New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    i think that the creep should be upgradable and different colours like you get 10m around the hive like say that you have 5 hives and you upgrade each one differntly I.E. at one you have a upgrade that reduces armour another that deals 3 damage per second and another that damages more i.e. you get the picture xD
  19. hydralisk

    hydralisk New Member

    Oct 29, 2007
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    i like that idea but it might get complicated
  20. ekulio

    ekulio New Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    I don't. It would make your base look like an ugly patchwork quilt...Also, I'm hoping the creep will look better than it used to, not just some ugly purple mat.