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The case for a 4TH RACE on third game release

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by Deus_ex_Machina, Feb 6, 2009.

The case for a 4TH RACE on third game release

  1. marcmad

    marcmad New Member

    Feb 1, 2009
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    a fourth race.

    Imagine in the storyline that the guardian of the galaxie where they are see that the zerg don't have any opposition and are gaining number and number by conquering planet.They would bring their army to reduce his number but suddenly a new race coming from a new galaxie ran thought defense of the galaxie defender an came into the galaxie.
    The leader of the other galaxie ask the leader of this galaxie that they are dangerous because they can make unit very faster in factory(robot). This new race instal in the galaxie and find and fight the zerg. Follow an epic fight because they can build units fast and continously.

    This race are not obligated to be in multiplayer but if it, it will be a race who are strong in advanced game and weak at start. When they'll build factory, they create unit faster than any other race but they are high price(like protoss) and only medium capacibilitie(like human).
    Legions of robots are controled by some (not robots) units. if the robots aren't in the control area of these unit they desactivate or go in ennemie control if he have a unit(protoss mind control it)

    As well, it would be really hard or impossible to balance it
  2. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    well according to blizzard starcraft is a three race game, and while i completely agree with them, it does not matter.
    Starcraft is 3 races
  3. Hayden351

    Hayden351 Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    If there is a fourth race it will be played by the AI
  4. Darth_Bane

    Darth_Bane Moderator

    Sep 1, 2007
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    Seattle, Washington USA
    agreed If they make a 4th race it would most likely be unbalanced and would be exclusive the campaigns and solo fights in between cpu and you.
  5. dantroid225

    dantroid225 Guest

    Ive been thinkin bout the AI thing for a while too
    zerg- cheep units for mass attacks and overwhelming
    protoss- expensive powerful units for striking hard
    terren- balanced units good at adapting to defensive situations

    No room for another unique playstyle?
    what about having the AI as a very adaptive race that relys on hard counters for stratagies? instead of the ai's buildings making units, the basic worker unit can quickly build other basic units and they can build more, so they can grow and mass at a fast rate. as far as buildings go, every race has some sort of unique restrictions on how or where they can build. The AI building can have some sort of system where the buildingd build eachother and they all are conected.

    Tech building where different unit types can be researched can be created and in order to change the basic units, u just have to bring them over to the building (like a shield battery) and they'll "morph" into new units. the units can do this as many times as they want but it cost $ and time when ever they do. also for larger more powerful units, basic workers can combine themselves and then upgrade at the apropiate buildings. the catch is that the attack types of the units are very specific like only ground to ground or ground to air only, but never both so that the AI always has to be changing to counter different units, thus costing a lot of $$$ unless they get it right the first time.

    Also, mabey the spellcaster wont have any skills to start but will have to steal them from enemy units and bring back the data in order to "download' that spell into other units. another idea is that instead of attack and armor upgrades, there could be support units that have an AOE like a pylon that gives buffs based on proxy. as far as expanding goes, the main base can lift off (but attatched building will be powered down if it's the only one conected) and move, faster then the terran command center, and land at a new spot. since it can make units by itself, it cant just land up on a clift early game and start expanding cause workers couldn't reach it w/ out transport.

    I got more ideas but i'll have to post them later. Sound alright?
  6. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    Someone has to explain to me, why are all these new races coming out of nowhere, instead of using the lore?
  7. izzard1

    izzard1 Guest

    Very interesting topic. I have a couple of things to say.
    First off: no Xel'Naga race. I mean c'mon. The overmind wiped them out. They are gone. At least 99.9999999% of them. And also, they are more interested in creating races and seeing how they evolve. Why on earth will they build siege tanks and fight on the ground with the other races? and also, what would they be fighting for... to destroy the zerg and protoss? well if that's the case... when the terrans learn of this, they'll run and hide somewhere, and let the xel'naga with their super world destroying weapons (i assume they have them) annihilate the other two races and then the terrans will emerge from hiding to rule the korprulu sector.
    i would like to see a fourth race. but not an AI race or robot race. everyone is thinking more advanced races. terrans are the least advanced, protoss are the most advanced (technologically) and the zerg (biologically). so how about regressing? how about a primitive race...
    i have an idea. i can't upload the pic, but this race looks like a cross between bats and frogs. (don't try to imagine it). Let's call it hmmm... the Vox. the vox are primitive and violent. they live in a tribe system and constantly battle one another. in fact the ruling tribe can only rise to be the "leader" clan if they can beat another clan in combat. and not in the way of sending everything they got, no no no no. they have mock battles. ritualistic style. lets say 20 marine, 10 firebats, 5 siege tanks and 3 goliaths each. and whoever wins, gets to lead. but no one really listens to the "lead" clan. the lead clan is only there in case of emergencies when the entire vox race needs to act as one. otherwise, they're constantly fighting one another over territory and resources and the like.
    how do the vox fit in? simple.
    one vox clan sends out an explorer ship. it finds the terrans on the korprulu sector. they see ah... a race worthy of being attacked. so they return and in form the rest of the vox. the vox then elect a lead clan and send in their forces to fight the terran... cuz its a new race and one that the vox have not pitted themselves against. but unfortunately, the zerg and protoss are also there, so now the vox has to battle all of them or otherwise risk the shame of knowing they aren't the greatest.
    so how the vox operate?
    not really sure yet how they build stuff. but they are like i say primitive. their weapons are very hard hitting but their tech is not very sturdy. the vox, physiologically, are very tough. standing 8 feet tall and able to rip a terran in half and could fight a hydralisk unarmed (though they might not exactly be victorious).
    so what do u all think so far? any suggestions?
  8. EtB513

    EtB513 New Member

    Mar 4, 2009
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    Just to point out, the thread has been inactive for 3 months...

    I dont think that Blizzard would want to mix it up by adding an entirely new playable race from scratch with no existing lore behind it. People suggested the Xel'Naga because we know they are there and are powerful beings. Personally, I don't think there will be a fourth race, at least not playable. I wouldn't be too surprised if there were some Xel'Naga characters in the game, but I would suspect that to be later (perhaps one of the expansions). Something with a purely campaign-oriented roll (no multiplayer)

    Basically, considering the game is almost in beta, we'd know by now if there was going to be a fourth race in the launching game.
  9. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    the best options for the 4th and 5th imo would be the xelnaga and UED. doesn't really need to be unique looking but just unique units and gameplay mechanics.
  10. marcusrodrigues

    marcusrodrigues New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    I hope more than anything that Blizzard does not add any new race. Many games games that I liked to play were often ruined by the senseless addition of new races and units (LOTR BFME, Age of Empires III, etc).
    When you have 3 distinct races, that are balanced despite each unique pay style, I don't really think you need another race. The new units and mechanics should be news enough for everyone, for a long time ;-)
  11. Windblade

    Windblade New Member

    Feb 16, 2009
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    they will need a new race eventually, you can only add so many units to a race every expansion/sequle they even said that Heart and Legacy...new units but unsure how many per b/c itll become unbalanced if they add a lot since there will be 2 expansions.

    SC3 - Xel'naga/Hybrids....hopefully

    this thread came back from the dead
  12. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    The Hybrids would be more suited to be a hero/unique unit than a whole new race since they need to physically be created and cannot breed. Depending on what happens in Starcraft II, I would be okay with a new race for Starcraft III (but seeing as how there will be two Stacraft II expansions this talk of Starcraft III is WAY WAY premature).

    I am definitely completely against any entirely new races (at least fully playable in multiplayer) for Starcraft II or either of its expansions. The trifecta of races Blizzard has already created is perfect.

    Random side note: isn't trifecta a wonderful word??? I just love the sound of it. Hahah.
  13. Windblade

    Windblade New Member

    Feb 16, 2009
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    blizzard has yet to say the hybrids are unable to breed, and blizz did say that the xel'naga and hybrids will be encountered and interacted with in the story mode, but they will be mysterious

    the Hybrids are the perfect race - pros of zerg and protoss combined, reproduction is not going to be an issue. it's going to happen, its the natural progression of the story and the game
  14. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    I disagree - the Hybrids would not make it as a fourth race. There are two reasons for this, one based in reality and one based in lore/gameworld/opinion.

    Reality - A Hybrid is by definition of genetic mix of two different species. Accordingly, they are ALWAYS infertile. A Protoss/Zerg Hybrid would theoretically be no different, since Duran (or the Xel 'Naga or whoever) literally pieced together bits of the two species' DNA. Since a Zerg cannot reproduce with a Protoss, the chances that a Hybrid would have appropriate reproductive capability is near nil.

    Gameplay/Lore/Opinion - I think that creating a fourth race based on a combination of two of the three already existing races would be a cop-out on Blizzard's part. If Blizzard were to introduce a fourth race in Starcraft III, I am sure they would take the time to make it truly new. This is why the Xel 'Naga would be a better possibility, or some as yet un-imagined race.

    So, either way we look at it, it's hard to see Blizzard choosing Hybrids as an eventual fourth race. Since there are relatively small amounts of them created by Duran and Hybrids cannot by definition reproduce, it would not make a good starting point for an entire race. At the same time, the Xel 'Naga represent a much more attractive option. Although honestly, I'd prefer something entirely unique and new.

    That said, it's almost an irrelevant conversation, since Starcraft II will not have a playable fourth race and Starcraft III is probably not even on Blizzard's mind.
  15. Windblade

    Windblade New Member

    Feb 16, 2009
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    i concur, since when did Blizzard have to follow realistic rules? Starcraft is not realistic in the first place, its Sci-Fi. the if the Xel'naga are behind the hybrids, then is it not possible that the Hybrids and Xel'Naga will be considered 1 race? they are "perfect" and the xel'naga were decimated by the surprised Zerg attack.

    and of course the 4th race has to be new, just because they're hybrids doesnt mean they wont be new, of course SC3 is not (eh maybe cuz if you make the story you plan on some form of over-reaching plot, ex - secret mission in BW)

    btw the XN wanted to combine purity of umm mind? with the zerg purity of form...now lets see i dont see any of the cons so we have a brand new species that, given the fact the xel'naga have developed countless races, should be able to reproduce if they know what they are doing. again...this isnt reality if i want to make a new species that can reproduce i can. Hybrids reproducing has = chance of Protoss being real.

    note: when i say hybrids i foresee the xel'naga and hybrids being 1
  16. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    While that is true, I definitely prefer my Sci-Fi to be at least "loosely" realistic. In this case, the Hybrids are highly specialized creatures that were literally created through genetic manipulations. Since this is actually not far off from what can be done today, I think it would make little sense for the Hybrids to become an entire race.

    The Xel 'Naga created the Hybrids, just as they created the Zerg and the Protoss. I wouldn't consider Protoss + Xel 'Naga or Zerg + Xel 'Naga one race, so why would this extend to Hybrids + Xel 'Naga?

    This is a good point; I hadn't thought about that before.

    However, the whole reason Xel 'Naga are developing the Hybrids is to create a superior being (i.e. perfect essence + form). By definition, these Hybrids are going to be extremely strong. At the same time, their method of formation is very similar to the Zerg's assimilation. These two items, and the fact that there are only a few of them, imply that they are best served in not becoming a fourth race. Their capabilities would be too similar to those of the Zerg and Protoss, and I would prefer to see a whole new race from scratch. Maybe they could be Xel 'Naga hero units, if the Xel 'Naga were to become a fourth race.

    Of course, we know in Starcraft II that Hybrids and Xel 'Naga will be unique, storyline units. I think they should remain that way, in Starcraft III, and would rather see something entirely different as a fourth race.
  17. Windblade

    Windblade New Member

    Feb 16, 2009
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    one reason why i do really want the xel'naga/hybrids or and/or to be the 4th is that it wont be random

    in Wc3 we suddenly had night elves and the undead...both come from nowhere really night elves more so. even though the night elves are the coolest ever xD

    but i dont want that with SC2 even though they can atleast the hybrids and Xel'Naga becoming the 4th race makes sense, otherwise a random 4th race means that randomly a new species popped up in their pocket of the universe and is influential in events -.-
  18. BloodHawk

    BloodHawk Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    CT, USA
    Anyone else notice that the only 2 people agreeing with Deus are accounts with one post each? And they seem to say the exact same crap with a similar amount of logical/cognitive ability?

    Regardless, legitimate posters have done plenty to expose how unlikely, trite, and unnecessary the concept is. I could politely continue the argument, but that clearly has no effect nor does the case appear to be open in anyone but Dues' eyes.

    He probably just watched The Matrix for the first time right before posting this topic...What other popular movie liscences can be hijacked for a new SC2 race? Jedis? Gremlins? How about the Mighty Ducks?

    Assuming Deus isn't creating multiple accounts (yeah, that is a blatant accusation. One worth the Mods' attention) in a poor attempt to make his idea sound like anyone likes it...lets all agree to put down the torches and pitchforks. This Frankenstien's monster seems to be drawn to them and we don't need space junk in the general board.

    There should be a shop item to bump a topic down. I wouldn't post here myself if it wasn't already at the top.
  19. needler

    needler New Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    I really wouldn't like a fourth race. StarCraft wouldn't be StarCraft anymore.
  20. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    SC3 is another 10 years. i hope they can add the new race in SC2 maybe in a 4th expansion.