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The Archon Theory

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by Darth_Bane, Sep 1, 2007.


The Archon Theory what do you think?

  1. Yes, all 3 Archons should be there

    0 vote(s)
  2. Just the Dark Archon and Twilight Archon

    0 vote(s)
  3. Just the origionals

    0 vote(s)
  4. Just the regular Archon and the Twilight Archon

    0 vote(s)
  5. Just the Twilight Archon

  6. No Archons at all

    0 vote(s)

The Archon Theory

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by Darth_Bane, Sep 1, 2007.

  1. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    Blizzard IS taking the simple route at the moment! The Twilight Archon has the Psionic Shockwave attack as well as the Feedback ability. We are discussing possible other ways to deal with the whole Archon thing. Also, in my opinion if the Twlight Archon is a Dark Archon + Regular Archon from the old Starcraft, that is not new or exciting enough for Starcraft 2. I want to see something cool and unique.
  2. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    @ Vindicatorsmc

    sometimes i think its just you who's stupid coz giving a powerful unit tons of spells wouldnt fit too much for its description... twilight is the gap between night and day its like the submersion of void and khala for the protoss.. cant you imagine that its too irrelevant to give a powerful unit lots of spells?? why?? because it would turn out to be a super unit like a hero....

    the staff members are trying hard to do what they can do about it.. but IMO i wouldnt change a thing coz feedbacks already an awsome ability and given the fact that archons deal splash damage.. so technically they can handle swarms and hurt badly spellcasters...

    about feedback... think about this situation.. you have a TA on patrol and you spotted a wondering Nomad or Mothership.. then poof!!! instant heavy feedback damage or possibly kill to those small units like the predator medic ghost etc...

    anyway my point is you cant say that its simply easy to do that coz it aint that easy if you think of it logically and balance wise..

    peace ^_^
  3. Vindicatormsc

    Vindicatormsc New Member

    Sep 19, 2007
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    yeah,you may be right,but even so,adding new spells to it wouldn't be so game-breaking.the Mind Control can only be used once,and your Archon is as good as dead.the Feedback and maelstrom abilities doesn't have such drawbacks,but still,it's not like the TA has endless mana.it would be able to use 2 skills,and then have to use it's regular attack.

    they could give it all three abilities,and reduce the TA's attack power,or keep it's attack somewhat high,but increase the cost of it's abilities.you may think i just don't see through the balance point of view,but i actually do,and i really think it would be simple to transform the TA into an actual mix between the Archon and Dark Archon...
  4. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    You could give it all 3 abilities and probally increase its stats a little but just force playeres to build them only from HT + DT and no other combinations. Because this would make them alot harder to come buy because you need to have every templay building built to build them and the units. They wouldnt be that overpowered because they would still be limited by energy. You could also just go all the way and make them a little stronger than that and hard cap them at 6-12 out at a time. You could justify this hard cap by saying the protoss are a dieing race and dont have very many templar left to sacrifice to make into Twilight Archons.

    P.S. Just as a disclaimer this nessecarily my opinion what should be done with twilight archons it ias just a suggestion and shouldnt be taken as any more than that.
  5. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Giving the Archon added abilities while still having an attack is going a bit too far. The unit DOES have to have a counter, after all, and that's tough to do when the unit can attack and wipe out opposing caster units at the same time.

    I'm even kind of against this new Twilight Archon that attacks as well as using feedback, but I might be able to live with that if that's its ONLY ability.... The reason I say this is because any unit and its abilities can be balanced. It is probably also a necessary ability for the Protoss as they might be lacking in defense against casters at this point. Terran has snipe, etc....

    Giving it more abilities on top of feedback will only tip the scales in its favor even more.

    I think they can just give a reasonable backstory reason why the HT + HT doesn't work anymore, and why the DT + DT doesn't work anymore. Only the new hybrid DT + HT works.

    HT+HT = The ability is lost since (insert obscure temple name here) has been destroyed. The knowledge was lost with it.

    DT+DT = The Dark Templar have sacrificed their ability to meld with each other since their numbers are dwindling in order to meld with the High Templar.
  6. Darth_Bane

    Darth_Bane Moderator

    Sep 1, 2007
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    Yea that is very true but don't you guys think my idea is cool? hold on let me go grab it... here it is again.

    The T Archon 2 HTs make is stronger than that of the T Archon that 1 HT and 1 DT make and has no spells or skills other than the splash damage effect.

    The T Archon 2 DTs make will be weaker than the T Archon 1 HT and 1 DT make but it still has an attack (although it is much more reduced) and 2-3 more spells/skills then either of the other two T Archons.

    Now obviously the T Archon made from 1 HT and 1 DT is inbetween both the other variations so it is more flexible. So if you just want a unit to be a supreme assault unit solely for destroying enemy units and buildings than the T Archon made from 2 HTs is just for you. Now if you want to be devious and cunning or to have a good support unit for the main army to lay your opponents down low than the T Archon made from 2 DTs is what you want. Now the T Archon made from 1 HT and 1 DT is designed to slightly fill both roles and beyond that so you have a more flexible unit within the game so that it does not have just one role to fill in but several.

    Now that they are all mixed up and you want to know who is who when you want to, on the playing feild the Archons should have slighly different colored auras like the first game but they are all still T Archons so the Techtree is still balanced out well and there is more units to have so instead of 3 you have one unit so you can have 2 new cool units and the Archon Theory is still stable while you are at it.
  7. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    Holy necropost batman.

    I think if they do tht then they might as well just have 3 archons since that is basicly what you have there. 3 archons is too much though. I like the TA just fine as it is now thugh I suppoes it could get another ability besides feedback
  8. Darth_Bane

    Darth_Bane Moderator

    Sep 1, 2007
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    Tue but I made it to be a unique system for the Protoss like a mix and match kinda thing. But you are right the main reason why I made the idea was to have the 3 archons still practically but withing 1 unit slot. SO we can have some more different units because we have to remember there are only 16 slots and so far I think we have about 3-4 slots left. And we should make the most out of it.
  9. Z-BosoN

    Z-BosoN New Member

    Jun 26, 2007
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    I really think the Twilight Archon is enough. In Vanilla the normal archon was the Archon and the Dark Archon was the Dark Archon (wow). The fusion between the two gives you the twilight Archon. Besides, you can produce it by 2 DT, 2 HT, and 1 of each. There aren't really many combinations left unless they remove the Twilight Archon, which i doubt will happen.
  10. Darth_Bane

    Darth_Bane Moderator

    Sep 1, 2007
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    Well all I am saying if they want to they can have different stats for different combos right now.
  11. jrc3234

    jrc3234 New Member

    Feb 5, 2008
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    Twilight Archon Mind Control?

    Okay, we all know that the Dark Archon in SC1 was able to mind control enemies. If the Dark Archon doesn't return for SC2, will the Twilight Archon gain the Dark Archon's abilities? I really hope it does. I personally hope that the Twilight is the only archon in SC2; it would be more simple. Then it couild gain all the archon and dark archon's abilities, in addition to being able to deal massive damage. It would have to cost a lot of resourses though. What do you guys think?

    Topics merged. This is basicly the same thread you made jrc.
  12. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    Re: Twilight Archon Mind Control?

    Do a search, jrc. This would have been more appropriately posted in this topic.

    The Twlight Archon is going to be the only Archon in Starcraft II. Last I heard, it has the Feedback ability, and Blizzard was toying with other ones. I would not like Mind Control to return though. It was the only ability with the potential to be overpowered (Mind Control an SCV or Drone and gain an entire tech tree).

    We have also discussed different types of Archons here as well.