Terran Omnidiscussion

Discussion in 'Terran' started by BirdofPrey, Jul 31, 2008.


Rate your level of satisfaction with the Terran

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Terran Omnidiscussion

Discussion in 'Terran' started by BirdofPrey, Jul 31, 2008.

  1. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    As did I
  2. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    I am revising this topic to make it into a article.
    As such this topic is reopened for another week for new comments
  3. Dragon God

    Dragon God New Member

    Nov 10, 2008
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    Im only gonna talk about the units that i like.

    OK SCV: a lego toy that has a drill and a claw ><
    i like the old fusion cutter. The lift off ability to go with a Command Center is definatly a good thing
    but id only see myself use it if im gonna try to make a temporary base not protected or on island maps ( probably i wouldnt use it even then because the enemy is going to have air units FAST).
    The command center should have like a weak AA attack in air so it can fend off air units for a while

    Thor: now because it has a AA ability, im not gonna use it much because the of the vikings, 2 seconds and you got a pretty good air force and can kill any little attack.
    They should put Gigantic, Zerg Squishing, Mobile Artillary the thor back for 2 reasons: you have a giant walking mech that kicks the crap out of anything but theres a problem. WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU HAVE LIKE 5 OF THEM MARCHING TOWARDS YOUR BASE?
    for zerg: mass lings and banelings or mutilisks
    protoss: use void rays
    terran: siege tanks or battlecruisers.
    if you dont have any of the above your dead as a squished zergling.
    The thor is a support unit, a ground battlecruiser, it should have AA missles that autofire when a enemy air unit is detected in its range, doing bonus damage towards large units.
    it should be kicked out of the factory and be built like a building.

    Nomad: mobile turret thrower, like a science vessel without most of its abilities.
    The turrets? no energy, 200 minerals and there, you build it and voila instant turret.
    It should have spider mines it can make but wont be usefull in big fights or major invasions because SC2 is detectorific now with soooo many detectors.

    Battle cruiser: flying fortress, no more or no less.
    I like the SC2 battlecruiser because they didnt really change much.
    all they really changed was its abilities
    A defense matrix? are you serious? if they put it on the battle cruiser, that would be too cheap, Massed matrixed battlecruisers are not fun.
    missle barrage is awesome but i want to see the plasma torpedo back.
    the plasma torpedo however has a major flaw, its splash can grind your 30 marines into dust and 3 or 4 of them (well placed) can eliminate a swarm of zerglings. hydras and what else the zerg can muster.
    the yamato cannon, what can i say, everybody knows what it does, eliminate large targets or base defenses
    in 1+ hits. It does 250 damage ( from what i remember ) so its still kickass.

    I give the terran a 3.6/5 because of 2 reasons
    theres no giant mech oblitering your base and the massed bcs.
    not really fun although i must hand it to Blizzard for a good on messing with some units
    but making them look SOOOO GOOD that you just like the visual.
    for me its both :)
  4. tomatsalad

    tomatsalad New Member

    Nov 17, 2008
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    I still thinks that the reaper is gonna kick ass.