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Terran Jackal

Discussion in 'Terran' started by Psionicz, Feb 26, 2008.

Terran Jackal

Discussion in 'Terran' started by Psionicz, Feb 26, 2008.

  1. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Hovering would fit its design more tho, but if it does have Railguns it would need wheels so it doesn't float out of control when it fires a heavy powered weapon such as a Railgun.

    If it does hover it would be nice to see it slightly bank when turning and stuff.
  2. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    That shouldn't have been the thing that gave it away. This should have:
    Hovering may not be amazingly flashy, but seriously, you tell me which is more flashy; a hover-bike or a motor-bike. I'm not saying that the Terran can't be high tech, but they should be putting all their resources into making the cheapest, most effective and most practical weapons, armour, etc, possible. This doesn't include hovering. If you were stuck in a galaxy with two of the most efficient killers ever created, would you focus on making cheap, effective and practical vehicles? Or would you make expensive, inefficient and impractical ones? Neither of them would have difficulty moving, so why would they choose the expensive one?
  3. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    IMO, the Ghost has too many roles ATM. The +30 vs. light should be removed (it can still have Snipe though). Make it rely on its abilities again. It got like 5 abilities anyways.
    Instead, give the Jackal +(number) vs. light.
    That might give it a little more purpose.
  4. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    im tired hearing being cheap and practical and so on as an excuse for the terran tech. its overly and exxageratedly use. if it does so, then the marines should NOT wear those powersuit (expensive than 2 thruster engines for hovering imo) in the first place since they die easily and as a result waste those armors. yah even the armors are usualy made from scrap metals they are still advance expensive tech in real life. the marine should walk to battle field with just plain cloths and some few bulletproof here and there if they are really that practical etc.

    i mean come on we should think bigger for the terran, the marines in sc2 looks RICHER etc..for a better hardcore sci fi starcraft feel. sc1 was 10 YEARS. hoverin will NOT destory the terran lore or anything. the vulture HOVERS! IMO hover engines are NOT expensive for a small vehicle unit and is more practical and effective. im sure the banshee are 3x more expensive than a hovering jackal in real life.. but if you get a hovering jackal its twice as efficient and practical than the old school wheels.

    sorry. ;D
  5. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    You're supposed to support statements like that with proof. :p

    The wheels make it cheaper, and more of the budget can go to the weapons instead (hence the linear splash, perhaps?).
  6. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    but hovering makes the jackal faster.... and faster... and faster. which can help you kill and survive more efficiently considering that its not that expensive. 8)
  7. Kaaraa

    Kaaraa Space Junkie

    Sep 19, 2007
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    Doesn't hover technology only work on water anyway?
  8. AcE_01

    AcE_01 Active Member

    Aug 1, 2007
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    sorry...i just had to say that.
  9. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    It's not an excuse, it's the truth. Why would the Terran choose to make expensive and impractical machinery? They wouldn't. This is why they don't have gargantuan anime mechs flying and spinning all over the battlefield.
    If Marines didn't have the power suits, then they could only survive about one shot from any of the Terran, not to mention the Protoss or Zerg. They need that armour, and it is practical. If you were equipping your army, would you give the majority of your troops no armour just so that you can have some hovering bikes? Obviously you wouldn't. Your army would last much, much longer if your troops were armoured, and you wouldn't get any benefits from having a hover bike over a motorbike, so why on Earth would you?
    Also, you've forgotten that the Jackal would need even more armour than the Marines. Comparing the two costs isn't just comparing the Marines armour to the Jackal's engines. The Jackals needs all that armour, and more, as well.
    High-tech, psychic, humanoid blue aliens and raging, mutant, biological terrors aren't enough to convince you that it's hardcore science fiction? If anything having less teched Terran would add to the feel. This is humanity fighting to the death against impossible odds. They're the underdogs and still fighting strong! It'd be lame is they were all rich snobs with the best and most infallible equipment available.
    They've been funding all of these military projects for 10 years. It's understandable that they'd become more careful when rationing out supplies and money. They're building Thors and Planetary Defence systems which would take up huge amounts of resources. It's understandable that certain vehicles will have to compensate for this. Sure, the Vulture hovered, but it's also been scrapped.
    How on Earth are hover vehicles cheaper, more practical and more effective than motor vehicles? I don't know how you can possibly believe that they are. Hover vehicles would have to waste a heck of a lot of fuel just to keep the bike hovering, yet alone moving. Motorbikes don't need to consume as much fuel while they're idle, because they're resting on the ground. If a hoverbike is in combat and it's hit by a large projectile, then it'll fly backwards, spin and roll over, because there is no friction with the ground to help stabilise it.
    Firstly, where are you getting this info? Secondly, how would a Banshee be three times more expensive than a Jackal? We have the technology for the Banshee today. It's just got three rotor blades. It's a helicopter. A Jackal on the other hand is a hover bike. We haven't even been able to invent anything like this because there hasn't been enough funding.
    Again, where are you getting this info? How would hovering be more effective and practical than a normal bike? It's a lot more expensive and a heck of a lot more unstable.
    How does it make it faster? You can't just say hovering will make it faster. You have no evidence of this. Again you say it's not that expensive. Where is your proof?
  10. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Heres his proof:

    [img width=500 height=659]http://technology.newscientist.com/data/images/archive/2568/25681401.jpg[/img]
  11. Elfgard

    Elfgard New Member

    Feb 29, 2008
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    Sexy, proffesor!
  12. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    I doubt it's true, but I'll believe it when it actually does take over planes, trains, cars, etc.
    There are a few problems. It doesn't make sense that it could 'lead to an aircraft that will not need wings at all'. Wings are needed for steering. An engine on its own cannot steer. again, it says that a more advanced version might allow cars to hover, the same was said about normal car engines. Not to mention that the specifications given will not apply to this 'more advanced' model, so it won't necessarily be cheaper or more efficient.
  13. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Thrust in different directions and strengths will alter the course of movement.
  14. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    That would mean that you need more engines to give the thrust in those different directions, thus making the vehicle as a whole less efficient. A single one of that engine might be more efficient, but it you need about ten just so that you can navigate and hover, it becomes very inefficient.
  15. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Source or proof to back up your speculation?
  16. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    It's just pure, unchallengable logic Psionicz. :p

    Having 10 of those engines would clearly be more expencive than having one, right?
    And without wings, you would need about 10 engines in order to turn and stuff.

    And a Jackal with wheels is a lot more stable. A hovering Jackal would roll over when hit by something.
  17. Ayzee

    Ayzee New Member

    Sep 6, 2007
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    I read your rant about your dislikes on the Jackal, that you linked to.. where do you get the fact that the Banshee has lost it's AOE? Have I missed something or were you just assuming?
  18. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    Karune said it somewhere. There were too many Terran AoE:rs when the Jackal was introduced, so they removed the Banshee's splash.
  19. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    @zargalicious. thanks.

    note: v very bad english. but i hope you get my point. im on a rush and need to go to school dont have time to think or making correct grammars etc. lol

    dont you think the jackal can have either wheels or engines in the first place? the cobra hovered. what im saying is its not like the terran jackal should'nt have engines because of the terran lore etc. its because the blizzard gave it wheels. but they have the choice to give it either a wheel or engines but they decided to go for the wheels and its NOT because of the lore, coz IMO the lore is obviously invented afterwards. maybe wheels looks good to in sci fi or for the terrans etc. what if they gave it the engines instead in teh first place im sure you wont be questioning about it lorewise. no one complain about the cobra hovering, but only the look of it.

    so the jackal can have engines if blizz want to but then again they went for the wheels.

    so it is not about the terran lore that you've been talking about like terran being practical or resourceful. yes its a good lore for why the jackals have wheels BUT that actually that comes after blizz decided what the jackal should be like. if they went for the hover engines, then we can say lorewise because it travels very fast to track down moving enemies and as well as escape battles compared to the lesser old vehicle called the vulture (without including resource expense here). did they say about the thor or bc or tank or marine power suit being cheap etc. no.

    there is a far more reason why they pick wheels. IMO the lore comes after, if it doesn't fit then they cut it or modify it. the vulture hovers and they dont ahve any problem with it lorewise. im sure hovering engines are not that expensive in the starcraft universe. and also its a matter of preference i think it to be that way coz i want and think of the terran to be a little more than what we always thought them to be like.

    what im saying is the effectiveness or worth of the terran jackal with hover engines is PRACTICAL OR MORE for its cost. i dont know how to say it clearly but the cost of hovering jackal is worth it. you know. it travel fast etc. flying anime mechs are different from hovering vehicles you know.

    now who said terran dont have enough resources to get both the powersuit and hover engines. if you think the terrans are that poor then that would SUCK imo. why are you relating both the construction of either a powersuit or engines for hovering now.

    what i said was the powersuit maybe is more expensive or have equal cost amount with just two hover engines. so just make those hover engines and it will help you much better in battle.

    so like the terran dont have enough resources to get both powersuit or a hover engine?... but can buy flying vehicles in their city(see ending cinematic of mengsk speech) etc. or mass marines with their expensive suits. you see the terrans are richer and more resourceful than you think they are so a hovering engine is second nature to them(omg they have tanks and vikings) considering that it cost less than higher tech vehicles and can give many advantages.

    why are you talking about the cost etc? did they say anything how much the thor goliath siege tank bc science vessel valkerye scv cost and is it practical? no. come on a hoverin jackal is way cheaper than a siege tank. and we dont even care how many siege tanks are constrcuted and how much does it cost etc.

    this is what im talking about. the lore including practical usage and cost come AFTERWARDS. what if we saw hovering jackals instead in the screenshots? do we talk terran lore about it? but blizzard will have a nice lore about it for sure. and plus the fact hovering is cooler. xp

    no it does not. because ive seen better sci fi. and starcraft 1 lorewise sucks bad comapred to what im seeing now in sc2. it was 10 years ago and so were we. but not now coz we know better and blizz now better.

    hover vehicles waste a lot of fuel? again this is what im talking about terran lore being exxagerated. i mean come on blizzard wont actually include that as an official lore why the jackal gets the wheel instead. there isn't enough funding? come on!

    its the FUTURE. i dont need any proof. use your imagination and watch more sci fi. hovering vehicles is soo sci fi that you should now this and they are using this for most sci fi setting. why? maybe its VERY USEFULL in other ways for its cost making it practical? xp

    its like this.

    jackal with wheels - cost 200 dollar. movement speed - 4 (20%chance of outrunning or chasing enemies)
    jackal with hover engines - cost 300 dollar. movement speed - 10 (50% chance of outrunning or chasing the enemies) (bonus - looks cooler and fits more on a sci fi war and)

    and have you seen the stromtrooper hover bike in episode 6 return of the jedi. now how fast and usefull is that? and it doesn't look expensive or anything. xp tho the jackal would be bigger.
  20. Ayzee

    Ayzee New Member

    Sep 6, 2007
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    @Gasmaskguy, thanks! I'll look into it ;)