Terran Dominion

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Story and Races' started by orphean, May 22, 2007.

Terran Dominion

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Story and Races' started by orphean, May 22, 2007.

  1. Singuris

    Singuris New Member

    May 23, 2007
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    Wtf were is that quote from ;)
  2. mc2

    mc2 New Member

    May 20, 2007
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    The UED under the command of UPL on Earth should have never tried to intervent the dramas in the Kropulu Sector. Saying that "the protoss and zerg expansion/war on the other side of the galaxy is a threat to humankind" is so lame.

    It's like the Protoss or the Zerg saying "humans from the other side of the milky way has reached us here on Kropulu and we should send a Fleet to Earth and destroy their threat to our stability" Now we all know that they were totally uninterested on Earth and does not want to have anything to do with it.

    If the UED/UPL wanted to "save" those Terrans on Kropulu, then they are total hypocrites. Because every Terran on Kropulu were decendants of those who were actually sentenced to death on Earth.
  3. Singuris

    Singuris New Member

    May 23, 2007
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    :powerup: this argument is awesome >:D :argue: >:D
    1. Wormhole (warp) technology, even the Zerg have it (used to attack Auir) turns the other side of milkyway into next door neighbor.

    2. I don't understand what your even trying to say.

    3. They might not want to save them, and also time has passed they aren't the same people it has been years since the UPL launched them into space.

    p.s. I will try to use commas, and full stops.
  4. SirBaron

    SirBaron New Member

    Jun 9, 2007
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    Now here comes the funny part - UPL didn't know sh*t. Doran Routhe DID know sh*t. ATLAS eventually came to know sh*t, and allowed the UPL to finally know some sh*t. Then the UPL decided to learn of some more sh*t, and when time came and they felt that there was no more sh*t to be known, they decided to attack the Korprulu sector, which didn't know sh*t about Earth knowing sh*t about them.
    This resulted in the UED hiring Duran, which knew more sh*t than he wanted to admit, which in the end made UED realize that they did NOT know enough sh*t in the first place, resulting in a lack of sh*t-knowing regarding the power of the Swarm and how to handle it. Kerrigan, on the other hand, really knew a lot of sh*t, so she used this to beat the UED to a bloody pulp. In the end, the UED on Earth didn't know sh*t about what transpired in the Korprulu sector after the "chaining" of the Overmind. Also, Zeratul learned some heavy sh*t on some Dark Moon about Duran knowing a whole sh*tbunch of sh*t.

    Okay, to make a long, sh*tty story short:
    Doran Routhe could NOT go to the UPL board and be like: "Hello, i would like to buy 56000 of your death-sentenced mutant criminals so that i can let them colonize parts of outer space for the better of mankind's currency, with the possibility of allowing them to expand and grow beyond our control, inadvertably creating a society of mutants surpassing us both numerary and physically."
    They would certainly not have enjoyed the thought of endorsing the creation of a colony composed entirely of mutants, particularly ones who were criminals. So, what did Doran do?

    He kept it secret. Sure, Doran Routhe was working for them, but he sure as hell worked off the charts.

    1: Aiur and Char both lie in the same sector, savvy? Warp travel is faster than light, i'd give you that, but it ain't instantaneous.
    2: He meant it as a comparison to the UED's "resolving the Zerg/Protoss threat to defend earth" bullcrap. The Protoss, even if given the knowledge of Earth's location, would not give one flying [censored] about it. It's a little fart in space for all that matters to them. Same with the Zerg. Why infest a small, remote world 60000 light years away with non-psionic, average homo sapiens when you got fifty worlds full of psionic-capable, mutant-strengthened Terrans across the street?
    3: The UPL/UED really doesn't give a crap even how much the Terrans have changed, i'd reckon. It's this, "once a felon, always a felon" mentality. Or, "once a mutant, always a mutant" might fit better.
  5. Singuris

    Singuris New Member

    May 23, 2007
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    There are psionics on earth i'd assume since the UED had ghosts
  6. SirBaron

    SirBaron New Member

    Jun 9, 2007
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    Pure story-wise there aren't, but you can't disable the Ghost unit from the entire campaign just because of that. :p
  7. Singuris

    Singuris New Member

    May 23, 2007
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    or the years of evolution could have came with psionics on earth
  8. paragon

    paragon Guest

    Or the UED ghosts arn't psionic and are instead just special forces. The Ghost doesn't have any psionic abilities really.
  9. Singuris

    Singuris New Member

    May 23, 2007
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    Ya they do they put psionic dampeners on there abilities it says that in the game
  10. SirBaron

    SirBaron New Member

    Jun 9, 2007
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    From StarCraft-wiki:
    "The history of Terran psionic abilities may have begun on Earth even before the existence of the United Powers League. At the end of the twenty-first century, private firms had developed biotechnology which granted human subjects abilities which included advanced telepathy. Unfortunately, Earth erupted in a civil war, partly as a result of these genetic manipulations. By the year 2229, most of the Earth was under the grip of the United Powers League.

    The UPL launched "Project Purification" to remove mutations and unnecessary cybernetic prosthetics from the human population. UPL troops scoured the globe, killing over 400 million people and throwing many more into prison. The scientist Doran Routhe, who lived during this period, began a colonization project. He intended to send thousands of prisoners to the world of Gantris VI to mine new resources which could be found there. Many of these prisoners were prey to the mutations that had spanned the human species.

    The prisoners were put into cold sleep and loaded into four supercarriers, then sent on a journey. The lead vessel contained ATLAS, a revolutionary artificial intelligence. During the journey, ATLAS discovered something unusual about the prisoners - a relatively high proportion of them had a mutation leading to psionic potential. While currently weak, it would manifest in only a few generations. This information was logged and sent back to Earth. The prison ships missed their target, ending up in the Koprulu Sector. There they founded three colonies, with Tarsonis being the most technologically advanced. Tarsonis founded an interstellar government which they called the Terran Confederacy."

    They pretty much exterminated the mutants, and with them the mutant-genes. So it would take decades for the genes to manifest again in non-mutants, maybe even centuries.
    The Ghosts themselves didn't do this, the Confederacy (who created the Ghosts) did this to make sure they did not turn on the Confederacy.

    "About twenty years before the war sparked by the destruction of Chau Sara, the Terran Confederacy had already created the Ghost program. At this time, "neuro-adjusters" were routinely inserted into the heads of uncooperative Ghost subjects ... which was to say, most of them."
    Indicative that they didn't do it willingly.

    "The Terran Confederacy decided to limit Ghosts through at least four methods.

    The first is a surgically implanted psi-dampener, also known as a neuro-adjuster (some of which also suppress or reshape a disloyal Ghost's memory) which weakens their powers. Mindwiping was (according to Arcturus Mengsk) introduced by the Terran Confederacy as a result of Kerrigan's defection from the Confederates. Naturally Mengsk didn't remove this excellent (or horrendous) training technique.

    The second are neural processing treatments. The third are aggression inhibitors (which prevent a Ghost from attacking his/her superiors) and the last is Ghost conditioning, a powerful form of hypnosis which restricts the use of their psionic abilities. This conditioning was so powerful that even after Sarah Kerrigan was infested, she did not immediately lose this psychic hindrance. The wide array of anti-psionic control methods may indicate that Blizzard Entertainment did not have a clear vision of how telepaths were controlled in the StarCraft universe."

    Arcturus Mengsk do not control Ghosts like the Confederates do.

    "Ghosts are given some training in psionics, but not much. Their abilities are generally limited to personal augmentation and mind-reading. Their abilities have expanded since the end of the Brood War, since the mind-wiping technique is seen as superior to the neuro-adjuster."
    Another indication that Arcturus Mengsk do not control his Ghosts like the Confederacy did.

    My point is:
    1: There are no Psionics on Earth, since the UPL killed off pretty much everyone with mutant genes, and it would take decades/centuries for the genes to manifest again in non-mutants.
    2: Current Ghosts do not have dampeners (@ Singuris), and they DO have psionic abilities (@ Paragon). However, they do not receive any special training for this but instead focuses on physical training.
    3: Gonna quote some more to explain Kerrigans situation:
    "Ghosts and other Terrans have a "Psi Index" rating, which scales up to PI10 (the highest rating). Most humans are PI2 or less, whereas most Ghosts are PI5 or more. At least some psychics of PI8 can use telekinesis. The PI ratings of Wrangler Malcolm Kelerchian and Nova are known; 3.5 and 10, respectively."
    Kerrigan was a 10 like Nova, and when becoming Infested (and imbued with the power of a Cerebrate (yes, she actually DO count as a Cerebrate)) her powers grew quite a bit, but was still restricted by the Ghost Conditioning. When she removed this she became very powerful, which explains why she can use Psi Storms. (added this because i thought the question might pop up anyways...)
  11. Singuris

    Singuris New Member

    May 23, 2007
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    I'm not quoting all of that. First of all decades have gone by so evolution could have happened. The atlas incedient was more than 200 years ago since 200 years after it the confederacy was formed. We can't have definite times but I assumed many years after the incident the other groups showed that would have been plenty of time, for the evolution to happen.

    Right from wiki
    Ghost agents

    The height of infantry training, the Ghost is an elite special operations unit deployed for sabotage and recon raids. Born with above-average psychic potential and through a combination of training, mental conditioning and neural implants, Ghosts incorporate considerable skill, both physically and mentally. They also are equipped with technology to aid their combat and espionage missions, the most common of which is a personal cloaking device that allows them to become invisible to the naked eye at will. Ghosts are also equipped with a special lockdown ammo type capable of disabling enemy mechanicals and the agents can also opt to cybernetic eyes implanted to increase their eyesight. Ghosts play a major part on the battlefield, possessing the equipment necessary to guide a tactical nuclear missile accurately to its target.

    Ghosts are considered highly dangerous and don't often serve in direct combat, although they have higher vitality and power than average Marines. Most Ghosts have a high level of telepathy and in rare cases even telekinesis, although all have their abilities hindered by neural dampeners. They are trained since birth to hone and develop their powers, even against their will - in such cases, neural implants force them to obey their trainers. Ghosts were originally a project by the Terran Confederacy, although after their fall, the project was revived by the Terran Dominion. The UED, despite their disregard for mutations in the human gene pool, also use Ghost agents.

    and I assumed mensk would use the same technique the Confederacy would to protect his interests although publicly disapprove. Also I hope you realize you said your self the Ghosts abilities are dampened. Also I know the UED might just be using conscripts from the Dominion area.
  12. SirBaron

    SirBaron New Member

    Jun 9, 2007
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    I stand corrected.
  13. Lord David

    Lord David New Member

    Jun 17, 2007
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    Melbourne, Australian Continent, Earth, Sector 001
    Here's my scale on Terran fraction evilness... (and brief descriptions on each) :p

    1. The Confederacy (loosely based on that of Earth's past, based on the use of the flag of The Confederate States of America), they're mostly evil, neglecting the colony of Mar Sara by permitting the Zerg to engulf it due to the use of Psi Emitters, allowing Kerrigan to succumb to the Zerg, being the first Terran fraction to openly study the Zerg (In the hopes of possibly controlling them), they eventually end up joining the Terran Dominion.
    2. United Earth Directorate, The result of a United Earth, they came to the scattered colonies of the various Terran fractions in an attempt to recolonize them under the name of the UED, along with the Dominion, they also had hoped to control the Zerg for use of their own, in spite of being a little too evil in most regards, they did manage to finally form a United Earth, and believed that they had the right strategy when it came to pacifying the Zerg.
    3. Terran Dominion, a conglomeration of both The Sons of Korhal and The Confederacy, grew to annex sveral colonies and planets, to become a major power.
    4. Sons of Korhal, considered a renegade fraction by The Confederacy, they were essentially a group of Terrans striving for independence within Confederate planets, little did people knew that they would one day form The Terran Dominion, a powerful force in the Starcraft Universe.
    5. Kel-Morian Combine, they didn't do anything! All they do is mine! What did they do to deserve an invasion by the Zerg?!?!! :good:
    6. Everyone Else, essentially any other Terran force too small or insignificant to talk about here.

    Eh, do I even know what I'm on aboot? :p
  14. Lord David

    Lord David New Member

    Jun 17, 2007
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    Melbourne, Australian Continent, Earth, Sector 001
    Well Samir Duran is a Ghost, who sided with the UED, my guess is that the UED gained access to Ghosts after Duran sided with them.
  15. paragon

    paragon Guest

    Duran wasn't really a ghost he was an agent of some other race. He just looked like one in game. Also, stukov was a ghost unit but not actually a ghost.
  16. shirija

    shirija New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    Is there a way to confirm whether he was infected already when he met the UED or whether he was infected in one of the missions? Duran by his weaponry and abilities was most likely a ghost, even if converted he would still likely have been a ghost before conversion.
  17. paragon

    paragon Guest

    He was never really a ghost and he was never really infested.
  18. shirija

    shirija New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    He was infested, he had zerg carapace in the campaigns. As to whether he's a ghost, the shoe sure fits quite well.
  19. paragon

    paragon Guest

    He was an agent of another race (possibly Xel'Naga) pretending to be those things. Didn't you pay attention to the bonus mission where he talks to Zeratul in that weird alien sounding voice? The "I have had many names throughout the millenia but you know me as Samir Duran." thing?
  20. shirija

    shirija New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    Hmm... I always assumed Duran simply betrayed kerrigan in search of greater power, seeing how human/zerg hybrids have a bad record of rebelling, but Xel'Naga... intriguing.