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Terran Dominion

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Story and Races' started by orphean, May 22, 2007.

Terran Dominion

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Story and Races' started by orphean, May 22, 2007.

  1. coalescence

    coalescence New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Commanders russian? Only Stukov. DuGalle is French!
    Also? Why isn't it united? They all speak good english, they just have accents, thats something you'll keep when people come from all over a planet.
  2. Singuris

    Singuris New Member

    May 23, 2007
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    valkeries are french as well the UED was formed from the ashes of the UN and is from all over the world but was formed in europe so you can expect more european based commanders.
  3. Gold

    Gold New Member

    May 23, 2007
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    he sounded russian to me, but dugalle is a french name.
  4. coalescence

    coalescence New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    If you listen closely you hear a big difference. Maybe hes belgian, they tend to have a different accent than french, maybe he speaks dutch (northen part of belgium), while is name is french (southern part of belgium.)
  5. Gold

    Gold New Member

    May 23, 2007
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    well, maybe youve played the campaign a few to many times ;D
  6. coalescence

    coalescence New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    I have played it recently, its not russian.
  7. Gold

    Gold New Member

    May 23, 2007
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    well i was wrong,

    i just think kerrigan is going anihalate the domioun, or at least i hope she does, i wanna see mengsk die.
  8. coalescence

    coalescence New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Trust me, you will.
  9. mc2

    mc2 New Member

    May 20, 2007
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    Mengsk will most certainly die along with Kerrigan. Lets hope they don't bring up some new lame character to be the leader of the terran race. Even though Raynor might not sound like the most ideal person to lead the Dominion, he still should be the leader.

    @ reject_666: The Protoss are probably responsible enough not to send the Zerg out to devastate other life forms outside the Koprulu Sector. The Terrans might do it but so far it seems like they are more interested in taming the zerg and use them to their own advantage
  10. saradisper

    saradisper New Member

    Jun 4, 2007
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    i agree totaly with mc2!!! hmmm Raynor is my favorite hero of terran

    How do you Terran-fans feel about playing the bad guys? :)
  11. Exterranminator

    Exterranminator New Member

    May 21, 2007
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    Mengsk is not lame, his just bad. Thats all. Raynor doesnt really match to being a leader. His too naive. Leader must be somebody soulless and clever. If not,  all terrans will be wiped out from Koprulu sector.
    I very like Jim...but i also like Mengsk (very strange, i know). With this two only Mengsk can be discribed as a "true leader".
  12. paragon

    paragon Guest

    I don't like Mengsk at all and I don't like the Terran Dominion. Rayor's Raiders are cool though and they're the only ones that allied with the Protoss. And the Kel Morian Combine didn't seem bad they just bribed everyone so that they could stay neutral. And I don't know much about the Umojan Protectorate but I remember hearing that it was part of the Terran Dominion. I also don't think Raynor is all that naive. He may have been in the beginning but now he seems to understand it all plus he thought that Kerrigan could betray them, which she did.
  13. Exterranminator

    Exterranminator New Member

    May 21, 2007
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    He was tricked so many times that he is (in fact) naive. Tricked by Arcturus, tricked by Kerrigan...
    And the difference between us is that IMHO alliace with Protoss are not good thing for the Terrans. I talled why i think Protoss are not as good as everybody thinking. They erradicate terran colonies of Chau Sara and Mar Sara (to protect themselves, but whats the difference?). They have always try to saved there own butt, never were interested in alliance with terrans. The last thing is I DONT LIKE PROTOSS AT ALL :) There arrogance is annoing. They were underestimate Terrans to the end, even if that WE are the one, who were able to final destruction of the Zerg race (campaign "Iron fist", chaining the Overmind, terran Psi Disrutor). Even when they face themselves with destruction of there own race, they think the terrans are just a little worms. Artanis, Aldaris...even Tassadar ("...or i destroy your pathetic fleet"). Only Zeratul know, what terrans can be capable of.
  14. paragon

    paragon Guest

    But he wasnt tricked by Kerrigan, he said that he thought she would betray them he just thought that the UED was a more immediate threat. However, he was not as prepared for Kerrigan's betrayal as he should have been but then neither was anyone else. And the protoss loyal to Zeratul work with Raynor's Raiders.
  15. SirBaron

    SirBaron New Member

    Jun 9, 2007
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    Hehe you are almost as biased against the Protoss as Gastovil. :p

    Jokes aside, the Protoss wasn't actually trying to cover their ass at the beginning, i mean why would they? The Zerg had absolutely no frickin clue where Aiur was. That came when Zeratul accidently touched the Overmind through killing a Cerebrate.
    The Protoss burned Terran worlds to stop the Zerg from expanding. The Protoss realized the Zerg was a threat all from the beginning, while the Terrans were the arrogant ones believing they could harness the power of the Swarm (Confederacy - Psi Emitters).
    This is reflected further upon the doings of the UED. You said "They were underestimate Terrans to the end, even if that WE are the one, who were able to final destruction of the Zerg race (campaign "Iron fist", chaining the Overmind, terran Psi Disrutor)."
    Well the UED didn't bring about the destruction of the Swarm, they, like the Confederacy, was ignorant to the threat of the Zerg, and thought the Zerg was an inferior breed of creatures that could easily be enslaved. Now they DID enslave the Zerg, but the second Overmind they chained on Char... it was weak. Really weak. In the last mission of the UED campaign, ever noticed that the Cerebrates you killed to weaken the Swarm didn't arise, even though they lay right next to the Overmind itself? That's a good indication of the "power" the UED was enslaving (and with that statement i claim the UED were very naive, not that you somehow supported the weak Overmind. Just wanted to clear that out :p).

    You mention the Protoss were never interested in an alliance with the Terrans. That's true, but they never openly declared war either. That Mengsk did just fine on his own to prevent the Confederacy from escaping. That's why Tassadar stated "Or i will burn down your pathetic fleet down to the last man." because the Dominion had been halting his progress to sterilize infested worlds.

    And Tassadar, even though just a Protoss individual, would mark the first alliance, or friendship even if you will, between Terran and Protoss forces. He saved Raynor from a quite grisly fate (i presume) and continued to harbor him and his Raiders to the very end of the Overmind. Heck, Tassadars influence even bought Raynor and Mengsk an escape from the UED, as the Protoss could trust Raynor. Such an act does not indicate petty selfishness. They knew what Mengsk had done, and would surely have killed him to further prevent meaningless slaughter of Protoss forces trying to stem the tide of the Zerg.

    Short in short, whatever my inconsistent rant may seem to you, there's really no "perfect" faction. Both the Protoss and Terrans have been complete asses at times, but both also have proven themselves to be quite altruistic when danger arises. The same cannot be said about the Zerg though...
  16. coalescence

    coalescence New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Tassadar was the one that allied himself with raynor anyway. And btw, that fleet was of the enemy, thats just war tactics, do you think theres a chance anyone will retreat if you say "...or i destroy your great and mighty fleet". You really have to seperate what someone thinks/knows and on some moment says.
  17. Exterranminator

    Exterranminator New Member

    May 21, 2007
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    1. hehe...indeed
    2. yeah....no matter that terran might be wiped out...who cares. Dont offer them alliance, better kill them all. They are too weak
    3. And terrans were right. They used Psi Disruptor to disrupt unity of the swarm and thats why succeded with conquest of Char. In the last briefing of "Iron fist" is talled, that Zerg defence was cripled by Psi Disruptor. No matter how strong was Overmind he couldnt beat the terrans with such a divice in theres hands. Kerrigan knew that and Stukov knew that. Thats why he had to died. Why did Kerrigan allied with Raynor and Fenix? Cuz she couldnt beat the UED by there own hands. She had to use terran forces to cut the PD's power. And Overmind was strong enought to control all broods on Char...
    4. Yeah, opening fire to terrans wasnt declaration of war either :p
    5. I always was talking, that Terran Dominion are really BAD faction. Thats not my fault that i identify myself with evil guys, not the Protoss.

    The rest of all your arguments...well...you persuated me :)
  18. SirBaron

    SirBaron New Member

    Jun 9, 2007
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    2. Well, be as it may that all Protoss didn't pay any heed to the still living Terrans on the planet, but Tassadar did hesitate to sterilize the planet until the Terrans had safely escaped in Chapter 1. He also saved Raynor despite the "Protoss Superiority vs Terran Inferiority" complex most Protoss seem to suffer from.
    But then again, Tassadar is Tassadar. :p
    3. I would like to declare that we so far only can speculate regarding that. We will never know if the Psi Disrupter was truly strong enough to disrupt the unity between the Overmind and his broods. My personal speculation is that it was the abscense of the first Overmind in addition to the power of the Psi Disrupter that allowed the UED to control the Swarm so easily. Since the death of the first Overmind threw the entire Swarm in disarray, theoretically the Swarm's unity could already have been disrupted prior to UED's arrival in the Korprulu sector. Also, since the second Overmind was in it's weakest stage it could have been more susceptible to the Psi Disrupters power. But that's just speculation, and unless Blizzard divulges some information on it we will never know.
    4: Hehe yeah, the Protoss fired first, i'll give you that, but my point was that the Protoss wasn't aiming at the Terrans. They just bombed the crap out of anything that moved to prevent the Swarm from spreading. Technically, Mengsk DID start the war since the Protoss were going after the Zerg but Mengsks Terrans protected them and went for the Protoss instead.
    5: That's partially my fault, when someone speaks of the Terrans i automatically go "Mengskdominioncrap". Tbh i think of Raynor more like affiliated with the Protoss rather than the actual Terran faction.
  19. mc2

    mc2 New Member

    May 20, 2007
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    The 2nd overmind would be affected by the psi disruptor's power since it is only like 6 months old. The 1st overmind is definitely more than 10,000 years old. Hence the UED were able to penetrate Char's planetary surface with ease. However the old aged cerebrates still has substantial psi power over its broods, hence why there was invincible sunken colonies and reincarnating torrasques.
  20. Singuris

    Singuris New Member

    May 23, 2007
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    terrans were able to take over overmind by themselves without protoss help needed only problem i belive kerrigan wasn't efffected by the emitters and she rox everybodys socks. and protoss are not pure good just look back at the council man (forgot name) they like all the other races have there good guys and bad except zerg they are all bad lol

    BTW mensk said the confedracy knew about the zerg the whole time which is doubtful I belive the psi emitters were part of the ghost project in order to attract more psichics i don't think the intended to draw millions of zerg upon other terrans.
    escuse my spelling