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Terran Air Power Omnidiscussion

Discussion in 'Terran' started by BirdofPrey, Feb 16, 2008.

Terran Air Power Omnidiscussion

Discussion in 'Terran' started by BirdofPrey, Feb 16, 2008.

  1. LxMike

    LxMike New Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Well this is only true IF only the Thor can't be transport by dropship
  2. Terp2

    Terp2 Guest

    I like the viking as the primary AtA fighter, and Blizz should have some way for nomads to support them. Hasnt Blizz given the nomad an aoe defensive matrix ability? Perhaps they could even give the nomad the intercept ability the predator had? Also, I think blizz said the viking no longer has its GtA attack, so the vikings definitely need some of kind of boost from what they are now.

    Its a little confusing what he says... but I think Karune means vikings have lost their GtA
  3. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    He means that they are undecided on the issue.

    Also welcome to you. Drop a "hello" topic in the introductions forum so we can all welcome you
  4. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    Time for my full opinion on this. (yes, I am aware of the discussion that is going on already)


    ---What do you think of the 2 upgrade paths?

    That is a great dicision. It further enhances the versatility of the Terran units. Players now have the choice on how they want to use the Battlecruiser. It was just a flying tank in Starcraft: Brood Wars. Now it is much more adaptable to the situations a player faces.

    ---Are plasma torpedos a good fit?
    Plasma? Terrans? I would choose some kind of railgun. (see the BC poll for my opinion)

    The Viking
    --- Does it fill the role of main air superiority fighter or would a dedicated unit be better?

    There should be no mail Terran air fighter at all. The power of the Terrans lies in it's ground units. They should only go into the air as a last resort in desperate situations, like when lifting up their buildings to flee an enemy.
    The Banshee is an exception to this, but it is cloacked and for light assault only, forcing the Terrans to use units like the Siege Tank for the real assaults.

    --- Is the ground to air attack a good idea or would a dedicated GTA unit b better?
    A dedicated GTA unit is something that I do not wish to see for the terrans. They are all about adapting in the battlefield. A unit that has only one specific role does not fit their style and way of combat. It just doesn't make sense. Also, a specialized unit often does more damage because of the fact it has only one attack. This would easily make the unit overpowered. People wouldn't use Vikings anymore because the Siege Tank and the specialized unit combined are way better.

    ---If the GTA ability of the Viking were to stay should adjustments be made to ensure that the ATA attack is still beter, such as slower fire rate or less amage in walker mode than flight mode?
    A slower fire rate of course. Less damage doesn't make any sense. Firing the same weapon at the same target shouldn't do different types of damage when the only difference is the angle in which the weapon is fired. A slower fire rate would be explained with something like "it's harder to aim because you aren't directly in front of your enemy".

    The Banshee
    ---Is cloak a good fir for it?

    It is. A unit with a light attack and light armor is usually used for scouting, harassing and sometimes light assault. But since everything needs to be balanced and compensated, a cloack seems like a good way to do that.

    ---Should it only be usefull against masses of light units or should it have enough power to be used to raze bases?
    No base razing with light attacks, that's ridiculous. We already have Siege Tanks and Thors(?) for that.

    ---Is it a good replacement for the science vessel?

    Yes. It is much less weird looking, it has more realistic abilities and the drones fit its support role way better.

    ---What do you think of the turrets it deploys (theres the turret and mine layer that I know of)
    I love the mine layer! (kinda my idea ;)) It is the perfect replacement for the spider mines. I am not sure yet about the other one. It seems to weak to do any good. It's more like cannon fodder right now. The original Science Vessel could do a lot of damage when used correctly, the Nomad just doesn't cut it right now.

    ---Should it have other abilities besides the turrets and inate stealth detection?
    No, except for some light attack.
  5. furrer

    furrer New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    Perhaps it could be lower damage if it used its railgun GtA?
  6. Inpox

    Inpox New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    i think it should be lower damage vs air targets, its simple.

    which makes most damage against metal, a burst from twin (i think it was Vulcan's vikings was armed with but nvm) or several rockets?

    and zerg carapace is just as hard as metal
  7. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    Remember though a lower fire rate effectiveley reduces damage
  8. Blackskies

    Blackskies New Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    --What do you think of the 2 upgrade paths
    Great idea makes the terran air power more outfit able.
    --are plasma torpedos a good fit
    This is a great concept I always thought the bc needed a better Air to ground attack .

    The Viking
    --Does it fill the role of main air superiority fighter or would a dedicated unit be better

    No it needs to be stronger in the air and weaker on the ground. But I think the ground attack should have longer range and the air shorter.
    -- is the ground to air attack a good idea or would a dedicated GTA unit b better?
    The GTA ability is an awsome idea. I think it makes up for the gap the terrans have in this area.
    ----If the GTA ability of the Viking were to stay should adjustments be made to ensure that the ATA attack is still better such as slower fire rate or less amage in walker mode than flight mode
    Well for starters the manueverability given by changing to air already offers a better alternative to GTA which can't get over cliffs or across rivers. The ATA should have a faster rate of attack and maybe a bit more damage.

    The Banshee
    --Is cloak a good fir for it?

    I would prefer it to be bulkier with more armor and hp then have it with cloak. Its attack is too visible for it to have a cloak so it wouldn't last long in the cloaked mode any how.
    --Should it only be usefull against masses of light units or should it have enough power to be used to raze bases?
    I think it would be good to use against bases and masses of ground units. It wouldn't make sense for all that firepower not to be usefull against small structures. Large structures I don't think it should work well against but small defenses and add ons should take a good blow from their attacks

    --Is it a good replacement for the science vessel?

    I think its better just change the coloring a bit and its perfect this is one unit I believe blizzard did a great job on.
    --What do you think of the turrets it deploys (theres the turret and mine layer that I know of)
    this is awsome it gives it a good raiding ability and the ability to set up forward bases for on going attacks against the enemy.
    --Should it have other abilities besides the turrets and inate stealth detection?

    ----What abilities?
    Well maybe irritate or emp. Those were both good against zerg and toss great for annoying the living fuck out of their base.
    General discussion
    --Should aircraft bank when flying around or is that too muh eye candy

    To much eye candy.
    -- Do the terrans need a dedicated ATA unit such as the Predator (don't focus soley on that Or I will go with the second choice of topics)
    Yes they should make another unit like the valkyrie. That was a great concept just needed a bit of work.
  9. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    Any final comments? I'm going to do the writeup on this sometime tonight or tomorrow.

    Also leave suggections for next month's discussion
  10. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    Now that the Banshee has had its attack completely changed, I am no longer 100% a fan of it. I'd like to see a return of the original cluster rockets.
  11. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Under Your Bed
    Same here. But I can see why they might have done it. They want all tier units to be used in most games and since the Bcs Plasma array and the Banshees attack were kinda the same. Maybe they changed it so people would use the Bc for that role.