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StarCraft remake in SC2 on day one

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by Ai_Mania, Nov 22, 2008.

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StarCraft remake in SC2 on day one

  1. Also, if Blizzard remakes the campaigns then the community most likely won't remake them which could give us less quality in the end. Blizzard's community has infinitely more time to finish a campiagn than Blizzard's employees.
  2. Aedus1160

    Aedus1160 New Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    This is a myth - they never said that. I don't think you guys realize how much work goes into the creation of these models - they wouldn't just recreate them for no reason, especially since they are always so pressed for time. If they said anything like this they were probably referring to placeholders that were used for balancing i.e. a red sphere or something like that.

    But let's look at the things that have to be redone:
    1) The damage system has to be redone and updated.
    2) Unit models must be created for every non sc2 unit.
    3) Portraits for all the unit models and heroes.
    4) Redoing every single StarCraft & Brood War mission, which includes:
    - Terrain (alot of manual work)
    - Triggers
    - Mission Settings
    - Briefings (would these be the same or would we try to use the new 3d system)?
  3. No. They specifically said they had models for each of these units in the map editor. Every single unit from StarCraft: Brood War that was in StarCraft 2 at one point will be in the editor. Stop pulling stuff out of your * and trying to tell the rest of us who know what we're talking about that we're wrong just becasue we stay up-to-date on information.


    There's also a Karune Q&A batch that addresses this but I'm not about to waste my time on something like this.

    -- Futhermore, for your information, it doesn't take that much time to create a model. The time you are referring to comes from perfecting it. They redo each one hundreds of times probably (or more) so the fact that they get so many models done shows you it doesn't take as long as you think. I know "modders" in communities that I visit who can create models for WarCraft III very quickly. These StarCraft: Brood War 3D models were made in the years before StarCraft 2's announcement.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2008
  4. 10-Neon

    10-Neon New Member

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    They don't redo models "hundreds of times" The last Blizzcast implied that the most heavily-worked models get something in the neighborhood of three.


    EA actually released Red Alert for free right before they launched Red Alert 3. It wasn't packaged with the game, but I think that comes pretty close.
  5. I'm talking about minor adjustments; not a complete remake of the model with different art styles. I guess I could liken it to an author who is proofreading his work before he finalizes it. They've explained many times in the BlizzCasts that they reiterate (That's a better word) the models frequently.
  6. Aedus1160

    Aedus1160 New Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    Are you referring to this:
    I fail to see where you get "every SC: BW unit will be in the editor" from this. It's been obvious that some units would make special appearances, like the Goliath & Wraith which was confirmed in that giantbomb interview.

    Congrats. Want a cookie? If you have the reading comprehension of an eight year old I really don't care how up to date you stay on information. Give me an actual source that says what you claim.

    It doesn't matter, the professionals at Blizzard wouldn't waste their time creating units they know they won't use. Why would they spend that effort creating a bunch of half-assed models so that over half of them can be thrown away later? And what about the buildings? Do you think they redid every single building as well?

    Also, when they scrapped the tempest and replaced it with the carrier, why didn't they use their model for the carrier instead of a recolored tempest model? =/

    Which SC: BW 3d models? What are you talking about?
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2008
  7. Since I don't think your post is worth the effort of paragraph form, I'll just list some points and be done with you:

    1. Blizzard has said MANY TIMES that all StarCraft: Brood War units were in the game at some point and since all of the scrapped units are in the editor .. well .. 2+2=?. I'm sure you can fill in the blank.

    2. Blizzard didn't know what models/units they would use. That's why they're called scrapped units. They were once units that were not in the category of 'Scrapped'. See where I'm going? These units were put in so they could see what units they wanted to keep. How do you know what units are worthy of being brought back if you haven't tried them out in the gameplay?

    3. The things that you are arguing against are common knowledge across the internet in all StarCraft-related communities. Take it up with them. I'm not about to go through pages and pages of Q&A just for someone who is too lazy to do it themselves. What you are arguing against can be likened to arguing about gravity or that the Earth is round. it comes from ones own ignorance. Ignorance which can be solved through your own efforts; not mine. I can't even believe you haven't read this somewhere for yourself unless you've been living under a (StarCraft 2) rock for the last year and a half which seems to be the case.


    I'm talking about the 3D models that were used for gameplay in the early (pre-announcement) builds.

    Now, be gone. I'm done with you. Hopefully someone else still has the links to what I am talking about that everyone else knows. Try learning about what you want to argue about when you want to challenge someone who knows what they're talking about .. it helps

    -- It's been so long since I posted in this topic that I had forgotten .. I have already given you all the proof you need from the Wikipedia. Now, stop bothering me and do a Google search.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2008
  8. Aedus1160

    Aedus1160 New Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    It's too bad that you can't find a source for the first point, so it's all moot.

    Again, they probably used red circles or anything else as placeholders. Creating a model for each unit would be redundant. And most units start from the concept stage. Go read a blizzcast or something. =/

    And it's wrong. That's why I called it a myth.

    You're asking me to commit the bandwagon fallacy? No thanks. I can think for myself instead of blindly trudging with the community.

    Yes. When you understand a word as "all", when it really says "some", it means you have the reading comprehension of a halfwit.

    And how do you know what models were used in the pre-announcement builds? How am I supposed to know what you're talking about when you keep making stuff up?

    Hopefully. Or else you'll end up looking like an idiot. :)

    I agree. Does anybody here with a semblance of knowledge/common sense want to comment?
  9. Someone educate this man, QUICK! He can't bring a single argument without ad hominem so I'm done with him. But, for your information, it's not that I can't find a source. No. I could. It's just that I wouldn't dare do your work for you even if I had a link in my clipboard right now. It's your problem and you deal with it. The only other thing that I have to say for you to do from here on is to read the Q&A. The proof is probably there, if I recall correctly. I've read so many articles and Q&A batches that it's completely unrealistic to expect anyone to remember them all or which ones have what information. Furthermore, your assumptions are worse than mine even if I were making any :) You straight-up contradict Blizzard's own statements..

    Maybe it came from Blizzard's mouth like I said? They specifically said that all units that were in StarCraft (possibly Brood War as well) were in StarCraft 2 at some point and many of them have models in the editor. But, instead of putting it all on me, why don't you give a link contradicting what I've said? What now?

    I've listened to the BlizzCast multiple times, for your information. As far as units starting from the concept stage.. well.. What do you call StarCraft? They have models (obviously) for all of the units that were in the game at some point... which just so happens to include pretty much all of the original StarCraft and Brood War units. Many of which will be included in the editor.

    Ad hominem. The tactic of the loser. I love it. It shouldn't need to be said but the quote I was talking about was the one from the Wikipedia. That one says ' ALL ' of the units that were in StarCraft 2 that were removed will be in the editor. So, where's your reading comprehension failure accusation logic now? If either of us has a problem it's you since you completely looked past my quote from the Wikipedia that says exactly what I've been saying. I even cited the source for you.

    ' I ' have the problem, eh? You seem to have a problem even following our simple conversation. I said that I was surprised you haven't read the Q&A batches and seen the links that I am talking about posted elsewhere in the internet. Everyone else (it seems) has seen it and the words were straight from a Blizzard emplyoee's mouth so it's not like it's some internet misinformation like you claim.

    Why not? They're pretty much all being used in StarCraft 2.

    Maybe it wasn't up to snuff or maybe it wasn't one of the units I was talking about.

    Does this forum have an ignore list?

    -- LOL @ "red circles" comment. I can't believe I missed this before.. Sure, man. They tested a unit and based it's gameplay mechanics and importance on a red circle ... Sure ...
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2008
  10. Aedus1160

    Aedus1160 New Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    Done with me, just like you were in the last post - what happened to that? Your entire stance is based on the idea that that a source says something that it doesn't. In addition, my points are all valid. If it seems like I'm attacking you then it's because I find your arrogance and condescending tone irritating. Who wouldn't? My original post didn't warrant the hostile response that it received. On top of all that you clearly have no idea what you're talking about, which is why your assertion that you "keep up to date on information" and your attempts at dismissing my posts are laughable.

    Very well then. I found a quote from Q&A 9:
    The only thing these Q&A batches mentioned was which specific units would be left over in the editor (like the one above). They in no way shape or form mentioned that all the models from brood war were redone. This is just you confusing the two issues.

    I don't need to, because my position is the default position. You're assuming that they created models for each and every single Brood War unit when in fact there is no need for them to do that.

    What they did for development was remodel some of the core StarCraft units (including Wraiths, Dragoons & Goliaths) and create some cool concepts which later found a role in gameplay.

    Wow. Where do I begin. First off, do you even read the quotes that you give me?
    Where does it say ALL the units in there? You seem kind of slow, so I'll say this in a way that you can understand: NEITHER. THE. WIKI. NOR. THE. SOURCE. SAY. THAT. ALL. THE. UNITS. WILL. BE. IN. THE. EDITOR.

    Get this through your thick skull please. In addition, the wiki is not a valid source, it's been wrong dozens of times. Not that this is the case here; the problem is that you can't read. My suggestion to you? Grow your own brain instead of relying on Wikipedia and what the community spoonfeeds you.

    Again, neither the Q&A batches or the links stated anything of the kind. This could be true, but there is no source stating it as such and no reason to assume such.

    Units so far:
    Probe, Drone, SCV, Zealot, Carrier, Marine, Zergling, Hydralisk, Ultralisk, Mutalisk, Siege Tank, Battlecruiser, Dropship, High Templar, Dark Templar, Archon, Dragoon, Wraith, Goliath, Overlord. That's 20 out of 45 Brood War units - less than half. In addition, these units look very good, alot of time has been spent creating them. Combined with all the buildings, that seems like alot of unnecessary work. It doesn't seem like you understand that game development has a timetable to adhere to. Granted, this has been laxed for StarCraft II with all the money that WoW is raking in, but still, you just assume that the development team dillydaddled for the first few years of creating StarCraft II...

    Doesn't have to be red circles, it can be any other placeholder. And I'm not saying they based gameplay mechanics on the circles. But you seem incredibly dense and ignorant of how game development works, so I don't want to waste my time spoonfeeding you the obvious conclusions.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2008
  11. 10-Neon

    10-Neon New Member

    May 23, 2007
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    Thread closed.
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