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Starcraft II trilogy Poll

Discussion in 'BlizzCon 2008' started by Seradin, Oct 11, 2008.


What do you think of the Starcraft II Trilogy announcement?

  1. Good

    37 vote(s)
  2. Bad

    7 vote(s)
  3. Other (explain)

    4 vote(s)

Starcraft II trilogy Poll

Discussion in 'BlizzCon 2008' started by Seradin, Oct 11, 2008.

  1. VodkaChill

    VodkaChill New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
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    Montreal, Quebec, Canada
    I voted Good.
    We will be playing the game faster this way. Give them time to polish their story.

    My wallet is feeling pre-raped though.....
  2. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    I think the poll speaks for iteslf. I persoanlly really like this idea, because atleast the way I have been looking at it is as 2 garenteed expansions. Also, I am a huge lore buff as well as a lover of single player more often than multiplayer (Sc2 may be an exception though). Finally, just to give some of you an idea of how much I like this idea, the only race I really like is the Protoss (obviously) and its going to be the last to come out.
  3. KuraiKozo

    KuraiKozo New Member

    Nov 1, 2007
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    Uranus lol =D
    your assuming pisses me off to be quite honest. we're not saying we want a crap game, and it's not a ew dollars, no doubt. stop your own whinning and complaining before you bash other people. dude, i live in the US, too, quite your stereotyping and semi 'woe is me' shiz, i hate that stuff. everyone has the right to comaplin, you don't know people are from higher based families. and jsut because i don't want to spend 80+ altogether hardly makes me less a gamer than you, it jsut means i have better things to spend it on than games.

    1.) we never said that
    2.) if you saw it, you're taking it out of context
    3.) blizzard can stand up for themselves w/o trashign other people, so can you.
    4.) your definition of natural is very incorrect, www.dictionary.com is your friend.

    We know, all of it was insults and badmouthing.

    Just because you have the money doesn't mean you want to spend it all.

    no, because it wasn;t like that. they're unrelated. Tish is blizzard splitting a game they were originally making into one. the other games, expansions were expected. it's like taking a game like supersmash and cutting it into a separate game for each character. kk, not that drastic, but you get my point.

    that's not the point of the thread, this is about opinions, not lifestyle, don't insult others based on your lifestyle plzkthx.

    yes, you were.

    who said it would be inferior? they didn't split many other games and they were still good. Why don't they jsut sell it all together as a multi set like they do with games that require more than one disc for all the gameplay? i'm more than willing to wait so i can get them all at the same time. that way, the games are not 'inferior' and they don't cost more.

    to sum this all up, amen
  4. pattadar

    pattadar New Member

    May 21, 2008
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    I voted other, would have voted F-ing great idea if they released firm dates for when the Beta would start and the eventual release of the first game.

    Everyone is assuming the game will come out quicker. The Zerg and Protoss campaign might not slow the the Wings of Liberty release, but it could still be one or two years away. This decision appears to be recent development. We don't know if they are going to redo some or most of what they've already completed for the Terrain single player campaign.
  5. Hodl pu

    Hodl pu New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    Inferior? Are you stating that blizzard makes inferior quality games? You are contradicting yourself actually in sooo many ways... SCII original will be NO WHERE near close to inferior, nor will it be outdated due to patches.

    Kurai pretty much said everything else.
  6. the8thark

    the8thark New Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Hmmm to me this is a strange idea. Yeah the cash issue is there. I'm poor like the rest of us. And have to live with the Aussie prices of games. Most good computer games here are $80-$100 each. So potentially $300 is a lot for me. But the thing Blizzard should have said is "people start saving now". That's what we should be doing. I know I will. And yeah the less coke or cigarettes or booze or whatever we put into our bodies is healthier for us as well as money saving. Yeah it's going to hurt me to have to save up $300. But at least I know I have time to start saving. Blizzard have given us warning, a lot of it. And the smart among us (even the poor like me) can do this (ie save as much as they can). Even $1 a week will get most of there. $2 for us non US people.

    About the storyline. 3 different perspectives on the same story. Well to me if we finish the first mission pack. Terran supposedly, then why play the other 2. It's the same story basically, but instead of being the good guys, you are not the bad ones. Will the endings be the same for all 3?
    If yes then why play the other 2 as there would be no real difference in lore between the 3.
    If no then what the? 3 different results in the same time frame. You can win and lose at the exact same time. Which is possible here. Mission pack 1 Terran win. Mission pack 2 Terrans get slaughtered. Doesn't really make sense.

    I would have much preferred a SC and BW styled expansion pack style. Instead of 30T then 30Z then 30P missions. I would have preferred 10 of each, then a second 10 of each then a 3rd to of each. Then they can just make them chronological in time. Like SC then BW was. None of this 3 different sided in the same war thing. Sure I'll be saving up for all 3 as I think we all will be. But I just want to hear more info about this from Blizzard closer to the date. To see exactly what is in and what is out of each of the 3 installments.

    And for the record I really like the order they chose. The same as SC with the order of races/missions. T then Z then P. Sure P are probably my favourite, it was so refreshing to play as the P in SC. The first P mission is probably my favourite ever because of the change in scenery from the first two, from all gritty and hard core, to enigmatic and serene (well to a point). I think you get me here.

    Also I think the game guide book writers are liking this situation a lot. Potentially they could release 3 guide books. One for each race. And for those of us who collect the guide books. (I have the SC and BW ones. For collecting sake more then the content cause that's all online). But really that's more money out of our pockets. Still we know about this and we can save up for it.

    Here's an idea I'd like to see. I think inside the first installment released should be a voucher that has like $10 off the the 2nd or 3rd installments. And the 2nd and 3rd ones should have vouchers in them too. Why? Cause Blizzard will be raking in the cash for these games. And this will give us people more of an incentive to but all 3 games and just not wait for our favourite race to be released. Sure this will penalise the waiters. But one installment will still be cheaper then 2 with a voucher. I think it's pretty obvious most people will buy all 3 games. And Blizzard need to recognise this and reward us for our loyalty to the game.

    And what about battle.net? I think each installment should have a few dummy missions for the other 2 races. Say one really easy one and one rather hard one. Just so people can get a feel for the other 2 races. So they aren't disadvantages in the multiplayer world. Sure the Terran fans are loving it now. But for the rest these dummy missions will really help. And if they are interesting enough it might just lure new SC fans to buy installments they might not have otherwise thought about purchasing.

    So do I hate the idea of splitting up the game into 3 parts? No. The original Star Wars movies (4-6) was the same. Way too much story for one movie in the original script so instead of one mega long epic for a movie he made 3 more manageable more in depth movies. And surprisingly they were all hits. yes we all know this. But how does this relate to SC2. I think to me this is SC 2.0, SC2.1 and SC 2.2 with the 3 installments. And people should treat it as such. 3 different games with the same graphics engine. really we were too spoilt with SC 1. It was really 3 games in one for my money. Well compared to the other offerings at the time. SC was head and shoulders above the rest. This time they just made it 3different games as they maybe should have at the beginning. The only this I really winder is how each of the 3 will talk to each other in the multiplayer sense. Can someone with one installment play battle.net with players of 2 or 3 installments?

    And a question. I've never played WOW before. Can you play the 2nd expansion there without owning the first expansion, only the original game? Why I ask because I'm not exactly sure how much installments 2 and 3 of SC 2 are stand alone games or expansion packs. And I'm just wondering say you really liked Terran. And played it to death. Zerg cam out but you never got it for whatever reason and and later Protoss came out. Could you tack on the 3rd installment (Protoss) without the Zerg installment?

    But do I like the current setup of 3 separate installments? I'm not sure. Because when SC was released, no one knew there would be a BW. Players just all had their ideas on what could be better with SC. And that with its huge popularity worked in it's favour and a BW was released. Much less time to save up for it. If BW was announced at the time SC was released would it have changed things? Not really. But people would winge, oh why not have all the BW content in SC. Boo hoo.

    From a marketing point of view the idea is to have just enough content in each game to make the players happy and release as many installments or games as possible to bleed the public dry of their cash. But on the other hand the public want as much content as possible in a game to have the fullest experience on one disc. And usually a balance of the two is what is released on the final product. Too much product and the game devs don't make enough money, too little and the game gets bad reviews and no one buys it. It's a hard ask. And I think Blizzard are trying their to accommodate both sides here.

    So what am I voting here. I'll vote yes. Because delays are bad. For everyone involved even us public. And it's the whole catch of playing 1/3 of a game now or wait 2 years for it all now. I'd rather not wait. And really by the time i'm sick of the Terran missions the Zerg ones will be out and same for the Protoss. It's a smart idea by Blizzard. But I just think it wasn't executed as smoothly as it could have been.
  7. VodkaChill

    VodkaChill New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
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    Montreal, Quebec, Canada
    Woah, 1 Year appart for each of the game releases. That is some scary information. We will not know how the story ends until like 2011. Will the Terran campaign sustain us for an entire year?
  8. Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2008
  9. the8thark

    the8thark New Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    From the link posted above.
    So Vodka is right actually.
  10. I know he's right on that. That wasn't my point. He said he has to wait years to see how the story end. You get whole story in each "box".
  11. the8thark

    the8thark New Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Ah I see. You're right there. Well that's saying if the story is the same in all 3 boxes.
  12. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    ...and wrong.

  13. Umm.. I don't know what you're trying to say.. but, I know ...
  14. JStryka

    JStryka New Member

    Oct 12, 2008
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    I posted this up somewhere, but I apparently lost the thread. Oh well, here goes again:

    Don't grab your Canister Rifle yet.

    The SC2Trilogy was announced, and Blizzard gave a brief outline of it, but they didn't say the whole thing yet. They want to see how we react, since a majority of the fans at Blizzcon cheered when the Trilogy was announced.

    You have to go over the very few things we know so far:

    -Three Super Standalones and/or Expansions of SC2.

    -All races will be available for play in Multiplayer and Skirmish in the first pack, including the Map Editor.

    -The story is more than just "Another View"- it's most likely a more linear story with the ultimatum at the very last pack.

    -New Units, Editor options, and more maps are likely in the new packs.

    -Liberty is most likely from 40-60 dollars, but Swarm and Void are also likely to be just 20-30 dollars. It's not going to be "$150" that Blizzard is charging you.

    Another thing: If you wanted Blizzard to release all three at the same time, you would most likely have to wait till 2010+. Blizzard is trying to get the game to you earlier without loss of experience.

    If you wanna wait till 2010+ for a full game, be my guest.
    I'll be playing Wings of Liberty, a fleshed out experience that would let me play all three races in B.net 2.0 and Skirmish already, with knowledge that better gameplay is on the way.

    So put those Siege Tank shells away and start listening for more news.
    If anything can prove me wrong, do so, and I'll see if I can edit it in any way.
  15. You posted that in my topic .. the other StarCraft Trilogy related topic :)
  16. Itsmyship

    Itsmyship New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    Where only cool people live... So Cal!
    I do have to say....I'm happy that Blizzard finally realized that they're OCD and are releasing the experience a bit earlier
  17. Alukard

    Alukard New Member

    Jun 26, 2007
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    Personally i think that blizzard got balls to do this. Its a very tricky decision for them to make, knowing the possible consequences, and they still went ahead with it. I mean really you get a good game with each side, i mean complete game. So thats almost StarCraft 2, 3, and 4 in a row, of cores not exactly but its not like (like someone mentioned), Half Life episodes whos story is great overall but its mostly an eye candy, and how many were disappointed with its shortness, and lack of progressiveness.

    Wile here we are being promised and extremely detailed and fun game, hell, by the time you finish exploring everything in it then next chapter will be released.
    I mean we have been waiting for long enough and do we want them to hurry? of cores, but more over we want a superb game that will make the wait worth wile. And i think is a good way of doing that, wile we may not enjoy one race over the other, we have a chance to learn more then ever about it, and maybe even like it, cause have to admit it Starcraft 2 is a whole different animal. Then again i value a good story and if it comes with great gameplay then i can wait for it.

    Wile i have few concerns with the trilogy matter, its multilayer. If they are releasing the volumes in expansion manner then the people who own one of the three will not be able to play against peeps with another volume. So that mean:

    a: the players who are planning to get only the first volume, will be missing out on the expansions,

    b.the players who get the final volume get everything up to date.

    c. more money is being spent on the products people may not think they will enjoy. (thats for some is a serious
    issue, and dont think it should be discussed without respect to other members )

    d. Blizzard will have fun time supporting all three volumes in Battlenet, plus im not mentioning Diablo 3

    But overall the wait will continue, and wait for more news, because i think eve Blizzard doesnt fully know what now are they going to do with all this.
  18. KuraiKozo

    KuraiKozo New Member

    Nov 1, 2007
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    Uranus lol =D
    agreed. creds to them for this, i still don't like it, however.
  19. Hodl pu

    Hodl pu New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    LOTR was a tricky movie (they shot all 3 at once). This move is risky as well, but I think Blizzard can pull it off. Im still neutral though, I don't hate it but I'm also not too thrilled.

    But now that all 3 are being released a year a apart, the tides turn sort of better for me. I could buy my books and recording supplies before or a little after the 2nd expansion. I should then be able to have enough money to buy the 2nd installment in a couple of months by then. Therefor, I should be set for the 3rd one coming out the next year. This means I won't be behind really in the story/gameplay than everyone else, maybe just a month or two behind.

    if all three would of been released only months apart, I would probably have to wait a while to buy the last 2 installments. ^_^
  20. DarkPort

    DarkPort New Member

    Oct 12, 2008
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    Hello everyone. This is my first post in this forum. I'm a huge Starcraft fan and I look forward to playing this game.

    I think the idea of a trilogy is EXCELLENT! It couldn't be better. Instead of 1 game with limited missions, we get 3 different versions with 25-30 missions each, which is great! That way, they can put SC2 in the market earlier, instead of making us wait until at least 2010.

    I admit the multiplayer version is by far what I like most in SC. I don't care if I have to wait 1-2 more years for the zerg and protoss single player. I'll probably spend most of the time playing in bnet, not playing the single player.

    And of don't think Blizzard will charge the same for the 3 games. The first one will have a regular price, but the other 2 are probably gonna cost considerably less.

    This has advantages and disadvantages, but IMO the advantages are far superior!

    BY THE WAY, is there any information about the release date of the first version (Terran)?