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Starcraft I RP

Discussion in 'StarCraft Original' started by Seradin, Oct 3, 2007.

Starcraft I RP

Discussion in 'StarCraft Original' started by Seradin, Oct 3, 2007.

  1. ssjfox

    ssjfox Hyperion

    Jul 21, 2007
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    *** ....... Very well I cant say I like having this... Terran near me but I will bring them forth.

    [ The naga uses his psionics to call to a arbiter, and has the arbiter recall the slayer to the spot they are meeting.

    *** It will be much more difficult to bring Lord Kerwyn here since he is above the planet in one of our motherships. I'm afraid you will have to deal with his ambassador whether you like it our not, if it that important the ambassador can open a link to his lord and you can talk to him than.

    *** Arbiter this is the naga again.

    Arbiter: Yes naga what do you need now?

    *** Bring the ambassador to our meeting spot, this protoss says he has dire imformation.

    Arbiter: Done

    *** Are you happy now? All of the people you wanted are assembled, now tell us this information, but be wary it better be good for your sake...
  2. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    some kind of creatrue, its psi signature is very similar to kerrigans, is on its way here right now, if you dont move your fleet right now it will be pulverise, the only creature i know that its psi signature is almost like kerrigans is duran, i believe that he is coming here to capture the commanders that have the zel'naga spirits inside of them, his army is most likely compose of hybrids, if we want to deflect his army we will need to form our armies together.

    * just then a ultralisk runs in and starts to kill all the ghosts, but it isnt normal, it is torrasque back from the dead, it was a strange fight but it died, but not before all of ijffdrie ghosts and vindicators died. as its body falls apart you can see it was composed of drones.*

    that shouldnt have happen, torrasque was supposed to be dead forever, this must be the work of duran, but before you say it could be the zerg commandor, i have something to say, i am lurkers_lurk, useing my fast evolution speed plus the zel'naga knowledge of evolution i was able to change my body to look exactly like a protoss and i also used my zel'naga powers to disguise my psi signature to that of a protoss. now if you deside to not kill me i need to check on my base to make sure that everything is prepared to defend against army that is getting closer to us every single second.
  3. Shadow Templar

    Shadow Templar New Member

    Aug 24, 2007
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    Searching databases for corny analogy...

    This story has more plot twists than a TwistiTie facotry. Haha...not really..

    Anyways, I have to go out for a bit so I'll be on auto pilot....
  4. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    nice idea, we should create a massive turtle

    ill bring siege tanks, bunkers and valkyries
    slayer, you bring collosi and some reapers
    naga, you bring immortals and phase cannons
    kerwyn, you move your carrier + tempest fleet
    lurkers_lurk, you should bring lurkers and massive zergling swarms

    if you all agree; this is my battle plan:

    we position ourselfs in the big cave, so there is only 1 way to get to us, he wont use orbital bombardment, because he wants us alive. the bunkers are the front line with as the second phase cannons intertwined with siege tank, this way we got a massive army buffer, ill put one black ops, two sqauds of marines and a squad of firebats in every bunker.
    the lurkers are placed directly in front, burrowed near the bunkers, that way they cant bring a detector close enough.
    the immortals and the zerglings are there in case that they are breaching our defense, their purpose it to oush the enemy away from our borders while we shell them to oblivion. all remaining other-class units shall help defend the siege tanks and the collosi shall stand above the bunkers. before we move in we send our tempests and carriers and land them there so we can destroy any incoming attacker with their interceptors and shuriken
  5. ssjfox

    ssjfox Hyperion

    Jul 21, 2007
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    --- So are you willing to accept this and fight along side you hated enemies, proud young protoss?

    *** ......... I have no choice we shall do as the terran said it is a well thought out plan, and it should hold... for awhile.

    --- Awhile?

    *** If the zerg is right and it is duran who is coming here, I fear that not even our three armies shall be enough to stop him.

    --- And why do you say this?

    *** As you know I was origanlly a dark archon.

    --- Yes so what is your point?

    *** ........ I was one of the few dark archons that accompied zertual on his last mission before he dissapeared. We were investigating a energy signature on a dark moon and we found a terran out post with many terran sciencetists..... we were the first to discover the hybrids.... and that duran was something more than a agent of the swarm. That was the first time I had felt duran's energy... he is something far behind I've ever felt something even more powerful than your energies, but than again you were just a spirit. So do you know anything about duran?

    --- ...................

    *** You do don't you?

    --- Yes all three of us do.

    *** So tell me about him.

    --- NO

    *** What?

    --- The three of us all swore along time ago that we would never speak of duran again, although we will say this, duran is the ultimate creation of the xel-naga, and all three of you commanders have something in common with him.

    *** ......... You can't mean that duran is a hybrid.

    --- Not a hybird the hybrid.... of all three races.

    *** !!!!!!!!!!!!! Well than I guess it will take all three of us commanders to fight him off huh?

    --- I do not know if you can beat him, but yes it will take all three commanders at once to even have a chance agaisnt him. So I suggest you have your slayer friend lead the deffence becuase you three will have your hands full with something much bigger.

    *** Well than I guess I'll go round up the other commanders. May Adun be with us all.

    Hey guys I just want to say that what I put about duran up there isn't really my believe but its something that makes sense and would make all three of the commanders work together.
  6. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    that battle sounds a bit cliche to me, but still

    you protoss think you are so high-tech efficient and stuff, but still i am the only who gathered some info about duran, he practically controls a few armies:
    he has some mercenaries that he biologically evolved to the point where they were as fast as zerglings and strong as ultralisks, and he designed some plasma guns for them, and even upgraded their battlecruisers with enhanced protoss technology, such as recall and even the opening of a ten minute wormhole window.

    he has enhanced zerg to which he added some of his own DNA and evolved them to the point where they could cut open iron and stone

    he somehow managed to gain help of Ulrezasj and he uses archons and dark archons to power his machines, and together with ulrezasj he designed some sort of mega-ion cannon which is equipped on his space station, which also has hyperdrive capacabilities

    and most known of all are the hybrids, my agents couldnt see them, but they heard talkings from his mercenaries about them creating a energy field similair to a psy storm around them and run as fast as a upgraded vulture towards a bunker, smashing it in one blow, but however in this state they were weak, they did not evolve completely and did not grow ultraplasmium steel plates as of yet
  7. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    yes to help better our defence ill also bring a pair of defliers and a couple of queens, ill also will bring overlords for transport and detection, they may be a little slow compare to the other transportation but they use no supplies. my ultralisks will be useless because of the tight space, hydralisks will be there to offer anti-air support and to change into lurkers when need comes to that.with all the lurkers, collsi(s), and seige tanks ill bring devourers for more anti-air, with of course mutalisk for more help.

    in the end tho, it will be us three/four(thats if slayer wants to be in it) against duran, but the cost to him will be time and the units he sacurficed to reach us, and if luck be with us, we might be able to tell the others of any changes in durans army.
  8. Shadow Templar

    Shadow Templar New Member

    Aug 24, 2007
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    [ Searching map data bases for suitable locations...location found]

    [Computing possible counters using existing data..... Solution: fight fire with fire]

    I have found a way to modify the shield battery so that it can be outfitted onto the bunkers..improving their survivability. If the Zerg could lend me some of the Queen's mucus, I could engineer a substance that would allow us to mount photon cannons onto the ceiling. This would allow the Hydralisks and and Immortal prototype to take their position, allowing max firepower. I also suggest the Zergling be buried a good distance out from teh bunkers. That way we can use Lord Kerwyn's High templar to create force fields to trap those hybrids and let the Zerglings do their job...This should raise our chances of success from 2% to 5%.

    ( I also think we should bring in someone else to play Duran, that way it really is a battle of the wits and not ourselves)
  9. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    Deep Space
    Lord Kerwyn-," And what makes you believe I would endorse an alliance between the Zerg and an agent of the Queen of Blades?"

    Ambassador-," My Lord, the Terran commander has a good----"

    Lord Kerwyn-," SILNECE! I WILL NOT ALLY MYSELF WITH THE ZERG! Ambassador Tildaris this is a direct order, withdraw your troops to our ships in orbit."

    Ambassador-," My Lord, this is a good plan to destroy a foe more dreaded than the Zerg.

    Lord Kerwyn-," You would have my ally myself with those who destroyed Auir? You would me ally myself with the followers of the Queen of Blades who has betrayed us numerous times and is responsible for the deaths of Raszshegal, Fenix, and Judicator Aldaris? NEVER!"

    Ambassador-," The Zerg commander is no longer a follower of Kerrigan. He wont-----"

    Lord Kerwyn-," Was Kerrigan a follower of the Cerebrates when she chose to betray us? Just because someTHING isn't a member of the swarm doesn't mean it cant betray us. Now I order you Ambassador Tildaris, withdraw your troops to our ships in orbit."

    Ambassador-," I agree with every decision that has been made down here and I wont change my mind now."

    Lord Kerwyn-," So be it. If you choose to ally yourself with the Zerg than you shall be treated as such.
    [directed at somone onboard the Mothership] Lock onto to area below us on the planet and begin orbital bombardment. When that is finished, move us away from the planet. link our cloak with our Arbiters, and cloak our fleet."

    [directed at the 5 commanders nearby] Ambassador-," We need to immediately get under the protection of heavy shielding and armor! While our Motherships Planet Cracker may be powerful it is possible to protect ourselves, but we need to hurry. I am just praying the blast doesn't ignite the atmosphere or we will have some very serious problems on top of our current dilemma."

    I meant to post this earlier so i am sorry for the delay but it should still be applicable. (and for those curious i didnt mean for this to become another plot twist, at the beggining i set a few ground rules for the ambassador and LK. One of LK's was to avoid alliance with the zerg at all costs)
  10. Shadow Templar

    Shadow Templar New Member

    Aug 24, 2007
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    The cave fortification isn't complete...but it should survive. Most of the troops have moved in. However, we will never make it there in time, we are wide open. Wait, I have an idea!

    I go into a fortification like mode, my crystals extend from my body. "Everyone grab one and channel your psi energy." With the combined power of all 5 commanders I ignite my shield. It's triple Hexagon layers encase us all. Each one of us are concentrating to our fullest, but will it be enough?
    In the distance we see the Planet Cracker heading straight for us, destroying all in it's path.
  11. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    if you read the intel carfully, you see that our fortification doesnt have problems with their army, we only need an ion cannon
  12. Shadow Templar

    Shadow Templar New Member

    Aug 24, 2007
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    Yeah I left my last post open ended so one of you whose stories are more detailed and flashy could finish. However, if this thread is dead then I will edit my post and give it a fitting ending. It's only been a few days since the story actually went somewhere....
  13. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    i dont think this thread really is dead its just everybody is trying to think of something but is waiting for someone else to have a chance.

    edit: i trying to think of something good but at the end of the action im thinking to put in it just gets wierd, and i dont want that, so right now im brainstorming.
  14. ssjfox

    ssjfox Hyperion

    Jul 21, 2007
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    Emmm yeah I've been the giant poster through this with like half a page posts, and I haven't done anything in awhile.... ahhh I have plenty of stuff to post but I haven't been on this site in a few days, and have just been to lazy to do anything.

    **** Do not think that I'm going to post any time soon so you guys go ahead and take it a way.
  15. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    the old camps were destroyed and now the mothership is heading towards the new base

    *open fire* i scream
    the remainder of my valkiries immidietly fly towards his mothership and start bombarding it, while suddenly three carriers and a tempest uncloak
    *launch the fighters* i scream
    after a slight hesitation, our carrier pilots start launching their fleets and our fleets fly in formation towards the enemy carriers which immidietly launch their fleets.
    *shurikens take out the kaydarin kristal in the center of the mothership* i scream in the com
    suddenly i hear a electrical charge running through their mothership and i see the ship activating a planet cracker which is heading our way. at that moment the shurikens come in range of the ship and slip through the enemy shield field when they weaken it so they can activate the planet cracker. then they open fire on the ship and it's crew, killing zealots, templar and even a mighty archon. than i hear i craking sound and i see the planet cracker deactivating and the mothership falling towards the ground....

    *nomads, use your shields* i hear lordkerwyn yell and i see my nomads create a powerfull shield at the entrance of our cave which stops the energy burst from the falling mothership

    tired my men sit down when i hear my com officer yell: sir, we have sensors and i think you ought to see this.
    i walk towards the sensor screen and see a 3d map of the planet, with 15 motherships around it, 60 carriers, 60 battlecruisers, and a giant fleet of shuttles, phase prisms, dropships, overlord and a unknown kind of vessel descending towards the surface. the transport ships are escorted by a fleet of scouts, phoenixes, corsairs, scouts, valkyries, vikings and even some predator. strangely there are no mutalisks or devourers. the escort fleet is heading right towards us!
  16. ssjfox

    ssjfox Hyperion

    Jul 21, 2007
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    Why did our channel die right at the end? Someone tell me why? WHY WHY WHY???? So if someone could post something to get the others back on track that would be great :good: me i cant i got nothing anymore cuase I'm to lazy now with school but someone else come on step up!!
  17. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    Duran is here, quick everybody get in!

    the defences arent fully up yet, we need to stall them, i know, ill send in the cyborg overlord, i installed it with a self-destruct system that will activate when its starts to break down.it wont last long but it will delay them enough to set up our defence, and let the terrans rest a bit.

    ( i think this kind of died because there is no-one to be duran :()
  18. ssjfox

    ssjfox Hyperion

    Jul 21, 2007
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    Well guys I would be happy to be duran since we got no one else, I don't have a problem with using a good guy and a bad guy, I've done some good long posts right? So I guess I'll do it someone else make one last post and I'll be starting.

    Like a post that advances the stroy not just something that doesn't matter.
  19. Shadow Templar

    Shadow Templar New Member

    Aug 24, 2007
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    Long live ShdwyTemplar for his grand sacrifice!

    edit: I have more but it keeps posting/ deleting after like 3 sentences. So as soon as i fix this I will have my part of the story back in the cave, but until then this is all you get...
  20. ssjfox

    ssjfox Hyperion

    Jul 21, 2007
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    For the love of god people we cam eto the very end now its all going to die? (Yo I wasn't even thinking I apolgize to any one to which "for the love of god" might offend becuase of religion or no religion) Come on we got to finish this I'll be duran and my guy at the same time or whatever just post peoples!!