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StarCraft: Brood War is Dead

Discussion in 'StarCraft Original' started by MeisterX, Mar 2, 2010.

StarCraft: Brood War is Dead

Discussion in 'StarCraft Original' started by MeisterX, Mar 2, 2010.

  1. VodkaChill

    VodkaChill New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
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    Montreal, Quebec, Canada
  2. ZealotInATuxedo

    ZealotInATuxedo New Member

    Feb 2, 2009
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    I agree with Ark that this is a faux pas if this site maintains it reports on only "factual" information. And I’m also disappointed this made frontline news. I actually thought that Blizzard had shut down the Brood War servers! THAT would have been news, particularly because they claimed they will not "kill" StarCraft in order to insure SC2’s success. Blizzard seems confident that SC2 is head and shoulders above BW. Furthermore, even when SC2 is released, and even if they "killed" BW, BW will never die: its spirit will be carried on by the dedicated modders that will bring the original game to the SC2 engine.

    Personally, I am looking forward to replaying the original 60+ missions on the SC2 engine. If certain people (such as TL) feel that SC2 will not live up to its forefather's legacy, they are entitled to that opinion. Isn't it best simply to point out the many ways in which SC2 is superior rather than claiming BW is "dead"?
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2010
  3. ronin2011

    ronin2011 New Member

    Mar 26, 2009
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    I was bored of SCBW long before "Beta"..
    Antique graphics and mechanics, Battle .net full of cheaters same story over and over again...

    But I'm still gonna play SC and SCBW right before "Gold" strikes..

    SCBW your destiny has been fulfilled. You and the Khala are now one.
  4. Muncie16

    Muncie16 New Member

    Jan 15, 2009
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    I love starcraft and starcraft brood war and i will sorely miss the days where you can just hop on and find a very competitive 3v3 BGH match and know that win or lose the game was still fun and exciting.

    Now that SC2 is near I am praying that the legacy of SCBW will live through that of its unborn child- SC2 and provide the same level of excitement and enjoyment it has brought millions in the past.

    R.I.P Starcraft:Bood War
  5. DeckardLee

    DeckardLee Guest

    I'd say it'd be more like Counter-Strike vs Team Fortress 2.

    Also, competitive 3v3 BGH match? Does not compute!
  6. Rave

    Rave New Member

    Feb 21, 2010
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    I've been on and off BW for 12 years or so, and honestly im so ready for change, i dont care if people still play the original, i personally wont, similar to how I played the crap out of CS 1.6, going CAL and etc. and when source came out, I basically left 1.6 completely for it... im not one to hide in the past, and im so glad its not BW with better graphics :) new units and maps are going to make sure this game stays interesting for even longer than BW did!

    Also, CS vs TF2? I play both but these games are generally never compared... they are very different, more like 1.6 to source would be the perfect example of BW and SC2 probably, 1.6 is still strong but Source is even stronger imo :p
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2010
  7. Gforce

    Gforce New Member

    Jul 29, 2007
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    Good night sweet prince, .....i want those 6 years of my life back.
  8. Inside Sin

    Inside Sin Active Member

    May 29, 2007
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    You guys are pathetic.
    Not only are you commenting on the side of western culture alone, you do not see that Starcraft brood war will continue to be of huge popularity (or sport) in korean cities.

    Starcraft Broodwar will not DIE, you can't simply put a game down like that, did games such as Super Smash brothers 'die'? No.

    Think before being a sheep, I am ashamed to be a follower of this forum, Jones, I am ashamed.

    and p.s I do know the game requires online play, but as long as the game's available, it's still a game.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2010
  9. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    I've been told I don't know what I'm talking about (in regards to SC) before, and I've been right.

    It'll happen again. :D
  10. the8thark

    the8thark New Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Not by me. I think you know what your talking about. I really like what you post up. Even if it is in all the wrong places. :)
  11. DeckardLee

    DeckardLee Guest

    @Inside Sin: I haven't seen an overreaction like that in quite som-- screw it, I've never seen an overreaction like that.
  12. the8thark

    the8thark New Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Inside Sin: All good things must come to an end. Even you know this. And this means even SC:BW will not last forever. Don't panic. Something better will come around to replace it.
  13. Rave

    Rave New Member

    Feb 21, 2010
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    like sc2? :O
  14. Rebel Head

    Rebel Head New Member

    Jan 13, 2010
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    Starcraft 2 replacing Starcraft: Brood War? Not at first, but definitely in the long run. Blizzard has a few tuning up to do before the game will ever be as balanced as its predecessor. The new mechanics are simply brilliant, they open up a lot of new strategies far outranking brood war strategies. Zerg could use a little more of a notch as far as interesting mechanics go, the only stand out things they seem to have going for them is the nydus worm, larvae pumping, and new creep functionalities. I am sure Blizzard will fix these issues and whatever other issues they will have with other races in the long run. In the future, we can expect to see a balanced and insanely fun game that is worthy to suceed Starcraft 1.

    If Starcraft 2 isn't going to kill SC: BW, it certainly is going to kill Warcraft 3. I found Warcraft 3 most enjoyable for its awesome custom maps, but with Starcraft 2's more powerful editor, former Warcraft 3 players are going to flock to it to check out the insane mods users create.

    Also Joneagle... utter fail for even considering this arbitrary article front page news ... *SLAP*
  15. ZealotInATuxedo

    ZealotInATuxedo New Member

    Feb 2, 2009
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    Jon, I for one, have never questioned that you "know what you're talking about with regards to SC". I regard you as an authority on StarCraft, and I generally enjoy your posts. But this is not a matter about being “right or wrong”. Your modus operandi is to not comment on or publish rumours or news that is not otherwise “factual”. Many of us admire you for this; there’s a very thin line between a forum and a blog. Your claims regarding BW may very well ultimately be correct; in fact, I'd share your astonishment if SC2 did not eclipse BW in every way. However, giving an article a "shock-effect" title like you did ("RIP: BW Is Dead") is premature since it is not factual.

    You commented on the Beta rumours (just prior to its start) in a very reticent, very dignified fashion. So, given how you very rarely comment on rumours and such, I actually panicked and assumed that Blizzard had shut down the BW servers. That sense of panic was only possible due to the fact that I know this site reports facts. I recall when there were "dry spells" of factual news that you wouldn't post until SOMETHING came up. As we all know, the Beta recently began --and with it came a deluge of interesting, pertinent, and factual information that has yet to be organised into a comprehensive frontpage article about "The Beta Experience". But you chose to discuss the "demise" of BW. Why? This leads me to my second point.

    Now, make no mistake: I am NOT a fan of TL. But your article discusses TL in rather dismissive terms. Take for example: "...the TeamLiquid fiery hellbath..." and "There's a long-winded analogy about...". I may be wrong, but I got the distinct impression that this "rebuttal" to TL's article is somehow personal. It seems that you chose a polemical title to deliberately provoke them. Perhaps you even made this article Page 1 so they wouldn't miss it? You already pointed out, rightly so, that we are all entitled to our opinions. But highly subjective opinions, interesting as they may be, belong in a thread, not on the frontpage: that is how we feel, and that is how we hope you still feel.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2010
    RationalThought likes this.
  16. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Well said, Zealot. +400 minerals for proving a good point.

    However, I do feel that StarCraft2Forum.org is about reporting the facts (I'm a journalism major, which is why you never see me reporting random stuff on this site), and about covering StarCraft 2.

    I felt the article was a fun play on the fact that the Beta is out. It's not meant to say BW is actually dead and the tone of the article is one of playful mockery. It is not meant in any way to be a factual article, and is simply a coy way of preparing you guys for that inevitable day.

    As you can tell it's written like an obituary and is meant entirely as a fun article. While the front page is certainly reserved for news, it has also traditionally been an outlet for well-written articles which I felt this article was an example of.

    You will never see a less-than-factual article posted on the front page, but you may now and then see opinion-based articles that relate to StarCraft 2.

    I'm glad you guys respect the authenticity of the news posted on this site and I will certainly take that into consideration when posting another article.

    And by the way, yes, this was meant as a jab to TL. But it's certainly not personal. It's just a playful tag at the fact that we've had disagreements in the past. I certainly respect the administrators of TeamLiquiid (most of them, anyway), and while I may disagree with the manner and attitude with which their site is run, I would not attack their credibility.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2010
  17. Inside Sin

    Inside Sin Active Member

    May 29, 2007
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    I don't get in the tag cloud for tagging my name in all the threads I post in.... oh wait, YES i do :)
  18. the8thark

    the8thark New Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Your post was very good. But that last sentence I will quote. Cause that is how we all feel.

    And to Jon:

    I'm glad you can see our point on your article. Sure a lot of rash things were said about it. And just cause you're a journalist or studying to be one doesn't make you a good one. Just talking in general due to all the dodgy journalism out there. I see it on the news every day. People reporting things and getting even the basic facts about what they are talking about wrong. It's really not good.

    I'm sure you on the other hand are good at your Journalism major. But to me it's more comon sense to keep the news as news and rumour as rumour and not to mix up the two. Something else you have done very well in the past too.

    And as a journalism student you will know all about the format of a newspaper. Where the hard factual news stories are always on the front page. And the feature articles (more opinion based like your one is) is in the middle of the newspaper always. It's just people seem to like the hard news in their face (or site front) and if they want to read the discussion or feature articles they will open up the newspaper (or enter the forums) for that. Newspapers seem to sell better than that.

    I've re-read the artile posted on the front page and really like it. I think I have changed my opinion on this issue. A feature article well written can be on the front page. If all of the base facts the author is opinionating on are correct, then it's ok by me. I just think it needs a little heading saying "feature article" or "opinion based article" here. A little warning. Cause some people might mistake it for a hard news story.

    So with a little warning for those of us who don't read the newspaper much I'd be happy.
  19. TheExecutor

    TheExecutor Guest

    I don't agree.Broodwar is the best rts ever and there are thousands of players playing every day.
  20. DeckardLee

    DeckardLee Guest


    Is it just me or did this make absolutely no sense at least in terms of being relevant to my post.