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StarCraft 2 Is Now A Trilogy

Discussion in 'BlizzCon 2008' started by TychusFindlay, Oct 10, 2008.

StarCraft 2 Is Now A Trilogy

Discussion in 'BlizzCon 2008' started by TychusFindlay, Oct 10, 2008.

  1. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    Mini campaigns = not the full blown ones. Not the full blown ones = not the experience you'll get from the expansions where you can play them as the main campaign. So, it sucks to love Protoss, as well as Zerg. Definitely not the case with BW, so there's absolutely no grounds on which to compare BW with SC2 expansions.

    And I think we've seen just about enough of the word "semantics". Next time you go into a linguistics class from the cold, put in some earplugs.

    And how is this so damn trivial when lots of people are feeling iffy about it? It might be trivial to you, mr. moneybags, but not others. You know what's trivial? Avoiding full caps in a serious discussion, because it makes you look like a child that's just been told there aren't any desserts.
  2. kuvasz's Respect: -3.667

    It's not my fault I have a better vocabulary and understanding of language than you and it's definately no reason to flame me. Why are you so offended? .. I have no idea why you're so angry. But, for those who fail in reading comprehension, I said the semantics is trivial.. not the money.. You're the only one worrying about semantics so you can hardly use the bandwagon tactic in this argument..

    I have plenty of grounds. Perhaps you are having such a problem because you've obviously never played any RTS but StarCraft ... except maybe WarCraft III. The Dawn of War expansions are almost exactly the same. Most RTS series are doing this now.. and EVERYONE calls them expansions. But, no.. They flame Blizzard and ONLY Blizzard..

    But, still, you are right, and I am right. This doesn't matter. It's called semantics. I doubt you even know what the word means because you keep going on and on and on about how I'm calling them expansions (Which I never did.. nice failure in reading comprehension.. Why don't you go back to school and learn what " " means?) and how I'm disagreeing with you.. when I'm not. Next time, don't flame me for using a word just because you don't know what it means.

    I don't know where this hostility came from but you should really grow up and if you are going to flame someone make sure you understand what they are saying. Before this turns into some more flaming, I'm going to politely ask you to either leave or stick to the discussion at hand.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2008
  3. Banned

    Banned New Member

    Sep 13, 2008
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  4. You have too much time on your hands :) Thank you for the picture though! I LOL'd

    I'm saving it to my computer now.. too bad it's not bigger or I would have made it my wallpaper :)

    Thanks for the great laugh :D :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2008
  5. Calcium

    Calcium New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    O man, that is pure brilliance.
  6. Indeed :D

    Would it be okay if I used it as my siganture?
  7. Banned

    Banned New Member

    Sep 13, 2008
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    Haha. Please do. It'll show off my 1337 Art Skills.
  8. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Someone going to post a questions thread for me to respond to? ;)
  9. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    Why am I smaller, dammit? j/k, it's excellent :D
  10. aem1

    aem1 New Member

    Jul 21, 2008
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    so besides the split products, nighthalk, and no release date? nothing???????

    any changes to the metal piece of s^&*, oh i mean thor?

    can they at least up date the website..

    besides the Xel'naga watch tower are there any other buildings that can be occupied?
  11. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    Tychus, maybe people wouldn't feel so offended if you didn't use so much caps and repeat the same thing over and over again. It all implies that you are really pissed off (and I mean, like more than Hex Gore) and it doesn't help the atmosphere. People just want to state their opinion on this new turn of event (which is what the topic is for, no?), just like you did. Only you did it like 20 times? With shouting. Please tone it down and maybe others will too.

    I think I'll wait with deciding to closer to release date. Maybe I'll just wait for a 3 in 1 pack or something like that (which I'm pretty sure will appear around 'toss release) It is good that we get 3 big campaigns, but it does have it's downsides other than money. Being a Protoss fan, not only I'll have to wait (years?) more for my campaign, I'll already know how it ends, at least in general and that sucks.
    Mini capaigns? I'm not even sure if it wouldn't be better to just not have those. Besides didn't someone say there'll only be Zerg mini in first game?

    On a sidenote, I think it'd be great if they made patches for the first two games (oh, sorry, expansions) that'd add the new units and stuff to multiplayer so you wouldn't have to buy all three. Yeah, like that's gonna happen >.>
  12. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    We discussed that with the devs. They seemed open to supporting multiplayer updates whether you buy the new game or not. But... I don't think they will. You will still be able to play with those who don't buy the expansion.
  13. overmind

    overmind Active Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    its protoss mini in the first one.
  14. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    i think mini-campaign stands for a"just 6-8 maps"campaign instead of the normal 30
  15. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    That's just childish.

    The fact you're saying this clearly shows that you don't know what you're talking about. Either that or you just don't know what you're up against. kuvasz is a linguistics expert. He's a dictionary, thesaurus and a grammar reference book, and, correct me if I'm wrong kuvasz, that's after he learnt English as second language I presume? So he'd have a much greater grasp of the technical side of the language than those who naturally speak it. So the only grounds on which I can see you having a go at his understanding of the English language would either purely be based off him being from a non-English speaking language or purely be irrational. I hope it's the latter.

    They're not grounds on which to compare BroodWar with StarCraft2 expansions... They're grounds on which to compare completely unrelated RTS's with StarCraft2 expansions.

    Thin ice, man. Very thin ice.

    He was sticking to the discussion, and from reading what's been said, you flamed, or at least appeared to flame, first.

    Aww... :(
  16. Let me tell you about childish; childish is not reading a post correctly and then flaming someone for saying something they didn't say despite that person continuously telling you that they didn't say that and backing that up with quotes. Besides, on the whole "kuvasz's respect", I was just stating my opinion. How is an opinion childish? It shows your immaturity if you cannot accept my opinion. This mearly shows that I once had respect for him, but, now, it's dwindling due to him flaming me for something I clearly didn't say. Also, *facepalm*. He may know a lot about the language but he didn't read what I said correctly. He was definately acting as if he didn't know what semantics meant. He said he was tired of hearing the word semantics, and, to me, if he knew what semantics meant, he would know that I was not disagreeing with him (even ignoring the fact that I never said Brood Wars and the "expansions" were similiar in content) and we were basically using the equivalent of a different pronunciation for the same word.. either "pronuncation" is correct and describes the same thing the exact same way. Okay?

    Let's clear something up, shall we? I never once compared Brood War to the StarCraft 2 "expansions" in terms of content.. only in terms of what they achieve. Now, here's where YOU read what I said wrong.. What I was saying was that I am completely justified in that I was calling these "expansions" expansions (What they are)... just like every other expansion. To me, only a person who has ONLY played Blizzard expansions would have a problem with this. If I say, an RTS isn't an RTS unless it requires a high APM like StarCraft, am I correct? No, that would just mean I'm basing everything around one companies RTS. My point is, those are called such without any problems. I don't know where you got it that I was saying that about Brood Wars since I specifically said:

    This CLEARLY implies that I was comparing the expansions to other non-Blizzard expansions... not to Brood War or The Frozen Throne. Again, the only time I compared these expansions to Brood War or The Frozen Throne was to say that they accomplish a lot of the same things (not that they have the same content) and, in terms of pricing and forcing you to pay more and splitting up the online community (This is mostly when and why I compared the two products), they are the same. I don't know how any of you could see otherwise. You would have to misunderstand something from another post and then purposefully bring that misunderstanding into a completely unrelating response because I wasn't even talking about what you were saying I said when I posted.. I was on a completely different subject.. that's the way it seems to me. This brings me to my point again, kuvasz didn't see this, so, obviously, he didn't read my responses with understanding. And, again, that's not my fault because I stated very clearly what I was saying yet he took misunderstandings from other responses applied them to that (Despite me telling him for SEVERAL post that he was wrong in his assumptions). I didn't even mention the things he said I said in the posts he was responding too. I was talking about something entirely different! Does that tell you something? It should.

    When people calm down, relax, and read slower without jumping to conclusions, that will be the time when we don't have useless arguments come out of nothing like this. Read the responses agian.. this definately came out of nowhere. Go see for yourself.

    Seriously, read it again ... Actually, I'm almost certain you didn't even read it the first time, so I should say "Read it!".. not read it again. If you read it then you'd understand that it wasn't me that started the flaming. In fact, he started out first insulting my knowledge of language even though, in this case (And, probably overall), I have a much better understanding of English than him... also he thought that I said the money issue with the trilogy was trivial. That's just plain wrong and I don't know why he couldn't see it. Matter of fact, I didn't even say anything about the money "thing"when I said the issue we were arguing about was trivial... I wouldn't be surprised if kuvasz just wanted to start a fight. I'm not saying that was his intention, I'm just saying it looks that way.. even though I know it wasn't his purpose.

    How else could he have assumed that I meant the money issue when that wasn't even mentioned in that post? I said to argue about semantics is trivial when I am basically agreeing with him in every way except that I'm using a different word that means the SAME thing. Any person who had played non-Blizzard RTS expansions would say the same thing... because that's what they're called outside of old RTS expansions like Brood Wars and The Frozen Throne. Instead, he continued for several posts saying that I was comparing Brood Wars to the "expansions" in ways I clearly wasn't. I haven't flamed anyone here except for kuvasz and that was after he posted first. The only other time I've showed ANY "hostility" (Which can only be called so by those who aren't used to having discussions on the internet) was when someone called Blizzard money *s for completely hypocritical reasons. I hope you didn't read my posts or else you're just seeing what you want to see.

    ... Also, capitalization is to make my points stand out so that people will see them above the others and understand what I am saying.. Perhaps, I should use this more odten so that we could avoid problems like we're having right now. I have given you NO reason to believe that my capitalization means that I am angry or is to imply that I am "shouting". I'm just trying to make the important points stand out above the rest... dare I say, "Duh!"?

    Also, kuvasz, I'll tell you one more time. I have never purposefully called these products expansion packs.. I'm just getting tired of saying the same thing over and over and I got tired of using quotation marks subconsciously and didn't type them. But, the fact that quotation marks surround a VAST majority of them should show you that I was using that term because everyone else was using it.. Why else would I take the time to put them in quotations? I'll say it again.. This is semantics and we agree completely on this issue.. You're basically arguing with yourself and it's just as pointless.

    Also, he said that I said each expansion pack was exactly the same with only a perspective change.. which is completely contrary to what I said in other topics and even in this one .. How many strikes is that against him in terms of comprehension? Don't blame it on me. For the record, I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with errors like this or people who have problems learning, speaking or using a language that they weren't born to speak... I have completely sympathy.. especially since I'm learning a new language right now. I just hate it when people take their misunderstandings, assume it is correct, tell the other person that their understanding of it is correct and that the person who actually typed the words is wrong.. call it a pet peave of mine :D

    .. Can we move on now? This has gotten quite out of hand :(
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2008
  17. Hito

    Hito New Member

    Jun 28, 2007
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    I bet they will force people to buy the expansion's. If I were Blizzard I would worry about piracy.

    I personaly think that it would be better if they made 3 shorter campaigns for each race to start with, and then filled them with 1 or 2 expansions. Just like they did with Broodwar.

    Gonna miss that wonderful feeling to start from the beginning with each race and get new units and buildings as you play. Now this will only happen with Terran, while you will jump start with Zerg and Protoss in multiplayer. I think it sucks.
  18. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Gentlemen, let's stay on topic shall we? We don't need text walls about personal arguments when we have so much stuff to cover. K?

    The difference between the DoW expansions and the SC2 expansions is that it's necessary and it's not inclusive.

    The SC2 trilogy is designed to enhance the game and bring the first game out quicker. If they didn't do this they would need to either make the game suck or extend its release date forever.

    This is mostly a decision that will affect single player, so we will still have the multiplayer component and perhaps even sooner than we did before. I also don't think the cost is going to be as high as you expect. And it will be an alternative to having monthly support payments for Battle.net.
  19. Just a warning.. I might just close this if it gets out of hand again :(
  20. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Lastly, you guys should keep in mind that in SC1 and SCBW there ere 30 missions apiece. In StarCraft 2's Terran section there will be 30 missions. That means when all is said and done we will have 90 missions. Crazy!