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Starcraft 2 is a myth

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by isody12, Oct 23, 2009.

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Starcraft 2 is a myth

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by isody12, Oct 23, 2009.

  1. Lobsterlegs

    Lobsterlegs Guest

    Wrong, that doesn't make any sense. They can just start on the other Starcraft 2 games in the trilogy? Or perhaps make NEW RTS' games?
    I doubt the people that have been loyal to Blizzard for so long will be replaced or something if they do it in 1 year.

    Alright, now something against:

    "Excellent: it'll be the best game of all time if they let it stew till 2012, yes?"

    Well, let's just say that every game has it's own time. If Starcraft 2 waits til' 2012 that would break Blizzards "1 game a year" rule, and not only that, it would also mean that Starcraft 2 then won't be as interesting because of the constantly improving technology (sound and graphics).
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2009

    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Oh thanks Supahboih. I see there is a person who understands my opinion. We are 2.

    I may have exagerated my opinion about the Blizzard devs team. I am maybe wrong, but I am maybe right too. Who knows how they should work ? Frankly, who ?

    What I am sure is that they take their time to make the BEST RTS game ever ! I am conscious about this !! BUT I can't even accept the time they take to create this game. Once it will finally be released after their alpha and beta versions this game will get some unbalanced. May they try to create a perfect balanced game we will get waves and waves of patches to fix the balances. So that's why I have some kind of paranoid thoughts about them. It's as if they voluntarily take their time. Here I can be wrong.

    Somebody said 2007 was too early to show this game for the first time. I agree with this person. There were so many changes that the first version of SC2 is now different from the second one we know now. 2 years and a half of changes, this game is far different from what we watched before.

    At this train of speed we can expect this game to come out in Christmas 2010.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2009
  3. Gforce

    Gforce New Member

    Jul 29, 2007
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    I frankly just blizzard as careful travelor upon a long and dangerous road. I takes them a long time to get to their destination, but once they do it worth the trip. Then everyone is freaking happy and we won't murder them.
  4. isody12

    isody12 New Member

    Oct 23, 2009
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    Never will you guys ever understand that starcraft is a mith im
    Gonna buy it if it ever releases but i doubt that it will I
    Give it another 3 months before they pull the plug then 6 months before they tell
    You guys. i really thing Starcraft 2 is just a way of blizzard to keep
    Up with modern games. doesnt mean it will ever be released!
  5. Gforce

    Gforce New Member

    Jul 29, 2007
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    Then they one hell of a business mistake by wasting hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on something that will never be released. No offense to you, but theory while plausible has no proof what so ever, so I deem you a retard.
  6. isody12

    isody12 New Member

    Oct 23, 2009
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    Dont patronize me for what i believe i mean its dumb that they keep postponing it and they
    Tell us "Just wait till december" well that was like 2 years ago if it were
    Me i would have released it and just patch it with fixes instead of just waiting i mean
    Your're gonna tell me that its still coming out when its been in alpha for 2 years. IMO they need
    Too just release it already and let it sell out like its going to anyway but i think they are just
    Blind and dont notice all the loyal fans that have been waiting patiently. They need
    To give us something solid that we can bite into untill we can
    See the game completed something that will hold us over!
  7. ZealotInATuxedo

    ZealotInATuxedo New Member

    Feb 2, 2009
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    I can only assume that you didn't (or failed to) appreciate the irony and sarcasm of my statement: I'm sick, sick, sick of all these comments about how we ought to let Blizzard ''take its time with SCII because it'll be a better game for it''. They have implemented very little significant changes since 2008 (other than toying with stats and abilities, which somehow has occupied their last two years). This, for me, is the ultimate milking of the StarCraft franchise. I almost suspect that Blizzard play SC2 a wee bit more than they develop it.

    And SOGEKING: I understand that what you were suggesting was hyperbolic, but a developer wants to make money --not simply pay its employees for their effort: the effort and time to make the game is supposed to translate into profit. Perhaps you might more safely suggest that SC2's development team is too small? I am inclined to agree with that idea.
  8. isody12

    isody12 New Member

    Oct 23, 2009
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    You people really need to understand my viewpoints i
    Wouldn't be posting if i didnt truely believe that Blizzard is actually gonna
    Get Starcraft 2 done in time for it to be a good game
    This game is a freakin icon in korea you would think they would hurry and release it so people
    From Korea could make it into a national holiday or something
    Any other game just falls short in korea but i guess the poor koreans are gonna have to go with the
    Other games that are out there now i feel sorry for the poor Korean
    Guy that wont get starcraft 2 for his B-day or get paid for staying up all night playin it :(
  9. ramrod

    ramrod Guest


    This wait is all about one thing ... money , money from us to them, money from previous work done and money to continue making games. Regardless of how many people want the game to come out ,most of us .. not I -are still paying to play Wow and also paying our monthly fee for the game. So far from what I have read there wont be any type of charge to play this game online. Blizzard isnt the same company it was many years ago, they have proven their ability to create content that will entertain us. The fact is people are in mass still purchasing expansions and playing wow 24/7. My best guess is this project will continue slowly without a full force team behind it (the developers are working on many games right now) and will be released when it is deemed to be most profitable for the company,(when people dont pay to play wow, because many gamers are would stop paying to play with new content out) much like the same way movies are sometimes put off for up to a year just so they can be released with the least amount of competition and most profitability.
  10. ramrod

    ramrod Guest

    who wants sc2 here sooner

    This wait is all about one thing ... money , money from us to them, money from previous work done and money to continue making games. Regardless of how many people want the game to come out ,most of us .. not I -are still paying to play Wow and also paying our monthly fee for the game. So far from what I have read there wont be any type of charge to play this game online. Blizzard isnt the same company it was many years ago, they have proven their ability to create content that will entertain us. The fact is people are in mass still purchasing expansions and playing wow 24/7. My best guess is this project will continue slowly without a full force team behind it (the developers are working on many games right now) and will be released when it is deemed to be most profitable for the company,(when people dont pay to play wow, because many gamers are would stop paying to play with new content out) much like the same way movies are sometimes put off for up to a year just so they can be released with the least amount of competition and most profitability.
  11. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    They'll make dozens of millions just from selling Starcraft 2. Then there are the premium maps, which millions of people will buy, and they get part of that money. Then there's the advertising stuff on battle.net that we'll surely see after a while. Sponsored tournaments. Tournaments which might have an entry fee... Do I need to go on?

    Blizzard releases their games when they're done. And with that I mean when they're perfect. If it was just about the money, then I would already would be on my 26th playthrough of Starcraft: Ghost. I hope you understand that slightly cryptic answer, but everything should have been clear after the first paragraph anyway. :p
  12. ramrod

    ramrod Guest

    This is just my opinion of the business and the new merger that has probably had some influence to what the company does. I never said the game would not be profitable , but holding it wont hurt how much money it will make. but releasing it now will take profits away from other work that has been done. They are milking every penny out of the old games before releasing new content. having a near complete game while working on others is like having a large savings account why cash it out when you can still make good money with what you have. While there are many gamers who play only a few games ... most will play the newest and not the old. The company still has the ability to fund itself from the old content. Its a risk to say that sc2 will keep gamers quite as addicted to it as previous games so it might be necessary to have other projects near completion before the release.
  13. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    Epic fail man. Epic fail.
    Most people playing newer games, tss. How about those millions of people who still play Brood War every day? I know more people who play that, then people who play standard Warcraft III matches. Those are mostly DotA matches, or other customs. Maybe Heroes of Newerth if it becomes a hit.

    And for your information: compare (gamespy) stats for games such as Neverwinter Night 1 and 2, or Everquest 1 and two. More people playing the originals then then the sequals.

    Blizzard milking a franchise. Haha. There have been only 3 expansions to WoW so far. That's not even half of the sequals and expansions for other games. If you really want to know what milking is, keep an eye on EA. Or all those companies who like to make brain training and music games.

    Sorry for bashing you so much, but you really should have thought this through a bit more. ;)

    Welcome to the forum, by the way.
  14. marinefreak

    marinefreak New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    Not to throw your last comment on its head but.... I think Activision(blizzard) wins the prize for flogging music games :p... for example http://blog.seattlepi.com/techchron/archives/183051.asp

    Though in regards to what Ramrod is saying I really don't think blizzard sees SC2 as a serious competitor to WoW. The reason Diablo, WoW and SC are different genres is so they don't get into the others territory. The fact that Battle Net 2.0 links all blizzard games proves the point that activision blizzard sees the advantages in letting consumers have contact with other games thus one can play SC2 while still being in contact with WoW friends which means they'll still be drawn towards WoW.

    I admit however that delaying SC2 to next year was a good business move as otherwise it would compete with activisions music games and MW2. However they moved the release date closer to the next WoW expansion so again it proves blizzard desires to capture 2 separate markets and in turn harness cross promotion as with every new WoW expansion activision blizzard sees a dramatic increase in subscribers returning to the game.

    Also the level of "addiction" to SC2 isn't a big issue for blizzard since there are no monthly subscription fees (except some parts of battle net)... I don't understand your point of having other games near completion other than enhancing the effect of battle net 2.0

    Ultimately whether or not the game was delayed for purely monetary reasons the dev team gets more time to put even more polish to SC ^^
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2009
  15. cautionmike_190

    cautionmike_190 New Member

    Mar 23, 2009
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    yea i read an article confirming that activition wins
  16. ramrod

    ramrod Guest

    it would be impossible to prove

    It would be completely impossible to reach all of the wow players and influence them to actually stop playing ... but I can guarantee it would cause sc2 to come out within weeks into beta phase. Knowing how far the game is and what is left to do to make it right is completely out of any of our capability's unless someone here is a high end gaming programer/designer/publisher or just so happens to know someone at blizzard and got the impossible leak out of them. If it was the case and it did come out im sure it wouldnt be as high quality as the product that they are in the works of producing. This is the dummed down version of what I was trying to post about .... as for Aurora im glad that you would find a way to argue with a wall ... and post epic fail ... but marketing and business on your part ... FAIL. If you think that the people who show up at work dont have money as a main driving goal in their work... you are an idealist but not practical. Thats not to say there arent other things that drive people to do their work such as pride and satisfaction with the product.... people want to have a home ... a nice car... a computer... health benefits and they would like to be able to afford things such as a vacation from time to time... dont be mistaken the number one driving force in this world is MONEY. :yes:
  17. DeckardLee

    DeckardLee Guest

    I'm not feeling restless at all. In fact, just the opposite. I want them to take as long a time as they are willing to. The way I see it is that I have over a decade to gleefully play StarCraft 2 and the more time they put into it the better. Plus, there will be more content and improvement through out the expansions. What's a few months to a decade of game time? What Blizzard is doing is for the gamer's benefit. If they were as profit driven as you think they are then they would've been doing things similar to what EA and Activision do. Surely, you have the business sense to know that this is true.

    What, you honestly think that going through a long development cycle, spending countless more money and losing out on time to make it back, and perfecting a game far past what any other game has been like at release and balancing a game far beyond what is standard, is a cash grab? Forgive me for not taking you seriously. You think they're taking more time because it makes more profit? Laughable. If that were the case than all the other companies would be following in their foot steps and every game would have as long of a development cycle. But, wait, that's not right! All logic proves that to make money you give the customer more things to buy thus you release more games. Blizzard is the antithesis of cash grabbing. Additionally, Blizzard is making that much money on past games other than WoW and surveys show that the large majority of WoW fans are not interested in StarCraft 2 (or WarCraft 3 for that matter) so they have nothing to gain by holding this game back for profits. Gaah! The more I read your paragraph and try to grasp that you actually believe that, the more I want to *eyepencil*. Hell, even their MMO is less milked than almost any other MMO .. and, unlike you, I have played a lot of these MMOs.

    Also, the developers aren't working on multiple games. You didn't bother to do your research? That's going to take off points to your credibility. Blizzard is basically three companies right now. One for each game. If all development was canceled on WoW, it would not in any way speed up StarCraft 2. If they needed more employees they would get them. StarCraft 2 is not a fledgling project so it couldn't be affected in the way you think. That's basic business sense 101. Furthermore, they keep a small studio size for the purpose of quality assurance. All of the great developers do this. Valve being another great example.

    Clearly, this is your first time waiting for a Blizzard game and you take for granted the effort put into the past games that makes you anticipate this game at all in the first place. If they had rushed StarCraft, would you be here now geeking over StarCraft 2? I highly doubt it.

    -- @ramrod: Wow, I like how you get rude in the end. You know what? How about this. Every single word you've uttered in this topic so far is EPIC FAIL. You don't even understand business, Blizzard, or standard development cycles. How can your opinion be so much greater that you have the right to tell someone their opinion is beneath yours. What credentials or credibility do you have to judge another's opinion? Let me go ahead and answer that for you. You have none.

    Also, your inability to use paragraphs and use proper punctuation make my eyes bleed ... I'm not ... joking ... at all ... dot dot dot...!!1!11!!!!
  18. 10-Neon

    10-Neon New Member

    May 23, 2007
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    Several points, these will be somewhat redundant with what others have been saying:

    1) ActivisionBlizzard does not boss around Blizzard Entertainment. Blizzard Entertainment has extreme autonomy, and the majority of decisons relating to the game are made within Blizzard Entertainment.

    2) Blizzard Entertainment is a game developer that has a number of teams working on different projects. There is a team that works on SC2, there is a team that works on D3, there is a team that works on WoW, there is a team that works on Battle.net, and there is at least one other team that is working on an unannounced project. It is not a matter of there not being enough people to complete SC2, which brings me to my next point...

    3) StarCraft 2 is done. Not polished- done, not balanced-done, not two-expansions-packs-and-twenty-patches-done, but the heavy lifting is done. What they had done in 2008 is was done than most games other developers will ever release. It is more done now, just not "when it's done" -done.

    4) Think of it this way- SC1 had to undergo an entire engine rewrite during its delays. StarCraft: Ghost went through something like three engine changes before being canceled. StarCraft 2 has been on-track with zero engine overhauls. That is not a symptom of vaporware.

    5) ScarCraft 2 has been delayed exactly once. They never promised it in 2008, they never promised it in early, or even mid 2009. All they ever gave us was a fairly firm "by the end of 2009." That was pushed back, yes, but because...

    6) Battle.net 2.0 is not done. They underestimated the amount of time it would take them to put it together, and it's biting them in the butt. It has has nothing to do with SC2 itself, beyond the fact that an incomplete Battle.net 2.0 is delaying the beta.

    7) It also likely has little or nothing to do with WoW expansion releases, rhythm game releases, or shooter releases. SC2 is not a shooter, rhythm game, or an MMORPG, and unlike other games that were delayed specifically to dodge this holiday season, SC2 could easily hold its own against those other major titles.

    8) The SC2 team is not just idling, lazing, or otherwise biding their time. When not working on multiplayer, they work on single player- the campaigns.

    9) Ghost was canceled ("suspended") because they couldn't make it good, because they couldn't get it up to their standards. Blizzard has given no indication that they are having any trouble getting StarCraft 2 up to their standards- quite the opposite, they're happy with how it has been going. But a complete game can't just materialize out of thin air- work has to be done, and that takes time.

    10) ramrod: the best companies in the world are not made of people that go chasing after money. People and institutions that do that get beaten out by the ones that focus serving the customer and delivering a solid product. You deliver good products and services by consisting of people that are interested in (and capable of!) delivering good products and services. It's that simple. Some of us have had the opportunity to spend time in the presence of the SC2 development team. When we say they are passionate about we do, we're not saying that out of wishful thinking- we've seen them presenting their work, sharing their thoughts about it, and unless Blizzard employees are also generally hired based on their acting abilities, I'd say it's a generally wide-spread and genuine sentiment. Nobody goes into games to strike it rich. You can make twice as much money managing Wal-Mart's databases, or designing tampon boxes, or a million other things. People go into games because they love making games.
  19. ZealotInATuxedo

    ZealotInATuxedo New Member

    Feb 2, 2009
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    Aurora, it's a well-known (and equally well-documented) fact that WC3 failed [at least initially, see post below] to attract more RTS players than SC; for many reasons, none of which are pertinent to this debate, SC maintained its hegemony over Blizzard's RTS crowd --despite it being the more venerable RTS. This ''failure'' on WC3's part was notable for several reasons, primordially because it was a notable exception to the general trend of gamers migrating towards newer titles. Ergo, I find your argument very moot, as it relies on the exception rather than the rule. Furthermore, I would like to amend your statement concerning the ''millions'' who still play SC on a daily basis: certainly, it is still played --chiefly by a core of very dedicated fans, but its popularity has certainly waned. Now, I understand you used ''millions'' hyperbolically, but frankly it mitigates the poignancy and cogency of your argument.

    What exactly, Mr. Super Moderator, do you imply by ''best'' company? If I were to follow your line of thought and apply its ramifications to a real company, then things such as Microsoft (if by best you mean ''succesful'', then Micro$oft is one of the best) would never happen to the world; if anything, Microsoft is where it is today thanks to its ruthlessness, sense of timing, and persistence more than their emphasis on ''serving the customer and delivering a solid product''.

    Other than that, thank you for a good read.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2009
  20. Wlof

    Wlof New Member

    Oct 11, 2009
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    I dont think so.....wc3 is more popular because of custom maps and hero system and story.....
    I have lots of friends who love RTS but they play dow,bfme,wc3 (mostly dota),c&c games....but very very rare sc....
    Even more I dont have original wc3 or sc and I play online over pirate servers and some of you maybe know about garena?... In garena sc1 have top 700 players BUT wc3 (just wc3tft) have over 7000 players and now the best thing wc3 (custom maps) have over 250 000 players per day.
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