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Starcraft 2 Installation Error Code 5 (stops at 49%-51%)

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Tech Support' started by s2Blaze, Sep 7, 2010.

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Starcraft 2 Installation Error Code 5 (stops at 49%-51%)

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Tech Support' started by s2Blaze, Sep 7, 2010.

  1. kakoa11

    kakoa11 Guest

    Same problem

    I am going to snipe the thread as well. Been looking all over for a solution and Xev, you seem to be the best option.

    I have tried dl'ing with cd out and stops around the same point. any help is greatly appreciated!

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  2. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    kakoa11: Another Gateway like arin's.........

    This can't bode well.. oh man, you have the exact same motherboard as arin too. You could download ALL the drivers listed for arin, except for the ATI driver... I can't tell if you are running 32-bit or 64-bit Vista. All of the drivers listed for arin are 64-bit.

    Press windows_logo_key+break/pause and see what it says for "system type:"

    Unlike arin though, you have a completely different DVD drive, the AD-7203A. The newest firmware for it can be found here.

    You still need to update drivers before you can play the game.

    After you inform me if you have 32-bit or 64-bit, I'll give you a specific list of drivers to download.
  3. kakoa11

    kakoa11 Guest

    says 32-bit
  4. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Try flashing that firmware and see if you are able to install StarCraft 2. In the mean time I will gather your drivers then update this post... If anything will fix the installation issue with StarCraft 2, it will be that firmware.

    Okay, I'm not sure what I was thinking... its a different motherboard. -_- I'm sure I've seen this board recently though... Ah yes, Arigiss's computer. Let me a get the 32-bit drivers listed...

    The following drivers are Vista 32-bit for the Gateway GT5670.

    Newest Realtek audio driver.

    Newest nForce 430 drivers.

    I want you to follow my ATI driver installation guide, but instead of downloading the drivers in that guide, you will download the legacy drivers for your X1650. You will have to force install the "unsigned drivers" when prompted.

    These drivers will not fix the install issue, but help you play the game after. If the DVD firmware doesn't fix your install issue, you may have to download the client from battle.net, or go to another computer, and copy the installation files off your SC2 DVD to a 8GB+ flash drive. :/
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2010
  5. kakoa11

    kakoa11 Guest

    Xev it says that I shouldnt install if my drive is OEM and I think it may be. Am i wrong, and should i just go ahead and try to install the firmware?
  6. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Well yeah, your drive is OEM (Original Equipment Manufacture) since it comes from Gateway. It is completely up to you whether to install or not, but perhaps you may want to reconsider. Might want to install those drivers and start downloading the client.. unless you have another computer and a 8GB+ empty flash drive.
  7. kakoa11

    kakoa11 Guest

    Hmmm, ok i have tried the client with disc out of drive, it just gave me an error just the same. So my only option is to download it on to another computer into a file, flash that file, and then try to install it on the computer i want to play it on?
  8. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    That's one option. The other is to activate your product key to your battle.net account then download the client.

    http://us.battle.net/en/ for US
    http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/ for Europe.

    If you don't have a battle.net account, create one, then add the SC2 product key (you should have done this while it was trying to install already).

    If you've done that already (likely), then simply log in at the link above and then download the client.
  9. Thatsme090

    Thatsme090 Guest

    Hey TheXev,

    Thanks for the help. I ended up making an image of the disc on my laptop, transferred it to my desktop computer via flash drive, mounted with Daemon tools and it installed fine that way. My DVD-rom must just have issues with dual layer, which is lame because it was advertised as being compatible with dual layer. hmmm....

    Side note: I decided to install the chipset drivers and it had an option for a custom install which let me forgo the old ATI video drivers. But, then I noticed my video driver was out of date, so I uninstalled and installed Catalyst 10.8 which works like a charm.

    Played SC2 all night tonight, so far the single player is quite fun! :)

    Thanks again!
  10. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    All dvd players are "capable" of reading duel layer disc, its part of the original spec... not all are capable of burning DL DVD+R's.

    Indeed though, I can't be sure if its Blizzard's pressing process (whoever did it)or a "bunch" of crappy low quality DVD players coming out of the wood work (or both).

    It's crazy that two machines in this thread have both been Gateways, and most of the DVD drives from a DS- series of Lite-On OEM drives... sounds to me like the two things to avoid right there.

    I think the other thing to try might be getting a DVD cleaning kit and running it in the drive... see if cleaning the laser lens helps. If someone who couldn't fix it before could try that and get back to me, I'd be interested to see if it helps. Radio Shake or some place like that would sell the kit to do it.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2010
  11. Hudungo

    Hudungo Guest

    I have the same error running a Gateway laptop receiving an error at 51%

    Edit: I figured out a different way around it.

    Step 1: Get Daemon tools or Magic ISO
    Step 2: Create an ISO image file out of the Starcraft II Disk
    Step 3: Mount ISO File and Install

    Although this doesn't fix the route problem, the DVD drive

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    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2010
  12. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Yeah, there is an easy method that doesn't require using/making ISO's or D-Tools. Basically, you turn off the Windows Option "hidden files and folders" option to "view" and then copying the files to a flash drive (since the important files are all hidden on the disc.... lame!).

    I need to write a step by step guide for it.. its not terribly difficult, but its not a newb procedure.
  13. orionsky

    orionsky Guest

    HeyXev. Im having the same problem. Would you be able to take a look at it for me? Much appreciated.

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  14. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    What is the exact model of your laptop? A Toshiba full model number would be something like P205-S7469. You can find it on the button your laptop. Dxdaig says you have a P100 series.
  15. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    orionsky: You have more serious problems then the game not installing. The newest video drivers for your Go 7600 are 179.48 BETA, which are far from ideal for playing StarCraft 2.

    You may be able to use laptopvideo2go drivers for your card, but you will need to download an modified inf and manually install these drivers. If your not comfortable enough to do that, you may just want to give up on the system.

    Newest Intel chipset drivers. You can also check all of your Intel driver updates by using this utility.

    Your Conexant HD Audio may have driver updates from Toshiba, but that is the only place you are going to find them. If you have any kind of sound issues, your most likely screwed.

    I just don't have a good feeling about this dude. I wish I had a better prognosis. If I messed with it (personally) long enough, maybe we could get SC2 playing in low...
  16. orionsky

    orionsky Guest

    Hey thanks for your time. I'll mess with it a bit more but like you said it doesn't sound promising. Ill come back if I have any questions, I really wanna try this one out, it looks awesome. Take care
  17. FujiApples

    FujiApples Guest

    Hi Xev, really appreciate you helping out.

    With that said, my sc2 installation also gets stuck at 51%, from what i've read thus far, i suspect its cause my dvd drive can't read dual layered discs, but I'm having trouble identifying the dvd drive and firmware I have to update.

    Here is my dxdiag,


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  18. Coor

    Coor Guest

    Hey all,

    I've been looking all over the internet on how to get this game installed. My computer is a Toshiba Satellite A100. I've tried updating my video card and such and my installation still fails at 51%. I've attached my diagnostic file. If anyone could look at it that would be so helpful. Thanks!

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  19. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    You have a Lite-On iHAS120. Your newest firmware can be found here. We've had a lot of Lite-On drives in this thread, it may not fix the issue (so you may have to try the copy method on another machine, or using the Blizzard downloader).

    The rest of the following is recommendations that will help you play StarCraft II, these will not correct the installation issue.

    You should get the newest video drivers for your nVidia 9600 GSO.

    You should also download the drivers for your USB Plantronics Headset. Currently generic drivers are installed for this and everything to follow.

    You also should install the following for your Gigabyte P35-DS3R by navigating to the downloads/drivers/Windows 7 64-bit:
    -Realtek Function driver (for motherboard audio)
    -Intel INF installation
    -Realtek LAN Driver
    -Intel SATA RAID/AHCI Driver

    Up next is Coor in a few mins...

    Sorry Coor, I'm going to have to tell you the same thing I told orionsky above, you have bigger problems then getting the game installed. He also has a A100 series Toshiba, but finding newer drivers fro the Go 7600 will be the biggest difficulty. While even older series chips like the desktop 6600 and above are included with the newest drivers, the Go 7600 doesn't have drivers newer then 179.48 BETA. Look above at the instructions I gave orionsky on trying the laptopvideo2go drivers.

    You have some different hardware then him, so post the full model number of your laptop. You can find it on the tag at the bottom of the machine, it should be something like P205-S7469, and I may be able to help you find other drivers... I'd get the video driver sorted before trying to actually install the game.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2010
  20. FujiApples

    FujiApples Guest

    Thanks Xev, I appreciate it.
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