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StarCraft 2 Beta Confirmed For This Summer!

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by TychusFindlay, May 7, 2009.

StarCraft 2 Beta Confirmed For This Summer!

  1. onlinenow

    onlinenow New Member

    Apr 28, 2009
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    Southern Cali
    TychusFndlay, how does researching any Blizzard beta apply for the beta of a new game? Blizzard is a company subject to change.

    Why not come up with facts as to why you believe that it will be 5 months after beta that SC2 will be released. I already stated why I think the beta will not last that long.

    And so what you are telling me is that you at least acknowledge that the game will have extensive amount of videos on youtube. Now this might sound crazy but this could potentially make Blizzard lose customers more so than if they had a few videos.

    Reason being is because everyone loves Starcraft, and because of this people think that the next one will be just as good if not better. So a lot are going to give the game the benefit of the doubt with out trying it. And by having many videos out of Beta builds of a game it is possible that they could loose some customers.

    Maybe not enough to make a big difference but still potentially lose customers. Yes I know that they could also gain customers as well. It works both ways.

    But whats to stop people from waiting for it to become cheaper in price. Because with how many videos I imagine will crop up once the beta starts, a person could eat drink and breath SC2 with out ever playing it.

    And with the economy if people are not so desperate enough to play it sense they are already waited so long, they could wait a little longer till the game drops 5 or 10 bucks.

    And as I said before a Blizzard Rep already confirmed that there would be no NDA, so videos will amass when the beta starts.

    But if you have some solid evidence that they are going to make the beta last such a long time then by all means please enlighten me.
    Last edited: May 13, 2009
  2. furrer

    furrer New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    Found it 1 sec ago, trough wc3replays.com (wtf - lucky punch ;)) Wanted to post but just checked this sub-forum! Great!
  3. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    God damnit Tychus. I don't know how many versions of that post I've read now. :p

    It started out as, like, two sentences.

    EDIT: Look, he did it again! His post was originally above both my and furrer's :p
  4. I never said the beta would have to be longer than five months. I did say it'd probably last a minimum of four months, though, since that's what the average of past Blizzard betas is. They will need a lot of feedback for the changes in this game since they're basically meddling with a well-loved, tried and true formula that everyone loves and a lot of people don't want changed. That will take some time.

    What I'm saying is that all this makes it impossible for it to be released in August. December is about all we can reasonably hope for. The only evidence for a release in August is that BlizzCon is being held in the same month. But, that's actually more evidence, to me, that the game won't be released then because I don't think they're going to have a BlizzCon shortly before or after a major game is released. BlizzCons are supposed to hype the games; not interfere with playing them.

    The only time I mentioned it lasting longer than five months was when I asserted that there's always the possibility that the community will feel that StarCraft 2 doesn't live up to it's predecessor or what it's supposed to be. And, they'll have to go back into development for a few months to a year; or, God forbid, longer. This happened with the original StarCraft where they had to go back into development for two years after hearing the public disappointment of the engine. It could happen again if the community doesn't like the UI changes or the new emphasis off macro. You've got to understand it is very possible that the community won't approve of the new changes even after they've played the game. Granted, I don't think Blizzard will give into these demands without going through ample playing time first. But, clearly, it's much, much more possible than in past games that this could happen, but, luckily, that still makes it far from likely. So, I don't think we should worry.

    The rest of your post is speculation and opinion and isn't worth commenting on; especially, since past Blizzard betas have been just as open as this one, according to the beta member that posted here (meaning that they didn't have an NDA), and they STILL lasted at least four months.

    Thankfully, a Blizzard beta has never been based around keeping hype going. Betas are about getting feedback. And, that takes some time; especially, when they need feedback on changes as drastic as the changes in StarCraft 2. If they worried about the community losing interest then they would hurry through the games instead of taking their time to make each one perfect. Their products would be vastly inferior and Blizzard would not have the respect they currently have. They need to stick to their current course which was set in past games. But, still, I don't see how anyone who's already interested in StarCraft 2 is going to lose interest just because they see some videos. The only way this could reasonably happen was if the game itself was a disappointment. And, if it was, then they should DEFINATELY go back into development instead of pushing the game out early.

    So, basically, either way, they should take their time and not worry about the impatient community because doing so would ruin their legacy.

    -- The past Blizzard betas didn't have NDAs either (to the extent that I think you're talking about), according to Google. I even double checked to make sure. So, basically, the circumstances are exactly the same as when the betas lasted over four months. So, there's no reason at all to believe the beta will be shorter than four months. If anything, it'll be longer.

    When I first started, I was very tired because I had just woken up and couldn't demonstrate a full thought so now I'm hurriedly trying to correct it :D

    Why are you reading them anyways?

    FYI: This should be the last version. :D

    Obviously, I did it to answer your post.
  5. ronin2011

    ronin2011 New Member

    Mar 26, 2009
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    u think beta will last 4 months?
    lol I dno't think so.
    2 to 3 months max
  6. Wow, the StarCraft 2 community has some of the most optimistic people on the internet. It's usually the opposite with the almost global internet cynicism.

    History proves that the beta will most likely be a minimum of four months. Anything different is just optimism that is relatively unfounded. But, really, who cares that much about a month when skipping it could have an effect that lasts years.
  7. ronin2011

    ronin2011 New Member

    Mar 26, 2009
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    i can see your point..
    but if you think that blizzard is already taking way to long for that game..
    i count 3 cause 3 r the regions that the beta will seperately be released

    how much did the beta for ra3 last?
  8. Why would you compare a non-Blizzard beta to a Blizzard beta? They're two separate companies with drastically different design goal philosophies. Dawn Of War 2's beta lasted about two weeks. Does that mean StarCraft 2's beta will last less than a month?


    StarCraft 2's beta will, if anything, be longer than past Blizzard RTS betas.
  9. ronin2011

    ronin2011 New Member

    Mar 26, 2009
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    who spoke of DoW?

    i asked because it' the same type of game..

    Stop beeing aggresive..
    in a few years you may have a heart attack
  10. ... I'm not being aggressive .... at all ....

    Maybe it's the language barrier that makes it seem so.

    Anyways, I brought up Dawn Of War 2 to show that comparing Blizzard's betas to other betas doesn't make sense.
  11. bralbers

    bralbers New Member

    Feb 2, 2009
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    To be honest I sorta like the idea of a long beta. Let's say that they only do the beta for a short time. Maybe there are some bugs that were in the game that weren't seen in such a short time. So they just release the game and then bam it's stuck with the bug and every one will notice it once it shows and that'll ruin the game.
  12. vradovic

    vradovic New Member

    Sep 18, 2008
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    BETA will last at least 5 month!
  13. Bthammer45

    Bthammer45 New Member

    Jan 8, 2009
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    The beta is also a very good way for the game developers to balance the game before it comes out because of all the play that gets in their from so many people.
  14. onlinenow

    onlinenow New Member

    Apr 28, 2009
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    @TychusFindlay wow that makes a lot of sense. Didn't know Starcraft went back into development for 2 years. I guess thats what I get for being 10 when it came out.

    But yea all your reasoning does sound logical. Yes I am very optimistic about it though, no reason why I am just am.

    Hopefully though it is no later than December because then I will actually have to time play it for a week before going back to the school grind.

    We should all just hope it comes out sooner, hopefully they tested a lot more than we thought they did and the beta won't be as long.

    We can hope right?
    Last edited: May 14, 2009
  15. Like I said, there's nothing wrong with being optimistic. Sometimes, that's all we Blizzard fans have :D

    I'll be hoping for a December release and a chance in the beta so I can hook you guys up with some epic videos!
  16. Gforce

    Gforce New Member

    Jul 29, 2007
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    Yes, optimisim and hope are all we usually have and even those are taken and soundly dashed sometimes.
  17. Gforce

    Gforce New Member

    Jul 29, 2007
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    and disheartening, blizzard can be mean some-times, but we get somewhat used to it. Right?
  18. We have to :(
  19. Lucratus

    Lucratus Guest

    Cheat spoiler;
    Ever hear the story behind cheat code "operation cwal" ? SC was constantly being delayed and a couple of hardcore fans formed a group known as operation cwal. CWAL stands for can't wait any longer. They are credited for pushing blizzard to stop trying to make a perfect game in 10 years and make a playful game in what was it 3 years? still that is why blizzard put their name in the game as a thank you for making SC what it was.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2009