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"Starcaft 2 requires a patch"?

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Tech Support' started by stevo152436, Jul 27, 2010.

"Starcaft 2 requires a patch"?

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Tech Support' started by stevo152436, Jul 27, 2010.

  1. nenensakti

    nenensakti Guest

    Guys, Im having the same problem

    I think because I interrupted the patching (because it got stuck in 68% for an hour). Now I can't Play SC2 Totally,

    This is the installer log, whenever I try to start SC2, it informs me that I need to install / download a patch. whenever I click the "install" button, I got sent into black screen and the patching doesn't work, so I got stuck in infinite loop
    Here's the error

    # System started at 2010-08-03 01:51:57.8370
    # system: DIMAS_VAIO
    01:51:57.8381 Launcher version
    01:52:04.9974 Failed to retrieve version information from Battle.net.
    01:52:11.7178 Failed to retrieve version information from Battle.net.
    01:52:18.9321 Failed to retrieve version information from Battle.net.
    01:52:25.6506 Failed to retrieve version information from Battle.net.
    01:52:32.4492 Failed to retrieve version information from Battle.net.

    U guys stated that I have re-doit in safe-mode, also can't be done.
    I already re-installed it 3 times. Doesn't work.
    I tried to use the support file, like repair, blizzard download, etc, doesn't work at all.

    I know it's because the bad patch, is it anyway to solve / download the patch manually (I tried to copy my friend's SC2 File into my computer, it got worse)

    Can you guys help me? I'm using vista, and I believe my graphic card is not that good (but I know i'm able to play because I played it already)
  2. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Read my FAQ, and look at the question "My patcher downloads a little bit of patch, then stops in the same spot! What do I do?."

    Try this first before moving on.
  3. nenensakti

    nenensakti Guest

    Omg I love you.
    It worked, it patched perfectly

    But when I enter the home screen, I couldn't do anything. It just showing some background images.
    Perhaps an error?

    How to solve it :(?
  4. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Can you post a screenshot of what its doing? I don't fully understand what you are saying.
  5. Username147

    Username147 New Member

    Aug 3, 2010
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    So I manually downloaded the patch (enGB).
    I started the game.
    And... the game erases the manually downloaded patch and starts the "I require a patch" loop.

    Am I doing it wrong? I dragged the updates folder into my main starcraft 2 folder. Then I cut&pasted the torrent and dl files in the main folder. And then I started the game.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2010
  6. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Where you able to download any of the patch before? You may need to make sure your ports are forwarded on your router (if you have one). If your behind a campus network, you may have to try the tunneling instructions earlier in this thread to try and bypass things.
  7. Username147

    Username147 New Member

    Aug 3, 2010
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    OK, so I used proxycap and putty to finally get to the update screen and I managed to download the patch, YES!!!

    However, I still can't connect to battle net.
  8. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Weird. Did you activate your CD key to your battle.net account? What error are you getting when you try to connect to battle.net?
  9. Username147

    Username147 New Member

    Aug 3, 2010
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    I don't get an error, it just sits there trying to connect to battle net, but it won't no matter how long I wait.

    And yes, I did register my CD key
  10. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Did you try changing servers in wowtunnels? Try one of the Euro servers.
  11. Username147

    Username147 New Member

    Aug 3, 2010
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    nope doesn't help.
    I must have tried 10 different servers now. So unless the campus admin opens the ports I'm screwed. Unless I wer to consider less than legal options of course; pirates always get games up and running.

    In any case, it's great to know that this putty/proxycap solution solved the patch loop problem.
  12. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Yeah, the problem with Blizzard's patcher is that it uses the same ports as Bittorrent (because it uses Bittorrent protocol). You can't tell the difference between the traffic at the packet level, so its impossible to allow torrent patching. There is no reason imo, why the game port itself can't be opened.
  13. schwartzmc

    schwartzmc Guest


    the fix for me was to bring my laptop to a different wifi network/router. not too sure, but there must not have been a firewall on the the one that allowed me to download the patch,
  14. GhostWheel

    GhostWheel Guest

    Peerblock was causing this message to appear for me. Stop it, and the patch came down.
  15. dogchow33

    dogchow33 Guest

    Was there ever a satisfactory resolution to this issue? I'm still on campus internet with standard torrent ports filtered; I haven't had any luck with the proxy workarounds I've seen floating around. I was hoping the lack of activity in this thread was indicative that a solution had become somewhat widespread.
  16. shucker

    shucker New Member

    Aug 5, 2010
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    Mac user in Canada, with all the recommended specs, same issue. I've posted about it several times with no luck. The game installs, I click to install the patch and nothing happens. I've tried all the mentioned fix attempts. Emailed support several times. Nothing. I've been fooling with this for 5 days now...Blizzard needs to issue a recall until they sort this sh*t out.
  17. Redzion

    Redzion Guest

    I too have been having this problem. I tried booting in safe mode. I tried reinstalling. I even tried disabling my firewall.

    I just tried opening the map editor and ladies and gentlemen my copy of Star Craft 2 is currently being patched!
  18. styx7

    styx7 Guest

    My own SC2 copy on PC was performing the "patch loop" previously upon installation. My own personal solution was to update a Realtek Network Controller RTL8168C/RTL811. Whether it was the driver or just the simple reset of properties, I am not sure.

    I'd like to thank everyone for their kind and advanced suggestions...fortunately mine ended up being a rather newb problem.
  19. TheBigHan

    TheBigHan Guest

    I had the same black-screen-patch-looping problem with SC2 right from when I first installed the game and tried everything from disabling firewalls to checking/unchecking proxy settings in IE to no avail.

    My last ditch solution was to reset the winsock catalog, and voila, the launcher popped up and started updating the game. My IE and MSN which were also not working previously got fixed too. Just open command prompt with admin rights and type netsh winsock reset then enter. Hope this works for you guys too!
  20. rayskee77

    rayskee77 Guest

    hey guys this works....
    try i did n it did work thanks

    This issue has been really annoying me for the last few hours until I caught a break and found something that worked for me. What the issue seems to be for me at least is Internet Explorers proxy settings - I came upon the issue when another program was having a connection issue and investigated how to fix that which in turn resulted in fixing my issues with SC2 updating.

    What you need to do is either go into Internet explorer and into internet options or follow the steps below:

    Start > Run> inetcpl.cpl

    This will open up your IE Internet options window.

    Select the Connections Tab

    Click LAN Settings

    If checked, uncheck proxy server settings

    This right here is what I did and my updater worked straight away and I have updated the game and been happily playing albeit only for a few minutes as I wanted to share what worked for me to see if it would help anyone else out.

    Please reply back if this fixes your issue.