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Standard LAN petition

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by LimaBeanMage, Jun 30, 2009.

Standard LAN petition

  1. CyberPitz

    CyberPitz New Member

    Apr 16, 2008
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    We've tried the "They have a plan, why don't we just wait and see what they are going to do." approach.

    They retort with "Well, we have a right to freak out over what information we have, even if there is more coming, it's not here right now. So I base my judgments on what is here and now."

    Sounds like they are going out of their way to freak out, tbh.

    *EDIT* They not meaning people here...though there are some I'm sure...I'm talking about everywhere
  2. asdf

    asdf New Member

    Jun 21, 2009
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    i don't see what the big deal over LAN is anyways. i mean, people might want it for the pro leagues, but other than that, b.net handles games just fine.
  3. furrer

    furrer New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    ^ read this whole thread and another one first, then say your opinion please ;)
  4. trevuar25

    trevuar25 Guest


    Considering the fact that not everyone has great internet (myself included) I find it a bit crazy :wacko: to turn starcraft 2 to an ONLINE ONLY multiplayer game. For me, that would almost ruin the experience because I was looking forward to playing LAN with a couple of my friends who were going to purchase the game too. Blizzard developers have said it would help prevent piracy and keep the multiplayer online, but who is this really hurting? not pirates/hackers and people that will eventually steal the game anyway, but THE PAYING CUSTOMER(IE, YOU AND ME!) . I would love to see an LAN multiplayer in starcraft 2, and if there is no evidence that they will be creating any LAN at all, I will spend my hard earned dollars on a BIOWARE title such as mass effect 2 instead of buying starcraft 2.

    I hate to see how DRM keeps turning from bad to worse in every case, especially with games. Being someone who always purchases software and games it really chaps my ass to see that there has been like 0 development of creating a DRM system that the paying customer doesn't ever have to see (and dont tell me steam is so great, that's just a grey box of DRM staring you in the face anytime you want to play a game.).
  5. BloodHawk

    BloodHawk Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    CT, USA
    Considering most people in developed nations, aka people with money, do have good internet...why would Blizz cater to those without a solid connection. They don't love you and are not a charity. We are not entitled to **** regardless of what so many believe. Blizz doesn't have to make SC2 and can shutdown the WoW servers tomorrow if they like... but being a company; they prefer to make money.

    Does blizz give a **** about people signing a petition on a fansite? Depends. Do these people buy Blizz games, how many games do they own, do they have a WoW subscription, do they have the capability to make these purchases without harassing a parent?

    Like any smart company I'm sure Blizzard is far more interested in customers than fans. They need not worry about every crybaby hurting their PR either. There are still pleanty of us that will continue to buy their products.

    Saying petitions work or do not work is ignorant unless you actually know what bearing they have on decisions. Clotworthy is back...maybe because of fan demand or maybe because he acceapted the job for less money...or many many other possible reasons.