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Spam Land

Discussion in 'Space Junk' started by ijffdrie, Apr 5, 2008.


What's the maximum number of votes?

  1. Max

    72 vote(s)
  2. Min

    28 vote(s)

Spam Land

Discussion in 'Space Junk' started by ijffdrie, Apr 5, 2008.

  1. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    i said crazy theories, not what everyone thinks
  2. overmind

    overmind Active Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    New Zealand
    you want the truth? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!!!
  3. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    lenga is...

  4. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    yes i can, check my curiculum vitae if you dont believe me
  5. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    so, what's with the poll? It's kinda useless if we can't vote
  6. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    i vote for the 786th option
  7. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    im gonna abuse my new mod powers

    edit: unabused
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2008
  8. KuraiKozo

    KuraiKozo New Member

    Nov 1, 2007
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    Uranus lol =D
  9. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    that is against every principal i stand for
    oh, what the heck,
    ill do it
  10. overmind

    overmind Active Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    New Zealand
    coz I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby.
    yea i'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby.
    listen to iron maiden maybe, with me...
  11. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Sydney, Australia
    Well at least someone's new to Spam Land...
  12. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    Welcome! You have entered [Lounge] at 12:39 pm
    [ijffdrie] 12:39 pm: ijffdrie to the rescue!
    [Lounge]: KuraiKozo has entered at 12:40 pm
    [KuraiKozo] 12:40 pm: hello~
    [] 12:43 pm: hello
    [KuraiKozo] 12:43 pm: i woke up too early. stupid alarm clock T_T
    [KuraiKozo] 12:43 pm: kicks it
    [] 12:44 pm: i got 4 hours of sleep last night
    [ijffdrie] 12:45 pm: how are you
    [ijffdrie] 12:45 pm: with that lil sleep
    [KuraiKozo] 12:45 pm: 5 over here
    [ijffdrie] 12:45 pm: i am (as usual) watching digimon at the moment
    [KuraiKozo] 12:45 pm: ah
    [KuraiKozo] 12:45 pm: working out at luna's yesterday was hell.
    [] 12:46 pm: yeah, I checked that link you gave overmind earlier
    [] 12:46 pm: I\ve only seen the first season, it was ok
    [KuraiKozo] 12:46 pm: my left leg really hurts ^_^;; i'm suprised more of hme doesn't hurt. Or hurt as much.
    [ijffdrie] 12:47 pm: i know how you feel
    [KuraiKozo] 12:47 pm: no, you don't.
    [KuraiKozo] 12:47 pm: You have not lived until Luna has trained you
    [ijffdrie] 12:47 pm: yes i do
    [ijffdrie] 12:47 pm: i am on a dutch school
    [KuraiKozo] 12:47 pm: Iwanted to die after 30 min
    [ijffdrie] 12:48 pm: i acutally ran myself to sickness once
    [ijffdrie] 12:48 pm: i couldnt breath correctly anymore
    [ijffdrie] 12:48 pm: my heart beat was off
    [KuraiKozo] 12:48 pm: and this is not the classic want to die. i didn't even have enough strenght left to do so
    [ijffdrie] 12:48 pm: i had to stay in bed for a week
    [ijffdrie] 12:48 pm: and that was for school
    [KuraiKozo] 12:48 pm: not cool =(
    [ijffdrie] 12:48 pm: i got a C as a grade
    [KuraiKozo] 12:49 pm: i can't really cpmplain i suppose, i go out of my own free will
    [KuraiKozo] 12:49 pm: and i'd rather be there dying than here at my house
    [ijffdrie] 12:49 pm: why that?
    [KuraiKozo] 12:50 pm: because whenever i'm home i just get yelled at recently. My mom is being a total b***h because my dad's retirement party is soon and that makes it cool to yell and scream at us and tell us we never help and are never doing anything
    [ijffdrie] 12:50 pm: yeah, my dad complains i do nothing with my life as well
    [ijffdrie] 12:50 pm: and i am 14
    [KuraiKozo] 12:51 pm: and she starts *****ing and complaining about stuff that #$%^&* well is not true. she told my dad it was all abot him and he doesn't love her and doesn;t care about how she feels etc/
    [KuraiKozo] 12:51 pm: if she said another word to me last night you would have not seen me today
    [KuraiKozo] 12:52 pm: i would have been out of this house. i was very close to leaving.
    [ijffdrie] 12:52 pm: you must really have a though time
    [KuraiKozo] 12:52 pm: recently. yeah.
    [KuraiKozo] 12:52 pm: it's not normally like this. but this next week is dtill gonna be hell.
    [ijffdrie] 12:52 pm: my dad almost drove me to walking away once
    [KuraiKozo] 12:53 pm: really? what'd he do?
    [ijffdrie] 12:53 pm: he became really really mad about me getting a C for english
    [ijffdrie] 12:54 pm: and he yelled over it for an hour
    [ijffdrie] 12:54 pm: and i got the C çause i followed his advice
    [KuraiKozo] 12:54 pm: not cool =(
    [ijffdrie] 12:54 pm: ah well, i vorgave him
    [KuraiKozo] 12:55 pm: my mom full out yelled at me once. they got home and i got my sis to bed late and they snapped.
    [KuraiKozo] 12:55 pm: she stood there not yelling but screaming what a bad kid i was, how i never did anything right, and that i was a terrible sister and a bad daughter.
    [ijffdrie] 12:56 pm: my mom almost never yells
    [KuraiKozo] 12:56 pm: you shoulda seen it, i broke down crying and it was so embarassing>_<
    [ijffdrie] 12:56 pm: happened to me too once
    [ijffdrie] 12:57 pm: i suffered a nervous breakdown once
    [ijffdrie] 12:58 pm: it was horrible, something i did for my class in a game didnt work out, so i tried again, and again, and again, and after 12 hours i lay crying in a corner
    [KuraiKozo] 12:59 pm: =(
    [KuraiKozo] 12:59 pm: gives drie a hug
    [KuraiKozo] 12:59 pm: back in germany, when i was about 4, i got beat up
    [ijffdrie] 12:59 pm: but did anyhting FUN happen in recent times too?
    [KuraiKozo] 12:59 pm: fun, a foreign word =P
    [KuraiKozo] 1:00 pm: lemme think. going to Luna's was fun, if not painful.
    [KuraiKozo] 1:00 pm: sadly to say, not much else.
    [KuraiKozo] 1:01 pm: because i think it's illegal in my house to do so atm. i've been cleaning, and sorting and getting yelled at, and folding clothes and helping do stuff etc.
    [ijffdrie] 1:05 pm: ah well, if you are maso you would like that, but apparently you arent
    [KuraiKozo] 1:05 pm: no, i'm not like my bf, sadly. xD
    [ijffdrie] 1:06 pm: lol at darkie
    [KuraiKozo] 1:06 pm: thank God he called last night xD
    [KuraiKozo] 1:06 pm: my cousin was being mean to me. he's 32
    [ijffdrie] 1:06 pm: ah well, some people say im masochistic too, i am just highly painresistant
    [KuraiKozo] 1:07 pm: i told them dark was my bf, and my cousin was like "and where did you meet the poor soul" he's such a jerk xD
    [ijffdrie] 1:07 pm: i eman, i can hit myself hard and not feel anything
    and being mean to a 15-yearold is mean
    [KuraiKozo] 1:08 pm: i'm 16 tyvm XD
    [ijffdrie] 1:09 pm: oh, you leveled since you joined
    [KuraiKozo] 1:09 pm: mhmm
    [] 1:09 pm: 6 or 7 weeks ago
    [ijffdrie] 1:10 pm: congratulations
    [KuraiKozo] 1:10 pm: ha, thanks ^_^
    [KuraiKozo] 1:10 pm: people kept trying to get me stuff =(
    [KuraiKozo] 1:10 pm: that sounds awesomen except for the fact that i don't want anything xD
    [] 1:11 pm: gives Kurai a hug
    [KuraiKozo] 1:11 pm: hugs Ximni back
    [] 1:12 pm: I\ll be busy for a while now
    [ijffdrie] 1:12 pm: hugs them both, but still prepares to run fast
    [KuraiKozo] 1:12 pm: alright, ximni~
    [KuraiKozo] 1:12 pm: hugs drie back, too
    [ijffdrie] 1:13 pm: are you gonna go on vacation?
    [KuraiKozo] 1:14 pm: maybe
    [KuraiKozo] 1:14 pm: if we do, we're going to other states to see relatives
    [KuraiKozo] 1:14 pm: but it's more torture for me
    [KuraiKozo] 1:15 pm: since i have to leave my comp X_X
    [ijffdrie] 1:21 pm: i can understnad the feeling, i am going to italy
    [KuraiKozo] 1:23 pm: oh italy
    [ijffdrie] 1:26 pm: i've already been there this year, now i need to give my dad a rome tour
    [KuraiKozo] 1:28 pm: ew
    [KuraiKozo] 1:28 pm: that sounds horrendously boring
    [ijffdrie] 1:30 pm: that isnt the worse thing
    [ijffdrie] 1:30 pm: the worst thing is that i saw and smelled the colloseum toilets
    [KuraiKozo] 1:31 pm: Dx
    [ijffdrie] 1:32 pm: that really was killing :punch: like ten smacks in the face
    [KuraiKozo] 1:33 pm: woo
    [KuraiKozo] 1:33 pm: i can stalk protosschick now xD
    [ijffdrie] 1:35 pm: cause you know her name?
    [KuraiKozo] 1:35 pm: know first and middle where she lives and name of fiance.
    [KuraiKozo] 1:35 pm: i'm too lazt to, tho.
    [KuraiKozo] 1:35 pm: *lazy
    [KuraiKozo] 1:36 pm: and besides, no point really, i wouldn't do anything with it anyway
    [ijffdrie] 1:37 pm: i would.....
    [KuraiKozo] 1:37 pm: <.<
    [KuraiKozo] 1:37 pm: that's what's good about me =3
    [KuraiKozo] 1:37 pm: i'm not pretty enough to stalk ^_^
    [KuraiKozo] 1:38 pm: i have no exceptional qualities so there's no point to finding out who i am and even less a point to following me or stalking/kidnapping me
    [ijffdrie] 1:38 pm: bwahahahahaha
    /me laughs at kurai
    [ijffdrie] 1:38 pm: woops
    [ijffdrie] 1:38 pm: epic phail
    [KuraiKozo] 1:38 pm: XD
    [KuraiKozo] 1:39 pm: besides, i'm not scared of you, drie xD
    [ijffdrie] 1:43 pm: now, that is scary
    [KuraiKozo] 1:43 pm: what's scary?
    [Lounge]: GM_k has entered at 1:48 pm
    [KuraiKozo] 1:48 pm: GM k~
    [GM_k] 1:48 pm: Hey
    [GM_k] 1:48 pm: whats up
    [KuraiKozo] 1:49 pm: my body hurts and i woke up an hour earlier because of my stupid clock xD
    [GM_k] 1:49 pm: ^ ^
    [KuraiKozo] 1:49 pm: i hope you're happy, i woke up at 5 AM for you XD
    [ijffdrie] 1:49 pm: yo communist leader
    [GM_k] 1:50 pm: thanks a bunch yo...you didnt have to!
    [KuraiKozo] 1:50 pm: trust me i didn't chose to xD i set it for 6 AM
    [ijffdrie] 1:52 pm: early...
    [KuraiKozo] 1:52 pm: no, not really.
    [KuraiKozo] 1:53 pm: i can survive on 6 hours of sleep
    [GM_k] 1:53 pm: you really spend a lot of time here :p
    [Lounge]: has left at 1:53 pm
    [GM_k] 1:53 pm: well, so do I...>.>
    [KuraiKozo] 1:53 pm: yeah, well it's gonna be less soon xD
    [KuraiKozo] 1:53 pm: pfft
    [KuraiKozo] 1:53 pm: i sepnt 10x the amount you do in here
    [KuraiKozo] 1:54 pm: i spent 14 hours in this chat one day. 14 straight xD
    [ijffdrie] 1:54 pm: i fall asleep if i only sleep for 6 hours
    [KuraiKozo] 1:54 pm: ppft
    [KuraiKozo] 1:55 pm: these last few days i've been surviving on ~3 hours
    [GM_k] 1:55 pm: its #$%^&* worth it :p its the forum.s fault for being so addictive, right :D
    [ijffdrie] 1:55 pm: just like me in Rome, all the other people got drunk all the time and kept me up
    [KuraiKozo] 1:55 pm: XD exacrly
    [ijffdrie] 1:55 pm: i couldnt drink cause im 14
  13. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    [KuraiKozo] 1:56 pm: bleh alcohol
    [ijffdrie] 1:56 pm: i concur
    [KuraiKozo] 1:56 pm: my dad let me try alcoholic stuff
    [ijffdrie] 1:56 pm: ijffdrie puts on angel voice: "gate of destiny!"
    [KuraiKozo] 1:56 pm: he's like you can try a sip
    [ijffdrie] 1:56 pm: my parents only have that with wine
    [KuraiKozo] 1:57 pm: grossest stuff ever >_<
    [GM_k] 1:57 pm: i like that cognac stuff. I.ll admit it
    [KuraiKozo] 1:58 pm: i don't claim to know what it is
    [GM_k] 1:58 pm: lol
    [ijffdrie] 1:58 pm: i claim to know what it is
    [KuraiKozo] 1:59 pm: cringes
    [KuraiKozo] 1:59 pm: everytime i watch this music video
    [ijffdrie] 1:59 pm: it is that stuff that makes girls want to undress me
    [ijffdrie] 1:59 pm: you didnt want to hear that right?
    [KuraiKozo] 2:00 pm: facepalms
    [GM_k] 2:00 pm: ...
    [KuraiKozo] 2:00 pm: i would never want to undress you, drie.
    [KuraiKozo] 2:00 pm: you can rest assured knowing that
    [ijffdrie] 2:00 pm: yes i can
    [ijffdrie] 2:01 pm: though for some strange reason 3 drunk classmates tried to
    [KuraiKozo] 2:01 pm: they wanted you drie xD
    [ijffdrie] 2:02 pm: they all had boyfriends...
    [KuraiKozo] 2:02 pm: LOL XD
    [ijffdrie] 2:02 pm: and were three years older than me
    [KuraiKozo] 2:02 pm: wooo older women go for drie
    [ijffdrie] 2:03 pm: my girlfriend is almost a year younger than ,e
    [GM_k] 2:03 pm: has serious doubts in the validity of this story
    [ijffdrie] 2:03 pm: doesnt, it really is true
    [GM_k] 2:03 pm: ofc it is, casanova
    [ijffdrie] 2:03 pm: .
    GM_k has a change of heart and believes ijffdrie
    [ijffdrie] 2:04 pm: you see, now even you believe me
    GM_k thinks of himself as an idiot now
    [GM_k] 2:04 pm: mm
    [GM_k] 2:04 pm: leethaxxor?
    [GM_k] 2:04 pm: is not impressed
    [ijffdrie] 2:05 pm: no
    GM_k is impressed
    [KuraiKozo] 2:05 pm: tells GM k he's not an idiot. only that idiots are easily believable sometimes
    [ijffdrie] 2:05 pm: but the story is true
    [GM_k] 2:05 pm: mm
    [GM_k] 2:05 pm: grrr
    [GM_k] 2:06 pm: i hate you ijffdire for hacking meeh
    [ijffdrie] 2:06 pm: i didnt hack you
    Kuraikozo hacked GM_k
    [KuraiKozo] 2:06 pm: <.<
    [ijffdrie] 2:06 pm: >.>
    [GM_k] 2:06 pm: why is everyone hacking?! im going crazy..
    [KuraiKozo] 2:06 pm: drie, you did it wrong
    [KuraiKozo] 2:07 pm: you forgot to capitalize the second K
    [KuraiKozo] 2:07 pm: you fail
    [GM_k] 2:07 pm: >.>
    [ijffdrie] 2:07 pm: i dont fail
    KuraiKozo gives her sincerest apologies to ijffdrie and begs for forgiveness
    [GM_k] 2:07 pm: YOU fail!
    [KuraiKozo] 2:07 pm: snarls at drie
    [ijffdrie] 2:08 pm: rocks
    [ijffdrie] 2:08 pm: ahaha
    KuraiKozo thinks ijffdrie rocks
    GM_k thinks ijffdrie rocks
    [GM_k] 2:08 pm: hopes he will not get hacked in revenge...
    [GM_k] 2:08 pm: well, thanks a lot god
    [KuraiKozo] 2:08 pm: says drie powerds rock and sniffs them
    [GM_k] 2:08 pm: that certainly phailed
    [ijffdrie] 2:09 pm: went to church twice
    [KuraiKozo] 2:09 pm: *powders
    [ijffdrie] 2:09 pm: had to for school
    [KuraiKozo] 2:09 pm: i go to church every sunday, child.
    [ijffdrie] 2:09 pm: went to cathedral 34 times
    [ijffdrie] 2:09 pm: are you christian?
    [KuraiKozo] 2:10 pm: catholic to be precise
    [GM_k] 2:10 pm: no, sikh
    GM_k is now wacked
    [ijffdrie] 2:10 pm: arent all sikh called the same?
    [GM_k] 2:12 pm: turban be with you!
    [ijffdrie] 2:13 pm: ...
    GM_k runst towards a cliff
    [KuraiKozo] 2:13 pm: can't even spel run right
    [ijffdrie] 2:13 pm: yeahm that GM_k guy eh?
    [GM_k] 2:13 pm: mm
    [GM_k] 2:13 pm: this is sad
    [GM_k] 2:14 pm: im running to my death!
    [ijffdrie] 2:14 pm: GM_K DONT DO IT!!!
    GM_k jumps off the cliff
    [ijffdrie] 2:14 pm: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GM_k soars away
    [GM_k] 2:14 pm: #$%^&*
    [KuraiKozo] 2:15 pm: catches GM k
    [ijffdrie] 2:15 pm: oh...
    [ijffdrie] 2:15 pm: he already soared away
    [GM_k] 2:15 pm: i didnt want to do it! i really didnt...>.>
    [KuraiKozo] 2:15 pm: has a hanglider so XP
    [GM_k] 2:16 pm: ha ha
    [ijffdrie] 2:16 pm: is puppetmon and manipulates GM_k and KK
    [KuraiKozo] 2:16 pm: hardly
    [KuraiKozo] 2:16 pm: i hates puppetmon
    [KuraiKozo] 2:17 pm: worst villan ever. so it suites you.
    [ijffdrie] 2:17 pm: muhahahaha
    KuraiKozo lets loose of her hangglider 20 meters in the air
    [ijffdrie] 2:17 pm: puppetmon was the best written villain EVAR!
    [KuraiKozo] 2:17 pm: chuckles
    [KuraiKozo] 2:17 pm: i will do the ultimate thing, drie
    [KuraiKozo] 2:17 pm: i can just click the 'ignore' button
    [GM_k] 2:18 pm: this discussion is odd
    [GM_k] 2:18 pm: true story
  14. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Sydney, Australia
    That reallllllllllllly necessary? Anyone actually read them?
  15. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    ga ku're neh
  16. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Sydney, Australia
    Sounds like Serenity...
  17. Ursawarrior

    Ursawarrior New Member

    Oct 17, 2007
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    somewhere....not sure
    i scrolled through and i saw a glimpse of the word b!tch, or was i mistaken?
  18. Wlck742

    Wlck742 New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    In your head
    who cares?
  19. overmind

    overmind Active Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    New Zealand
    being 14s no excuse to not get drunk...

    and yes that was all i saw o_o
  20. Ursawarrior

    Ursawarrior New Member

    Oct 17, 2007
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    somewhere....not sure
    no reason really, i was just surprised that was all i saw