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Spam Land

Discussion in 'Space Junk' started by ijffdrie, Apr 5, 2008.


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Spam Land

Discussion in 'Space Junk' started by ijffdrie, Apr 5, 2008.

  1. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    Sure, why not.
  2. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    The Netherlands
    lol, done
  3. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    Sorry, but they've got Waspinator there
  4. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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  5. EatMeReturns

    EatMeReturns Happy Mapper Moderator

    Jun 28, 2007
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    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    abuse me
    tag abuse

    This thread.
  6. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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  7. Makki

    Makki Member

    Jul 31, 2010
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  8. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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  9. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    So I had this funny idea for a science fantasy universe: a three-dimensional periodic table, with the extra ax indicating magical charge (either positive or negative). Mithril would be iron with a charge of +1, truesilver would be silver with a charge of -1 (it harms magical creatures because it is negative), aether would be oxygen +1, uru would be iron with a charge of +2, stibium (as it is defined in alchemy) is antimony +1
  10. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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  11. EatMeReturns

    EatMeReturns Happy Mapper Moderator

    Jun 28, 2007
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    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    Adamantium, Iron -1?
  12. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    Forgot a point of explanation

    Magic is defined as "potential energy, able to be released in a number of specific ways, each with a specific way or releasing it". A positive magical charge is therefore something which would release energy in some form, like uru is able to create thunder, or mithril is much lighter than it should be (it could be negative if this is due to absorbing gravity, or positive when seen as generating lift). A negative magical charge would therefore be something that absorbs energy in some way. Truesilver absorbs the healing power of supernatural creatures.

    Adamantium is copyrighted by Marvel IIRC, so not to be included in the system. A substance with similar properties and of magical origin could be both positive (generates more strength than it should) or negative (absorbs energy from the impact).
  13. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    um wat.
  14. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    Also even worse, with voyager tackling polution.

    In a void of several light-years.

    Consisting of "contaminated anti-matter". (yes, that is apparently the product of matter and anti-matter reacting, according to the writer of the ep)
  15. overmind

    overmind Active Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    New Zealand
  16. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    Concerned was always hilarious. Didn't like the ending though.

  17. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    Bit concerned about the length this quest would take, especially for a single level of the tutorial. On the other hand, mount speed is higher and you can start higher level chars later on.

    After this, you have three choices. You can go with Cairne and Nazgrel to help establish a Tauren city. You can go with Thrall to negotiate with the remaining orc clans, or you can go with Vol’jin to help take back echo isles from the murloc. To finish the tutorial, you need to do all three, although you can decide the order for yourself. If you finish one quest, you can find Thrall and Vol’Jin

    Cairne and Nazgrel:

    Nazgrel: “Glad you decided to join us, grunt. The quilboar, centaur and harpies will probably not make this caravan easy on us, especially considering our previous… “dealings” with them. Still, no quilboar mongrels can stand against our raiders. We have gathered supplies at the lumber camp in Ashenvale, and will gather there”
    Message: “To travel large distances, the horde has set up a network of wyvern riders to carry warriors from outpost to outpost. As the horde’s territory grows, more flight points will be available. A flight master has set up camp near the front line. Take a wyvern to the warsong lumber camp to meet up with the Tauren caravan.”
    [after speaking to the flight master (Message: One more for the lumber camp? Fine by me.), you leave, carried by a wyvern rider, piloted by an orc, along with a swarm of tauren warriors, grunts, along with Nazgrel and Cairne, with Nazgrel piloting an armoured wyvern with cairne as a passenger. To decrease the amount of programming needed, there are only three flight routes, with the wyverns divided equally among them.). When you arrive you can speak to several characters, with the quest continuing after speaking to Nazgrel (as indicated by the yellow question mark above his head).]
    Conversation with Cairne: “I welcome you to our caravan, warrior, as I do all who serve under Thrall. He has shown the honour and tenacity his “new horde” by giving the Bloodhoofs our home in Mulgore. By giving us a place in the horde, he has ensured our safety, the safety the tauren people desperately need. The barrens are no longer safe for our kin, and many of the other Tauren kin have asked for the safety of our city. With the blessing of thrall, Mulgore and the horde are to be a safe haven for all Tauren people. This caravan contains the resources and warriors needed to escort my people to mulgore, and establish a city on the bluffs north of our existing village.”
    Conversation with Kildar (future riding trainer of Orgrimmar): “First time rider, newblood? Nazgrel told me you have real fire in your blood, and the wolves usually respect that. Try to stay away from its teeth though, they sometimes want to test the blood themselves.”
    Conversation with Murog (future Stable master of Orgrimmar): “These kodos are both as strong and as tame as a rock. If they weren’t dumber than the rock, I’d gladly replace all those wolves with these things. Sure, Nazgrel would have me flayed alive, but at least his wolf wouldn’t try to tear off my arm again.”
    Conversation with Bulrug (future stable master of Thunder Bluff): “I will never understand the orcs and their love of these wolves. I guess warriors of fury seek kin in their companions, but I prefer the serenity of the kodo over a barely tamed animal.”
    Conversation with Raene Wolfrunner (future Night elf questgiver from astranaar): “I have been sent as a representative of the Night Elf sentinels and druids to monitor your treatment of our sacred woods. Many trees have been felled for the construction of your new capital cities, but Thrall has guaranteed me that you now have all the wood you will need. For the sake of peace, I hope this to be true.”
    Conversation with Nazgrel: “Ah, good, it seems the last of our warriors have arrived. No sense in waiting for the quilboars to breed some more warriors. Go to Kildar to get acquinted with your wolf. We’ll ride as soon as everyone is mounted.”
    Conversation with Kildar: “I’ve got a real fiery one for you here, newblood. Tried to take my leg off not a week ago. Try to call for it.”
    [Player obtains item [whistle of the brown wolf]. Using the item teaches you to summon a brown wolf]
    Message: “Use the whistle to learn to summon your own brown wolf.”
    [after using the whistle]
    Message: “Now select the summon brown wolf action from the mounts bar in your character tab.”
    [after summoning the wolf]
    Message: “The brown wolf is a mount, which increases the players speed while ridden. While a mount is fast, it’s combat applications are limited if the rider is untrained; It can only be mounted out of combat and only basic attacks can be performed from the back of the animal. In addition, the wolf has a sprint ability, increasing its speed for a few seconds. Sprint has a low duration, but also a low cooldown.”
    Cairne: “Kodo riders, form an orderly caravan!”
    Nazgrel: “Keep the caravan covered. Raiders, move out!”
    [The caravan moves out, with the kodo cargo carriers forming a line in the center and the orc raiders forming a defensive layer around them. Cairne and Nazgrel ride in the front, while Kildar and Murog ride in the back. Bulrug is in the middle of the caravan, on a kodo with war drums.]
    [When the caravan crosses the border of the barrens, a swarm of Witchwings harpies descend from the mountains, led by Bloodfeather.]
    Bloodfeather: “Sisters! Easy prey! Take their supplies! Rend their flesh!”
    Nazgrel: “Harpies! Protect the supplies!”
    Message: “The harpies have come to steal the supplies. Hit them until they retreat before too many supplies are stolen.”
    [A counter appears on top of the screen, flashing for a few seconds to draw attention. The counter shows how many supplies have been stolen, with a maximum of fifteen, where you fail the mission and are teleported back to the warsong lumber yard to start again. Cairne, Nazgrel, Kildar, Murog and the raiders are busy fighting harpies, with Cairne and Nazgrel fighting Bloodfeather, so the ones raiding the supplies are up to you. Any harpy attempting to steal supplies will retreat after three hits. Note that the caravan keeps moving at half speed during the mission. The harpies retreat after passing dreadmist peak.]
    [when the harpies retreat]
    Nazgrel: “Flee, you feathered weaklings! Run from the power of the Horde!”
    [When the crossroads camp comes into sight]
    Cairne: “Aah, good. I can see the camp.”
    [When the caravan reaches the crossroads, the caravan breaks up, and pauses, while several important tauren move up to Cairne and Nazgrel, including Magatha Grimtotem, Hamuul Runetotem, Bovan Windtotem, Meela Dawnstrider, Pawe Mistrunner, Beram Skychaser, Kary Thunderhorn, Komin Winterhoof, Sark Ragetotem, Orm Stonehoof and representatives from any other clan to be put in the game. The tauren camp is large, encompassing more than 150 NPC’s]
    Cairne: “Mighty chieftains of the Taur-ahe. I welcome you among the safety of the Tauren nation. I welcome you among the horde.”
    Hamuul Runetotem: “The safety you and Thrall promised us is the one we all longed for. I pledge the loyalty of me and my people to you, noble Cairne.”
    Sark Ragetotem: “I pledge the Ragetotem tribe to your service. My warriors pledge to serve not just our own, but all of the Taurahe.”
    Orm Stonehoof: “All tauren will serve under one banner in one safe land. I hereby retract my responsibility as chieftain and hand the responsibility of leading the Stonehoof to you, Cairne. You bring more safety to my people than I ever could.”
    Cairne: “The hand I extend to you is merely the hand that Thrall has extended to me.”
    Magatha Grimtotem: “As much as I and my tribe long for the days where the harpies don’t attempt to steal the newborn, I must admit I have concerns regarding your so-called horde. I will not serve someone who I never met, no matter how good he claims his intentions are. I and my people will join you in Mulgore, but I refuse to give command of my warriors to Thrall, or anyone who serves him.”
    Cairne: “It is Thrall who gave us the safety I now extend to you. Thrall has saved not only my life, but helped save the life of the earthmother herself. It is not…”
    Nazgrel: “Cairne, chieftains, excuse me for interrupting, but those harpy cowards could come back. We should get to Mulgore as swiftly as we can, we are too vulnerable as a large group.”
    Magatha Grimtotem: “Very well, soldier. Cairne, we will continue this discussion and role of the Taur-ahe in your “horde”.”
    [The chieftains leave to their respective tauren groups and mobilize them]
    Nazgrel: “Why do we want her to join the horde?”
    Cairne: “She is a Tauren, and in need of safety. She is a great shaman, known among my people as one who is close to the Earthmother.”
    Nazgrel: “Bah.”
  18. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    Nazgrel: “Your people appear ready. We should leave as quickly as possible. With this many people, we will travel slowly and be easy pickings.”
    Cairne: “Slow? Hah! We aren’t called plainwalkers for nothing!”
    Cairne (yelling): “Taur-ahe! We will run like the wind. To Mulgore! To safety!”
    [The tauren masses and Kodo beasts of burden start moving with their plainswalking ability, which increases their speed enough to keep up with the Orgrimmar wolves.]
    Nazgrel: “Raiders! Newbloods! We aren’t gonna be outrun by cows! Follow and protect! Move out!”
    [When passing Lushwater Oasis, a horde of Kolkar appears in the distance]
    Hezrul Bloodmark: “I smell fear! I smell weakness! Trappers, take the juiciest ones!”
    Nazgrel: “If we stop, they will only gather more reinforcements. Warriors hold them off!”
    [A group of kolkar soldiers, with a few trappers among them, starts running alongside the Tauren Caravan. When they are all in formation, they start throwing nets.]
    Cairne: “My people!”
    [Cairne’s kodo runs into the Kolkar line, and Cairne starts smashing Kolkar around]
    Nazgrel: “Newblood! Free the prisoners! Raiders! Join Cairne!”
    [The orc raiders join Cairne at the Kolkar battleline.]
    Message: ”Free captured tauren by cutting the ropes before they are hauled in by the Kolkar.”
    [A counter appears indicating the number of captured tauren. When it reaches 20, you lose the mission, and you start again in the crossroads. This stage of the mission concludes after reaching Mulgore.]
    [When reaching Mulgore the caravan halts]
    Nazgrel: “Ha, the centaur mongrels are retreating! With weaklings like that, the Barrens will be easy pickings!”
    Magatha Grimtotem: “We did everything in our power to get out of the Barrens and now you want the horde, with fresh Tauren warriors among them, to go back? Bah.”
    Cairne: “No one will force a clan into battle Magatha. Mulgore is open to all Tauren, and all who’d call themselves allies of the Taur-ahe and the earthmother. I will not force any clan to join the horde.”
    Sark Ragetotem: “I have seen this horde of yours in action, Cairne, and frankly I’d be honoured to be a warrior among them.”
    Kary Thunderhorn: “I count myself as an ally of anyone you deem an ally, High chieftain Cairne.”
    Orm Stonehoof: “My clan is yours.”
    Pawe Mistrunner: “The horde will protect us. We need protection. I don’t need to see more.”
    Beram Skychaser: “I will consult the Earthmother for guidance first. No need to take a rash action.”
    Meela Dawnstrider: “It will be good to have allies where once we had only enemies.”
    Hamuul Runetotem: “Yes. We need allies, and the horde brings that to us. However, I’d like to look outside the horde for friends as well. My tribe will protect all who would call themselves our friends, tauren, horde or otherwise.”
    Magatha Grimtotem: “Bah. I accept your offer to stay in Mulgore, chieftain Cairne. I, however, will not join warmongers from some faraway land.”
    Cairne: “Very well. We will establish our city on the great bluffs to the north.”
    Cairne: “Nazgrel, when the other clans have decided, I will send word to the warchief. I thank you for your help. Again.”
    [You can finish the quest at Nazgrel]
    Nazgrel: “Ha! I knew you had the fire of a warrior within you. You will always be welcome among my raiders, and I have no fear that you will do this armour dishonour. There is still a lot to be done though. I believe there is still work waiting for you in Orgrimmar.”
    Reward/unlock: During the quest, you unlock wyvern travel, as well as unlocking the brown wolf mount. Finishing the quest awards you either a full set of raider armour (warrior), a full set of far seer armour (shaman) or a beastmaster armour (hunter), as well as raising your level by one. You can now also create Tauren characters (warrior, shaman, hunter and druid).
    Major characters: Cairne Bloodhoof, Nazgrel, Murok, Kildar and Bulrug are among the caravan from the beginning. Raene Wolfrunner is acting as ambassador of the Night Elves. Magatha Grimtotem, Hamuul Runetotem, Bovan Windtotem, Meela Dawnstrider, Pawe Mistrunner, Beram Skychaser, Kary Thunderhorn, Komin Winterhoof, Sark Ragetotem, Orm Stonehoof and representatives from any other clan to be put in the game join the caravan when it reaches the crossroads. Bloodfeather, the harpy later killed by Rexxar, leads the harpy attacks. Hezrul Bloodmark, chieftain of the Kolkar, starts the centaur attack.
    Units: The caravan consists of Orc Raiders and Kodo Cargo Carriers, and are later joined by runetotem refugees, grimtotem refugees, stonehoof refugees, etc.. The harpy attack consists of witchwing ambushers, witchwing roguefeathers, witchwing slayers and witchwing windcallers (Or whatever the witchwing standard units will be named in this game). The Kolkar attack consists of Kolkar Trappers (who try to trap the tauren refugees), kolkar marauders, kolkar pack runners (with pack hounds) and kolkar stormseers (or whatever the kolkar standard soldiers will be called).
  19. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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  20. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    So I have been looking at sims medieval. Only to find out construction and associated furnishing is no longer one of the benchmarks of the sims. I feel old.
    Anyone know a game that focusses more on that? (Other than minecraft)
    Last edited: May 7, 2011