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Spam Land

Discussion in 'Space Junk' started by ijffdrie, Apr 5, 2008.


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Spam Land

Discussion in 'Space Junk' started by ijffdrie, Apr 5, 2008.

  1. EatMeReturns

    EatMeReturns Happy Mapper Moderator

    Jun 28, 2007
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    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    That's what Bjorn said. -sigh- I guess I should do the campaign before then so I may join your shenanigans.
  2. overmind

    overmind Active Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    Woah, finally got a computer that can run SC2. On the other hand I learned winning 2 practice matches is not a good indicator you're ready for the ranked games.
  3. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    I just made a story thread, lalalalala
  4. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    Something I whipped up for WoW2. Might expand the concept.

    You start out with Orc (warrior, shaman, hunter) unlocked. Your starting equipment is cobbled together draftee armor with a worn knife and/or bow.
    Level 1-6
    Birth of the new horde: Starts during the battle of mount hyjal.
    Quest: Opening narration about the mortal races banding together against archimonde. Assist in the defense of the world tree against the burning legion. Learn how to fight against ghouls that got past the battle-line. Help during the last stand against Sargeras’ forces for three minutes, after which Azgalor shows up. Assist Thrall, Jaina and Tyrande in their fight against Azgalor. Get knocked back by archimonde. See archimonde die from wisp storm (end of warcraft 3). Reward/unlock: You receive a grunt axe and grunt armour from the corpse of a fallen grunt after the fight against the ghouls. By finishing the quest, you rise to level 2.

    After this, you have three choices. You can go with Cairne and Nazgrel to help establish a Tauren city. You can go with Thrall to negotiate with the remaining orc clans, or you can go with Vol’jin to help take back echo isles from the murloc. To finish the tutorial, you need to do all three, although you can decide the order for yourself.

    Cairne and Nazgrel:
    Quest: Travel from Mount Hyjal to Durotar. Escort the tauren caravans from Durotar to Mulgore. Defend against three Kolkar centaur attack waves. Help set up camp in southern barrens to stay the night after the third attack wave (later camp Taurajo). Assist Cairne and Runetotem in healing the wounded (gather materials off the fallen kolkar) . Bristleback raiders attack in the night, free the captured tauren before the y are dragged away. Ride with orc and tauren forces led by Nazgrel and Baine to destroy a harpy outpost blocking the way to Mulgore. Hold off retaliating harpies while the Tauren establish a perimeter on the central bluff of what shall later be known as thunder bluff. Reward/unlock: Starting the quest unlocks wyvern travel. When the escort starts, brown wolf mounts are unlocked. After gathering materials off the fallen Kolkar, the first aid profession is unlocked to help heal the wounded. Before riding against the harpy outpost, you obtain an orc raider armour (warrior) / Far Seer armour (shaman) / second hunter armor (hunter) and gain the armor customization for your wolf mounts. Finishing the outpost raid raises your level by one. Finishing the quest unlocks the tauren (warrior, shaman, hunter, druid) and raises your level by one.

    Quest: you take the remaining human ships thrall owns towards the eastern kingdoms to negotiate with all remaining orc clans. When the ship lands in the arathi highlands, thrall takes you and a small number of elite orcs with him. First you go the remaining bleeding hollow internment camps, where you are attacked by the humans on-sight. You and the guards need to fend off the humans, while thrall uses lightning to smash open the internment camp walls. You then escort the bleeding hollow orcs back to the ships. Among the bleeding hollow clans are a small number of burning blade orcs, the blademasters, who retain enough battle-lust to join thrall. After this battle, you travel south by wyvern to the dragonmaw clan in the wetlands. On approach, you are attacked by warchief Rend and a number of dragonmaw warriors, all riding black drakes. Rend exclaims that this is only the beginning of his new greater horde. The player needs to escape while dodging the black dragon attacks. Thrall consults the spirits to try and locate the next clan before Rend does and is led to the location of the Frostwolf who remained in the eastern kingdoms. The frostwolf clan is eager to join Thrall, but the meeting is interrupted by the arrival of Rend, and he needs to be fought off. The frostwolf mention that they know of a group of orcs, remnants of the shattered hand clan, that remain in hiding. What follows is a fly-over of the arathi highlands, where the player must attempt to find the well-hidden shattered hand clan. Thrall consults the elements once more, and they speak of a large number of orcs to the south-west. The shattered hand however, warns that this is the twilight hammer clan and warn thrall to stay out of the way. The shattered hand clan joins the Bleeding Hollow in the ships. Thrall decides to confront Rend’s horde in their home, blackrock mountain, in the hopes of getting some of them to join. When he arrives, however, what he sees is a massive battle between orcs and orc dragon riders. Thrall, the player and the blademasters need to hold the line to help these orcs, who refused to work with rend (including the majority of the rageroar clan), so they can escape to a goblin outpost where a zeppelin lies waiting. After this, the player returns to Orgrimmar with the zeppelin, where all the leaders of these clans pledge their loyalty to the new horde. Reward/unlock: After the remaining frostwolf clan agree to join you, frost wolf mounts are unlocked. When escorting the rebelling orcs to the zeppelin, black wolf mounts are unlocked. Upon finishing the quest, you gain a level, unlock the horde tabard, the warsong tabard, the frostwolf tabard, the bleeding hollow tabard, the shattered hand tabard and the rageroar tabard, as well as unlocking the skin colors of the frostwolf, the bleeding hollow, the shattered hand, the rageroar and the burning blade for the character generation of orcs. Orc warlocks and rogues are unlocked as well.

    Quest: You are to join Vol’jin and the troll bat riders in taking back the echo isles from the naga. You first go on a bombing run against the naga temples, scattered around the island. The bombing run succeeds in driving the naga back to the cave on the northern island. Vol’jin and Sen’jin disguise you and a small number of elite troll warriors by using hex on you. You are to slip inside the naga fortifications, dodge any seers, who would be able to see through your enchantments, and sabotage their weapon supplies. After sabotaging the weapon supplies, you and the elite trolls gather to transform back and attack the naga defending the cave entrance, while vol’jin and Sen’jin lead an attack from the outside .After defeating the naga, the trolls start constructing a city on the echo isles. Reward/unlock: Unlocks troll (rogue, shaman, hunter, warrior), raptor mount, darkspear tabard.

    After finishing all three parts, you are brought to Orgrimmar, a city under construction which is to serve as capital of the horde. In Grommash Hold, all important figures swear their loyalty to the horde. During the ceremony, the player can pick up bonus quests.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2011
  5. EatMeReturns

    EatMeReturns Happy Mapper Moderator

    Jun 28, 2007
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    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    Tl,dr; drie's pants are on fire.
  6. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    I just realized you can't spell californication without fornication.
  7. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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  8. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    Well excuse me for not being a native speaker.
  9. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    Baraka from MK9 has the greatest theme of all time ever.


    wubwub beeeeeeyooooooooooooooooo wubwub beeeeeyoooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  10. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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  11. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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  12. AcE_01

    AcE_01 Active Member

    Aug 1, 2007
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    wuts tis?
  13. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    The last three are awesome.
  14. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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  15. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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  16. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    Well hell.
  17. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    Tutorial fully worked out. I'd like some comment on Nazgrel's lines. My concept for WoW2 works with a lot of unlockable features, so that the story can bring forth a timeline. The story starts during the battle of Mount Hyjal

    You start out with Orc (warrior, shaman, hunter) unlocked. Your starting gear consists solely of trainee pants, which are brown and ragged.
    Level 1-6
    Birth of the new horde: Starts during the battle of mount hyjal.
    Quest description: The quest, and game, start with a monologue by Medivh, as the camera zooms past the demon armies marching upon the world tree, the human defences, and onto the orc base, zooming in on the training ground, with the trainees, including the player standing in front of nazgrel.
    Medivh: ”The end is near. The unending armies of the burning legion march upon the heart of the world itself, the world tree. But at the heart of the world, one spark of hope remains. The mortal races have banded together to stop the demon onslaught. Azeroth is in dire peril. And to save it, every hand is needed.”
    Nazgrel: “All right you mangy currs. Before the frontline needs you, I need to make sure you spineless greenskins are worthy of this great battle. Now start marching from flag to flag before I call the dogs.”
    *Orc trainees start running towards the next flag*
    *Player gains control of character*
    Message: “To move your character, use either the arrow keys or the WASD-keys. Now try running past the flag course”
    [When player reaches the first flag]
    Nazgrel: Are you prepared for the fight of your lives?
    Trainees: Lok’tar ogar!
    [When player reaches the second flag]
    Nazgrel: “Alright you peons, enough running. Pinkskins run. We stand and fight. Now Pick up a weapon and show me you are better than a cowardly human.”
    Message: “On the top-right of your screen is a mini-map. At the center of the minimap, indicated by the arrow, are you. Items of interest are noted on the mini-map as well. The red light on the mini-map indicates the location of a weapon cache. Go there to retrieve an axe”
    (The trainees run toward a weapon cache, retrieving axes, after which they start attacking the targets.)
    [when player reaches weapon cache]
    Message: “Now open the weapons cache by right-clicking.”
    [when the inventory screen is opened]
    (The inventory screen contains {grunt axe}, a one-handed axe of common quality. It bears the description: “the basic weapon of an orc grunt”. Hunters also get {simple bow} and {stone arrow quiver}, a common bow and quiver respectively. )
    Message: “Very good. Now either right-click on an item to retrieve it, or drag it to your inventory in the bottom left of the screen. When you retrieve all items, the inventory screen will automatically close”.
    [when you retrieve the axe (and bow+arrow)]
    Message: “To equip your weapon, you can either right-click it in your inventory, or drag it manually to your equipment. To see your current equipment, click on the flashing character tab button.”
    [When the character tab is open]
    Message: “now equip the weapon by either right-clicking it in your inventory or drag it manually to your equipment.”
    [When you have the axe (and bow+arrow) equipped]
    Message: “very good, now attack a target by walking up to it and right-clicking it. Targets are noted with a red dot on the mini-map.”
    [After you have hit the target three times]
    Nazgrel: “Is that all you got, you pinkskins? Show me some strength”
    (The first special ability appears on the action bar; heroic strike for warriors, raptor strike for hunters and primal strike for shamans.”
    Message: “To use a special ability, you need to select a target by clicking on it, then click on the ability you want to use on the action bar.”
    [After the player used the special ability]
    (Another ability is added to the action bar. Charge for warriors, lightning strike for shamans and auto-shot for hunters)
    Message: “now use the special ability on another target from a distance.”
    [After the player used the ranged special ability]
    Nazgrel: “Now that’s what I wanted to see. ”
    (A messenger runs up to Nazgrel, whispering something)
    Nazgrel: “Playtime is over, new-bloods. Demons and undead have started trickling past the pinkskin’s barricades. This is time to show we are better than those cowards. We will fight to avenge the blood of Hellscream. We will never bow before a demon again! Blood for blood! Life for life! Lok’tar Ogar!”
    Trainees: “Lok’tar Ogar!”
    Message: “You are needed at the barricades. Click on the flashing map button to see a map of the entire area. The barricades are indicated by a red dot.”
    [When you arrive at the barricades]
    Thrall: “Today we fight to regain our birthright. We have suffered at the hands of demons. We have been used and lied to. But our fate is now our own. And we will not allow the burning legion to ravage this world like it did Draenor. We will fight for this world, and this world will fight with us. A fire of heart and mind will help us see through darkness. Storm and thunder will wash upon our enemies. We are the horde! And we will hold our ground! Lok’tar Ogar!”
    Message: “The demons are attacking, stand your ground!”
    (Small groups of demons and undead start attacking the fortifications. Banshees and gargoyles occasionally attack from the sky. The horde and demon groups clash.)
    Nazgrel: Hold your ground, men.
    [After 2 minutes of fighting demons]
    (A human messenger approaches the barricade.)
    Thrall: “A messenger! Riders, assist him!”
    (Orc raiders and Tauren kodo riders come forth from the barricades, cutting a path through the demons, allowing the messenger to reach the barricade.
    Messenger: “Lord thrall, our defences are falling. We have to fall back here.”
    Nazgrel: “I told you the pink-skins would never make it. We’ll show them how true warriors fight!”
    Emote: Thrall shoots Nazgrel an angry glare.
    Thrall: “We will gladly stand with you at our side, human. Jaina is welcome in our midst as a warrior.”
    (a massive blue disc appears in the sky as jaina uses mass teleport to bring the remainder of her army to the orc encampment.)
    Jaina: “They’ll be right behind us, men. Hold the fortifications!”
    Thrall: “Men, plant the mines!”
    (as Jaina’s troops join the Horde forces, more and more demons and undead start arriving. The first wave is stopped by the landmines, but all the others manage to reach the wall. Several meat wagons start shooting at the horde barricades and, after 2 minutes of fighting, inside the horde camp, numerous infernals fall from the sky.)
    Thrall: “We cannot let them take the camp. Grunts! Assist me!”
    (Thrall uses lightning to destroy one infernal. Jaina summons a water elemental to fight the infernals, as several orc grunts charge the infernals as well.)
    Message: “Help Thrall hold the fortifications! Watch out for the infernals’s flames!”
    [When all infernals are defeated]
    (the sky turns into a dark shade of green and Archimonde’s voice booms through the battlefield)
    Archimonde: Foolish mortals. You cannot even hope to stand a chance against me. I will annihilate you!
    (Both entrances to the horde camp are flooded by demons. The horde and alliance troops are able to hold them off, until the arrival of a large group of Eredar, led by Azgalor, charge the barricades.)
    (Vol’jin summons several serpent totems, Thrall summons his spirit wolfs and Jaina summons water elementals to counter the demons.)
    Jaina: “Thrall, we must retreat to the night elf village if we want to have any hope to win.”
    Nazgrel: “You’d have us flee like pigs, human? We will stand our ground, like true warriors!”
    Thrall: “Nazgrel. We can stand our ground at the night Elves’ fortifications. Death would be the easy way out. We have a world to save.”
    (Archimonde approaches the horde encampment)
    (Jaina teleports everyone to the Night Elf encampment. Moments later, she teleports in herself.)
    Tyrande: “than today is our final stand. There is no retreat now. Warriors of the night, assemble!”
    (The horde, alliance and night elf troops all rush to defend the barricades. After 30 seconds, demon forces start attacking the night elf barricades as well.)
    Malfurion Stormrage (voice booms through the air): “Warriors of nature! This is our last stand! Assist us!”
    (Furbolg and dark troll forces come forth from the trees, to help assist with the defense)
    Malfurion Stormrage: “Rise up, ancients of our lands!”
    (Ancients of war and ancient protectors uproot themselves, and join in the defense)
    Message: “To take control of one of the ancients, walk up to it and right-click it.”
    [After taking control of the ancient]
    (The ancient has three special abilities: Throw rock, which throws a rock, summon treants, which summons treants, and horn of nature, which heals it)
    Message: “Now crush the forces of the burning legion beneath your feet!”
    [after 30 seconds]
    Vol’Jin: “Da spirits of da loa stand with us. Come taste da voodoo, demons!”
    (Groups of spirit animals appear and start fighting the demons)
    Thrall: “Spirits of the wild! Defend your home!”
    (Groups of spirit wolves and elementals come forth and help hold the line)
    [After 3 minutes of fighting using the ancient]
    Archimonde: ENOUGH! I see I need to end this myself!
    (archimonde attacks the barricades himself. All units near him are flung back. The player is thrown from the back of the ancient and is stunned.)
    Archimonde: The world tree is mine!
    *cinematic starts, showing Malfurion raising the spirits of the wisps to destroy archimonde*
    (You can finish the quest at Nazgrel)
    Quest text: “Newblood. You fought like a true warrior. You have earned the right to call yourself a warrior of the horde, and wear the armor that belongs to one. Lok’tar ogar, for I am proud to call you a brother of battle.”
    Reward/unlock: During the quest, you receive an axe (and bow+arrow for hunters). When you finish the quest, you receive an armour dependant on your class (grunt for warriors and hunters, shaman for shaman, both look like their counterparts in wc3) as well as being raised to level 2.
  18. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    I'd like another line for Vol'jin in there.

    After this quest, the player can choose from three other quests. He needs to do all three, but can do them in any order. The first quest is going with Runetotem and Nazgrel and helping escort the taurens from the Barrens to Mulgore. The second quest has you go with Thrall to lordaeron, to try and contact the remaining orc clans. The third quest is to take the echo isles from the murlocs, side-by-side with Vol'jin, Sen'jin and Zalazane. The first quest unlocks tauren as a playable race, as well as the brown wolf mount, the second quest unlocks several orc skins, plus the warlock and rogue classes for orcs, as well as giving frostwolf and black wolf mounts. The third quest unlocks trolls as a playable race. If you have done all three quests, Orgrimmar finishes construction bringing it in phase with the rest of the server.

    Starting a new character, you can choose a starting level up to six levels under the level of your highest leveled character level. level. Different races have different starting storylines.
  19. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    The Netherlands
    Oh god, please let every level be this epic in WoW 2...
  20. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    That is the plan yes, although the interactiveness might be a bit lessened in later quests, where the player community needs to fit in. In the quest where you follow Thrall, you get to blow up internment camps, find rogues during a fly-over, see Thrall and Varok Saurfang fight Nefarian and Rend Blackhand for a while and evacuate all the rebels in blackrock mountain.