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Spam Land

Discussion in 'Space Junk' started by ijffdrie, Apr 5, 2008.


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Spam Land

Discussion in 'Space Junk' started by ijffdrie, Apr 5, 2008.

  1. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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  2. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    The Netherlands
    More pie.
  3. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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  4. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    he means legalese, fenfen.

    We should all start calling fenix fenfen. or maybe fefe
  5. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    bringing back old threads does not bring back members
  6. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    Well, we can always attract new ones

  7. Kaaraa

    Kaaraa Space Junkie

    Sep 19, 2007
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    If I could thank Itza more than once for that post, I would.

    Also, why do I get the feeling that drie is an /i/nsurgent?
  8. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    whats an /i/nsurgent?
  9. Kaaraa

    Kaaraa Space Junkie

    Sep 19, 2007
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    That's what they all say.

    Also, this has probably been answered but what's happening to beta accounts when SC2 comes out?
  10. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    set on fire

    set on fire

    set on fire feeling hot hot hot

    the accounts that is

    still, whats an /i/nsurgent?
  11. Kaaraa

    Kaaraa Space Junkie

    Sep 19, 2007
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    United States
  12. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    We arent allowed to link that site due to(at least) the advertisements on the side, i think. Even the safe pages have anime boobies in the ads
  13. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    You broke more children than Janet Jackson, Kaaraa!

    The page did link me to 711chan.org though, which currently has freaking awesome music on the front page as the only feature. BRB, comrades
  14. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    No seriously, I have been hailing mother russia for nearly 10 minutes now
  15. Kaaraa

    Kaaraa Space Junkie

    Sep 19, 2007
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    United States
    You could always switch page style to "No style," which puts all the badly rendered 3-D boobies and hentai ads safely at the bottom of the page.

    Besides, if I do get any flak it's just a matter of reminding people that ED is not and will never be a SFW site. Ever.
  16. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    Nice refreshing music. I'll try and remember to boom it tomorrow morning :D I think it'd be a rude awakening for my old neighbours ;)
  17. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    god of the 5th realm
    domains: sun, plant, healing
    Central temple: Temple of Light in Ivellar
    Avatar: The fallen hero
    Favoured weapon: sickle
    holy symbol: a small wooden or silver sun, usually used as a cloak clasp or a belt buckle.
    Clerics: usually wear a hooded robe, and wield a sickle. They use the robes to cover as much of their face as possible, as to show that it is not the individual cleric who does the work, but merely a representative of Peton. For this reason, most clerics refuse any rewards that would serve them personally, but accept all rewards that would help their cause.

    Peton is the god of the land and the sun above. He is responsible for the creation of man and elf out of merfolk and elfkin respectively. He has limited his presence to high sun isle, trying to turn it into utopia. With his power, the clerics have been increasing the farm yields on High Sun Isle(using plant growth) and have eliminated famine on the island. He has tasked his clerics with eliminating creatures of darkness, as he is afraid that the mid-realm will fall to one of the nether planes. There are no exceptions to his hatred of darkness. Peton sees arcane magic as corrupting, as it gives the power that should only be granted by gods to random people. The families of sorcerer children are evicted from Ivellar and sent to one of the oversea allies of the state, and arcane casters are only allowed to stay in Ivellar for less then a month.

    Peton acts like Tep most of the time, repressing his dark side nearly completely. He is the result of the joining of Not and Tep to end the great war between the gods.

    Not(CE) (Merged into Peton with Tep)
    Evil god of the 5th realm
    domains: chaos, magic, air
    Central temple: unknown
    Avatar: none
    favoured weapon: sickle
    Holy symbol: unknown
    There are few people who have heard of the church of Not. The first reports came in the year 723 AT(after transformation) after a small halfling village 2 miles north of Ivellar was raided by insane clerics. They mere laughing maniacally as they slaughtered random villagers, used the winds to destroy the village and drove the animals insane. The priests were all clad in long red robes, like a mockery of the servants of Peton. All but one of the Not clerics were killed in the battle and the sole survivor only told the Peton clerics the name of his god before committing suicide.
    None know that Not is the depressed dark side of Peton, the result of a merging of the good god and the evil god of a realm.

    Tep(NG) (Merged into Peton with Not)
    Good god of the 5th realm
    Domains: sun, plant, air
    Central temple: The guild of global seekers in Ironhold.
    Avatar: none
    Favoured weapon: sickle
    Holy symbol: unknown
    Tep has been absorbed into Peton at the end of the great war between the gods. The only ones who still know of their existance are the members of the guild of global seekers, who seek to empower his side of Peton. Peton denies the existance of his former selfs.

    Golden goddess with the ten arms(CG)
    Good god of the 2nd realm
    Domains: air, good, luck
    Central temple: The temple of light in the 2nd realm, The home of swords in El Dun-Duri in the 5th realm.
    Avatar: The lady with the ten arms
    Favoured weapon: Falchion
    Holy symbol: a small tattooed golden circle on the forehead or a golden bead embedded in the forehead
    The golden goddess with the ten arms is the one who brings good tidings to all who are good. She brings good harvests to those who do good and helps those in war to protect the innocent by altering the odds in their favor. On the shortest day of winter, festivals are organized in her name throughout the alliance, and children who pray to her receive a small gift from either their parents or a charity organization.

    Zaelbrog (CE) (Fallen)
    Evil god of the 2nd realm
    Domains: magic, knowledge, trickery
    Central temple: Unknown
    Avatar: none
    Favoured Weapon: whip
    Holy symbol: A bone or ivory horn
    Zaelbrog was a god who used false knowledge and promises of power to corrupt great nations and use them to serve him. He fell in battle with the golden goddess who could not be swayed by his words. His essence is imprisoned in the heart of the 2nd realm.

    Eomin (LG)
    Good god of the 3rd realm
    Domains: protection, Strength, War
    Central Temple: The floating temple city of endless Limbo in the 3rd realm, the stone barge of Eomin in the 5th realm.
    Avatar: He who surfs on Limbo
    Favoured weapon: spear (or longspear)
    Holy symbol: A silver or golden tooth
    Eomin is He who seperates danger from safety. Wherever he goes, he creates safe heavens for all he sees endangered. He is the most militant of the good gods and fought alongside his servants in the front lines of the great war. He protected Teforam of the 5th realm when the other gods wanted to kill him, because he felt that the neutral gods would prevent the conflict from destroying all of creation, something he was proven right in when Teforam created Peton.

    Man of Dismay (LE) (Fallen)
    Evil god of the 3rd realm
    Domains: Magic, Evil, Destruction
    Central temple: unknown
    Avatar: unknown
    Favoured weapon: punching dagger
    Holy symbol: A wooden or silver skull, usually worn on a chain around the neck, sometimes embedded in the weapon.
    The Man of Dismay’s true name is unknown, for to even think about it is to damage your brain. At the beginning of the great war he shouted his name over the seas of Limbo, turning the species against each other. From the most corrupted beings he created his mind flayers. The neutral god of the 3rd realm saw that there was no way to stop him from destroying everything, so he sacrificed his life to stop the man of dismay. The man of dismay was swallowed by the seas of Limbo, and his essence was scattered all over the realm. It took a thousand years for Eomin to return the aggressive races to rest.

    Teleon (CG)
    Good god of the 4th realm
    Domains: fire, travel, animal
    Central Temple: Altar of fire in the 4th realm
    Avatar: He who cloaks in shadows
    Favoured weapon: longspear
    Holy symbol: a black or red tattoo of a tigers claw on the right cheek
    Teleon is the tiger god who cloaks in shadows. At the start of the great war, he was the one who struck out first, killing the evil god of his realm and banishing his name from all records. He is very militant about keeping evil creatures out of his plane, battling the neutral god of the 4th realm on many occasions. He has made a deal with Peton to protect the city of Ivellar should it ever be attacked by evil.

    Telamin (LN)
    Neutral god of the 4th realm
    Domains: Law, Magic, Earth, knowledge, strength
    Central temple: none
    Avatar: none
    Favoured weapon: flail
    Holy symbol: a bronze or iron fist symbol, usually worn on a chain around the neck
    Telamin is one of only two neutral gods still standing. During the great war, he failed to uphold balance on his realm, and good killed evil. As he felt the universe breaking apart around him, he saw the reason that good may never triumph over evil. For that reason, he created an army of evil minions to combat the armies of Teleon, so he will not attack the lower realms.

    Teforam (CN)
    Neutral god of the 5th realm
    Domains: air, chaos, destruction, magic
    Central temple: unknown
    Avatar: unknown
    Favoured weapon: Bolas
    Holy symbol: Large silver or golden earring
    When the gods were fighting each other, Teforam felt the universe crumble, and even when the dragons had realigned the planes of existance, the gods continued their endless fighting. Teforam felt that unless the fighting would cease, reality would cease to exist instead. That is why he merged Tep and Not into a single being, so that no side of the war would be willing to kill that god. Teforam knows Tep and Not cannot be kept merged forever, so he, and his clerics, are trying to destroy the gateways between the realms.
    Zorbelbs (LE)
    Evil god of the 7th realm
    Domains: Water, Lawful, Evil
    Central temple: hidden
    Avatar: The supreme Aboleth
    Favoured Weapon: Coral crossbow(Monster manual, merfolk entry)
    Holy symbol: red or purple tentacle tattoo on the arm
    Zorbelbs, He Who Has Many Tentacles, commands the seas that take up his entire realm. He recruits every corrupted creature of the sea that he can find, and exterminates every other, a fate that nearly befell the merfolk, before they were safed by Peton. He has captured the weeping maiden, the good goddess of the 7th realm, and uses her to breed new legions of monsters.

    Weeping maiden (NG) (seperated from her essence)
    Good god of the 7th realm
    Domains: Water, good, knowledge
    Central temple: destroyed
    Avatar: The golden mermaid
    Favoured weapon: trident
    Holy symbol: A wooden or silver tear
    The weeping maiden was the first good god to fall in the great war, surrounded by evil, her mortal form was seperated from her divine essence, and she was imprisoned by Zorbelbs, so that he could create minions with divine blood. The weeping maiden still has many servants in the realms, but they only interact with her mindless divine essence, while the heart of her might lies imprisoned.

    Diabress and Balar (LE/CE)
    Evil god of the 8th realm
    Domains: Destruction,chaos,war,fire and Destruction,lawful,war,fire
    Central temple: The pit of blood
    Avatar: The two-headed hydra
    Favoured weapon: spiked chain
    Holy symbol: silver or gold emplated tooth
    Diabress and Balar were originally one being, but after the realms closed at the end of the great war, that being could fight no one to battle. Thus he split himself and his empire in two, waging eternal war against himself with his demonic legions. But when the realms open up again, he will cease this so-called blood war, and sent his/their legions upwards through the realms to battle the good gods again.
  18. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    Eönwë (Quenya Tengwar: `V`N5nR; IPA: [eˈonʷe]) was the banner-bearer and the herald of Manwë, and Chief of the Maiar along with Ilmarë. Eönwë was referred to as the "greatest of arms in Arda," meaning that he was the best with weapons, although not necessarily the most powerful.
    When the appeal of Eärendil reached the shores of Aman, it was Eönwë who first greeted him. When Manwë decided to heed the appeal, Eönwë was sent to Middle-earth to fight the War of Wrath, leading the Vanyar.
    When Morgoth the Black Foe was defeated, Eönwë took the two remaining Silmarils and held them for safekeeping. The two remaining Sons of Fëanor took them and fled, yet Eönwë did not let them be slain.
    editEarlier Versions of the Legendarium
    In earlier conceptions of the legendarium (see: The History of Middle-earth), Eönwë, then called Fiönwë, was envisioned as the son of Manwë, but as the concept of the Children of the Valar disappeared from the Silmarillion tradition he was turned into Manwë's herald instead.In some versions Eönwë is the one who will kill Morgoth for his love for Arien (previously named Urwendi), instead of Turin.This is said at the end of The Hiding of Valinor
  19. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    Silmarillion rockz!

    Working on gods for your setting in D&D is hard. Anyone know a good evil counterpart for a horse? preferably an asiatic animal with fickle, arrogant, childish, anxious, rude, gullible and stubborn as character traits and association with luck?
  20. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    meh, i'll just go for an antelope