Small Thor

Discussion in 'Terran' started by Psionicz, Mar 10, 2008.

Small Thor

Discussion in 'Terran' started by Psionicz, Mar 10, 2008.

  1. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    Then they need to remove it completely and just put in a new GtA unit, what the Thor looks like currently doesnt fit the role its taking.

    Its original look and role was heavy siege assault mech, and its look suited it perfect. Now is just a GtA mech but has the same skin, doesnt fit it.

    I would like to have a big fat ground unit though, bigger than the siege tank(how much hp does the tank have right now?) Like a Archon or a colossus or a Ultralisk
  2. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    WTH. make the thor the strongest most powerful ground assault attacker as simple as that. make it fire at short range so that it will not overlap with the tank. also it has huge hitpoints meaning it can take a lot of damage and keep on attacking like hell.

    the attack animation of the thor looks gay. come on blizzard! make its attack projectile look powerful. make the laser beam look big or something... add some effects etc (like make it charge first like the yamato or make it shoot multiple beams like the bc). just check out the colossus although its thin it look intimidating and powerful with its attack.

    and GTA for the thor IMO sucks. make the canon a permanent normal passive attack as well, let it shoot rockets or lasers to ground targets but so that it will not overlap with the siege tanks it should not be strong against buildings. or maybe keep it for the gta attacks as an ability which i really dont like. but please dont make the normal ground attack of the thor mediocre its an uver ground mech after all. xp

    and just BRING BACK THE PREDATOR! ^^
  3. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Is anyone able to show a comparison of the old and new Thor? I can hardly tell the differences, except for the cannons of its back.
    @ zeratul_11. It should only have all of those attributes you listed if that's its role. If its role is different, then it shouldn't. Easy as that. Seeing as it hasn't got a finalised role yet, it shouldn't have finalised stats. Also, who's to say that it doesn't have huge amount of armour and a really powerful, close-ranged attack? Are you sure that it doesn't? Otherwise you might just be complaining about nothing.
    Wasn't it you in another thread who wanted to give the Terran much more unique and futuristic weaponry? Now you're trying to replace the Thor's Particle Accelerators with rockets or lasers.
  4. WuHT

    WuHT New Member

    May 29, 2007
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    Isn't that simliar to an Archon ? Somehow a giant mechanical verison of an archon doens't exactly fit the terran way of war (doesn't look like there is much to micro) but then again it does fill in holes for the terran forces (ie lack of a strong meatshield).
    However the thors now seem to have been wrecked very easily by banelings.
    I'm all for that. Give the Battlecruiser it's direct 1-shot laser pulse and then give a volley shot to some other unit (i guess in this case thor)
    If the thor keeps shrinking down in terms of size to a goliath, i woulnd't be surprised to see it having a mediocre attack. Thats obviously not what blizz wants, (a step backwards actually) but because of siege tanks being consistantly owning ground forces, terran does not need a lot of other ground troops. Basically almost everything is siege tank support...not the other way around. You dont need a huge groups of units like ultralisk/immortal/hydralisk/roach/zealots etc etc (even though they are easier to use)..u just need to protect your tanks so they will blow up everything for you. Thor would have been an awesome version of the terran "queen" (ie command center coming to life) but the theme is so much better on the zerg
  5. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    even if i know or dont know about the thor having huge armor or life and close range attack, im just saying what i think it should be like.

    and yes maybe im that guy. lol

    im not trying to replace the particle accelerators... im just saying to make it look impressive.
    and im talking about the canons on its back, well what else can it shoot but rockets, lasers, flak, huge shells. i just listed rockets or lasers. particle accelerators? i really dont know about it but to me it looks lasers...well plasma weapon, energy balls etc, are also laser like to me.


    no think of it like a strong powerful ground assault mech in other rts or like tthe dreadnaught in warhammer 40k, the thing looks impressively powerful (bcoz of its attack animation and projectile) although its way smaller than the thor. yes it is similar to the archon, but the thor is a range weaponed mech which make it a lot different.

    just think of it as an uver gigantic marine... that would make it completely different from the tanks. and IMO i like it to be only gtg. and have the gta given to another unit.. like maybe the jackal.
  6. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    The Terran didn't have a strong meat shield in StarCraft1, so I don't see why they need one in StarCraft2, especially seeing as it's now easier for them to kite a lot of units with the Marauder's slowing attack.
    I like the new Battlecruiser attack. It looks much more heavily equipped than it used to. If the Terran are to make these huge, expensive, capital ships, you'd expect them to give them more than a laser gun.
    I gotta agree with you there. The concept should match the model so if it's built like the side of a barn, it should have an attack to match. I guess that just means if they are going to change its role then they'll also change the model. If it's shrunk too much then the model won't work though. It'll look far to complicated and intricate, meaning it'll have to be remodelled.
    I guess the Particle Accelerators could be given a much more impressive animation/projectile, after all, almost no-one knows what an attack like that would look like, so the doors are wide open.
    About the cannons on its back, I liked them. It had an effect similar to that of the Siege Tank with an obvious, but not visible, projectile. I don't think the Bombardment ability would be as spectacular is it fired rockets or lasers.
    Not the Jackal, it should be cut!
  7. WuHT

    WuHT New Member

    May 29, 2007
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    zertaul11-- > The thing is that between if jackals are anti air, they seem to be like hydralisk in terms of hp, and seem to be a lot faster :p
    LOL if i was playing, instead of getting thors i'd just get more siege tanks . Probably does the job better anyways. Best way to buff thor is to nerf the tank somehow. I've never played any other non-blizz RTS games so i have no clue what you are talking about ... but googling a search ..the mechs do seem impressive..but dont fit into terran (battle mechs more for protoss imo).
    I hope thors cannot be spawn-broodling'd ..cuz that would suck.

    To Itza ... Kiting with marauders is like the ol' slow and riflement combo, but that definately makes assault siege tanks much more useful.
  8. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    If it was made into a pure Anti-Air unit then it wouldn't resemble the Hydralisk, but also it won't necessarily just be a faster version of one. The same could be said about the Hydralisk and Marine. They're basically the same unit, except the Hydra is faster and more powerful. The thing is that costs, etc, will be changed because of this.
    Kiting with Marauders will also make Siege Tanks in Siege Mode more useful because they'd be able to get in more shots before the target is within their minimum range.
  9. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Man, they had the perfect Terran unit when it was an huge assult mech built from an SCV.
    It allowed variation of Crucio Tank and Thor.
    Tank fires faster and has better range but lower HP.
    Thor fires slow has less range but a much greater HP.

    It was also very unique. No other race builds directly on to the battlefield.
    It emplified the Terran's mobility since they can build anywhere and the others can't.
    Lets the weak Terran units survive longer since everything is firing at Thors.
    I bet right now, Archons would completly own Terran. And Archons are not even hard to get. They also own Ultralisks as Jon said.
    What unit do Terran have to combat Archons since snipe won't take them out and Marauders can't slow them down since they are not biological.
    BC fires too slow to hinder Archons.
    That leaves us with what? Microing Marines which wouldn't work vs more than one Archon.

    Thors could hold their own and more against Archons which is why we need em back to their old status.
  10. furrer

    furrer New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    Zergalicious perhaps was one of the problems that they had to many units for the Terran? They needed to remove or redesign some units so that the Terran wasn't over-united (unit).
  11. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    How does that effect the Thor? Its still there.

    Terran will get owned outright by Archons anyway. And don't say EMP cuz I don't think you can EMP 9 Archons coming at you from different directions.
  12. darkone

    darkone Moderator

    Jun 29, 2007
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    You best bet would be to EMP all the archons that you can. If you have enough tanks with marine support then you should be fine.
  13. MobileInfantry

    MobileInfantry New Member

    Jul 5, 2007
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    Man, the Thor was the most craziest Terran unit in the game when it was first released. It made me think like, WOW I want to get my hands on that crazy "&@!*$&*!%&!*#&!*!" Since its now just a "suped up goliath" as everyone says. and I totally agree. I just want the Thor to be back to its normal self.

    Slow walking speed.
    Lots of HP.
    Bombard ability.
    and maybe keep the GTA missiles.

    I've been thinking alot though, and I thought of making it like this. The Thor is back to its old self with the new GTA missiles. The Bombard and missiles both use the same back shoulder cannons. Since when it it uses its bombard ability, it is immobilized. Hows about when its done Bombarding, it looses its ability to attack air for a while after. Because since the cannons share the same barrels. The Thor has to switch its ammo for the time being back to bombardment shells/missiles or vice versa. So it isn't overpowered with all its original stuff back, and you could take the momentary immobilization, AND the cool down to get the missiles back up working, to attack the Thor with air units.
  14. myrcutio

    myrcutio New Member

    Jan 9, 2008
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    I can see where the Thor could still be a cool unit. It fills two niche roles,

    1) It is GtA aoe, good for swarms of air units
    2) Rapid fire GtG attack, good for swarms of weak units that can avoid seige and have a tendancy to trickle in.

    Based on those i'm sure blizz could balance it as a higher tiered unit, possibly even a super unit like the queen and MS. Here's hoping for a self destruct option!
  15. Wlck742

    Wlck742 New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    QUEEN AND MS ARE NOT A SUPER UNIT!!! Next person who says that will receive a beating. And the Thor doesn't have a rapid fire GTG attack, it has a slow attack with only moderate damage.
  16. ekulio

    ekulio New Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    It's still very tough. It looks like they die really fast to those banelings, but if you check out how quickly banelings destroy everything else in the other vids, you'll see that the Thor actually soaks up quite a bit of damage.

    I do think the G2G needs to be supped up though.
  17. InSaNeCrAzY

    InSaNeCrAzY New Member

    Mar 3, 2008
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    Idk, the thor unit still seems like It could take out 6-12 banelings before they hit the unit. Get a few more, and you could take a baneling rush
  18. New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    i really hope the baneling has low life. if it dosent i'm ganna be pissed.
  19. myrcutio

    myrcutio New Member

    Jan 9, 2008
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    If they limit a unit to only one per side at a given time, i view that as a super unit, heretoforth forever and so on from this point on, i shall call ms and queen super units, until the population cap on them is lifted.

    *steps off soapbox*

    As far as the thor goes, there are lots of roles it could fill, Blizz just needs to decide which one to give it. I like the idea of giving it a mid-long range attack that it can use while moving (so few units get that ability) The air flak attack fits perfectly with the terrans defense-centric
  20. Gforce

    Gforce New Member

    Jul 29, 2007
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    personaly, iliked the thor when it was a artillary unit.