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Discussion in 'Terran' started by zeratul11, Apr 19, 2008.


Discussion in 'Terran' started by zeratul11, Apr 19, 2008.

  1. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    More realistic?

    Seriously you have been watching too much Gundam. The way it looks right now is more realistic because it has a low center of gravity whereas your version is so tal a gust of wind could blow it over. Bigger legs won't help that making it lower to the ground will; making the legs wider apart will.

    Not everything has to be shiny and mechs don't have to look like people
  2. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    gust of wind could blow it over? this is sci fi and futuristic high tech. check out the colossus yes i know its alien but still..

    gravity and physics doesn't really matter much in a sci fi thing. the terran has this teleport beacon station in sc1 where they can teleport. theres no realistic explanation in that.

    mech looks better if they look like people imo.

    no i dont watch too many gundams... i just know them.
  3. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Being 'sci fi and futuristic high tech' is absolutely no reason to skimp on the realism. The Colossus' legs are wide apart in comparison to the rest of its body. They legs go outwards. In yours, the legs are directly underneath offering absolutely no stability.
    Gravity and physics does matter a lot in science fiction, and especially in StarCraft. It might not matter with all of the anime mechs and such, which I assume is Gundam, but that's all completely different to StarCraft. The one thing that completely pissed me off with StarCraft was how they said that Mutalisks can survive and fly normally in a vacuum but no-one understands why yet. That is annoying because it is impossible and then they don't even try to give a possible explanation. They could have easily said it heavily compresses air in a special set of lungs allowing it to breathe and move or, knowing the Zerg's connection to Warp Space, say that they can open a small rift inside of them enabling breathing and movement, but no. They stuck with no explanation, but at least that was for the Zerg. If they start using that lame 'it's science fiction' excuse for the Terran, then I'm really going to get annoyed.
    Mechs do not look better is they look like people. How would that be anything special? It would just be an enlarged Marine. Mechs have the two legs, two weapons for arms and the cockpit which resembles the head, but that's where the similarities end.
    Also, I'm not particularly sure that people would react the same way if they released the 'sleek' version first and changed it to the original version. It might be like that if people say they don't like it but can't give a reason, but everyone appears to be giving a couple of reasons so that's not the case.
    Lastly, there's a little technicality in Remy's concept. On the altered Viking the bottom of the cockpit has that additional triangular bit on the bottom, but that might only be there because in the original the 'V' shaped plate is covering it. I'm not sure if you left it like that intentionally, and either way it's still a great image, but yeah. Just pointing that out. By the way, I prefer it a lot more to the original.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2008
  4. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    Willy is that you? Major Willy the purple marine? I recognized Zeratul11's username instantly because of the "11," but I'm not sure if Willy was "Major Willy." 90% sure it's you though... Anyway, a late wassup to y'all, Zer' and Willy.

    I think some of you are overreacting just a little bit over Zeratul11's personal preference for slimmer mech design. The current viking is already structured more or less like a human being. I don't think it's exactly fair to say preferring it to be more or less humanoid is correct, better, or anything else. Each to his own. Anything can be made up as far as lore goes. The jet fighter part of the viking could keep it balanced with minor booster thrusts or whatever. Helicopters can fly in outter space in the world of SC, anything can be explained given the desire.

    @ Hex, Not sure what you're talking about, but please spare me on my chop job of the vike. I did it in Paint, just cut-and-paste, moving things around. That, and trying to fill the cut-out empty spaces with something nearly killed me. Forgive my complete lack of skill in any computer based image editing.
  5. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Just the bottom of the cockpit. Going by the original it should be flat, but seeing as it's a different design and looks as though it's been left intentionally, it's all good. I wasn't meaning it to be an insult or anything, I was merely pointing it out.
    Also, I assume you're talking about the Banshee when you dais that about helicopters but they've said that Banshees were never intended to operate outside of an atmosphere, meaning that they're not going to be operating in outer space.
  6. 10-Neon

    10-Neon New Member

    May 23, 2007
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    When the unit was first created, it actually had the thinner model (there aren't any pictures of it, it's just what they said at the art panel.) The "fat" version of the Viking was created to make the unit more visible on the screen. The details of the unit's model just didn't stick out with the thick version, so they exaggerated the proportions, making the important stuff (the feet, guns, and cockpit) more visible, while minimizing the less-important arms and legs.

    That the center of gravity is lower is just a fortunate side-effect, I think.
  7. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    LOL, now I understand what you're talking about. No, that wasn't really intentional, it was just lack of skill and carelessness on my part.

    About the Banshee, it's based on some assumptions. I assume that there will be space maps in SC2, such as the one show in the intial Protoss demo. And I assume Blizzard won't limit the productions on space maps due to balance. So if my assumptions turn out to be correct, we will be seeing plety Banshee action in outter space.
  8. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    Well I think the assumption with space platforms is that there is atmosphere somehow contained on them. Which would fix a lot of little nitpicky lore problems that could crop up with em.
  9. Wlck742

    Wlck742 New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    In your head
    They could always pull a muta on us: "It's not clear how they manage to fly in a vacuum, but they do"
  10. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    Its simple. In space with micro gravity they just pur thrusters on the Banshees. That pushes them forward. Since there isn't enough gravity pulling them down it doesn't matter that they can't fly anyway.

    In that case it is a mater of what holds units to the platforms in the absense of gravity
  11. Wlck742

    Wlck742 New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    Err, artificial gravity? Come to think of it, it won't be that hard to create an artificial gravity field. Or even a magnetic field will do, as most of the units have magnetic metals on them. Zerg could have some mucous substance that helps them remain on the platforms.
  12. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    I was thinking:
    Terrans have magnetic boots/treads/walker feet
    Protss have artificial gravity
    Zerg have geko feet
  13. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    Zeratul, there's a reason Phoenices (I love that word) have wings, and there's a reason the siege tank goes into an X shape in siege mode. Realism is a factor whether you like it or not. Your viking would not only fall from a gust of wind, it wouldn't even be able to walk properly (and aesthetically) because the guns don't stick out to balance it on one foot.

    But it's nice image editing, I give you that. (except for when you just stuck it next to the current vikings :p)
  14. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    no the thin legs of the viking (hey its not really thin!) can be unexplainable well balance as long as you desire it bcoz it is sci fi. unexplainable "high tech" things happen in sci fi. check out the small gun will smith had in MIB 1, it so small but it can create a big mess and destruction. just like this sleek viking, it has small or thin legs/ feet which is unbalance looking but it can be hard and stable as anything you can imagine. the viking feet is so hightech with "unrealistic" electroblahblahmagnetic etc that make it flexibly balance.

    ok, i want to say something..... this is corny.. but anyway lol. transformers. there is more than meets the eye. lol.
  15. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    First off, Men In Black is a comedy and the 'cricket' is one of their jokes. Second of all, Transformers might as well be a comedy as the whole movie is a joke. Lastly, and probably most importantly, StarCraft is not a comedy and focuses one realism. This is especially the case with StarCraft2. They're using a whole lot of crazy physics drives to make everything look more realistic and they're not going to turn around and spoil that by making the Viking look flimsy, top-heavy and off balance for some unknown reason, and giving the lame excuse that it's still able to balance because of new technologies.
  16. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    "giving the lame excuse that it's still able to balance because of new technologies."

    that is not a lame excuse. new advance sci fi technologies is all i can say..

    ok, my photoshop is clearly not perfect for a sleek looking viking. but here try to get the idea


    it looks sleek and slim but it looks ok, tough, flexible, balance, etc....and very mech like.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2008
  17. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    The reason it's lame is because there is no reason. Saying 'because it's in the future' is an excuse, not a reason. They basically said the same thing with the Mutalisks ability to survive and navigate in space. They just said something along the lines of 'it's unknown about how they can do this'. Now it's fine for there to be unknown things about the Zerg, but using that as an excuse in an attempt to justify something just makes it look as though they're not even trying.

    Your drawing is a great one, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't resemble what the Viking stands for. You portray it as though it's an extremely agile anime-type mech. It's huge, it's running, it's twisting, could be firing, etc, but that's simply not what the Viking, or any Terran for that matter, are supposed to be like. Look at the Viking in this video at about 03:20; http://youtube.com/watch?v=PIMG3UB5mEs
    Notice how sturdy it looks when moving. It's relatively slow and walks instead of running, doesn't twist around but instead it moves its whole body, it's not some gargantuan construct, and has to stop and brace itself for the recoil while shooting.

    And just quickly, with your drawing, when looking at it with a StarCraft point of view, it still looks as though it's overbalancing. It's twisting, on its right foot and leaning to the left with so many heavy things, like the missile pods and its back, up high and hanging over to the left. It's still a great drawing, and looking at it with an anime point of view it looks extremely efficient and deadly, but it's just not StarCraft.
  18. Hunter

    Hunter New Member

    Aug 21, 2007
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    I haven't thought of this before, the drawning couldn't stand the balancing :) But it is still nice i think, and yes it is true that it is meant to be the main striker, both as an air, and ground unit. Your drawing would fit a stealth unit, I like it, but the marine guy looks weird I must tell :D I know it is there only to see how big the Viking is.. but anyway..
  19. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    @ ItzaHexGor

    ok, the problem is we don't want or see the terran in the same way. i want them to be a LITTLE better but you want them to be somehow just the same as the OLD terran. im sure you for once was shock to see the thor, the new tank, and viking the new marine armor and all other terran improvements the first time you saw it IMO you were like, this is not the terran that i knew where is the goliath looking mech etc... but you reconsidered and accepted it bcoz blizzard made these new stuffs for the terran and you just cant do anything about it (ok this is just what i think)..well for me my initial reaction was different, i was like NOW this is what the terran should look like in the first place, looks more advance and hardcore and less of notalgic stuffs. hell its about time the terran looks better. it was 10 years ago and frankly i didn't really like much the terran of old now bcoz somehow they felt lacking although that made them badass etc. and IMO for the NEWER fans things should look a little better for the terran if you know what i mean.

    i see bigger things and more potentials for the terran in the sc2 but not exaggerating..ly. like driller missiles and some few lasers are not over the top unterranish, if blizz want them be it so there is no problem with it lorewise. and an anime mech like you said (but really is not bcoz we just have not seen a mech like this in movies but its possible) is sci fi terran justifiable.

    we will never get along in most terran discussion so anyway ......
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2008
  20. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    First off, don't tell me what I thought of the Terran when I first saw them because chances are you'll be wrong, which you are. I was amazed and so pleased with the Terran when I first saw their first few models in the Protoss gameplay video, except for the Siege Tank, and then when I saw the rest in the Terran gameplay video. In the Protoss gameplay video there were the Marines, Siege Tanks, Reapers, Battlecruisers and Ghosts.

    The Marines were good. They were the same as StarCraft1, which they ought to be seeing as the Terran would not pour a whole lot of funding into such a basic unit. The Siege Tanks looked as though they had lips, but had the same function as in StarCraft1 which was both powerful and effective. The Reapers were fantastic with their crude jet pack and simple pistols. The Terran would be crazy to equip such hardened criminals with anything more. Battlecruisers were also great, not many changes but their model and attack style were greatly improved. Lastly, not much was seen of the Ghosts, but their model was great. They too looked pretty much the same as they did in StarCraft1. In the Protoss gameplay video it's understandable that they mainly showed the old Terran unit without introducing many new ones.

    In the Terran gameplay video, they introduced the Viking, Banshee, Thor, Cobra and the Sensor Tower. Vikings were great. They had the simple but powerful Air-to-Air attack of the Wraith, the awesome Ground-to-Ground gatling guns, and a solid, sturdy build. However, the Banshee quickly replaced the Viking as my favourite Terran unit, however the Viking regained that title when it was revealed that the Banshee lost its area of effect attack. Anyway, it was simple, it was unique and it was effective. The Thor was perfect. It was big and expensive, yes, but it was solid, sturdy and heavy. I wasn't as happy with the Cobra. Firstly it didn't look Terran, it looked far too much like the Wraith tanks from Halo. The bike able to move while shooting was a good concept, but they didn't portray it well. The Sensor Tower fit the Terran perfectly. They're out-teched by the Protoss and biologically inferior to the Zerg so they need these types of radar for all their early warnings and detection.

    Anyway, now that you actually know where I stood in regard to my first reaction of Terran, perhaps you'll be able to understand my point. Terran are not like this. They don't just have random technology that help them create anime-style mechs. They don't invent useless devices that will enable them to design off-balance robots that would be perfectly functional and not require these devices if they were just built in a more practical way. They create practical and effective designs, not foolish things like the Driller Missile. Anime mechs are not justifiable in StarCraft2. Sure Blizzard physically could add them, but they could also turn the Zerg into fish and add the Space Orks. The thing is that they don't because it would be so stupid to do so.

    StarCraft2 should not have to make any changes for newer fans. It would mean turning their back on the old fans as well as turning their back on StarCraft. It was popular for a reason. The reason was basically that it was so unique. The gameplay, the teams, the campaigns, they were all so unique. Changing it so that Terran now have a level of technology equal to that of the Protoss is not a way to keep the teams unique. Protoss have high tech, Terran have average tech and the Zerg have no tech. That's the way it is. If you want super-advanced, science fiction technolofy, play the Protoss.

    You often go on about how you want them to have all this new badass, hardcore equipment, with better guns, armour, vehicles, ships, etc, etc, but that would just make them lame. If you saw Protoss go up against another race with an equal level of technology, there wouldn't be anything special about the end result. If you saw that Protoss go up against Terran, being a race with a much lesser level of technology, even if the Protoss still won, the fact that the Terran can actually compete is what makes them such a badass, hardcore team, and the fact that they can actually win takes that to the extreme.

    You always say stuff like 'if Blizzard wanted it to be like this, then it's justifiable and able to be so, so there won't be any problems', but the fact is that they obviously don't want it to be like that. If they did, they would have made them like that already. You say that to back up your argument, but it works in the same way for my argument. Blizzard actually has it this way, it's all justifiable and there are no problems.